The temptation of Jesus Christ

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    Hi Mike, I just read all of this….. I thought it pretty funny that Kathi does not want to discuss Scriptures with you…. Maybe that is what I should have done to Her….. What is She afraid of????
    Maybe She knows She can't proof the compound doctrine She invented….. there is no trinity, and that is were She is leaning to….. Peace Irene


    I think that it is pretty funny that you ran away from our one on one discussion and then you said what you just did. :laugh:

    Prove that I didn't discuss this topic because I do not want to discuss scriptures with him. Prove it Irene, or be stop spouting off!


    While you are at it, prove that I invented the compound unity doctrine, or stop spouting off about that too. Google 'compound unity of God' and see if I am the writer of every article or if every writer uses me as their source. You are being ridiculous with saying that and showing how uninformed you are!

    You are lying about this:
    Here I saved you the trouble…now look at it and every time that you say the compound unity doctrine was my invention, I will tell everyone that you lied. Is that the way you want it? If it is, then just keep rattling off the lie.….refox-a


    I must apologize for the wording of my last post.  Kathi is insisting that she never “showed great fear” of this topic.  In all fairness, she never said the words “Mike, I'm afraid to discuss this topic”.  

    What I should have said is that I SENSED great fear in her when I first brought this topic up.

    And I still SENSE that it is this unadmitted fear that keeps her from dealing with this issue.

    Kathi, Satan knows who the God is that created him.  And guess what?  He knows that Jesus is the SON OF that God………not that God Himself.  Hmmmmm……………just like all of the scriptures teach.  ???

    Run, run, as fast as you can…………………you'll never be able to outrun the TRUTH! :D


    I should know if I am afraid or not.  Right?  I know that is not why I am not discussing this topic. Along with what I have told you from the beginning, it is because, imo you exalt satan when we discuss him.  You make him bigger than he is and I do not want to participate in you doing that.

    So, I know you do not have discernment and do not 'sense' the truth about me.  That is what you have proved, thank you for continuing to make that clear that what you sense and what is true are two different things.


    Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 06 2011,10:41)
    I think that it is pretty funny that you ran away from our one on one discussion and then you said what you just did. :laugh:

    Prove that I didn't discuss this topic because I do not want to discuss scriptures with him.  Prove it Irene, or be stop spouting off!

    You remember what Scripture you put up from the very beginning?  

    I don't like accusations…..that is why I stopped….

    Col 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ. 9For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, 10and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;


    Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 05 2011,20:13)
    you exalt satan when we discuss him.  You make him bigger than he is and I do not want to participate in you doing that.

    I'm not trying to exalt Satan any higher than he is, nor have I ever.  It is people like you and Keith and Jack that place certain people higher and others lower than scriptures teach.  I'm the one who is keeping it real.

    Speaking of which, why can't you answer one simple question Kathi?

    Was Satan trying to bribe the God who created him to worship him – using the very kingdoms that God gave to him in the first place?

    Or am I exalting Satan by asking you that question?


    I did not put any false accusations. When I accuse you of anything, it is true and I can prove it. This is what I wrote:

    For starters, you believe that 'firstborn' means 'first created' which it does not.

    Are you denying that you believe that firstborn means first created?

    You, yourself said this:

    He created Jesus from nothing.

    You can sure dish out the accusations but you can't take them, Irene. And you have dished out many false accusations against me, on this page alone you have dished out two.

    False accusations are lies, Irene. That is against God's will. Now, go on and prove the two accusations that you made on this page, or apologize. There are more that I could ask you to prove if I wanted to.

    It is funny that you put up Col 2:8 about seeing to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world. You are the one trying to take us captive with man's teaching and not God's. Jesus nor His apostles ever taught that He was created, man teaches that, and the commentary is written by a man, that you put up, and you claim that you don't care what any other man is saying:

    As far as Barnes is concerned, you should know by now that I don't care what any other man is saying, I go by Scripture, especially since He believes in the trinity….

    That is convenient, Irene, to not consider the opposition just because it doesn't agree with you. That is called hiding your head in the sand. An honest person wants truth even if it doesn't agree with their understanding. Truth is better than remaining in deception. Truth sets us free. We must not lean on our own understanding. The Christians that believe in the compound unity of God believe in Son of God too. They believe that He wasn't created though and therefore a literal natural Son which could not be a 'created out of nothing' son.

