Was Donald chosen by God?

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  • #868768
    Ed J
    Ed J




    Wow, great video! What is the name of this guy, PC.


    Chris Yoon. He has really laid it on the line with this one. He will either be proven true or false in a matter of days.


    We will know on the 20th if this man is correct or not.


    John 10

    1“Truly, truly I say to you, the one who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber.

    Regarding the election, who might this apply to?



    Can you tell me please what he dreamed of in summary?



    Going by memory, he is claiming that he was shown how the swamp will be drained.

    By allowing this election to proceed with Biden as the winner, after a certain date, arrests will happen because treason has been committed and by many. In short, this will result in the arrests of all those who colluded in this illegal election.

    Like I said. This guy is either going to apologize for making false prophecies or will be confirmed as a prophet. He seems genuine to me, but you can also be genuinely deceived.

    We will see soon enough.


    Thanks you Proclaimer

    May it be true.



    Yes it would be good if it were true.

    However, God in his wisdom knows the best way forward and it could be better for Trump to run in 2024. It could be that people will hate the Biden Administration with a passion especially if the economy goes belly up. If Trump becomes president in 2024, then people will see the difference more clearly and it could bode better for America thereafter. It could lead to better leaders after Trump too. In short, Trump was resisted at every turn. After a miserable Biden Administration, citizens might be less resistant to Trump the second time around.

    That said, what this guys is saying could be the best way. It would catch the swamp in one foul swoop. If the election was fraudulent, then it involved many, even Big Tech and the Mainstream Media.

    But I also have to say this. Before this guy posted his video, I already knew this plan. How? It was all publicly available in shreds of evidence here and there. This guy did a great job of presenting it. My question is this. Did he see what I saw and many others by reading the same sources, or did God show it to him specifically?

    Either way, it could still happen though. If it does not. Then it means he saw what I saw and others by connecting the dots. So it could be his own mind, but he thought it was God that made him see that.

    Kim Clement said this leader would be a two term president. But he didn’t say specifically if his terms were consecutive. Further, there are other Trumps that would make popular Republican candidates.

    Whatever happens, I pray that it is God’s will. I know this though. When God judges a nation or people, he gives them bad leaders.


    The rise of Alt-tech

    If Biden becomes the president. This is what I see happening next.

    Because Conservative views are under attack and extreme censorship by Big Tech and the MSM, Trump and others will build their own platforms and media outlets that give them a voice. Conservatives might also need to build their own universities too. Currently, the Left controls most of this and the power they get is unprecedented. This gives Conservatives 4 years to build out these things.

    Either way, it seems that the Internet and some institutions separate into Left and Right. This is the only solution because of the Left’s abuse of power.

    In fact it’s already started. It is called Alt-tech but the Old Tech are snuffing it out by removing these apps from app stores and from hosting on Amazon etc. I purchased the domain alttech.news and might create a site that reports on progress with this new technology. Included would be a review of alternative platforms to Facebook, Twitter, What’s App, etc as well as news outlets that report the real news.


    The truth is ‘an innocent victim’ of ‘political power


    The Vatican’s Message to the USA on the Eve of the Biden Inauguration: “It’s Time to Heal the Wounds” with “Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti”
    January 19, 2021 by Andy Roman

    “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.

    The Vatican just published a message to the United States on January 19, 2021 on the eve of the swearing-in ceremony of the 46th President of the United States, Joe Biden. The message was titled: “Time to heal wounds in the United States.” [1] But let’s be clear, Rome isn’t just talking about “healing” America of its political and social divide. No, they are talking about repairing international relations and healing the earth’s climate crisis with Laudato Si’. Notice what the Vatican is calling for:

    “Besides the internal theme of “healing” the American society, there is also the external front, on which the international spotlight is focused. After years often marked by unilateral decisions or bilateral agreements, there are, in fact, great expectations for a “return” to multilateralism in foreign policy and a recovery of the relationship of trust with international organizations, starting with the UN. Some steps in this direction have already been announced in recent weeks, such as the return of the United States to the Paris Climate Agreement. This move converges with Pope Francis’ commitment in favor of the custody of our Common Home expressed in Laudato si’. [1]
    Oh, so what was the crime of Donald Trump that the entire world has rejected him like the plague? Donald Trump did not start any war, he put the nation in the best economic conditions that had not been seen in decades, he was forging international peace in the Middle East and he did not take away any of our freedoms. So what was his crime? He did not carry out Laudato Si’. You see, in May 2017, Pope Francis personally gave Donald Trump a copy of his encyclical, Laudato Si’, which calls for strong action to address the climate crisis. [2]

    And Donald Trump did not comply with the instruction. In fact, a month later, in June 2017, Trump announced that he was pulling the United States out of the Paris climate agreement. Donald Trump has questioned the science behind the climate change accord and the economic impact it would have on the United States, but more importantly, Rome’s climate agenda had a Sunday Law rest provision.

