The Trinity Doctrine

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    Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets is also called “logos”.

    The difference is that logos can be an attribute and “the logos” is also a person. In John 1:1 “logos” is preceeded with an article hence defining it as an identity that also happens to be WITH God.

    But “logos” is also an attribute of God.

    Similarly, truth is an attribute of God, but when we say “the Truth” we are talking of Christ, who is a unique person.

    So if God is truth, and he begats that attribute from himself to be a unique person with a unique will, then he can be called the Truth. God begat a son in his OWN likeness. The son has attributes like truth, wisdom, light etc and is often called by those attributes. But all those attributes originate in God, the Father, but are personified in Christ. This pattern also reflects the truth that we too should be like Christ. Yet in identity we will never be Christ himself, but hopefully like him.

    Tatian put it like this (165 A.D):

    For just as from one torch many fires are lighted, but the light of the first torch is not lessened by the kindling of many torches, so the Word, coming forth from the Word-Power of the Father, has not divested of the Word-Power Him who begat Him.

    Whether we agree with Tatian or not, the fact is there is a difference between an attribute and a person who personifies an attribute.

    One is a quality the other a unique person.


    Quote (Oxy @ Sep. 07 2006,20:36)
    Elidad I am not Catholic and nd many of their practises to be totally anti-Scriptural.

    Yet you adhere to the Roman Catholic Faith whether you know it or not.

    Perhaps it is time for you to admit that it is possible that you have taken on board some pagan doctrine. But if you wish to be proud and say this is impossible, then you will only remain in ignorance.


    Hi Oxy,

    “The Scripture you quoted, if you read it again placing “Jesus” in there instead of Word you will hopefully see what I mean.”

    I do not know how you can alone make this determination of meaning, and then castigate others for not sharing it?

    2Peter 1
    ” 20Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.”


    Quote (t8 @ Sep. 07 2006,01:59)
    Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets is also called “logos”.

    The difference is that logos can be an attribute and “the logos” is also a person. In John 1:1 “logos” is preceeded with an article hence defining it as an identity that also happens to be WITH God.

    But “logos” is also an attribute of God.

    For more info, check out my page

    Old Testament prophecy was Hebrew, not Greek, but the Word of God visited many people in the OT. The Word of God came to Moses saying….

    The Word of God was later made flesh. If you keep reading John 1 you will see that that “attribute of God was made flesh.


    Oops, stuffed that up..

    Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets is also called “logos”.

    The difference is that logos can be an attribute and “the logos” is also a person. In John 1:1 “logos” is preceeded with an article hence defining it as an identity that also happens to be WITH God.

    But “logos” is also an attribute of God.

    For more info, check out my page


    Quote (t8 @ Sep. 07 2006,02:19)

    Quote (Oxy @ Sep. 07 2006,20:36)
    Elidad I am not Catholic and nd many of their practises to be totally anti-Scriptural.

    Yet you adhere to the Roman Catholic Faith whether you know it or not.

    Perhaps it is time for you to admit that it is possible that you have taken on board some pagan doctrine. But if you wish to be proud and say this is impossible, then you will only remain in ignorance.



    Quote (camrezaie @ Sep. 07 2006,01:25)
    “Thus ,if,  as you say, the Holy Spirit does not hold equal rank with the Father and Son, you have just rejected a major premise of trinitarian theology.”

    hm thats interesting, i have some something for you to think about.. so Oxy you dont that the holy Spirit has equal rank with father and son and you believe in the trinity? well then obviously you see something just doesnt add up… think about this…. if you think a piece of the trinity is wrong then how can the entire idea be right? you cant have a mixture of truths and lies and ultimately deem it as one truth… that is just foolish…. therefore if you believe a piece of the trinity is wrong then the ENTIRE thing should be wrong all together to you… i hope this helps :)

    I have explained so many times in so many places to all who have made such accusations against me that I believe in Father, Son and Holy Spirit as shown in the Scriptures. I do not adhere to the trinity doctrine that I have seen portrayed by others on here.


    Quote (camrezaie @ Sep. 07 2006,01:26)
    if it were really inspired of god and really what god wants us to learn, there would be 100% truth in it, just like the bible has 100% truth in it…

    If I was capable of 100% truth, my name would be Jesus Christ, which it is not.


    Hi Oxy,
    Paul said,

    “It is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me”

    We too should be moving towards that position
    but unless we learn to abide in the scriptures
    rather than relying on personal experiences
    we cannot move on very far.

    We are camped at Lake Experience,
    and while the view is pretty,
    we note the day draws to an end
    and there is much walking to be done.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 07 2006,03:32)
    Hi Oxy,
    Paul said,

    “It is no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me”

    We too should be moving towards that position
    but unless we learn to abide in the scriptures
    rather than relying on personal experiences
    we cannot move on very far.

    We are camped at Lake Experience,
    and while the view is pretty,
    we note the day draws to an end
    and there is much walking to be done.

    And you think Christ doesn't live in me? I can assure you that He does!