    Think about it, Irene. You don't like accusations towards you but you dish them out towards others. The problem is when one dishes out accusations that aren't true. You shouldn't dish out false accusations against others. God doesn't condone that.





    You can sure dish out the accusations but you can't take them, Irene. And you have dished out many false accusations against me, on this page alone you have dished out two.

    Kathi! MANY FALSE ACCUSATION AGAINST YOU? Which ones….. So I said you invented the doctrine of the Jehovah Unity…..Oh, I am so sorry I said 'invented” what else did I accuse you of??????????
    Whether you invented it or no, but you teach it…..


    Kathi, who else believes that we have TWO Almighty Gods who created us and that we should worship BOTH of them? ???

    I agree with Irene that this is YOUR OWN invention.

    Btw, “Yes” to which question?



    remember Kathi left the scriptures to go into men written books and opinions to look for truth ,

    so she left one God and so far she now has two ,if she keeps going she will come up with tree,



    Mike and Pierre! What is so sad that there are people just like her that believe the Compound Unity of Jehovah….. I really did not know that until I checked it out on the Internet….They simple ignore good Scriptures that teach us that Jehovah is ONE Mighty God not two or three…. Irene


    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 09 2011,23:19)
    if she keeps going she will come up with tree,


    Did you mean to say she will come up with THREE? Or are you saying she will end UP A TREE without a ladder? :D :laugh: :D

    I suppose that both are applicable. :D


    Quote (Pastry @ Sep. 10 2011,11:22)
    Mike and Pierre!  What is so sad that there are people just like her that believe the Compound Unity of Jehovah….. I really did not know that until I checked it out on the Internet….They simple ignore good Scriptures that teach us that Jehovah is ONE Mighty God not two or three…. Irene


    Do these people boldly acknowledge that they have TWO completely separate Gods who created them? Do they acknowledge that they worship TWO separate Gods?

    Or do they, like the Trinitarians, try to make their Gods into ONE God in order to fit in with a monotheistic faith?


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 11 2011,10:29)

    Quote (Pastry @ Sep. 10 2011,11:22)
    Mike and Pierre!  What is so sad that there are people just like her that believe the Compound Unity of Jehovah….. I really did not know that until I checked it out on the Internet….They simple ignore good Scriptures that teach us that Jehovah is ONE Mighty God not two or three…. Irene


    Do these people boldly acknowledge that they have TWO completely separate Gods who created them?  Do they acknowledge that they worship TWO separate Gods?

    Or do they, like the Trinitarians, try to make their Gods into ONE God in order to fit in with a monotheistic faith?

    Mike!  They say that Jesus is God… And Deity they give these Scriptures
    Isa 9:6   For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.  

    Mal 3:1 ¶ Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.  

    Let me go to the Internet and see if I can find it again…. The article is to long otherwise I would put it up…. I just found it again, so you can too….

    Peace Irene


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Sep. 11 2011,17:26)

    Quote (terraricca @ Sep. 09 2011,23:19)
    if she keeps going she will come up with tree,


    Did you mean to say she will come up with THREE?  Or are you saying she will end UP A TREE without a ladder?   :D  :laugh:  :D

    I suppose that both are applicable.  :D


    yeah ,3 three,

    but Kathi barks at the wrong tree ,God does not listen

    :D :D :D


    Quote (Pastry @ Sep. 10 2011,18:23)
    Mike! They say that Jesus is God… And Deity they give these Scriptures

    Okay. But saying Jesus is God is not the same as saying they have TWO completely separate Gods that they worship.

    To my knowledge, Kathi is the only one claiming TWO God Almighties.


    Two that are ONE Mike. You leave that 'that are ONE' out conveniently? Do you desire to deceive and mislead?



    What does that mean, Kathi? Does it mean you have only ONE God, who is made up of TWO persons? Or does it mean you have TWO GODS who are one in purpose?

    Because in the Freak Greek thread, you clearly said that Jesus was A DIFFERENT GOD who was with “THE God” in the beginning.

    It seems to me that we both acknowledged that John 1:1 spoke of TWO gods. And the only difference was that I thought one was “God” and the other was “a god”, while you thought they both were “Gods”.

    Correct me if I'm wrong.

    And please explain what “two Gods who are One” means.

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