Was Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem or born at the Jordan?

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  • #810814

    Okay, so he was born the Lord according to both of you. I agree. But he was also born the messiah, yet you do not agree. Why is that?

    If he was born the Lord and he obviously by reason of his age had not subjected anything under his feet yet, then you still realise he is Lord. Good.

    He was born savior, even though technically he had not died for humanity at that point.

    So why say he was not the Christ at his birth?

    Why the discrepancy or different standard of interpretation then?

    Why call him Lord and savior, but not Christ when he came in the flesh?


    Prophetically he has always been Lord and Saviour.

    Before his conception and birth.

    Yet he had not subjected anything under his feet at that point and he hadn’t died for humanity either. Yet you still say he was not born the Christ???

    Double standard? Or revealing of the spirit that motivates you? Or what?

    This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,



    According to what I see you do not believe Jesus believe Jesus came in the flesh because he has a human soul that came in his human flesh and so has always been a human; just as Scripture testifies.

    But the Antichrist spirit denies that ‘Jesus Christ’ came in the flesh.

    This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,


    Hi t8,

    And you think it means Jesus Christ was born.

    We all agree with that.



    I am sorry about trashing my words as everything I think does not always make it into writing.

    My point being that if you believe Jesus is a human being then you believe he has a human soul and that human soul came into human flesh. You also believe he is the promised Christ.

    If you do not believe that Jesus’ human soul came in human flesh then you believe a teaching that is opposed to Christ.

    2 Corinthians 5:3American Standard Version (ASV)

    3 if so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked.

    Paul is speaking of the human soul without the body.

    Just as a person comes into a room clothed so to does a person come into the world clothed in flesh when they are born. It is at this time that God said “let all the angels of God worship him.”


    Hi t8,

    It was expected at the time of John that all needed to come to him for the baptism of repentance.

    It was all in the order defined by God.

    Jesus did not shortcircuit the process and start life already anointed but followed the plan of God


    Hi t8


    29When all the people and the tax collectors heard this, they acknowledged God’s justice, having been baptized with the baptism of John.

    30But the Pharisees and the lawyers rejected God’s purpose for themselves, not having been baptized by John.


    Hi Ed,

    Of course every man has his own human spirit .

    No man is born with only an anointing Spirit.


    The anointing Spirit is added to man from above at the discretion of God .

    That anointing Spirit becomes the source of life for man when he dies.



    You say”AndrewAD,

    You should learn to watch yourself.”

    Watch myself from what or whom? So you like all other fundies threaten people who don’t agree with you?  how typical is that!!  you are no different from all the other hypocritical fools who pretend to be so special and know it all,and presume to have the right to damn all others.

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    (1)Of course every man has his own human spirit .

    (2)No man is born with only an anointing Spirit.

    (3)The anointing Spirit is added to man from above at the discretion of God .

    (4)That anointing Spirit becomes the source of life for man when he dies.

    Hi Nick,

    1) Christ was born with a divine spirit
    2) spin

    transitive verb
    3b : to evolve, express, or fabricate by processes of mind or imagination [b](Link)[/b]

    3) It seems you are leaving “Christ” out of the equation. (ref. Matt.3:11, and Luke 3:16)

    4) The Holy Spirit raises one back life when they die. (ref. Rom 8:11)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi ED,

    You assume that a man was born with a divine Spirit.

    Do you deny the anointing at the Jordan?


    Hi Ed,

    Do you deny that this man had a human spirit as well?

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    Do you deny that this man had a human spirit as well?

    No Nick,

    You that deny that “the spirit of Christ” came from everlasting to Bethlehem as Micah 5:2 clearly prophecies.
    insisting instead that Christ picked up “the spirit of Christ” – that is a private interpretation of prophecy!

    “Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.” (2 Peter 1:20)

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Hi ED,

    (1)You assume that a man was born with a divine Spirit.

    (2)Do you deny the anointing at the Jordan?

    Hi Nick,

    1) As the “Son of God” that’s what scripture says, not me.
    2) Christ was baptized with the “Holy Spirit” at Jordan,
    not the spirit of Christ that Christ was born with.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    The Spirit of Christ was in the prophets.1peter 1

    So why do you think it is the spirit of the man Jesus.?

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    The Spirit of Christ was in the prophets.1peter 1

    So why do you think it is the spirit of the man Jesus.?

    Hi Nick,

    You will no doubt probably ignore these facts, but I
    write them for those who take conversation seriously!
    Because of verses like Proverbs 8:23-25, and Micah 5:2:

    “I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.
    When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding
    with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth” (Prov 8:23-25)

    And Micah 5:2 makes it clear that “The spirit of Christ” was conceived in the womb of Mary at Bethlehem.
    out of thee Bethlehem shall he come forth whose goings have been from everlasting. (a ref. to Micah 5:2)

    And also because Christ himself said: “I came out from God” (John 16:27) – that’s why.

    God bless
    Ed J


    Hi Ed,

    So tell us how the Spirit of Christ was in the prophets if it is the spirit of a man.

    And explain this.

    1 Cor 10

    “..and they all drank from the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them , and the rock was Christ.”

    Ed J

    Hi Ed,

    So tell us how the Spirit of Christ was in the prophets if it is the spirit of a man.

    Hi Nick,

    I’m going to talk like you in this post, so you can see how arguing over misconceptions goes, OK?

    It is you that believes the Spirit of Christ is the spirit of a man, not me.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    I always answer other peoples questions. Always being conditional on
    whether my questions are being answered or dodged. (a ref. to Matt 21:24-25)

    I’m as of yet still waiting for you to answer my question here… [b](Link)[/b]


    Hi Ed,

    Your way or the highway?

    Your bullying ways are offensive to people here.

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