True Fellowship

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    True fellowship of the Spirit is within tender mercies which are without selfishness and pride, because these have the one accord (or same mind) that thinks of others more highly than themselves within humility. (Phl 2:1-3) Are you willing to have this same mind which was also in Christ Jesus?

    Then God can enable you to become obedient to [your own] death (or crucifixion with Christ) so that you can be raised in newness of life which consists of the liberty to serve others in love. (Phl 2:5,8, Rom 6:6 & 4, Gal 5:13) This is why (we need to ask) Christ to free us from the bondage of sin (through our crucifixion with Him) so that He could give us the patience to wait through the Spirit, for the righteous and loving ability. (Gal 5:1&5-6)

    This is all done through God’s workmanship which creates us in Christ so that we could do good. (Eph 2:10) ; And this gift of God needs to be asked for (Jn 4:10) A willingness to be here is acceptable to God (2Cor 8:12); for He first gives us a willingness and then causes us to perform these good things, for His good pleasure. (Phil 2:13)

    This is so that we could do all these good things without complaining, or arguing. Because of God’s workmanship upon us we can become blameless children of God without rebuke, in the midst of this perverse, and evil generation, who can shine as lights in this world because we have become (through the workmanship of God) the children of light who can walk in love, and in all goodness, righteousness, and truth. (Phl 2:14-15, Eph 5:1 &8-9)

    These are ( part) of the multitude who believe (these things) and they are of one heart, and one soul and have all these things in common. (Acts 4:32) Because we know that there are vessels of honor, and dishonor in the church, the vessels of dishonor need to be purged (or crucified) so that they can become sanctified, and ready for their Master’s use because they have been prepared (by God’s workmanship, Eph 2:10) so that they could do every good, and merciful work. (2Tim 2:20-21)

    These have (asked of God to help them) flee (worldly) lusts, so that they could follow after righteousness, love, and peace with those who call on the Lord out of a (made) pure heart. (2:22)

    The foundation of God stands upon this seal: the Lord knows those who are His; these are seen to have departed from iniquity (2:19); and go on to be sanctified vessels of honor who have been prepared by their Master to do His work.(2:21)

    These servants of the Lord are gentle and can patiently instruct those who are opposing themselves (or their better interests) so that God might grant repentance unto them that they could acknowledge the truth, and be recovered from doing the devil’s will (self-will) (rather than God’s will). (2:24-26, Matt 13:15, Jn 12:40)

    These avoid vain, and foolish discussions because they know that this leads to more, and more ungodly communication, and they understand the need to study so that they could rightly divide the word of truth without (error and) shame before God. (2Tim 16-15)

    We can have fellowship with one another IF we are walking in the light because we are cleansed by the blood of Christ from all unrighteousness, through the confession of our sins. (1Jn 1:7&9) Without which we walk in the darkness of lies, even though we say we have fellowship with God. (1:6) Remember only those who have crucified their lusts ARE Christ’s. (no matter what they believe) (Gal 5:24)

    This is why we need to ask God to work this truth into us so that it’s light would come out of us (Jn 3:21); so that we would not be under the new condemnation of believing in Jesus while practicing evil “self-moved” deeds now that the light has come. (Jn 19 & 16)These things are being written unto you so that your joy may be fulfilled. (1:4)

    Let us be wise, and understand what the will of the Lord is, (asking God to give us a) thankful attitude while we are wise with our time (studying His word) because the days are evil. (Eph 5:17,20 &16-15) The will of God is our sanctification which moves us to: a) abstain from fornication and b) to possess ourselves in the honor of sanctification; which is not into lusts as those who are without this knowledge. (1Thes 4:3-5)

    If any man / woman wants to do God’s will, they need to know and understand the doctrine of Christ which has us lay the foundation of repentant faith from dead works (our old nature)so that we could go on to perfection,(the born again experience) if God gives us permission. (Jn 7:17, Heb 6:1&3) This is the mystery of His will which is being made known unto us according to His good pleasure. (Eph 1:9) We are not to receive anyone who does not bring (or teach) this doctrine of Christ because these don’t have both the Father and the Son, and we will partake in their evil “self-moved” deeds. (2Jn 10-9&11, Heb 6:1)

