The unclean spirit of man and the holy spirit

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  • #200434

    Hi T,
    So you say but scripture does not support you.
    Knowing is not doing


    Hi T,
    God is at work in you to KNOW AND TO DO.[Phil2]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 28 2010,12:51)
    Hi T,
    So you say but scripture does not support you.
    Knowing is not doing


    i never say that knowing and not doing it is good ,

    James talks about the deeds.

    unless you walk in the knowledge of the son of God we will not beable to see the light of God.



    Hi T,
    No you enter into Christ by repentance and water baptism.
    Thence you receive what you seek.

    If you do not seek you will not have and if you do not understand you will not seek.[Lk11, Jas, ]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 28 2010,12:56)
    Hi T,
    God is at work in you to KNOW AND TO DO.[Phil2]


    Phil 2:1 Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion,
    Phil 2:2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose.
    Phil 2:3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;




    Hi T,
    Submit to the ways of God.
    Submit to the Spirit


    Hello Pierre,

    What I am stating is nothing new and is certainly not hidden from those who seek God as God even commanded the children of Israel to obey all he commanded them.   He realized that they could not live by the spirit of holiness and so he placed various kinds of sacrifices into the law.

    Jesus knew this and thus would not teach his students any other lesson but the lesson on how to achieve God's desire that his people all he commands them.  It is certainly God's will that Jesus teaches that lesson even today but it is also God's will that the Children of Israel were sent into bondage and scattered among the nations.  When Jesus instructed his student to hold to his teaching he was telling them to obey the lessons he taught them on how to receive and live by the spirit of righteousness.    If they do that they also obey all God commands and thus keep the spirit of the Law.  That too is God's will.

    This morning God led me to read from the first chapter of Romans where we are taught that in the good news a righteousness from God is revealed and this righteousness is by faith from beginning to end, Romans 1:16-17.   James the brother of Jesus instructs us with the words every good and perfect gift is from above, James 1:17.   A good and perfect righteousness is one in which you do not sin which is why we are instructed not to conform to the pattern of this world any longer, Romans 12:2.  

    That is our goal but to reach that goal we must first believe God will and can do it for us and I assure you that he will and can do it.

    Matthew 11:28-30(NIV) reads:


    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    Your fellow student,



    Quote (kerwin @ June 28 2010,18:33)
    Hello Pierre,

    What I am stating is nothing new and is certainly not hidden from those who seek God as God even commanded the children of Israel to obey all he commanded them.   He realized that they could not live by the spirit of holiness and so he placed various kinds of sacrifices into the law.

    Jesus knew this and thus would not teach his students any other lesson but the lesson on how to achieve God's desire that his people all he commands them.  It is certainly God's will that Jesus teaches that lesson even today but it is also God's will that the Children of Israel were sent into bondage and scattered among the nations.  When Jesus instructed his student to hold to his teaching he was telling them to obey the lessons he taught them on how to receive and live by the spirit of righteousness.    If they do that they also obey all God commands and thus keep the spirit of the Law.  That too is God's will.

    This morning God led me to read from the first chapter of Romans where we are taught that in the good news a righteousness from God is revealed and this righteousness is by faith from beginning to end, Romans 1:16-17.   James the brother of Jesus instructs us with the words every good and perfect gift is from above, James 1:17.   A good and perfect righteousness is one in which you do not sin which is why we are instructed not to conform to the pattern of this world any longer, Romans 12:2.  

    That is our goal but to reach that goal we must first believe God will and can do it for us and I assure you that he will and can do it.

    Matthew 11:28-30(NIV) reads:


    “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

    Your fellow student,



    in this you are perfect because you are no longer sinning ,

    and you are convinced of that.Jas 1:12 Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

    Jas 1:25 But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does

    Jas 2:20 You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ?
    Jas 2:21 Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?

    Jas 3:2 We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.

    Jas 3:6 The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire,

    it is in your purpose to learn the truth of God that the difference lays,
    becoming a proselyte of an organization is not the same as becoming a disciple of Christ.
    the first is submitted to the organization of men the second one to Christ and his father.

    you want to live by the spirit look for it ,but where?? in religion or in the word of God ??




    I am not sure of your point but I will answer it as best I can.  

    One fact is that the goal of anyone who serves God is to be righteous as God is righteous and if this is not your goal then you are not a servant of God.  A second fact is that God is righteous and so does not sin in anything he does and he desires the same from his people.  A third fact is that all things are possible for God to accomplish except doing evil.

    The spirit of the Lord is also the presence of the God and just as that presence came to dwell within the temple it also comes to dwell in the temple of those that believe.   Our archetype example of this is the Prince Jesus who taught his students that God did his works using Jesus body and voice.   I am convinced that does not mean that Jesus was a puppet under God’s control but rather that Jesus was filled with the spirit of God’s Love and at the same time he was empowered by that spirit to overcome the world which is to say resist temptation.   Jesus encouraged his students by stating that they too would overcome the world and he does not speak empty words.

