Universal Salvation

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  • #96100

    Hi GB,
    So some of the jots and tittles are to be done away with
    so long as what you see as the sum fits your doctrine?


    Nick….If it fits it fits if it doesn't it doesn't, you can believe what ever you want, you have a right to your opinion and we have a right to ours also. What make you think you are the decider of whats right and whats wrong, if you disagree then produce you scriptures and give us your understanding, it not your better off not to say anything it only makes for confusions.



    Hi GB,
    Where does scripture say all men will be forgiven- given eternal salvation?


    Hi GB,
    So scripture is not actually truth.
    Jesus, who is truth, quoted verses as if they were true.
    You just take the bits that fit and leave the rest, or perhaps I misunderstood?


    Nick…..You misunderstand you are right about that. Show us were God said he was going to eternally destroy His children then.I have shown you scriptures Where it says God will deliver all His creation form corruption, Scriptures like “every mans work will be tried and if His did not remain it would be burned up (BUT) HE HIMSELF WILL (BE SAVED) YET AS BY FIRE>What part of that you don't understand. I sorry you can't stand God saving all His children, thank God you no God. And what makes you think you are not going to be burned up them because you still sin right , but of course your different right> If God burns up one Person He will also burn you Up, because you still have sins and He who breaks one of the least of the commandments has broken all.So if i were you i would not be so much in a hurry to condemn anyone. He who condemns another condemns himself.

    Show us Scripture where God said He was going to destroy His Children because of their failures or for any reason for that matter.


    Hi Gb,
    God does not accept all men as His children.
    Some His Son called sons of Satan.

    You should not quote the letters of Paul with regard to the fate of natural men.
    They were not written to them or about them.

    you quoted 1 Cor3?
    Check the address.

    '1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ through the will of God, and Sosthenes our brother,
    2 Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that in every place call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, both theirs and ours:”



    Nick……All people are God's children rather you like it or not. and He is very capable of saving them all. And Will ultimately. Because He said He wasn't willing that any parish. and he also said He does all things after the council of His own will and if His will is that non Parish then none will parish. God said He would deliver the who creation of corruption. You just don't know the power of God to cause salvation in All.


    Hi GB,
    So because we are the son of the first Adam we have no worries?
    You should not add presumption to what is written and try to build doctrine.
    Just because God can and wants to does not mean that He will contravene what is written.


    Nick…lets face it you don't believe what is written do you? I choose to believe God will save All Yet through Fire (intense Judgments) You believe what you want i will believe what is written . I just believe God the Father will save all His children He created and I believe He is Love and love doesn't kill His creation or His children. He recreated them by transforming them into his glories Son and Daughters. I believe Jesus died for the sins of the whole world. I believe God has concluded (ALL) under (SIN) that He might Have Mercy on (ALL)>I have these scriptures and hundereds more , what do you have only a perverted view of scriptures. imo….gene


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 07 2008,14:21)
    Hi GB,
    So because we are the son of the first Adam we have no worries?
    You should not add presumption to what is written and try to build doctrine.
    Just because God can and wants to does not mean that He will contravene what is written.

    “All My (God) desires I WILL DO”. (Isaiah 46:10)

    Doesn't agree whith what you just said, does it?


    Quote (gollamudi @ July 02 2008,12:10)
    Again you people are confused with will and free will, choices and free will. No body can help you.

    What is the difference between will and free will? Jesus had a separate will from the Father, and he chose to obey the Father's will rather than his own. This was a choice that he made from the love that was in his heart for us and for his Father.

    We have to make the choice every day to die to our own will and do the will of our Father.

    If love isn't a choice then what is it? Manipulation?

    Why does Paul have to beat his body and make it his slave if the Father is just going to magically make him do His will?

    Why are we told to purify ourselves? Why do we have any responsibility? Why are we held to any standard? Moreover, why do we preach the gospel if it is the Father is just going to save everyone in the end? Why repent? What is the point of the gospel?


    Shania…..Big difference between Will and (FREE WILL) a free will has no influence on it from any source at all. It is totally neutral, which is an impossibility, all will is the result of cause, you are caused to love your husband if your married, by what He does and you cause him to love by what you do. It has nothing to do with (FREE) Will at all. Both Science as well as psychologists agree that every thing is the result of cause and effect. Nothing you do is not being driven by a cause, and the (GRACE) of God causes us to follow Him. For you are saved by GRACE and that not of yourselves it is a gift of GOD.


    Hi brother Gene,
    I agree with you on the definition of will and free will.

    Hi Sis Shania,
    Yes we do have choices which we can make in the influence of the Spirit of God that is abiding in us. I don't deny that at all.
    Peace to all


    Hi GM,
    So selfwill plays no part? What about strongwilled people?
    God can only easily influence the meek.
    they will inherit the earth.


    Hi brother,
    Following self will is self righteousness which most of the Gurus in India propagate to achieve 'Moksha' (heaven).


    Hi GM,
    So self will opposes the leading of the Spirit of God and we must deny ourselves, take up our cross and walk. The sap of the Spirit in the vine does not force us to allow God's work and we can be quenching the Spirit. If so we risk producing no fruit and being cut off and tossed in the fire..


    Amen to that post. But don't be so much oriented towards this “cut off” business.


    Hi GM,
    What is wrong with Jn15?


    I like Jn 15 very much through that only I realised I can not depend on my self will-power but on my vine, Jesus who gives strength to me to grow in him to bear more fruits.
    Thanks and blessings


    Hi GM,
    The Spirit gives us life and we must learn to be led by that Spirit.[Gal5]

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