    I hope you are not being hindered from obeying this truth? (Gal 5:7) Remember just a little leaven (or false doctrine) will leaven the whole church. (5:8) This is why we are called to search the scriptures daily, to see if these things are so (Acts 17:11); Without which we will think this is a strange new doctrine (17:19-20) and be wholly given over to idolize those (who seem to be) devout (Christians). (17:16-17)

    Rather consider (and meditate upon) these things (while asking the Lord for His understanding) and He can give you understanding in all these things. (2Tim 2:7) Meditate, and study upon these things giving yourself wholly unto them so that your profiting might appear unto all. Continue in this doctrine so that you may be saved, and those who hear you. (1Tim 4:15-16)

    This is the apostle’s doctrine that we are to diligently continue in so that we could have the (true) fellowship which has all things in common with great joy in sincerity. (Acts 2:42,44 & 46) With these, nothing is done in selfish ambition or conceit, but within humility they can esteem others more highly than themselves. These not only look out for their own interests, but the interests of others. (Phl 2:3-4)

    This is the fellowship of the Spirit within the bowels of mercy who have the same love (toward one another) and the same mind. (2:1-2) I hope you have this same mind which was also in Christ Jesus? (2:5) A willingness to be here is acceptable to God. (2Cor 8:12) For He first gives us a willingness, and then causes us to perform these good things for His good pleasure. (Phil 2:13)

    We need to ASK God to send us a faithful minister to make all these things known unto us. (Eph 6:21, 1Cor 4:17, 1Thes 3:2, 2Tim 4:12, Col 1:7, 4:7, Rom 10:15, 2 Cor 8:22, 18, Acts 8:30-31, 15:25, Phil 2:25) This is a spiritual gift from God which He gives unto us, so that we could be established in the mutual faith (Rom1:11-2); without which we will be ignorant. (1:13) Jesus said that if we do not know (and understand) the scriptures we will be in error, and without the power of God. (Mk 12:24, Matt 22:29)

    NOT TEN IN A THOUSAND BELIEVERS IS WITHIN THIS ASKING, so that they shall live (Am 5:3-4) Therefore there is no real seeking through informed asking, unless we are first keep silent, (meaning learning) so that we can be into what is good, (God moved) and not into what is evil, (self-moved) so that we might live. (5:13-14) This discreet wisdom needs to come upon us by a man in whom the Spirit of God is within, so that we can go on to set this before others. (Gen 41:33 & 38)

    Remember that we need to be converted from sin, and error so that our soul could be saved from death. (Jm 5:19-20) These things were written before time so that we could learn through patience, so that we could have comfort in these scriptures. (Rom 15:4) For with God nothing is impossible (Lk 1:37); Because all of God’s promises are Yes and Amen! (1Cor 1:20)


    Welcome, you bought up a lot of good points. Look forward to more of your posts.



    Hi and welcomeZ,
    Presumably all men are not within this way of communion with God and others.
    We cannot install ourselves or look to any works of our own to enter.
    Then many of the things you write about indeed are life.

    So how are we to enter this way?
    How is rebirth perfection?


    Welcome Ztheberean

    Hang around, for their isnt a whole lot of love and humility and esteeming others better than themselves going around here.

    There sure is a lot of insisting that their truth is the only way and everyone else is blind and in error.

    There is also a lot of elitist attitudes and exalting of themselves through patronizing and condescending while at the same time claiming to be “controlled” by the Holy Spirit without an act of their wills (I wonder if when they speak in tongues they only do it when the Spirit overtakes them or do they act on their own will and speak and then the Spirit takes controll?), and claiming that their God “does it all” without an act of their own will. It seems that if “God does it all” and they are being led by the Holy Spirit they would be harmless as doves and wise as serpents. However, very often they attack the personality of the person rather than the error of the doctrine by calling them “liars” and “deceivers” and “heritics”, usually over a doctrine that may show truth both ways. These seem to be characteristics of a wolf and not one led by the Holy Spirit. Furthermore it is not like these are blatant decievers they attack, but in fact are true believers or sheep, that Love the Father and Yeshua and believe Yeshua is the Son of God.

