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- September 12, 2006 at 10:32 pm#28035
ParticipantScriptures with the word “soul” in them:
Beginning in Genesis:
“And God proceeded to create the great sea monsters and every living soul that moves about, which the waters swarmed forth according to their kinds, and every winged flying creature according to its kind. And God got to see that [it was] good.”GENESIS 1:30
“And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it came to be so.”GENESIS 2:7
“And Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul.”GENESIS 2:19
“Now Jehovah God was forming from the ground every wild beast of the field and every flying creature of the heavens, and he began bringing them to the man to see what he would call each one; and whatever the man would call it, each living soul, that was its name.”GENESIS 9:4-5
“Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat. And, besides that, YOUR blood of YOUR souls shall I ask back. From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back; and from the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man.”GENESIS 9:10
“and with every living soul that is with YOU, among fowls, among beasts and among all living creatures of the earth with YOU, from all those going out of the ark to every living creature of the earth.”GENESIS 9:12
“And God added: “This is the sign of the covenant that I am giving between me and YOU and every living soul that is with YOU, for the generations to time indefinite.”GENESIS 9:15-16
“And I shall certainly remember my covenant which is between me and YOU and every living soul among all flesh; and no more will the waters become a deluge to bring all flesh to ruin. And the rainbow must occur in the cloud, and I shall certainly see it to remember the covenant to time indefinite between God and every living soul among all flesh that is upon the earth.””GENESIS 12:13
“Please say you are my sister, in order that it may go well with me on your account, and my soul will be certain to live due to you.””GENESIS 17:14
“And an uncircumcised male who will not get the flesh of his foreskin circumcised, even that soul must be cut off from his people. He has broken my covenant.””GENESIS 19:17
“And it came about that, as soon as they had brought them forth to the outskirts, he began to say: “Escape for your soul! Do not look behind you and do not stand still in all the District! Escape to the mountainous region for fear you may be swept away!””GENESIS 19:19-20
“Please, now, your servant has found favor in your eyes so that you are magnifying your loving-kindness, which you have exercised with me to preserve my soul alive, but I—I am not able to escape to the mountainous region for fear calamity may keep close to me and I certainly die. Please, now, this city is nearby to flee there and it is a small thing. May I, please, escape there—is it not a small thing?—and my soul will live on.””GENESIS 27:4
“Then make me a tasty dish such as I am fond of and bring it to me and, ah, let me eat, in order that my soul may bless you before I die.””GENESIS 27:19
“And Jacob went on to say to his father: “I am Ésau your firstborn. I have done just as you have spoken to me. Raise yourself up, please. Sit down and eat some of my game, in order that your soul may bless me.””GENESIS 27:25
“Then he said: “Bring it near to me that I may eat some of the game of my son, to the end that my soul may bless you.” With that he brought it near to him and he began to eat, and he brought him wine and he began to drink.”GENESIS 27:31
“And he too went about making a tasty dish. Then he brought it to his father and said to his father: “Let my father get up and eat some of his son’s game, in order that your soul may bless me.””GENESIS 32:30
“Hence Jacob called the name of the place Pe·níel, because, to quote him, “I have seen God face to face and yet my soul was delivered.””GENESIS 34:3
“And his soul began clinging to Dínah the daughter of Jacob, and he fell in love with the young woman and kept speaking persuasively to the young woman.”GENESIS 34:8
“And Hámor proceeded to speak with them, saying: “As for Shéchem my son, his soul is attached to YOUR daughter. Give her, please, to him as a wife,”GENESIS 35:18
“And the result was that as her soul was going out (because she died) she called his name Ben-óni; but his father called him Benjamin.”GENESIS 37:21
“When Reúben heard this he tried to deliver him out of their hand. So he said: “Let us not strike his soul fatally.””GENESIS 42:21
“And they began to say one to the other: “Unquestionably we are guilty with regard to our brother, because we saw the distress of his soul when he implored compassion on our part, but we did not listen. That is why this distress has come upon us.””GENESIS 44:30
““And now, as soon as I should come to your slave my father without the boy along with us, when that one’s soul is bound up with this one’s soul,”GENESIS 49:6
“Into their intimate group do not come, O my soul. With their congregation do not become united, O my disposition, because in their anger they killed men, and in their arbitrariness they hamstrung bulls.”September 12, 2006 at 10:33 pm#28036david
“After that Jehovah said to Moses in Mid́i·an: “Go, return to Egypt, because all the men who were hunting for your soul are dead.””EXODUS 12:15-16
“Seven days YOU are to eat unfermented cakes. Yes, on the first day YOU are to take away sourdough from YOUR houses, because anyone eating what is leavened, from the first day down to the seventh, that soul must be cut off from Israel. And on the first day there is to take place for YOU a holy convention, and on the seventh day a holy convention. No work is to be done on them. Only what every soul needs to eat, that alone may be done for YOU.”EXODUS 12:19
“Seven days no sourdough is to be found in YOUR houses, because anyone tasting what is leavened, whether he is an alien resident or a native of the land, that soul must be cut off from the assembly of Israel.”EXODUS 15:9
“The enemy said, ‘I shall pursue! I shall overtake! I shall divide spoil! My soul will be filled with them! I shall draw my sword! My hand will drive them away!’”EXODUS 21:23
“But if a fatal accident should occur, then you must give soul for soul,”EXODUS 21:30
“If a ransom should be imposed upon him, then he must give the redemption price for his soul according to all that may be imposed upon him.”EXODUS 23:9
““And you must not oppress an alien resident, as YOU yourselves have known the soul of the alien resident, because YOU became alien residents in the land of Egypt.”EXODUS 30:9
“YOU must not offer upon it illegitimate incense or a burnt offering or a grain offering; and YOU must not pour a drink offering upon it.”EXODUS 30:12
““Whenever you take the sum of the sons of Israel as a census of them, then they must each give a ransom for his soul to Jehovah when taking a census of them, that there may come to be no plague upon them when taking a census of them.”EXODUS 31:14
“And YOU must keep the sabbath, for it is something holy to YOU. A profaner of it will positively be put to death. In case there is anyone doing work on it, then that soul must be cut off from the midst of his people.”September 12, 2006 at 10:33 pm#28037david