    James speaks of those whom continues to carry out the perfect law that gives freedom and so do not sin.  He also states that humans stumble in many ways which seems to be stating that men cannot do what the perfect law requires.  My question though is why should we assume that the stumbles James speaks of are sins as human being were created with limits by God.  If a teacher is instructing her class and attempt to teach them an instructional point but leaves out points she assumes they know but they do not.  Is she merely in error, and so stumbled to the students harm, or did she sin.

    If you sin then you are not living by the spirit of God and you need to confess your sins being confident that God will change you  so that you no longer desire to sin but instead will choose to resist the devil so he will run away.     You may stumble again as you mature but never the less you most persevere in your confidence in God and your honesty about your sins.   This is part of the process of becoming fully mature as is the mere act of being tempted by evil.  Have faith for God can and will come to live within your flesh if you choose to believe.

    You fellow student,



    Hi KW,
    Let go and let God.
    Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit


    Quote (kerwin @ June 29 2010,09:00)

    I am not sure of your point but I will answer it as best I can.  

    One fact is that the goal of anyone who serves God is to be righteous as God is righteous and if this is not your goal then you are not a servant of God.  A second fact is that God is righteous and so does not sin in anything he does and he desires the same from his people.  A third fact is that all things are possible for God to accomplish except doing evil.

    The spirit of the Lord is also the presence of the God and just as that presence came to dwell within the temple it also comes to dwell in the temple of those that believe.   Our archetype example of this is the Prince Jesus who taught his students that God did his works using Jesus body and voice.   I am convinced that does not mean that Jesus was a puppet under God’s control but rather that Jesus was filled with the spirit of God’s Love and at the same time he was empowered by that spirit to overcome the world which is to say resist temptation.   Jesus encouraged his students by stating that they too would overcome the world and he does not speak empty words.

    James speaks of those whom continues to carry out the perfect law that gives freedom and so do not sin.  He also states that humans stumble in many ways which seems to be stating that men cannot do what the perfect law requires.  My question though is why should we assume that the stumbles James speaks of are sins as human being were created with limits by God.  If a teacher is instructing her class and attempt to teach them an instructional point but leaves out points she assumes they know but they do not.  Is she merely in error, and so stumbled to the students harm, or did she sin.

    If you sin then you are not living by the spirit of God and you need to confess your sins being confident that God will change you  so that you no longer desire to sin but instead will choose to resist the devil so he will run away.     You may stumble again as you mature but never the less you most persevere in your confidence in God and your honesty about your sins.   This is part of the process of becoming fully mature as is the mere act of being tempted by evil.  Have faith for God can and will come to live within your flesh if you choose to believe.

    You fellow student,



    yes,you got it right ,that's what i tried to get across,

    wen we walk by the spirit or in the spirit of the will of God ,it imply that even our thoughts as to be in line ,such as if you see colored people and have feelings toward them ,this would break the second commandment,or any kind of people ,the structure that's love for God includes is very deep in our sentiments .because all good things are from God,this was since the beginning of times.



    Hi T,
    First we must be reborn of God's Spirit.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 29 2010,04:03)
    Hi KW,
    Let go and let God.
    Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit

    Nick Hassan,

    Are you speaking of the spirit that Jesus taught would come with power?

    Look at Romans 15:13 and Galatians 4:29 for what I was speaking of.

    You on the other hand were speaking of Zachariah 4:6 where I am confident the power and might being spoken of are not the power of the Spirit of God.

    So if you apllying the scripture correctly then you are agreeing with me that it is by the power of God and not by human effort.  That would fit you words that people need to let go and let God do the work.

    Your fellow student,



    Hi KW,
    There is only one new Spirit given to men.[eph4]
    It is the Spirit of God that proceeds from God in Christ.[Jn15]
    This Spirit is of knowledge and grace and brings the gifts of power[1Cor12]


    Nick Hassan,

    I believe we are in agreement on that.

    Your fellow student,



    Hi KW ,
    Then what is this unclean spirit of man you speak of?
    The only unclean spirits in scripture are demonic


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 29 2010,10:57)
    Hi KW ,
    Then what is this unclean spirit of man you speak of?
    The only unclean spirits in scripture are demonic

    You are mistaken if you truly believe that. I believe your error is caused by your failing to understand what an unclean spirit is. I have been unable to help shed your ignorance on that issue and so I wait for God to do so in other ways if he chooses.

    Your felllow student,



    Hi KW,
    Yes you have given the same opinions time and time again.
    But should you not offer what is written to bible students?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ June 29 2010,12:45)
    Hi KW,
    Yes you have given the same opinions time and time again.
    But should you not offer what is written to bible students?

    You may claim to be a bible student but you have not shown the fruit of being a student of God. When you do then you will know what an impure spirit is and you will also know the difference between a bible student and a student of God. Until then keep going to God in prayer and ask him to give you a believing heart that truly seeks him and his kingdom. I also offer my prayers on your behalf in that endevor as learning is sometimes a difficult and lengthy process.

    Your fellow student,



    Kerwin…………The big problem is people do not understand what SPIRIT (IS). If we could all get that straight it would clear up much confusion Here. IMO.

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene

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