    So now Rome is celebrating that Joe Biden, the pro-abortion, pro-LGBT+, pro-Fratelli Tutti and pro-Laudato Si’ candidate, will be sworn in as the next president of the United States. Now the Vatican is calling on our nation, telling us that it is time to heal the wounds, all the wounds, both national and international. Rome not only mentions Laudato Si’, but also quotes Fratelli Tutti in its message to America. Notice what the Vatican went on to say:

    “This awareness must not just remain an utterance but – quoting Fratelli Tutti, – requires a concrete effort at all levels. It requires a commitment not only from political leaders, but from all the people, and their movements, to promote the common good and strengthen democracy. This is even more true today, in a historical period in which, despite centrifugal forces and nationalistic interests, the pandemic has dramatically shown that “no one is saved alone“. [3]
    The Vatican says the pandemic has brought us together. The pandemic has done more to threaten our civil and religious liberties, and Rome is exploiting this. When the government becomes god, you don’t have the ability to disagree with what the government imposes, be it mask mandates, lockdowns, social distancing, church closings or vaccinations. Nothing the government does is morally wrong, because they think they are always right, even when they are blatantly wrong.

    This pandemic has transformed our free society into the same communist order that they have in China, where the government is the almighty god. The government establishes what is good and evil. The government decides what the truth is. The government decides what marriage is. The government decides what is the definition of male or female. The government decides what murder is or isn’t. The government gives you rights and can take them away.

    This is what Nimrod established in Genesis 10 and what King Nebuchadnezzar did in Daniel 3. This is what the popes did in the Dark Ages with the Holy Inquisition. And this is the prophetic stage that is being set before our eyes. Remember, Rome received a deadly wound, but this wound is being healed today.

    In 1798, at the height of the Protestant Reformation, Napoleon took the pope prisoner and left the seat of the Papacy empty and without a successor. This nearly destroyed the Papacy as the entire world thought this system had come to an end. But not so, for the prophetic pen of inspiration warned that Rome would rise again:

    “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3.
    This “deadly wound” began to heal when our modern world began to praise and admire Rome by “wondering” after her. This “wondering” has only increased, thanks to 60 years of ecumenism. Protestantism for the most part is dead and is no longer a threat to Rome. Donald Trump, who was a threat, like Napoleon, has been removed. According to Bible prophecy, Rome would receive more than praise. She will be worshiped by the world. This can only happen when the image of the beast is formed and as another superpower enters the scene.

    A new nation would come to power after 1798 and join religious and political forces to form an image to the beast. This nation would give praise, worship, and authority (control) to the beast (Rome). One by one, the churches have joined the movement, including many of our own people. One by one, all nations are joining the movement. All the economic leaders and bankers have lined up. This is the spiritual fornication described in Revelation 13, 17 and 18. They have become “one mind” and are giving their “power and strength to the beast.”

    Yes, they have created a global community and a remarkable world-wide movement, but they do not have the blessings of God. God’s displeasure is recorded in Revelation 14:8-11:

    “And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.” Revelation 14:8.

    “And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:9-11.
    Judgment has already been pronounced upon this pagan, mother-earth worshipping, sun-worshipping and law-breaking movement steeped in spiritualism. In fact, this global movement will be completely overthrown and destroyed by the 7 last plagues and when Christ returns for the second time. By God’s grace, we want to be part of those who “come out of the Babylonian family” and are faithful. We want to be part of those who are proclaiming Revelation 14:6-12 with power to the world. They are described in verse 12:

    “Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12.
    We cannot afford to deviate from the faith that is based on the word of God. Any movement that compromises the truth and embraces or tolerates the grave errors and traditions of the papacy will feel the soul-destroying consequences described in the verses above. With these biblical/prophetic events unfolding right now, let us determine to take God’s message and spread it around the world. Let us take them to “every kindred nation, tongue and people.” (Revelation 14: 6).


