Wakeup, journey mike only

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    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 18 2014,21:29)
    Mike B.

    I believe that you exist,but I dont believe in what you think
    and what you say, stand for and do.


    So you think I made up the fact that the Hebrew word “messiah” and the Greek word “christ” both mean “anointed one”……… and that there are many anointed ones mentioned in the scriptures?

    And I made up the fact that “the living God” spoke to Israel out of the fire on Horeb?

    And I made up the fact that those in Acts 4 prayed TO the one who made the heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them……… THROUGH His holy servant Jesus?

    And I made up the fact that Jesus is not God Himself, but the mediator BETWEEN us and God?

    For you to say you don't believe in what I stand for is equivalent to saying you don't believe the scriptures themselves.  Because all I've done is taken what I learned in the scriptures, and passed it on to you.



    I believe that you are,but I dont believe
    in what you say and do.It is not you but
    someone else that is carrying your word
    and does things for you.
    Your actions are done by someone else.



    Hi Mike

    Everything I have answered refutes your claims.
    I agree that God is in charge, and Jesus under him, but God has glorified him, and therefore put him as numero uno.

    Jesus is not only the Son whom the Father sent, but God's “Word” also transformed into flesh, and was with God from the beginning so he is just as holy as God, and God changes his form as he needs to, to serve his purpose.

    I am sorry that you cannot understand this relationship, and therefore we have explained it to the best of our ability, especially Wakeup, but you cannot see, so it is up to God whether he wants to show you understanding.

    I know what Emmanuel means, for the scriptures interpret it.  I know it does not mean “Jesus was God”, but I was showing you how great Jesus Christ is and worthy of all praise, honour and glory.  To have Christ, is to have God with us also.  This is the point I was trying to make.

    The things you have said about him, are in my opinion, deplorable, but you have answered honestly, and shown your true thoughts.

    I don't care about your thoughts on the KJV being flawed, as you can believe and think what you wish.  It is your walk, and your choice to believe all they tell you.


    Wakeup's last two posts were absolute nonsense, that have nothing at all to do with any of the subjects we were discussing.  I'll take those posts as a surrender.


    Quote (journey42 @ Feb. 22 2014,05:35)
    1.  Everything I have answered refutes your claims.

    2.  I agree that God is in charge, and Jesus under him, but God has glorified him, and therefore put him as numero uno.

    Your #2 actually contradicts your #1, journey.  Because my “claims” were designed to show you that, while Jesus deserves a great amount of praise and glory, he does NOT deserve AS MUCH praise and glory as the God who created him and sent him to the earth as a sacrificial lamb.

    And your #2 shows that you agree with those “claims” I made.

    Jehovah is indeed in charge, and OVER His holy servant Jesus.  And Jehovah has indeed glorified His anointed priest Jesus.  And you could even say that Jehovah has made His faithful prophet Jesus “numero uno” – IF you're taking it as meaning Jehovah has placed everything under His firstborn Son – except of course for Himself.  (1 Corinthians 15:27)

    So Jesus is “numero uno” as far as the servants OF God go.  But when we bring God into the list, then He alone is “numero uno”, with His servant Jesus coming in at a close “numero dos”.  :)

    Are we agreed?



    You are contradicting your own words.

    At first you say we will be resurrected in spirit as the angels.
    Then you change your words,by saying that we will be resurrected by spririt and water. ??

    My question:
    *What was* made flesh and dwelleth amongst men?



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 23 2014,05:17)
    Wakeup's last two posts were absolute nonsense, that have nothing at all to do with any of the subjects we were discussing.  I'll take those posts as a surrender.

    Mike B.

    The words you are spouting out is not you.
    You have no word; some other mouth is speaking on your behalf. TRUE OR FALE?

    You are just you with no word. TRUE OR FALSE?

    Someo other mouth is speaking confusion on your behalf. TRUE OR FALSE?

    So also at your job;you dont do anything;but some other person is doing all the work for you,but your pay; you keep to yourself. TRUE OR FALSE?
    This is your perception about God.

    But God has His Word,and His Word was made flesh.
    He is the true Word *OF* God.