““‘Now in case some soul would present as an offering a grain offering to Jehovah, his offering should prove to be fine flour; and he must pour oil over it and put frankincense upon it.”LEVITICUS 4:2
““Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘In case a soul sins by mistake in any of the things that Jehovah commands should not be done, and he actually does one of them:”LEVITICUS 4:27
““‘And if any soul of the people of the land sins unintentionally by his doing one of the things that Jehovah commands should not be done and he does become guilty,”LEVITICUS 5:1-2
““‘Now in case a soul sins in that he has heard public cursing and he is a witness or he has seen it or has come to know of it, if he does not report it, then he must answer for his error. “‘Or when a soul touches some unclean thing, whether the dead body of an unclean wild beast or the dead body of an unclean domestic animal or the dead body of an unclean swarming creature, although it has been hidden from him, still he is unclean and has become guilty.”LEVITICUS 5:4
““‘Or in case a soul swears to the extent of speaking thoughtlessly with his lips to do evil or to do good as respects anything at all that the man might speak thoughtlessly in a sworn statement, although it had been hidden from him, and yet he himself has come to know it, then he has become guilty as respects one of these things.”LEVITICUS 5:15
““In case a soul behaves unfaithfully in that he actually sins by mistake against the holy things of Jehovah, then he must bring as his guilt offering to Jehovah a sound ram from the flock, according to the estimated value in silver shekels, by the shekel of the holy place, as a guilt offering.”LEVITICUS 5:17
““And if a soul sins in that he does do one of all the things that Jehovah commands should not be done, although he did not know it, yet he has become guilty and must answer for his error.”LEVITICUS 6:2
““In case a soul sins in that he does behave unfaithfully toward Jehovah and does deceive his associate about something in his charge or a deposit in hand or a robbery or he does defraud his associate,”LEVITICUS 7:18
“However, if any of the flesh of his communion sacrifice should at all be eaten on the third day, the one presenting it will not be accepted with approval. It will not be put to his account. It will become a foul thing, and the soul that eats some of it will answer for his error.”LEVITICUS 7:20-21
““‘And the soul who eats the flesh of the communion sacrifice, which is for Jehovah, while his uncleanness is upon him, that soul must be cut off from his people. And in case a soul touches anything unclean, the uncleanness of a man or an unclean beast or any unclean loathsome thing, and actually eats some of the flesh of the communion sacrifice, which is for Jehovah, that soul must be cut off from his people.’””LEVITICUS 7:25
“For anyone eating fat from the beast from which he presents it as an offering made by fire to Jehovah, the soul that eats must be cut off from his people.”LEVITICUS 7:27
“Any soul who eats any blood, that soul must be cut off from his people.’””LEVITICUS 11:10
“And everything in the seas and the torrents that has no fins and scales, out of every swarming creature of the waters and out of every living soul that is in the waters, they are a loathsome thing for YOU.”LEVITICUS 11:46
““‘This is the law about the beast and the flying creature and every living soul that moves about in the waters and concerning every soul that swarms upon the earth,”LEVITICUS 17:10-12
““‘As for any man of the house of Israel or some alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst who eats any sort of blood, I shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood, and I shall indeed cut him off from among his people. For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for YOU to make atonement for YOUR souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul [in it]. That is why I have said to the sons of Israel: “No soul of YOU must eat blood and no alien resident who is residing as an alien in YOUR midst should eat blood.””LEVITICUS 17:14-15
“For the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood by the soul in it. Consequently I said to the sons of Israel: “YOU must not eat the blood of any sort of flesh, because the soul of every sort of flesh is its blood. Anyone eating it will be cut off.” As for any soul that eats a body [already] dead or something torn by a wild beast, whether a native or an alien resident, he must in that case wash his garments and bathe in water and be unclean until the evening; and he must be clean.”LEVITICUS 19:8
“And the one eating it will answer for his error, because he has profaned a holy thing of Jehovah; and that soul must be cut off from his people.”LEVITICUS 19:28
““‘And YOU must not make cuts in YOUR flesh for a deceased soul, and YOU must not put tattoo marking upon yourselves. I am Jehovah.”LEVITICUS 20:6
““‘As for the soul who turns himself to the spirit mediums and the professional foretellers of events so as to have immoral intercourse with them, I shall certainly set my face against that soul and cut him off from among his people.”LEVITICUS 21:1
“And Jehovah went on to say to Moses: “Talk to the priests, Aaron’s sons, and you must say to them, ‘For a deceased soul no one may defile himself among his people.”LEVITICUS 21:11
“And he should not come to any dead soul. For his father and his mother he may not defile himself.”LEVITICUS 22:3-4
“Say to them, ‘Throughout YOUR generations any man of all YOUR offspring who comes near to the holy things, which the sons of Israel will sanctify to Jehovah, while his uncleanness is upon him, that soul must be cut off from before me. I am Jehovah. No man of Aaron’s offspring when he is leprous or has a running discharge may eat of the holy things until he becomes clean, neither he who touches anyone unclean by a deceased soul or a man from whom there goes out a seminal emission,”LEVITICUS 22:6
“The soul who touches any such must be unclean until the evening and may not eat any of the holy things, but he must bathe his flesh in water.”LEVITICUS 22:11
“But in case a priest should purchase a soul, as a purchase with his money, he as such may share in eating it. As for slaves born in his house, they as such may share in eating his bread.”LEVITICUS 23:29-30
“because every soul that will not be afflicted on this very day must be cut off from his people. As for any soul that will do any sort of work on this very day, I must destroy that soul from among his people.”LEVITICUS 24:17-18
““‘And in case a man strikes any soul of mankind fatally, he should be put to death without fail. And the fatal striker of the soul of a domestic animal should make compensation for it, soul for soul.”LEVITICUS 26:11
“And I shall certainly put my tabernacle in the midst of YOU, and my soul will not abhor YOU.”LEVITICUS 26:16
“then I, for my part, shall do the following to YOU, and in punishment I shall certainly bring upon YOU disturbance with tuberculosis and burning fever, causing the eyes to fail and making the soul pine away. And YOU will simply sow YOUR seed for nothing, as YOUR enemies will certainly eat it up.”LEVITICUS 26:30
“And I shall certainly annihilate YOUR sacred high places and cut off YOUR incense stands and lay YOUR own carcasses upon the carcasses of YOUR dungy idols; and my soul will simply abhor YOU.”September 12, 2006 at 10:33 pm#28038david