    Why do you always assume the worst?


    Hi Oxy,
    No one is judging you except yourself, as your own words do judge you.
    You said

    “If I was capable of 100% truth, my name would be Jesus Christ, which it is not.”

    but did not add that you were desperately keen to grow in knowledge and wisdom which you should be.

    You do not seem to be hungry for the bread of life but seem content with your current experiences and revelations.
    That is sad.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 07 2006,04:27)
    Hi Oxy,
    No one is judging you except yourself, as your own words do judge you.
    You said

    “If I was capable of 100% truth, my name would be Jesus Christ, which it is not.”

    but did not add that you were desperately keen to grow in knowledge and wisdom which you should be.

    You do not seem to be hungry for the bread of life but seem content with your current experiences and revelations.
    That is sad.

    There you go again, making assumptions.

    When I was a new Christian all the Christians could see was someone who had just come out of a gang/crime environment. They said I would never 'make it'. They were concerned that they couldn't keep me out of the pubs. If they had come to the pubs with me they would have seen me drinking coke or lemonade and witnessing to Black Power members, Mongrel mob members, drug traffickers, hardened criminals and the like.

    You remind me a lot of those Christians.


    Quote (Oxy @ Sep. 07 2006,22:04)
    The Word of God was later made flesh. If you keep reading John 1 you will see that that “attribute of God was made flesh.

    To Oxy,

    If you are advocating that the logos (that was with God) was a mere attribute of God only, that would lead me to conclude that you are saying that the Word of God wasn't a person or identity.

    In this case not only do I disagree with you, but so do Trinitarians.

    I am not sure what version of Trinity you are advocating, but it seems to cross the line into Unitarianism too.

    I am not trying to discourage your faith, but you know that when we bring a teaching, it must stand up to the word of God. If it doesn't then we have a duty to correct, lest others come here and are led astray.

    Preaching to gang members in the pub is not only fine but it is good and can yeild great results for the Kingdom and for the salvation of those you approach. But it is also just as important to defend the truth and the faith.

    As you have figured out by now, we do not defend the Roman Catholic faith, rather the catholic (universal) one.

    For what good can come of a lie?

    The Roman Catholic faith BTW is the Trinity.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 07 2006,04:27)
    Hi Oxy,
    No one is judging you except yourself, as your own words do judge you.
    You said

    “If I was capable of 100% truth, my name would be Jesus Christ, which it is not.”

    but did not add that you were desperately keen to grow in knowledge and wisdom which you should be.

    You do not seem to be hungry for the bread of life but seem content with your current experiences and revelations.
    That is sad.

    While we're on the subject, the Bread of Life is Jesus, not Scripture. I thought you would have known that.

    Joh 6:35 And Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes on Me shall never thirst.


    Quote (t8 @ Sep. 07 2006,05:07)

    Quote (Oxy @ Sep. 07 2006,22:04)
    The Word of God was later made flesh. If you keep reading John 1 you will see that that “attribute of God was made flesh.

    To Oxy,

    If you are advocating that the logos (that was with God) was a mere attribute of God only, that would lead me to conclude that you are saying that the Word of God wasn't a person or identity.

    In this case not only do I disagree with you, but so do Trinitarians.

    I am not sure what version of Trinity you are advocating, but it seems to cross the line into Unitarianism too.

    Far out Nick… When I used the word “attribute” I was quoting someone else. Sheesh!!!


    Actually it was t8 that called the Word of God an attribute of God.

    Quote from t8: The difference is that logos can be an attribute and “the logos” is also a person. In John 1:1 “logos” is preceeded with an article hence defining it as an identity that also happens to be WITH God.

    But “logos” is also an attribute of God.

    Similarly, truth is an attribute of God, but when we say “the Truth” we are talking of Christ, who is a unique person.


    oops, t8, that should have been aimed at you.. I don't know where you're coming from buddy.


    Correct. All (good) originates in God.

    Truth, wisdom, light, love, life, logos, spirit…

    Jesus personifies these attributes of God. He is the Truth, he is the Logos, he is the life.

    Hebrews 1:3
    The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

    Colossians 2:9
    For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form,

    2 Corinthians 4:4
    The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.


    Hi Oxy,
    C'mon then. Lets move those dogies right along.


    Quote (Oxy @ Sep. 07 2006,05:08)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 07 2006,04:27)
    Hi Oxy,
    No one is judging you except yourself, as your own words do judge you.
    You said

    “If I was capable of 100% truth, my name would be Jesus Christ, which it is not.”

    but did not add that you were desperately keen to grow in knowledge and wisdom which you should be.

    You do not seem to be hungry for the bread of life but seem content with your current experiences and revelations.
    That is sad.

    While we're on the subject, the Bread of Life is Jesus, not Scripture.  I thought you would have known that.

    Joh 6:35  And Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes on Me shall never thirst.

    Hi Oxy,
    I agree he is but in this verse from Lk 4
    ” 3And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread.

    4And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.”

    Had Jesus done this too?

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