The Trinity Doctrine

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  • #799678

    But if you would speak of Muslims then please consider those who have had their lives changed through visions and dreams of Jesus Christ (there are many – and their testimonies are not hard to find)…suddenly they have no problem with the Trinity – because in Jesus they have encountered the Living GOD…!!!

    Sorry DavidL. I have yet to hear of a vision or NDE where someone saw the Trinity. What they usually see is the visible Jesus Christ seated on a throne with God’s glory emanating from eternity and through the son of God to all creation from the river of life that proceeds from the throne. The Father who is Spirit is in all and outside of his own creation. He is not a man and is not solely housed in a finite body for you to see. You see him through others and primarily through the son.

    God is a spirit and we should worship him in spirit and truth.


    The Holy Trinty is the most complex of subjects to understand. We will never understand God in His fullness. It is a matter of faith and acceptance of what, or I should say more accurately Who has been revealed in the scriptures. The New Testament is absolutely clear in who Jesus Christ is based alone on His words and works. The New Testament uses words which in the Greek leave no room for any other meaning other from the fact that Jesus Christ is God and that he already pre-eternally existed with the Father and the Holy Spirit. It seems that there is a lot of speculation and self interpretation of scripture to get to the meaning you want to understand. I will give one example: what other possible explanation could there be for the many instances where Christ is called Lord? The word ‘Lord’ which has on so many times been attributed to Jesus means ‘I AM or YHWH or in the Greek text Kyrios! This is the name of God, in fact  it is God Himself, and the Jews and the apostles would certainly have recognised at the time very well indeed what was meant by this.


    Welcome Mario,

    He said he is the SON OF GOD.

    How does that fit?



    For us there is one God the Father.

    This one true God sent his son into the world.

    And every tongue will confess that he is Lord, to the glory of God (the Father).

    If you disagree, then you are opposing the very foundation that Jesus built his Church upon. It is as simple as that.

    God made this Jesus both Lord and Christ.

    It is simple. Why abandon simplicity in Christ for philosophical doctrines that are impossible to understand because they make no sense?


    Why abandon simplicity in Christ for philosophical doctrines that are impossible to understand because they make no sense?

    Simplicity in Christ is dependence on the Spirit – rather than on your own philosophical doctrines t8..which may seem to make more sense to your natural thinking – but in fact they actually fly in the face of what the Holy Spirit reveals of Christ through the Scriptures.


    Hi davidl,

    Which teachings in scripture are about some sort of corporate god?

    You confuse the Holy Spirit with the ideas of men which were developed to counter error as you told us.


    Simplicity in Christ is dependence on the Spirit – rather than on your own philosophical doctrines t8..which may seem to make more sense to your natural thinking – but in fact they actually fly in the face of what the Holy Spirit reveals of Christ through the Scriptures.

    lol. So Jesus as the son of God (the Father), is my own philosophy? Truly you give me much more credit than I deserve. I didn’t figure that out, I was told it. lol.


    lol – you are so cleaver…


    Hi davidl,

    Which teachings in scripture are about some sort of corporate god?

    Corporate god is your own understanding…

    “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” – (John 14:26)

    “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words: and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him, and make Our abode with him.” (John 14:23)

    “And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him; for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:16-18)

    See how the Three work together as One..

    You cannot have the Father without the Son or the Spirit..

    Tri-Unity…(so plain to see – if you’re not blinded by your own doctrinal prejudices).


    Hi davidl,

    The Holy Spirit is not SEPARATE from either the Father and the Son.

    You say you have the Spirit but yet promote such folly?



    so you agree the Three are One..

    is it just the word ‘TRINITY’ you have a problem with..?


    Hi Davidl,

    What trinity?

    Is it spoken of in scripture?


    so you agree the Three are One..
    is it just the word ‘TRINITY’ you have a problem with..?

    Clearly DavidL, you didn’t read Nick’s post properly or you lack understanding.

    Either way, you need to be better than that.


    Simplicity in Christ is dependence on the Spirit – rather than on your own philosophical doctrines t8..which may seem to make more sense to your natural thinking – but in fact they actually fly in the face of what the Holy Spirit reveals of Christ through the Scriptures.

    But here is the thing. You are the one promoting a philosophical doctrine that attempts to explain God. lol.

    I give you scripture.

    for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    You pretty much give me:

    Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith except every one do keep whole and undefiled; without doubt he shall perish everlastingly. And the catholic faith is this: That we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity;…

    Think about your quote above David and know that we should get rid of the log in our eye before pointing out the speck in others.

    It is so obvious Davidl, yet while you have eyes, you cannot see it.


    “JESUS IS GOD.” – John MacArthur

    Sound Biblical teaching on the Deity of Jesus Christ from John 5



    Hi Davidl,

    Why do you prefer the teachings of ignorant men to Jesus Christ?


    Actually Nick – I gave up listening to you a long time ago…
    (when you called the Word’s of Jesus Christ “useless”).


    Hi davidl,

    I think you gave up listening a long time ago too.



    It simply CANNOT be comprehended alone by the natural mind – which is the very reason WHY it is debated and rejected on this web site..but comes to us only by way of REVELATION from the Spirit through the Word of God…(you must be born again).

    Those that rely on logic, and interpret Scripture according to their natural understanding (but NOT by the Spirit), are simply BLIND to the spiritual reality of Jesus Christ – who is, according to the inspired Word (..and revealed to the SEEING, LISTENING heart), not only the Son of God – but ONE with the Father… as God.

    Trinity (if you break down the word) simply means – Tri-Unity or the Unity of Three…and really it is just a completely self-evident fact when you consider that you cannot have the Father without the Son or the Holy Spirit  period.  As Believers, the Three always go together as the undivided Godhead in the work of our salvation. In Christ.. we also have the Father and the Holy Spirit, as we know from our own experience, and which is confirmed by the Word -“For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” (Colossians 2:9)

    This was the faith of the early church, which shines through very strongly in the writings of the church fathers – the true Deity of Jesus Christ was defended JEALOUSLY by saints of old against the Unitarian (and many other) heresies of their day… and which are now again resurfacing like weeds amid the wheat, as we draw near to the great end-time Harvest of all that has been sown.


    Hi davidl,

    Then why are you casting the seeds of man’s thoughts instead of the TEACHINGS of scripture?

    Scripture never teaches about any trinity of three deities does it?

    The blindness seems to be in you.

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