““Command the sons of Israel that they send out of the camp every leprous person and everyone having a running discharge and everyone unclean by a deceased soul.”NUMBERS 5:6
““Speak to the sons of Israel, ‘As for a man or a woman, in case they do any of all the sins of mankind in committing an act of unfaithfulness against Jehovah, that soul has also become guilty.”NUMBERS 6:6
“All the days of his keeping separate to Jehovah he may not come toward any dead soul.”NUMBERS 6:11
“And the priest must handle one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering and make atonement for him, since he has sinned because of the [dead] soul. Then he must sanctify his head on that day.”NUMBERS 9:6-7
“Now there happened to be men who had become unclean by a human soul so that they were not able to prepare the passover sacrifice on that day. Hence they presented themselves before Moses and Aaron on that day. Then those men said to him: “We are unclean by a human soul. Why should we be restrained from presenting the offering to Jehovah at its appointed time in the midst of the sons of Israel?””NUMBERS 9:10
““Speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘Although any man of YOU or of YOUR generations should happen to be unclean by a soul or off on a distant journey, he too must prepare the passover sacrifice to Jehovah.”NUMBERS 9:13
“But when the man was clean or did not happen to be off on a journey and neglected to prepare the passover sacrifice, that soul must then be cut off from his people, because the offering of Jehovah he did not present at its appointed time. For his sin that man will answer.”NUMBERS 11:6
“But now our soul is dried away. Our eyes are on nothing at all except the manna.””NUMBERS 15:27-28
““‘And if any soul should sin by mistake, then he must present a female goat in its first year for a sin offering. And the priest must make atonement for the soul who made a mistake by a sin unintentionally before Jehovah, so as to make atonement for it, and it must be forgiven him.”NUMBERS 15:30-31
““‘But the soul that does something deliberately, whether he is a native or an alien resident, he speaking abusively of Jehovah, in that case that soul must be cut off from among his people. Because it is Jehovah’s word that he has despised and his commandment that he has broken, that soul should be cut off without fail. His own error is upon him.’””NUMBERS 19:11
“Anyone touching the corpse of any human soul must also be unclean seven days.”NUMBERS 19:13
“Everyone touching a corpse, the soul of whatever man may die, and who will not purify himself, has defiled Jehovah’s tabernacle, and that soul must be cut off from Israel. Because the water for cleansing has not been sprinkled upon him, he continues unclean. His uncleanness is still upon him.”NUMBERS 19:20
““‘But the man who may be unclean and who will not purify himself, well, that soul must be cut off from the midst of the congregation, because it is Jehovah’s sanctuary that he has defiled. The water for cleansing was not sprinkled upon him. He is unclean.”NUMBERS 19:22
“And anything the unclean one may touch will be unclean, and the soul who touches it will be unclean until the evening.’””NUMBERS 21:4-5
“While they continued trekking from Mount Hor by the way of the Red Sea to go around the land of Édom, the soul of the people began tiring out because of the way. And the people kept speaking against God and Moses: “Why have YOU brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no bread and no water, and our soul has come to abhor the contemptible bread.””NUMBERS 23:10
“Who has numbered the dust particles of Jacob, And who has counted the fourth part of Israel? Let my soul die the death of the upright ones, And let my end turn out afterward like theirs.””NUMBERS 30:2
“In case a man makes a vow to Jehovah or swears an oath to bind a vow of abstinence upon his soul, he must not violate his word. According to all that has gone out of his mouth he should do.”NUMBERS 30:4-13
“and her father actually hears her vow or her abstinence vow that she has bound upon her soul and her father does keep silent toward her, all her vows must also stand, and every abstinence vow that she has bound upon her soul will stand. But if her father has forbidden her on the day of his hearing all her vows or her abstinence vows that she has bound upon her soul, it will not stand, but Jehovah will forgive her, because her father forbade her. “However, if she at all happens to belong to a husband, and her vow is upon her or the thoughtless promise of her lips that she has bound upon her soul, and her husband actually hears it and keeps silent toward her on the day of his hearing it, her vows must also stand or her abstinence vows that she has bound upon her soul will stand. But if her husband on the day of hearing it forbids her, he has also annulled her vow that was upon her or the thoughtless promise of her lips that she bound upon her soul, and Jehovah will forgive her. “In the case of the vow of a widow or a divorced woman, everything that she has bound upon her soul will stand against her. “However, if it is in the house of her husband that she has vowed or has bound an abstinence vow upon her soul by an oath, and her husband has heard it and has kept silent toward her, he has not forbidden her; and all her vows must stand or any abstinence vow that she has bound upon her soul will stand. But if her husband has totally annulled them on the day of his hearing any expression of her lips as her vows or as an abstinence vow of her soul, they will not stand. Her husband has annulled them, and Jehovah will forgive her. Any vow or any oath of an abstinence vow to afflict the soul, her husband should establish it or her husband should annul it.”NUMBERS 31:19
“As for YOU yourselves, camp outside the camp seven days. Everyone who has killed a soul and everyone who has touched someone slain, YOU should purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day, YOU and YOUR captives.”NUMBERS 31:28
“And as a tax for Jehovah you must take away from the men of war who went out on the expedition one soul out of five hundred, of humankind and of the herd and of the asses and of the flock.”NUMBERS 35:11
“And YOU must choose cities convenient for yourselves. As cities of refuge they will serve for YOU, and the manslayer must flee there who fatally strikes a soul unintentionally.”NUMBERS 35:15
“For the sons of Israel and for the alien resident and for the settler in the midst of them these six cities will serve as a refuge, for anyone to flee there that fatally strikes a soul unintentionally.”NUMBERS 35:30-31
““‘Every fatal striker of a soul should be slain as a murderer at the mouth of witnesses, and one witness may not testify against a soul for him to die. And YOU must take no ransom for the soul of a murderer who is deserving to die, for without fail he should be put to death.”September 12, 2006 at 10:35 pm#28039david
ParticipantOk, that took me a while to do. Anyone got the rest of the Bible? I strongly feel that to get the Bible sense of the word “soul,” what it means in the Bible, we must consider what it means as a whole in the Bible. Back to work.