    So welcome to the world of Christianity by election and enforced grace, where the love of God is overtaking mens hearts by grace and draging and forcing them into submission to him. Little wonder they try and force their doctines upon men by their accusations that theirs is the only truth, for the God in whom they serve forces himself on them. Strangest thing, if these men are confident that “God does it all” without an act of their will to submit and walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, then why are they not testifying of the sick that are being healed through them, and the souls that are being saved and the deaf ears that are opened and the blind eyes seeing and the lame walking?

    And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Cor 2:4,5

    Notice the “choice” of “their faith” standing in the wisdom of men or the power of God.

    Again, welcome and Blessings!



    1 John 1:3
    That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

    This is true fellowship.
    It enables true fellowship in the body of Christ
    1 John 1:7
    But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

    Abiding in scripture is essential

    9Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.


    Quote (seekingtruth @ July 16 2008,07:02)
    Welcome, you bought up a lot of good points. Look forward to more of your posts.


    Hello Wm,

    Thank you for the warm welcome and encouragement. This is not the norm for my posts, so I am grateful to God that I can edify some with His words.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 16 2008,07:52)
    Hi and welcomeZ,
    Presumably all men are not within this way of communion with God and others.
    We cannot install ourselves or look to any works of our own to enter.
    Then many of the things you write about indeed are life.

    So how are we to enter this way?
    How is rebirth perfection?

    Hello Nick,

    Thanks for the welcome. You can say that again.
    This is why it is said, many are called, few are chosen. The narrow way is repentance which leads to LIFE, which few find, unless a faithful minister is sent unto them to impart the spiritual gift (of grace in all of its teaching) so that we can be established in the faith and not ignorant. (Mk 6:3-4, Mt 7:14, Rom 1:11&13)
    Those who have true faith towards God have laid a foundation upon repentance from their dead works so that they could have God's permission to go on unto perfection (Heb 6:1& 3).

    Blessings in His truth which reveals the grace of God (1Cor 13:6, Col 1:6)



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ July 16 2008,10:05)
    Welcome Ztheberean

    Hang around, for their isnt a whole lot of love and humility and esteeming others better than themselves going around here.

    There sure is a lot of insisting that their truth is the only way and everyone else is blind and in error.

    There is also a lot of elitist attitudes and exalting of themselves through patronizing and condescending while at the same time claiming to be “controlled” by the Holy Spirit without an act of their wills (I wonder if when they speak in tongues they only do it when the Spirit overtakes them or do they act on their own will and speak and then the Spirit takes controll?), and claiming that their God “does it all” without an act of their own will. It seems that if “God does it all” and they are being led by the Holy Spirit they would be harmless as doves and wise as serpents. However, very often they attack the personality of the person rather than the error of the doctrine by calling them “liars” and “deceivers” and “heritics”, usually over a doctrine that may show truth both ways. These seem to be characteristics of a wolf and not one led by the Holy Spirit. Furthermore it is not like these are blatant decievers they attack, but in fact are true believers or sheep, that Love the Father and Yeshua and believe Yeshua is the Son of God.

    So welcome to the world of Christianity by election and enforced grace, where the love of God is overtaking mens hearts by grace and draging and forcing them into submission to him. Little wonder they try and force their doctines upon men by their accusations that theirs is the only truth, for the God in whom they serve forces himself on them. Strangest thing, if these men are confident that “God does it all” without an act of their will to submit and walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, then why are they not testifying of the sick that are being healed through them, and the souls that are being saved and the deaf ears that are opened and the blind eyes seeing and the lame walking?

    And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Cor 2:4,5

    Notice the “choice” of “their faith” standing in the wisdom of men or the power of God.

    Again, welcome and Blessings!


    Hello WJ,

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am not used to this, I am very refreshed and encouraged by it.

    You Said:
    So welcome to the world of Christianity by election and enforced grace, where the love of God is overtaking mens hearts by grace and draging and forcing them into submission to him.