    [1] https://www.vaticannews.va/en/world/news/2021-01/united-states-wounds-biden-pope-francis-inauguration.html

    [2] https://time.com/4792296/pope-francis-donald-trump-climate-change-encyclical/

    [3] https://www.vaticannews.va/en/world/news/2021-01/united-states-wounds-biden-pope-francis-inauguration.html


    Berean……Daniel was talking about world ruling kingdoms, it had nothi g to do about religions of the world,  all those kingdoms had all kinds of different religions in them. the Bablonian empires are about “world ruling” ECONIMIC AND MILITARY powers that have risen and fallen since the time of BABYLON, under king Neburchnasser, unto our day, and the time of Jesus’ return .

    You can’t get any of Revelations right without understanding JOHN was transported,  in time,  to the end time of millainal regin of Jesus and the Saint’s.  Right before Satan is released from the “bottomless pit” , where he was placed at the begining of the thousand year rule of Jesus and the Saint’s the 7th , if you can’t understand that , then you simply “can’t” ever get the “timeline” of events right. you will only  speculate like all the rest of the false prophets are doing. 

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene



    Jesuit Priest Invokes Pope Francis During Presidential Inauguration as Joe Biden is Sworn into office on a Jesuit Bible

    As Joe Biden was inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States, Jesuit priest Leo O’Donovan offered a prayer for our nation and invoked Pope Francis during his remarks on the steps of the United States Capitol, a first in the history of presidential inaugurations. Then Joe Biden used a “symbolic” Bible to demonstrate the “significance” of taking the oath to defend and protect the United States Constitution. He used the Jesuit translation called the Douay-Rheims Bible.

    So today we had a Jesuit priest in America invoking a Jesuit pope in Rome during the transfer of power for the Office of President of the United States of America, and a Catholic President taking the oath of office on a Jesuit Bible. This is significant. These are signs that Rome’s triumph is almost complete here in America. She has scaled the walls of our institutions while modern Protestantism is fast asleep.

    Not only is the Vatican attracting and influencing both the technical and religious worlds, not only is the Pope admired by politicians and business leaders, but now the Bishop of Rome has arrived at the Office of the President of the United States.

    Click to see the video and to read the full story: http://adventmessenger.org/jesuit-priest-invokes-pope-francis-during-presidential-inauguration-as-joe-biden-is-sworn-into-office-on-a-jesuit-bible/
    Advent Messenger provides news and commentary on current events, top stories, social trends and political and religious events.


    Berean……Daniel was talking about world ruling kingdoms, it had nothi g to do about religions of the world,  all those kingdoms had all kinds of different religions in them. the Bablonian empires are about “world ruling” ECONIMIC AND MILITARY powers that have risen and fallen since the time of BABYLON, under king Neburchnasser, unto our day, and the time of Jesus’ return .

    No. That is the Beast made up of 7 or 8 empires. The woman that is supported by these empires is religion that makes people drunk.

    Each empire was associated with a religion and a pantheon of gods.


    Each empire was associated with a religion and a pantheon of gods.

    “Religion “symbolised by the WHORE(Revelation 17)


    Proclaimer, Berean and all. ….SCRIPTURE SAYS ,  “the beast that “CARRIES” , the women  (BABYLON ) ,  “all of them that have ever  risen “, both now and will be IN THE FUTURE,   is  Satan, the Devil.   He is the under belly of all the (Babyloian ) type of world Empire’s , both now,  the FIFTH,  AND when the Sixth  world ruling kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Saint’s comes he will be cast into the bottomless pit and at the end of the millennial reign will be released and carry the “SEVENTH” rise of the BABYLOIAN  KINGDOM ON THIS EARTH.  Satan is the Eighth , but connected with the Seventh ,  just as it says. 

    REV 17: 3-14 ,  it’s all there for “those who have eyes to see”.  


    All those who do not understand that “ARE FALSE PROPHETS” , ALL OF THEM WITHOUT EXCEPTION!  The reason we have so many different explanations of Revelations and Daniel, is because those false prophets haven’t got “the “TIMELINE” right.  no one can understand or make any sense out of Revelations unless the have the “TIMELINE” right.  

    Peace and love to you all and yours. ……….gene


    Poor Gene
    You are sclerotic on your position which is not biblically sustainable.
    You think you are rich, while you are poor, miserable, blind and naked …

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