September 12, 2006 at 10:44 pm#28041david
““Only watch out for yourself and take good care of your soul, that you may not forget the things that your eyes have seen and that they may not depart from your heart all the days of your life; and you must make them known to your sons and to your grandsons,”DEUTERONOMY 4:29
““If YOU do look for Jehovah your God from there, you will also certainly find him, because you will inquire for him with all your heart and with all your soul.”DEUTERONOMY 6:5
“And you must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your vital force.”DEUTERONOMY 10:12
““And now, O Israel, what is Jehovah your God asking of you but to fear Jehovah your God, so as to walk in all his ways and to love him and to serve Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul;”DEUTERONOMY 11:13
““And it must occur that if YOU will without fail obey my commandments that I am commanding YOU today so as to love Jehovah YOUR God and to serve him with all YOUR heart and all YOUR soul,”DEUTERONOMY 11:18
““And YOU must apply these words of mine to YOUR heart and YOUR soul and bind them as a sign upon YOUR hand, and they must serve as a frontlet band between YOUR eyes.”DEUTERONOMY 12:15
““Only whenever your soul craves it you may slaughter, and you must eat meat according to the blessing of Jehovah your God that he has given you, inside all your gates. The unclean one and the clean one may eat it, like the gazelle and like the stag.”DEUTERONOMY 12:20-21
““When Jehovah your God will widen out your territory, just as he has promised you, and you will be certain to say, ‘Let me eat meat,’ because your soul craves to eat meat, whenever your soul craves it you may eat meat. In case the place that Jehovah your God will choose to put his name there should be far away from you, you must then slaughter some of your herd or some of your flock that Jehovah has given you, just as I have commanded you, and you must eat inside your gates whenever your soul craves it.”DEUTERONOMY 12:23
“Simply be firmly resolved not to eat the blood, because the blood is the soul and you must not eat the soul with the flesh.”DEUTERONOMY 13:3
“you must not listen to the words of that prophet or to the dreamer of that dream, because Jehovah YOUR God is testing YOU to know whether YOU are loving Jehovah YOUR God with all YOUR heart and all YOUR soul.”DEUTERONOMY 13:6
““In case your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or your cherished wife or your companion who is like your own soul, should try to allure you in secrecy, saying, ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ whom you have not known, neither you nor your forefathers,”DEUTERONOMY 14:26
“You must also give the money for whatever your soul may crave in the way of cattle and sheep and goats and wine and intoxicating liquor and anything that your soul may ask of you; and you must eat there before Jehovah your God and rejoice, you and your household.”DEUTERONOMY 18:6
““And in case the Levite goes out of one of your cities of all Israel, where he had resided for a while, and he does come because of any craving of his soul to the place that Jehovah will choose,”DEUTERONOMY 19:6
“Otherwise, the avenger of blood may, because his heart is hot, chase after the manslayer and actually overtake him, since the way is great; and he may indeed strike his soul fatally, whereas there is no sentence of death for him, because he was no hater of him formerly.”DEUTERONOMY 19:10
“that no innocent blood may be spilled in the midst of your land that Jehovah your God is giving you as an inheritance, and no bloodguilt has to be upon you.”DEUTERONOMY 19:21
“And your eye should not feel sorry: soul will be for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.”DEUTERONOMY 21:14
“And it must occur that if you have found no delight in her, you must then send her away, agreeably to her own soul; but you must by no means sell her for money. You must not deal tyrannically with her after you have humiliated her.”DEUTERONOMY 22:26
“and to the girl you must do nothing. The girl has no sin deserving of death, because just as when a man rises up against his fellowman and indeed murders him, even a soul, so it is with this case.”DEUTERONOMY 23:24
““In case you go into the vineyard of your fellowman, you must eat only enough grapes for you to satisfy your soul, but you must not put any into a receptacle of yours.”DEUTERONOMY 24:6-7
““No one should seize a hand mill or its upper grindstone as a pledge, because it is a soul that he is seizing as a pledge. “In case a man is found kidnapping a soul of his brothers of the sons of Israel, and he has dealt tyrannically with him and sold him, that kidnapper must also die. And you must clear away what is bad from your midst.”DEUTERONOMY 24:15
“In his day you should give him his wages, and the sun should not set upon them, because he is in trouble and is lifting up his soul to his wages; that he may not cry out to Jehovah against you, and it must become sin on your part.”DEUTERONOMY 26:16
““This day Jehovah your God is commanding you to carry out these regulations and judicial decisions; and you must observe and carry them out with all your heart and all your soul.”DEUTERONOMY 27:25
““‘Cursed is the one who accepts a bribe to strike a soul fatally, when it is innocent blood.’ (And all the people must say, ‘Amen!’)”DEUTERONOMY 28:65
“And among those nations you will have no ease, nor will there prove to be any resting-place for the sole of your foot; and Jehovah will indeed give you there a trembling heart and a failing of the eyes and despair of soul.”DEUTERONOMY 30:2
“and you have returned to Jehovah your God and listened to his voice according to all that I am commanding you today, you and your sons, with all your heart and all your soul,”DEUTERONOMY 30:6
“And Jehovah your God will have to circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring, that you may love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul for the sake of your life.”DEUTERONOMY 30:10
“for you will listen to the voice of Jehovah your God so as to keep his commandments and his statutes written in this book of the law, because you will return to Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul.”September 12, 2006 at 10:45 pm#28042david
ParticipantI think there's only about 700 or 800 to go….