    For there are three that bear witness on earth.
    The Father; THE WORD; and the HS.

    The Father=God; the WORD= Jesus; the HS= Spirit of truth.

    I have been so long with you and you say;show me the Father?
    You have seen Me ;you have seen the Father.
    You have seen Me; you have seen the Father.
    You have seen Me you have seen the Father.

    Mike says the *spokesman*(an angel) is also the Father.




    I respect the amount of time and work that went into that post, but not one of those pretty colored scriptures you posted refute any of the things I claimed.

    Let's not pick on my pretty colours.  I happen to like them.  They make my scriptures stand out.  I've been doing these pretty colours for two years now, like Pierre uses his stickers, same thing, and you pick on me now?

    Let's look at your questions again.  I'll show you how I have answered because you seem a little confused?

    You said;

    I'm not trying to “bring Christ down” lower than he should be.  I'm trying to keep YOU from raising him up higher than he should be.

    My answer

    Matthew 1:21   And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

    How much higher can we raise our Lord Jesus Christ?
    “He” shall save his people from their sins.
    Well we know it's God's plan,
    God sent him,
    but God is giving him the glory, and it's recorded in the holy scriptures,
    “He” it says, shall save his people from their sins.  
    God chose “He” to do it, Jesus Christ “OUR LORD”, his Son, his holy seed.

    You said;

    Yes, Jesus is greater than any other servant, son, priest, anointed one, prophet, and spokesman OF God.

    I answered;

    Matthew 1:23   Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

    Jesus is “much more” than any other man of the flesh”.  You agree, but I am showing you “how much more greater” he is compared to them, because when he was here, we had “God with us”  His Holy spirit dwelling inside Jesus 24/7, on this earth, teaching them, and now us.  His words speaking to us directly through Christ.

    Some more scriptures for you to read;  keep these in your heart Mike.

    John 8:38   I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
    John 14:7   If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

    You are not agreeing with this.  You think we should make Jesus a little lower.  We say, lets lift him higher, he is the image of his Father, exactly like him.

    Quote mike

    He is far ABOVE David, Solomon, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and all the rest.  He is worthy of much more praise, honor, and glory than all of those others combined.

    My answer;

    Hebrews 1:4   Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

    I answered this because you were saying how much greater Jesus was/is than all “men”.  I gave you this scripture to show that he is not only greater than “man” but the angels also, which you somehow “forgot to mention”?

    You said;



    Let's not put him on an EQUAL pedestal with the God he is the servant, son, priest, anointed one, prophet, and spokesman OF.

    I answered;

    Matthew 10:22   And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

    I just thought I'd throw this one in.  I know which scripture you wanted me to put against you, but I saved it till last. This ones a warning to us from Christ, but don't worry, all the scholars would love you doing their preaching for them.

     This is just me being cheeky ok  :)

    I have not addressed all your comments yet, but will.  I have noticed that you have not answered all my questions Mike?  Maybe you got distracted, but please go back and take a look when you have the time.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,19:13)
    My question:
    *What was* made flesh and dwelleth amongst men?

    The first-created spirit Son of God, Jesus the Christ.

    This first spirit Son that God ever created was later caused to be born of a human woman, and dwelled on earth as the very Son of God that he always had been.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 24 2014,03:22)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,19:13)
    My question:
    *What was* made flesh and dwelleth amongst men?

    The first-created spirit Son of God, Jesus the Christ.

    This first spirit Son that God ever created was later caused to be born of a human woman, and dwelled on earth as the very Son of God that he always had been.

    Mike B.

    Scriptures please.



    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    Mike B.

    The words you are spouting out is not you.
    You have no word; some other mouth is speaking on your behalf. TRUE OR FALE?

    The first line is true.  My words are not actually me myself.

    The second part is false.  I speak my own words from my own mind and mouth.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    You are just you with no word. TRUE OR FALSE?

    False.  I am indeed me, but I am not without words.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    Some other mouth is speaking confusion on your behalf. TRUE OR FALSE?

    While there are many mouths that speak confusion on this site, mine is not one of them……… so false.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    So also at your job;you dont do anything;but some other person is doing all the work for you,but your pay; you keep to yourself. TRUE OR FALSE?

