The Trinity Doctrine

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  • #944348



    Here are the undeniable facts = At John 1:1 in the Greek language the true living God is called a different word than what the Word is called-WHY? God and god is why. Proof= 2Cor 4:4–The true living God is called the same word at John 1:1, while satan( god of this system of things) is called the same word given to the Word at John 1:1-Why= God and god–translating is the same at both spots= 100% fact of life. Bible scholars know its 100% fact, if they said truth, then hundreds of religions claiming to be Christian would be proven as false religions. Billions of dollars would be lost every year by those getting paid in those religions. And on top of that about 2 billion mislead trinitarians would sue them because they do know my above post is 100% fact.

    God warned all of you—GET OUT OF HER.

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