September 12, 2006 at 10:48 pm#28047david
JOSHUA 10:28
“And Joshua captured Mak·ke′dah on that day and went striking it with the edge of the sword. As for its king, he devoted him and every soul that was in it to destruction. He let no survivor remain. So he did to the king of Mak·ke′dah just as he had done to the king of Jer′i·cho.”JOSHUA 10:30
“Accordingly Jehovah gave it also and its king into Israel’s hand, and they went striking it and every soul that was in it with the edge of the sword. They did not let a survivor remain in it. So they did to its king just as they had done to the king of Jer′i·cho.”JOSHUA 10:32
“Accordingly Jehovah gave La′chish into Israel’s hand so that they captured it on the second day, and they went striking it and every soul that was in it with the edge of the sword, according to all that they had done to Lib′nah.”JOSHUA 10:35
“And they got to capture it on that day and began to smite it with the edge of the sword, and they devoted every soul that was in it to destruction on that day, according to all that they had done to La′chish.”JOSHUA 10:37
“And they got to capture it and went striking it and its king and all its towns and every soul that was in it with the edge of the sword. He did not let a survivor remain, according to all that he had done to Eg′lon. So he devoted it and every soul that was in it to destruction.”JOSHUA 10:39
“And he got to capture it and its king and all its towns, and they went striking them with the edge of the sword and devoting every soul that was in it to destruction. He did not let a survivor remain. Just as he had done to He′bron, so he did to De′bir and its king, and just as he had done to Lib′nah and its king.”JOSHUA 11:11
“And they went striking every soul that was in it with the edge of the sword, devoting [them] to destruction. No breathing thing at all was left over, and he burned Ha′zor in the fire.”JOSHUA 20:3
“for the manslayer who fatally strikes a soul unintentionally without knowing it to flee there; and they must serve YOU as a refuge from the avenger of blood.”JOSHUA 20:9
“These became the cities appointed for all the sons of Israel and for the alien resident who resides as an alien in their midst, for anyone to flee there who fatally strikes a soul unintentionally, that he may not die by the hand of the avenger of blood until his standing before the assembly.”JOSHUA 22:5
“Only be very careful to carry out the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of Jehovah commanded YOU by loving Jehovah YOUR God and by walking in all his ways and by keeping his commandments and by cleaving to him and by serving him with all YOUR heart and with all YOUR soul.””September 12, 2006 at 10:51 pm#28048david
“The torrent of Kíshon washed them away, The torrent of ancient days, the torrent of Kíshon. You went treading down strength, O my soul.”JUDGES 9:17
“when my father fought for YOU and went risking his soul that he might deliver YOU out of Mid́i·an’s hand;”JUDGES 10:16
“And they began to remove the foreign gods from their midst and to serve Jehovah, so that his soul became impatient because of the trouble of Israel.”JUDGES 12:3
“When I got to see that you were no savior, then I determined to put my soul in my own palm and go over against the sons of Aḿmon. At that Jehovah gave them into my hand. So why have YOU come up against me this day to fight against me?””JUDGES 16:16
“And it came about that because she pressured him with her words all the time and kept urging him, his soul got to be impatient to the point of dying.”JUDGES 16:30
“And Samson proceeded to say: “Let my soul die with the Phi·liśtines.” Then he bent himself with power, and the house went falling upon the axis lords and upon all the people that were in it, so that the dead that he put to death in his own death came to be more than those he had put to death during his lifetime.”JUDGES 18:25
“At this the sons of Dan said to him: “Do not let your voice be heard close to us, for fear that men bitter of soul may assault YOU people, and you have to forfeit your own soul and the soul of your household.””September 12, 2006 at 10:52 pm#28049david
RUTH 4:15
“And he has become a restorer of your soul and one to nourish your old age, because your daughter-in-law who does love you, who is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.””September 12, 2006 at 10:58 pm#28051david
Participant1 Samuel
1 SAMUEL 1:10
“And she was bitter of soul, and she began to pray to Jehovah and to weep greatly.”1 SAMUEL 1:15
“At this Hańnah answered and said: “No, my lord! A woman hard pressed in spirit I am; and wine and intoxicating liquor I have not drunk, but I pour out my soul before Jehovah.”1 SAMUEL 1:26
“With that she said: “Excuse me, my lord! By the life of your soul, my lord, I am the woman that was standing with you in this place to pray to Jehovah.”1 SAMUEL 2:16
“When the man would say to him: “Let them be sure to make the fat smoke first of all. Then take for yourself just whatever your soul may crave,” he actually said: “No, but you should give it now; and, if not, I shall have to take it by force!””1 SAMUEL 2:33
“And yet there is a man of yours that I shall not cut off from being at my altar so as to cause your eyes to fail and to make your soul pine away; but the greater number of your house will all die by the sword of men.”1 SAMUEL 2:35
“And I shall certainly raise up for myself a faithful priest. In harmony with what is in my heart and in my soul he will do; and I shall certainly build for him a lasting house, and he will certainly walk before my anointed one always.”1 SAMUEL 17:55
“Now at the moment that Saul saw David going out to meet the Phi·liśtine, he said to Ab́ner the chief of the army: “Whose son is the boy, Ab́ner?” To this Ab́ner said: “By the life of your soul, O king, I do not know at all!””1 SAMUEL 18:1
“And it came about that, as soon as he had finished speaking to Saul, Jońa·than’s very soul became bound up with the soul of David, and Jońa·than began to love him as his own soul.”1 SAMUEL 18:3
“And Jońa·than and David proceeded to conclude a covenant, because of his loving him as his own soul.”1 SAMUEL 19:5
“And he proceeded to put his soul in his palm and strike the Phi·liśtine down, so that Jehovah performed a great salvation for all Israel. You saw it, and you gave way to rejoicing. So why should you sin against innocent blood in having David put to death for nothing?””1 SAMUEL 19:11
“Later Saul sent messengers to David’s house to watch it and to have him put to death in the morning; but Míchal his wife told David, saying: “If you are not letting your soul escape tonight, tomorrow you will be a man put to death.””1 SAMUEL 20:1
“And David went running away from Naíoth in Rámah. However, he came and said in front of Jońa·than: “What have I done? What is my error, and what sin have I committed before your father, for he is seeking for my soul?””1 SAMUEL 20:3-4