    False and nonsensical.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    This is your perception about God.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    I have been so long with you and you say;show me the Father?
    You have seen Me ;you have seen the Father.
    You have seen Me; you have seen the Father.
    You have seen Me you have seen the Father.

    Mike says the *spokesman*(an angel) is also the Father.

    False and nonsensical.  It is YOU who says the spokesman and angel OF the Father also IS the Father.

    Let me explain the teaching you listed to you:

    John 12 KJV
    44 Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.

    45 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.

    Do you understand that teaching, Wakeup?  Here, let me show it to you in today's English instead of the Shakespearian English that no one uses anymore:

    John 12 NIV
    44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.

    45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.”

    Can you see that Jesus is LITERALLY talking about TWO different persons, and METAHPORICALLY telling us that he is very much LIKE the one who sent him?

    Do you believe that Jesus is saying that he is LITERALLY the one who SENT himself?

    Or do you understand that Jesus is saying that looking at him is LIKE looking at his Master Himself, because Jesus does only what his Master tells him to do, and acts only as his Master would act in the same situation?

    If you ARE able to understand this easy and sensible teaching, then apply it to the scripture you listed.  Jesus was saying that seeing him is LIKE seeing the Father Himself, since Jesus only says and does what pleases his Father and God, Jehovah.

    Remember Wakeup, NONE of us has ever seen God Himself at any time. Jesus was NOT saying that he himself WAS the Father, and that the people looking at him were actually seeing the Father God Almighty.

    Do you understand that last part? YES or NO?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 23 2014,05:17)
    Wakeup's last two posts were absolute nonsense, that have nothing at all to do with any of the subjects we were discussing.  I'll take those posts as a surrender.

    Mike B.

    Who is speaking; saying that I spoke nonsense?
    Who is He?
    Has He got a name?



    Quote (journey42 @ Feb. 23 2014,03:58)
    I've been doing these pretty colours for two years now, like Pierre uses his stickers, same thing, and you pick on me now?

    Have you not noticed that I'VE been doing the same thing for FOUR years now?  

    I was COMPLIMENTING your use of colors, like I've done before.  I was not “picking on you” for using them.

    Quote (journey42 @ Feb. 23 2014,03:58)
    Let's look at your questions again.  I'll show you how I have answered because you seem a little confused?

    You said;

    I'm not trying to “bring Christ down” lower than he should be.  I'm trying to keep YOU from raising him up higher than he should be.

    My answer

    Matthew 1:21   And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.

    How much higher can we raise our Lord Jesus Christ?
    “He” shall save his people from their sins.
    Well we know it's God's plan,
    God sent him,
    but God is giving him the glory, and it's recorded in the holy scriptures,
    “He” it says, shall save his people from their sins.  
    God chose “He” to do it, Jesus Christ “OUR LORD”, his Son, his holy seed.

    Bottom line:  You AGREE with me that Jehovah is GREATER THAN His holy servant Jesus Christ.  That is good.

    Quote (journey42 @ Feb. 23 2014,03:58)
    You said;

    Yes, Jesus is greater than any other servant, son, priest, anointed one, prophet, and spokesman OF God.

    I answered;

    Matthew 1:23   Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.

    Jesus is “much more” than any other man of the flesh”.  You agree, but I am showing you “how much more greater” he is compared to them, because when he was here, we had “God with us”  His Holy spirit dwelling inside Jesus 24/7, on this earth, teaching them, and now us.  His words speaking to us directly through Christ.

    It doesn't matter if Jesus is a ZILLION OCTILLION times greater than the next highest servant of God.  The fact remains that Jesus's own God and Creator, Jehovah, is even greater than His servant Jesus Christ.


    Also, God was not LITERALLY with us on earth, journey.  God sent His servant Jesus Christ as a way of showing us that God was still “on our side” (“with us”).

    Quote (journey42 @ Feb. 23 2014,03:58)
    Some more scriptures for you to read;  keep these in your heart Mike.

