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- September 20, 2014 at 8:47 pm#775565
ParticipantThe night before 911 or thereabouts, I woke up from a very vivid but puzzling dream that left me very concerned that something very bad was happening or going to happen. In the dream I was standing on top of a high hill looking at the ocean. I saw a boat, that looked like the type you see in WWII movies, rectangular with a cargo of soldiers. The soldiers were all dressed in black, and they looked like trained killers, the sort of army that you wouldn’t want to mess with. The boat came ashore and the soldiers all ran on the land and started to spread out immediately. There must of been about 150 to 200 of them from what I could see at least. I thought to myself, I wonder if they are after me. I then realised that they were as some of them headed straight for me. At this moment I had a sinking feeling in my stomach, as I realised that I couldn’t really hide from this army because the terrain of the land had sparse vegetation, and it was near impossible to hide behind a tree as they were all too small and too far apart. I realised at this point that I had no protection and started running, but I knew for sure that they were going to catch me. As I started running I was frantically looking for somewhere to hide but there was nowhere. I was terrified, and at this point I woke up.
I take my dreams seriously and I tried right away to decipher the dream, but I couldn’t understand it’s message. I gave up and turned on the TV and watched this program about an artist who had cancer and the program contrasted her beautiful paintings that she painted when she was healthy and the art she produced when she was fighting cancer. One particular painting looked horrible and reminded me with the same dread I had in the dream. The painting was of her cancer and there were these black streaks and blobs that gave the painting a grim but effective look. It reminded me of this army dressed in black that I saw in the dream.
After I got out of bed, I told the dream to a good friend to see if he could shed some light on it’s possible meaning. By the time Sept 11 came around suddenly my dream made sense and my friend reminded me of the dream and said that it was amazing timing. The army I saw represents terrorism.
God used the enemies of Israel in Old Testament times as Israel’s judgment when they continued to sin. Egypt was a judgment for Israel. God allowed them to be held captive by Egypt, because they turned away from God and started to worship idols. God also used the Roman Empire to destroy Jerusalem because the Jews rejected their saviour. God allows enemies of countries like the USA to discipline them. There is only one true protection for America. It is God himself, and if America continues to turn from God, then America will become more and more defenseless. Terrorism is like cancer. It is more lethal when it is spread out than concentrated because it becomes harder to destroy. America needs to repent and seek God and believe in the words “In God We Trust”.
December 16, 2014 at 12:13 am#787090Proclaimer
ParticipantUpdate 2014
Thirteen years later in 2014 there is a new threat of terror called ISIS, ISIL, or Islamic State. The uniform they wear is black and reminds me of the army I saw in that vision back in 2001. ISIS have even threatened to destroy America.
Below is a video from Rick Joyner who had a vision of ISIS attacking the USA.
January 7, 2015 at 12:55 pm#788169Proclaimer
ParticipantJanuary 7, 2015 at 11:53 pm#788175Camillia
ParticipantI wouldn’t listen to Rick Joiner, as I hear he is linked up to Toronto Blessing if you know about that. But, I do believe dreams can be powerful, vivid and real, and obviously yours were.
I had my own dreams, nothing about Islam, more Russia and space, (there is so much happening that no wonder people dream of different places). Each dream had a repetitive theme (looking up at the night sky), so each felt like a continuation.
Whatever happens, t8, we do God’s will without fear, (in my dreams, I felt no fear).January 8, 2015 at 12:40 am#788176Proclaimer
ParticipantI do not agree with the Toronto Blessing as being of God, but that doesn’t mean that God cannot talk to people who have gifts that may have been caught up in that movement. Of course anything Rick Joyner prophecies can be tested with time. If it doesn’t come to pass then he was wrong and he could be wrong.
January 8, 2015 at 12:49 am#788177Proclaimer
ParticipantFor some reason God showed me personally that a world filled with terrorism was the sign that we are near the end.
It is only because God showed me these things that I have any interest in the rise of terror and Islam. Otherwise I would probably be more focussed on other stuff. Here is an earlier set of visions I received.
January 8, 2015 at 10:05 am#788182Proclaimer
ParticipantParis shooting: at least 12 dead
January 8, 2015 at 11:38 pm#788191Camillia
ParticipantHi t8. I’m sure that terrorism is a sign we are nearing the end, as are many signs, as Jesus said:
“You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. “For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. “But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.
“Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. “At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. “Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.
So long as what you saw has not installed fear. (Has it?)
Islamists do not scare me. Love growing cold, lawlessness, a false Christ, deception and delusion scares me more.
January 9, 2015 at 10:36 pm#788205Proclaimer
ParticipantPerfect love casts out all fear and although I am not perfect of my own doing, I do not fear what man can do to me compared to what God can do. Man can destroy my body, but God can destroy my soul. That said, I hope that I have a healthy fear for all that can do me harm. But not a paralyzing fear for anything.
January 12, 2015 at 8:47 am#788237Grasshopper
ParticipantFound this article here: http://www.ijreview.com/2015/01/230363-hacktivist-group-anonymous-isis-will-track-every-last-one-will-kill/?utm_source=dailynewsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=%7BCAMPAIGN_ID%7D&listID=%7BlistID%7D
The underground activist group “Anonymous” posted a video on multiple websites on Thursday as a direct response to the Muslim terror attacks in Paris.
Calling it #OpCharlieHebdo, after the name of the satirical French magazine that was the focus of the attacks, they also published a statement summarizing the points made in the video as well:
Never attack the media
Message to the enemy of the freedom of speech.