“But David swore in addition and said: “Your father must surely know that I have found favor in your eyes, and so would say, ‘Do not let Jońa·than know this for fear he may feel hurt.’ But, in fact, as Jehovah is living and as your soul is living, there is just about a step between me and death!” And Jońa·than went on to say to David: “Whatever your soul may say I shall do for you.””1 SAMUEL 20:17
“So Jońa·than swore again to David because of his love for him; for as he loved his own soul he loved him.”1 SAMUEL 22:2
“And all men in distress and all men who had a creditor and all men bitter in soul began to collect together to him, and he came to be a chief over them; and there came to be with him about four hundred men.”1 SAMUEL 22:22-23
“At this David said to A·bía·thar: “I well knew on that day, because Dóeg the Édom·ite was there, that he would without fail tell Saul. I personally have wronged every soul of the house of your father. Just dwell with me. Do not be afraid, for whoever looks for my soul looks for your soul, for you are one needing protection with me.””1 SAMUEL 23:15
“And David continued in fear because Saul had gone out to look for his soul while David was in the wilderness of Ziph at Hóresh.”1 SAMUEL 23:20
“And now in harmony with all the craving of your soul, O king, to come down, come down, and our part will be to surrender him into the hand of the king.””1 SAMUEL 24:11
“And, my father, see, yes, see the skirt of your sleeveless coat in my hand, for when I cut off the skirt of your sleeveless coat I did not kill you. Know and see that there is no badness or revolt in my hand, and I have not sinned against you, while you are lying in wait for my soul to take it away.”1 SAMUEL 25:26
“And now, my lord, as Jehovah is living and as your soul is living, Jehovah has held you back from entering into bloodguilt and having your own hand come to your salvation. And now let your enemies and those seeking injury to my lord become like Nábal.”1 SAMUEL 25:29
“When man rises up to pursue you and look for your soul, the soul of my lord will certainly prove to be wrapped up in the bag of life with Jehovah your God; but, as for the soul of your enemies, he will sling it forth as from inside the hollow of the sling.”1 SAMUEL 26:21
“In turn Saul said: “I have sinned. Come back, my son David, for I shall no more do you injury, in view of the fact that my soul has been precious in your eyes this day. Look! I have acted foolishly and am very much mistaken.””1 SAMUEL 26:24
“And, look! just as your soul was great this day in my eyes, so may my soul be great in the eyes of Jehovah, that he may deliver me out of all distress.””1 SAMUEL 28:9
“However, the woman said to him: “Here you yourself well know what Saul did, how he cut off the spirit mediums and the professional foretellers of events from the land. Why, then, are you acting like a trapper against my soul to have me put to death?””1 SAMUEL 28:21
“The woman now came to Saul and saw that he had been greatly disturbed. So she said to him: “Here your maidservant has obeyed your voice, and I proceeded to put my soul in my palm and obey the words that you spoke to me.”1 SAMUEL 30:6
“And it became very distressing to David, because the people said to stone him; for the soul of all the people had become bitter, each one because of his sons and his daughters. So David took to strengthening himself by Jehovah his God.”September 12, 2006 at 11:01 pm#28053david
Participant2 Samuel
2 SAMUEL 1:9
“Then he said, ‘Stand, please, over me and definitely put me to death, for the cramp has seized me, because all my soul is yet in me.’”2 SAMUEL 3:21
“Then Ab́ner said to David: “Let me rise up and go and collect all Israel together to my lord the king, that they may conclude a covenant with you, and you will certainly become king over all that your soul craves.” So David sent Ab́ner off, and he got on his way in peace.”2 SAMUEL 4:8-9
“Eventually they came bringing the head of Ish-bósheth to David at Hébron and said to the king: “Here is the head of Ish-bósheth the son of Saul your enemy who looked for your soul; but Jehovah gives to my lord the king revenge this day upon Saul and his offspring.” However, David answered Réchab and Báa·nah his brother, the sons of Riḿmon the Be·eŕoth·ite, and said to them: “As Jehovah who redeemed my soul out of all distress is living,”2 SAMUEL 5:8
“So David said on that day: “Anyone striking the Jeb́u·sites, let him, by means of the water tunnel, make contact with both the lame and the blind, hateful to the soul of David!” That is why they say: “The blind one and the lame one will not come into the house.””2 SAMUEL 11:11
“At this U·ríah said to David: “The Ark and Israel and Judah are dwelling in booths, and my lord Jóab and the servants of my lord are camping on the face of the field, and I—shall I go into my own house to eat and drink and to lie down with my wife? As you are living and as your soul is living, I shall not do this thing!””2 SAMUEL 13:39
“Finally [the soul of] David the king longed to go out to Ab́sa·lom; for he had comforted himself concerning Aḿnon, because he was dead.”2 SAMUEL 14:7
“And here all the family have risen up against your maidservant and keep saying, ‘Give over the striker of his brother, that we may put him to death for the soul of his brother whom he killed, and let us even annihilate the heir!’ And they will certainly extinguish the glow of my charcoals that has remained, so as to assign to my husband neither a name nor a remnant on the surface of the ground.””2 SAMUEL 14:14
“For we shall die without fail and be like waters that are being poured down to the earth, which cannot be gathered. But God will not take away a soul, and he has thought out reasons why the one banished should not be banished from him.”2 SAMUEL 14:19
“And the king went on to say: “Is the hand of Jóab with you in all this?” Then the woman answered and said: “As your soul is living, O my lord the king, no man can go to the right or go to the left from all that my lord the king has spoken; for it was your servant Jóab that commanded me, and he it was that put in the mouth of your maidservant all these words.”2 SAMUEL 16:11
“And David went on to say to A·bish́ai and all his servants: “Here my own son, who has come forth out of my own inward parts, is looking for my soul; and how much more now a Beńja·min·ite! Let him alone that he may call down evil, for Jehovah has said so to him!”2 SAMUEL 17:8
“And Húshai went on to say: “You yourself well know your father and the men of his, that they are mighty, and they are bitter of soul, like a female bear that has lost her cubs in the field; and your father is a warrior, and he will not spend the night with the people.”2 SAMUEL 18:13
“Otherwise I should have dealt treacherously against his soul and the whole matter itself would not be hidden from the king, and you yourself would take a position off on the side.””2 SAMUEL 19:5
“Finally Jóab came in to the king at the house and said: “You have today put to shame the face of all your servants, the ones providing escape for your soul today and for the soul of your sons and your daughters and the soul of your wives and the soul of your concubines,”September 12, 2006 at 11:03 pm#28054david
ParticipantI think I'm about a third done. I'm taking a break.