    John 8:38   I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
    John 14:7   If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

    You are not agreeing with this.  You think we should make Jesus a little lower.  We say, lets lift him higher, he is the image of his Father, exactly like him.

    Didn't you just say that God was OVER Jesus?  I don't try to “lower” Jesus.  I keep Jesus exactly where the scriptures keep him…….. as the most powerful and highest ranking SERVANT of Jehovah.  It seems that many people try to EQUATE him with the God who created him.  That is not good for Jesus, Jehovah, or the people who practice this.

    Quote (journey42 @ Feb. 23 2014,03:58)
    Quote mike

    He is far ABOVE David, Solomon, Abraham, Moses, Samuel, and all the rest.  He is worthy of much more praise, honor, and glory than all of those others combined.

    My answer;

    Hebrews 1:4   Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

    I answered this because you were saying how much greater Jesus was/is than all “men”.  I gave you this scripture to show that he is not only greater than “man” but the angels also, which you somehow “forgot to mention”?

    Agreed.  Jesus is not only greater than all human beings, but as the firstborn spirit son of God, and the one who was set apart from all the others and sent by his God into the world, he is also greater than all the other spirit sons of God.

    In the Hebrew culture, the firstborn among siblings was always the greater one, and the one who received the lion's share of the inheritance.  Jesus is no exception.

    Quote (journey42 @ Feb. 23 2014,03:58)
    You said;



    Let's not put him on an EQUAL pedestal with the God he is the servant, son, priest, anointed one, prophet, and spokesman OF.

    I answered;

    Matthew 10:22   And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

    I just thought I'd throw this one in.  I know which scripture you wanted me to put against you, but I saved it till l
    ast. This ones a warning to us from Christ, but don't worry, all the scholars would love you doing their preaching for them.

    This is just me being cheeky ok  :)

    I have not addressed all your comments yet, but will.  I have noticed that you have not answered all my questions Mike?  Maybe you got distracted, but please go back and take a look when you have the time.

    Yes, Jesus is the name that GOD gave us through which to be saved.  It doesn't make the servant as great as the CREATOR who gave us that name/person by which to be saved, right?

    As far as your “questions” go, I don't see any I've missed.  Quoting a scripture as an answer to my points does NOT constitute asking a question, journey.  :)


    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 23 2014,10:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 24 2014,03:22)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,19:13)
    My question:
    *What was* made flesh and dwelleth amongst men?

    The first-created spirit Son of God, Jesus the Christ.

    This first spirit Son that God ever created was later caused to be born of a human woman, and dwelled on earth as the very Son of God that he always had been.

    Mike B.

    Scriptures please.


    Colossian 1:15. Revelation 3:14. Proverbs 8:22. Micah 5:2.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 23 2014,11:21)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 23 2014,05:17)
    Wakeup's last two posts were absolute nonsense, that have nothing at all to do with any of the subjects we were discussing.  I'll take those posts as a surrender.

    Mike B.

    Who is speaking; saying that I spoke nonsense?
    Who is He?
    Has He got a name?


    Let me ask YOU a question, Wakeup:

    Is the name of the one who spoke “Nonsense”? Is that word “nonsense” the actual PERSON who spoke that word?

    Is “nonsense” a person? Or is “nonsense” just one of the many WORDS spoken by a PERSON named “Mike”?


    Will you answer the question I asked in the other post, Wakeup?

    Remember Wakeup, NONE of us has ever seen God Himself at any time. Jesus was NOT saying that he himself WAS the Father, and that the people looking at him were actually seeing the Father God Almighty.

    Do you understand that last part? YES or NO?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 24 2014,03:57)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    Mike B.

    The words you are spouting out is not you.
    You have no word; some other mouth is speaking on your behalf. TRUE OR FALE?

    The first line is true.  My words are not actually me myself.

    The second part is false.  I speak my own words from my own mind and mouth.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    You are just you with no word. TRUE OR FALSE?

    False.  I am indeed me, but I am not without words.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    Some other mouth is speaking confusion on your behalf. TRUE OR FALSE?

    While there are many mouths that speak confusion on this site, mine is not one of them……… so false.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    So also at your job;you dont do anything;but some other person is doing all the work for you,but your pay; you keep to yourself. TRUE OR FALSE?