    My Response:

    I couldn't have said that any better! The reason why most believers admit this is because “they chose” God in their own will, and they don't understand that it's all about GOD choosing, not us. And this IS why their faith is trusting in men, and NOT in the power of God in His words.


    Zethebrean………well you just shot a arrow through Nick and WJ…. in there it's all up to yourself hearts.

    Welcome ………..gene


    Quote (Ztheberean @ July 16 2008,14:02)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 16 2008,07:52)
    Hi and welcomeZ,
    Presumably all men are not within this way of communion with God and others.
    We cannot install ourselves or look to any works of our own to enter.
    Then many of the things you write about indeed are life.

    So how are we to enter this way?
    How is rebirth perfection?

    Hello Nick,

    Thanks for the welcome. You can say that again.
    This is why it is said, many are called, few are chosen. The narrow way is repentance which leads to LIFE, which few find, unless a faithful minister is sent unto them to impart the spiritual gift (of grace in all of its teaching) so that we can be established in the faith and not ignorant. (Mk 6:3-4, Mt 7:14, Rom 1:11&13)
    Those who have true faith towards God have laid a foundation upon repentance from their dead works so that they could have God's permission to go on unto perfection (Heb 6:1& 3).

    Blessings in His truth which reveals the grace of God (1Cor 13:6, Col 1:6)


    Hi Z,
    Certainly all are not saved as few choose the narrow way of rebirth into Jesus.
    Still some here convince themselves otherwise.


    Quote (Ztheberean @ July 16 2008,14:07)

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ July 16 2008,10:05)
    Welcome Ztheberean

    Hang around, for their isn’t a whole lot of love and humility and esteeming others better than themselves going around here.

    There sure is a lot of insisting that their truth is the only way and everyone else is blind and in error.

    There is also a lot of elitist attitudes and exalting of themselves through patronizing and condescending while at the same time claiming to be “controlled” by the Holy Spirit without an act of their wills (I wonder if when they speak in tongues they only do it when the Spirit overtakes them or do they act on their own will and speak and then the Spirit takes control?), and claiming that their God “does it all” without an act of their own will. It seems that if “God does it all” and they are being led by the Holy Spirit they would be harmless as doves and wise as serpents. However, very often they attack the personality of the person rather than the error of the doctrine by calling them “liars” and “deceivers” and “heretics”, usually over a doctrine that may show truth both ways. These seem to be characteristics of a wolf and not one led by the Holy Spirit. Furthermore it is not like these are blatant deceivers they attack, but in fact are true believers or sheep, that Love the Father and Yeshua and believe Yeshua is the Son of God.

    So welcome to the world of Christianity by election and enforced grace, where the love of God is overtaking men’s hearts by grace and dragging and forcing them into submission to him. Little wonder they try and force their doctrines upon men by their accusations that theirs is the only truth, for the God in whom they serve forces himself on them. Strangest thing, if these men are confident that “God does it all” without an act of their will to submit and walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, then why are they not testifying of the sick that are being healed through them, and the souls that are being saved and the deaf ears that are opened and the blind eyes seeing and the lame walking?

    And my speech and my preaching were not with enticing words of man's wisdom , but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power : That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. 1 Cor 2:4, 5

    Notice the “choice” of “their faith” standing in the wisdom of men or the power of God.

    Again, welcome and Blessings!


    Hello WJ,

    Thank you for the warm welcome! I am not used to this; I am very refreshed and encouraged by it.

    You Said:
    So welcome to the world of Christianity by election and enforced grace, where the love of God is overtaking men’s hearts by grace and draging and forcing them into submission to him.

    My Response:

    I couldn't have said that any better! The reason why most believers admit this is because “they chose” God in their own will, and they don't understand that it's all about GOD choosing, not us. And this IS why their faith is trusting in men, and NOT in the power of God in His words.

    Quote (Ztheberean @ July 16 2008,14:07)

    The reason why most believers admit this is because “they chose” God in their own will, and they don't understand that it's all about GOD choosing, not us. And this IS why their faith is trusting in men, and NOT in the power of God in His words.