September 12, 2006 at 11:55 pm#28065david
Participant1 kings
1 KINGS 1:12
“So now come, let me, please, solemnly counsel you. And provide escape for your own soul and for the soul of your son Soĺo·mon.”1 KINGS 1:29
“And the king proceeded to swear and say: “As Jehovah is living who redeemed my soul out of all distress,”1 KINGS 2:4
“in order that Jehovah may carry out his word that he spoke respecting me, saying, ‘If your sons will take care of their way by walking before me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, there will not be cut off a man of yours from [sitting] upon the throne of Israel.’”1 KINGS 2:23
“With that King Soĺo·mon swore by Jehovah, saying: “So may God do to me, and so may he add to it, if it was not against his own soul that Ad·o·níjah spoke this thing.”1 KINGS 3:11
“And God went on to say to him: “For the reason that you have requested this thing and have not requested for yourself many days nor requested for yourself riches nor requested the soul of your enemies, and you have requested for yourself understanding to hear judicial cases,”1 KINGS 8:48
“and they indeed return to you with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their enemies who carried them off captive, and they indeed pray to you in the direction of their land that you gave to their forefathers, the city that you have chosen and the house that I have built to your name;”1 KINGS 11:37
“And you are the one that I shall take, and you will indeed reign over all that your soul craves, and you will certainly become king over Israel.”1 KINGS 17:21-22
“And he proceeded to stretch himself upon the child three times and call to Jehovah and say: “O Jehovah my God, please, cause the soul of this child to come back within him.” Finally Jehovah listened to E·líjah’s voice, so that the soul of the child came back within him and he came to life.”1 KINGS 19:2-4
“At that Jeźe·bel sent a messenger to E·líjah, saying: “So may the gods do, and so may they add to it, if at this time tomorrow I shall not make your soul like the soul of each one of them!” And he became afraid. Consequently he rose up and began to go for his soul and came to Béer-shéba, which belongs to Judah. Then he left his attendant behind there. And he himself went into the wilderness a day’s journey, and at length came and sat down under a certain broom tree. And he began to ask that his soul might die and to say: “It is enough! Now, O Jehovah, take my soul away, for I am no better than my forefathers.””1 KINGS 19:10
“To this he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies; for the sons of Israel have left your covenant, your altars they have torn down, and your prophets they have killed with the sword, so that I only am left; and they begin looking for my soul to take it away.””1 KINGS 19:14
“To this he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies; for the sons of Israel have left your covenant, your altars they have torn down, and your prophets they have killed with the sword, so that I only am left; and they begin looking for my soul to take it away.””1 KINGS 20:31-32
“So his servants said to him: “Here, now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are kings of loving-kindness. Please, let us carry sackcloth upon our loins and ropes upon our heads, and let us go out to the king of Israel. Perhaps he will preserve your soul alive.” Accordingly they girded sackcloth about their loins, with ropes upon their heads, and came in to the king of Israel and said: “Your servant Ben-hádad has said, ‘Please, let my soul live.’” To this he said: “Is he still alive? He is my brother.””1 KINGS 20:39
“And it came about that as the king was passing by, he cried out to the king and proceeded to say: “Your servant himself went out into the thick of the battle; and, look! a man was leaving the line, and he came bringing a man to me and then said, ‘Guard this man. If he should in any way be missing, your soul will also have to take the place of his soul, or else a talent of silver you will weigh out.’”1 KINGS 20:42
“He now said to him: “This is what Jehovah has said, ‘For the reason that you have let go out of your hand the man devoted to me for destruction, your soul must take the place of his soul, and your people the place of his people.’””* * *
2 kings
2 KINGS 1:13-14
“And he went sending again a third chief of fifty and his fifty. But the third chief of fifty went up and came and bent down upon his knees in front of E·líjah and began to implore favor of him and speak to him: “Man of the [true] God, please let my soul and the soul of these fifty servants of yours be precious in your eyes. Here fire came down from the heavens and went eating up the two former chiefs of fifty and their fifties, but now let my soul be precious in your eyes.””2 KINGS 2:2
“And E·líjah began to say to E·lísha: “Sit here, please, because Jehovah himself has sent me clear to Beth́el.” But E·lísha said: “As Jehovah is living and as your soul is living, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Beth́el.”2 KINGS 2:6
“E·líjah now said to him: “Sit here, please, because Jehovah himself has sent me to the Jordan.” But he said: “As Jehovah is living and as your soul is living, I will not leave you.” So both of them went on.”2 KINGS 4:27
“When she came to the man of the [true] God at the mountain, she at once took hold of him by his feet. At this Ge·házi came near to push her away, but the man of the [true] God said: “Let her alone, for her soul is bitter within her; and Jehovah himself has hidden it from me and not told me.””2 KINGS 4:30
“At this the mother of the boy said: “As Jehovah is living and as your soul is living, I will not leave you.” Therefore he got up and went with her.”2 KINGS 7:7
“Immediately they got up and went fleeing in the evening darkness and leaving their tents and their horses and their asses—the camp just as it was—and they kept fleeing for their soul.”2 KINGS 9:15
“Later Je·hóram the king returned to get healed at Jeźre·el from the wounds that the Syrians got to inflict upon him when he fought Haźa·el the king of Syria. Jéhu now said: “If YOUR soul agrees, do not let anyone go out in escape from the city to go and make report in Jeźre·el.””2 KINGS 10:24
“Finally they came in to render up sacrifices and burnt offerings, and Jéhu himself stationed eighty men outside at his disposal and went on to say: “As for the man that escapes from the men whom I am bringing into YOUR hands, the one’s soul will go for the other’s soul.””2 KINGS 23:3
“And the king kept standing by the pillar and now concluded the covenant before Jehovah, to walk after Jehovah and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes with all the heart and with all the soul by carrying out the words of this covenant that were written in this book. Accordingly all the people took their stand in the covenant.”2 KINGS 23:25
“And like him there did not prove to be a king prior to him who returned to Jehovah with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his vital force, according to all the law of Moses; neither after him has there risen up one like him.”September 12, 2006 at 11:57 pm#28066david
ParticipantI'm realizing now that since many of these scriptures contain the word “soul” more than once, it's not actually 950 scriptures. It's much less.