    False and nonsensical.

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    This is your perception about God.


    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,20:00)
    I have been so long with you and you say;show me the Father?
    You have seen Me ;you have seen the Father.
    You have seen Me; you have seen the Father.
    You have seen Me you have seen the Father.

    Mike says the *spokesman*(an angel) is also the Father.

    False and nonsensical.  It is YOU who says the spokesman and angel OF the Father also IS the Father.

    Let me explain the teaching you listed to you:

    John 12 KJV
    44 Jesus cried and said, He that believeth on me, believeth not on me, but on him that sent me.

    45 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me.

    Do you understand that teaching, Wakeup?  Here, let me show it to you in today's English instead of the Shakespearian English that no one uses anymore:

    John 12 NIV
    44 Then Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me.

    45 The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.”

    Can you see that Jesus is LITERALLY talking about TWO different persons, and METAHPORICALLY telling us that he is very much LIKE the one who sent him?

    Do you believe that Jesus is saying that he is LITERALLY the one who SENT himself?

    Or do you understand that Jesus is saying that looking at him is LIKE looking at his Master Himself, because Jesus does only what his Master tells him to do, and acts only as his Master would act in the same situation?

    If you ARE able to understand this easy and sensible teaching, then apply it to the scripture you listed.  Jesus was saying that seeing him is LIKE seeing the Father Himself, since Jesus only says and does what pleases his Father and God, Jehovah.

    Remember Wakeup, NONE of us has ever seen God Himself at any time. Jesus was NOT saying that he himself WAS the Father, and that the people looking at him were actually seeing the Father God Almighty.

    Do you understand that last part?  YES or NO?

    Mike B.

    Jesus said: You have seen Me;You have seen the Father.
    God is a spirit, He was in Jesus speaking all the time.
    Every Word Jesus spoke; was God speaking through Him.
    Because He is the Word of God.

    God created all things through His Word.
    God also spoke to Adam through His Word.
    God also spoke to Moses through His Word.
    God also spoke to the prophets through His Word.
    God spoke to the apostles and men,through His Word.
    God is speaking to us through His written Word.

    The spirit in the written Word is the flesh of Christ.
    Fill your self with the spirit of the written Word;
    so you can have life.

    Stop denying the Word of God with God's HS in it.
    The HS is in the Word of God.
    The HS is in the Word;in Jesus; since conception.




    Do you understand that last part of my post? Or not?

    Do you believe Jesus was the actual Father Jehovah Almighty while he was on earth? YES or NO?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 24 2014,04:44)

    Do you understand that last part of my post?  Or not?

    Do you believe Jesus was the actual Father Jehovah Almighty while he was on earth?  YES or NO?

    Mikeb b.

    Yes; God was *IN* Jesus speaking at all time.
    Jesus said:
    The Words that I speak to you are not mine.
    What I hear the Father speak,that I say.
    What I see my Father do that I do.
    *I can do nothing* of my self.

    God said: I, even I am the Lord, and*Beside*me there is no saviour.
    God is the saviour through His own Word.
    God is the creater,through His own Word.
    God was speaking through His own Word.
    **My glory will I not give to another**.
    The Lamb with God;is God's own Word.

    You can not see deep enough.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 24 2014,04:22)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 23 2014,10:41)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 24 2014,03:22)

    Quote (Wakeup @ Feb. 22 2014,19:13)
    My question:
    *What was* made flesh and dwelleth amongst men?

    The first-created spirit Son of God, Jesus the Christ.

    This first spirit Son that God ever created was later caused to be born of a human woman, and dwelled on earth as the very Son of God that he always had been.

    Mike B.

    Scriptures please.


    Colossian 1:15.  Revelation 3:14.  Proverbs 8:22.  Micah 5:2.

    Mike B.


    Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the *firstborn of every creature*:
    Colossians 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the **firstborn from the dead**; that in all things he might have the preeminence.



    Revelation 3:14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true *witness*, the beginning of the creation of God;


    Proverbs 8:22 The LORD *possessed* me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.


    Micah 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, **from everlasting**.



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