January 7, 2015, freedom of speech has suffered an inhuman assault. Terrorists broke into the premises of the “Charlie Hebdo” newspaper and shot in cold blood several satirical cartoon artists, journalists and two policemen. The killers are still at large. Disgusted and also shocked, we can not fall to our knees. It is our responsibility to react.
First, we wish to express our condolences to the families of the victims of this cowardly and despicable act. We are all affected by the death of Cabu, Charb, Tignous and Wolinski, great artists that marked their talent throughout the history of the press and died for freedom. We do not forget the other victims killed and injured in the attack that were the targets of these murderers.
It is clear that some people do not want, in a free world, this inviolable and sacred right to express in any way one’s opinions. Anonymous will never leave this right violated by obscurantism and mysticism. We will fight always and everywhere the enemies of freedom of speech. Charlie Hebdo, historical figure of satirical journalism has now been targeted. Anonymous must remind every citizen that the freedom of the press is a fundamental principle of democratic countries. Freedom of opinion, speech and to publish articles without any threat, and stress is a right “inalienable.” Anonymous has always fought the slayers of these rights and will never allow a person to be shot down radically for publishing an article, a drawing, an opinion …
Freedom of speech and opinion is a non-negotiable thing, to tackle it is to attack democracy. Expect a massive frontal reaction from us because the struggle for the defense of those freedoms is the foundation of our movement.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us!=====================================================================
In addition to the violent attacks on the magazine, cyber attacks have occurred in France as well over recent days. Several towns have had their municipal websites hacked and their home pages replaced with the following:
The message says “The Islamic State Stay Inchallah, Free Palestine, Death to France, Death to Charlie” above the ISIS black flag and Arab-language music plays when the sites are loaded.
January 12, 2015 at 10:47 am#788240Proclaimer
ParticipantThanks Grasshopper.
So long as people believe that spilling the blood of non-muslims brings eternal reward, terror will never end. The rise of terrorism is equal to the rise of Islam.
January 13, 2015 at 11:25 pm#788249Camillia
ParticipantPerfect love casts out all fear and although I am not perfect of my own doing, I do not fear what man can do to me compared to what God can do. Man can destroy my body, but God can destroy my soul. That said, I hope that I have a healthy fear for all that can do me harm. But not a paralyzing fear for anything.
It seems to me t8, that worldwide hatred toward Islam is growing since the latest news?
‘Paralyzing fear’ can be overcome with prayer to God for peace and strength.
Months ago I heard someone in my backyard, and then my power shut down, (lights all went out). I was terrified, however I prayed for strength, and my shaking stopped. Then I realized that everyone else lights were also out – it was a power cut and all was fine. Prayer works wonders!November 18, 2015 at 1:02 pm#804952Proclaimer
ParticipantIn the vision I saw boats with people dressed in black who cam ashore to attack the residents of the land.
I wonder if the refugees coming on boats into Europe is part of this. Many believe that terrorists are coming in as refugees. Of course many refugees are genuine and came to Europe to flee IS. But not all.
And will Islam conquer Europe, not with war between nations but a growing Islamic population that will eventually take control.
December 20, 2015 at 10:06 am#806285Proclaimer
ParticipantLast year (2014) I had a series of dreams about ISIS, along with even more ruthless terrorists infiltrating our country….
Posted by Rick Joyner on Saturday, 19 December 2015
December 20, 2015 at 11:13 am#806291kerwin
White Europeans are a dying people. Why should the land remain empty?
December 20, 2015 at 12:11 pm#806292Proclaimer
ParticipantKerwin, that is an ignorant statement about one of the biggest evils going on in the world today.
White Europeans may be declining in population especially against other races and cultures, but there are still millions of them living in Europe and North America and many belong to God too.
Your attitude smacks of the lack of concern that many even in power have about the rise if Islam and terror.
Should Evil inherit the Earth, because the righteous are low in number or are being murdered?
I wonder if you would you have made the same comment when the Nazi’s tried to take Europe.
December 20, 2015 at 12:11 pm#806293Proclaimer
ParticipantThis video purports to show ISIS fighters dragging off Yazidi girls to make them sex slaves.
December 20, 2015 at 12:26 pm#806296kerwin
The only evil going on in the world today is that human beings do not truly believe in God. The rest are just symptoms of that evil.
One of those symptoms is the high number of children murdered through abortion. Islamic terrorism cannot compete with that more acceptable symptom of the evil that is in this world.
What I said is true. White Europeans are dying people with the birth rate in the EU set at 1.6 children per woman. If no one died before they had their two children then a birth rate of 2.0 would be stable. The doctrine of population control is more to White Europeans than all the Islamic terrorists there are.
The doctrine of population control and other western doctrines are what makes us vulnerable to a takeover and from what I see no one has any interest in changing things. Instead they want to spread those self destructive doctrines to everyone.
The plus of those doctrines seem to be we have more wealth than others.
December 20, 2015 at 1:12 pm#806303kerwin
I am soured on Western society which boasts how righteous it is even as it spreads evil to other lands.
Even if God chose to turn the whole world over to Islam I do not see where it would be any different that what now exists.
Right now the soldiers fighting ISIS and dying are often Muslims. These Muslims are fighting beside people of other religions. Even some of ISIS’s allies would change sides except how they were treated by those dominate Shiite Muslims that the West is now allied with.
December 25, 2015 at 10:31 am#806509Proclaimer
ParticipantEven if God chose to turn the whole world over to Islam I do not see where it would be any different that what now exists.
Try to imagine Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and ISIS globally.
And the whole world worshiping a God who has no son (Antichrist) and persecuting killing those like you who believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
You may not be around to post in this forum and this forum wouldn’t exist either.No difference? lol. The problem might be that you cannot imagine because it is all a far off thing for you.
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