    If Jesus when he was lifted up (drags as some say) **all** men unto him, then how did “they choose”? ???

    Yeshua does the choosing and the calling and the drawing of all men unto himself. He commissioned his disciples to go and preach the Gospel to all men. His death was for all men. Repentance from dead works is available to all men.

    But not all men “choose” do they?

    Jesus said…

    And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, **Whosoever will** come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:34-37

    First we see Yeshua calling the people unto himself, with the disciples, then after he calls them and they come he says, “**Whosoever will** come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.

    Election and predestination is based on Gods foreknowledge of who would accept and reject him.

    Man can freely choose to follow him by denying themselves and taking up **their cross**, which only they can bear, or they can turn away from him and reject him.

    God does not make that choice for them by forcing them to follow him. Or else all men would be saved and following him.

    For it is his will for all to be saved and follow him, and surely his will is greater than all men.

    But it is not his will for all men to be saved and follow him by force for that is not the definition of Love, and God is Love.

    God doesn't desire puppets on a string or robots serving him, but rather those who yield and submit to his will freely.



    Ztheberan……We need to all have Salt in us, If you would been around at the time of Jesus you would have heard Him call people , snakes, dogs, lying hypocrites, vipers, devils, fools, Satan, false teachers, wolfs, blind guides, etc, and the ones he was talking to were the ones who thought they were the leaders of the people concerning GOD. This is the same today don't think Jesus was not telling the truth when he said (MANY) would come in His name preaching Him and deceive Many. The problem here is just certain people (2 or 3 ) have positioned themselves as if they are the (ONLY) possessors of truth and can direct how everyone else should view scripture. Like they are the authorities on it, they don't mind lying or ridiculing about what a person says, and just ignore posted scripture that disagree with there views no matter how many scriptures you post.

    Hope your stay here is a good one…………….gene


    ztheberean……..if you look at the post before this one notice all the counter dictions , on the one hand it's God who Predestines and Elect a person, on the other hand it;s the person who choses it. Jesus plainly said (NO) and (CAN) come unto me except the Father draw (Greek drag) Him ,either way, It;s God who Does it according to Jesus, but not according to them , to them it your own so-called “FREE WILL” that does it. They love to leave GOD the Father out of the picture completely. When if it weren't for him (NO ONE) could ever have been saved.

    peace to you………….. gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ July 18 2008,03:43)
    ztheberean……..if you look at the post before this one notice all the counter dictions , on the one hand it's God who Predestines and Elect a person, on the other hand it;s the person who choses it. Jesus plainly said (NO) and (CAN) come unto me except the Father draw (Greek drag) Him ,either way, It;s God who Does it according to Jesus, but not according to them , to them it your own so-called “FREE WILL” that does it. They love to leave GOD the Father out of the picture completely.  When if it weren't for him (NO ONE) could ever have been saved.

    peace to you………….. gene

    YES< and Amen brother, that IS the truth, and thank you for pointing out that counter dicition,I did see it. Those who have experienced that we don't have free will understand that God moved us to choose Him.
    This is why it is said that “self-willed” believers are also presumptuous because they are still walking in their flesh which needs to be crucified so that they could belong to Christ. (2Pet 2:10, Gal 5:24)

    It's all about God the Father creating Christ in His “gifted”workmanship so thaT NO ONE would boast that they brought Christ into themselves which is impossible. (Eph 2:10-8, Rom 10:6-7) And this gigt of God working (not us working) needs to be ASKED for.


    ztheberean……..Amen, you nailed it, as Jodi would say. You have no Idea how it brings me joy when see people who understand that. It takes GOD'S Spirit to realize that.

    Love and peace to you and yours brother………….gene


    Hi Z,
    This submission is daily.
    We must take up our cross daily and walk in the light.
    Yes it is by gifted grace and it is gained by seeking and not an automatic change.
    God does not force conformity on His children but offers advice and gives grace to the obedient seekers.

    1Kg 19
    after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

    13And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?

    7Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

    8The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.

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