September 13, 2006 at 12:02 am#28069david
Participant1 chronicles
“Now set YOUR heart and YOUR soul to inquire after Jehovah YOUR God, and rise and build the sanctuary of Jehovah the [true] God, to bring the ark of the covenant of Jehovah and the holy utensils of the [true] God to the house built to the name of Jehovah.””1 CHRONICLES 28:9
““And you, Soĺo·mon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a complete heart and with a delightful soul; for all hearts Jehovah is searching, and every inclination of the thoughts he is discerning. If you search for him, he will let himself be found by you; but if you leave him, he will cast you off forever.”* * *
2 Chronicles
“Then God said to Soĺo·mon: “For the reason that this has proved to be close to your heart and you have not asked for wealth, riches and honor or for the soul of those hating you, neither is it even many days that you have asked for, but you ask for wisdom and knowledge for yourself that you may judge my people over whom I have made you king,”2 CHRONICLES 6:38
“and they indeed return to you with all their heart and with all their soul in the land where they are captives of those who carried them off captive, and they indeed pray in the direction of their land that you gave to their forefathers and the city that you have chosen and the house that I have built to your name;”2 CHRONICLES 15:12
“Furthermore, they entered into a covenant to search for Jehovah the God of their forefathers with all their heart and with all their soul;”2 CHRONICLES 34:31
“And the king kept standing in his place and proceeded to conclude the covenant before Jehovah to go following Jehovah and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his regulations with all his heart and with all his soul, to perform the words of the covenant that were written in this book.”* * *
“Then Moŕde·cai said to reply to Esther: “Do not imagine within your own soul that the king’s household will escape any more than all the other Jews.”ESTHER 7:3
“At this Esther the queen answered and said: “If I have found favor in your eyes, O king, and if to the king it does seem good, let there be given me my own soul at my petition and my people at my request.”ESTHER 7:7
“As for the king, he rose up in his rage from the banquet of wine [to go] to the garden of the palace; and Háman himself stood up to make request for his soul from Esther the queen, for he saw that bad had been determined against him by the king.”ESTHER 9:31
“to confirm these days of Púrim at their appointed times, just as Moŕde·cai the Jew and Esther the queen had imposed upon them, and just as they had imposed upon their own soul and upon their offspring, the matters of the fasts and their cry for aid.”September 13, 2006 at 12:03 am#28070david
ParticipantEach of these scriptures gives us a clue as to what the Biblical “soul” is. What picture is being painted for the word “soul”?
September 13, 2006 at 12:10 am#28072david
JOB 2:4
“But Satan answered Jehovah and said: “Skin in behalf of skin, and everything that a man has he will give in behalf of his soul.”JOB 2:6
“Accordingly Jehovah said to Satan: “There he is in your hand! Only watch out for his soul itself!””JOB 3:20
“Why does he give light to one having trouble, And life to those bitter of soul?”JOB 6:7
“My soul has refused to touch [anything]. They are like disease in my food.”JOB 6:11
“What is my power, that I should keep waiting? And what is my end, that I should keep prolonging my soul?”JOB 6:15
“My own brothers have dealt treacherously, like a winter torrent, Like the channel of winter torrents that keep passing away.”JOB 9:21
“Were I blameless, I would not know my soul; I would refuse my life.”JOB 10:1
““My soul certainly feels a loathing toward my life. I will give vent to my concern about myself. I will speak in the bitterness of my soul!”JOB 11:20
“And the very eyes of the wicked will fail; And a place for flight will certainly perish from them, And their hope will be an expiring of the soul.””JOB 12:10
“In whose hand is the soul of everyone alive And the spirit of all flesh of man?”JOB 13:14
“Why do I carry my flesh in my teeth And place my own soul in my palm?”JOB 14:22
“Only his own flesh while upon him will keep aching, And his own soul while within him will keep mourning.””JOB 16:4
“I myself also could well speak as YOU men do. If only YOUR souls existed where my soul is, Would I be brilliant in words against YOU, And would I wag my head against YOU?”JOB 18:4
“He is tearing his soul to pieces in his anger. For your sake will the earth be abandoned, Or a rock move away from its place?”JOB 19:2
““How long will YOU men keep irritating my soul And keep crushing me with words?”JOB 21:25
“And this other one will die with a bitter soul When he has not eaten of good things.”JOB 23:13
“And he is in one [mind], and who can resist him? And his own soul has a desire, and he will do [it].”JOB 24:12
“From out of the city the dying keep groaning, And the soul of deadly wounded ones cries for help; And God himself considers [it] not as anything improper.”JOB 27:2
““As God lives, who has taken away my judgment, And as the Almighty [lives], who has made my soul bitter,”JOB 27:8
“For what is the hope of an apostate in case he cuts [him] off, In case God carries off his soul from him?”JOB 30:16
“And now my soul is poured out within me; Days of affliction take hold upon me.”JOB 30:25
“Certainly I have wept for the one having a hard day; My soul has grieved for the poor one.”JOB 31:39
“If its fruitage I have eaten without money, And the soul of its owners I have caused to pant,”JOB 32:2
“But the anger of E·líhu the son of Baŕa·chel the Buźite of the family of Ram came to be hot. Against Job his anger blazed over his declaring his own soul righteous rather than God.”JOB 33:18
“He keeps his soul back from the pit And his life from passing away by a missile.”JOB 33:20
“And his life certainly makes bread loathsome, And his own soul desirable food.”JOB 33:22
“And his soul draws near to the pit, And his life to those inflicting death.”JOB 33:28
“He has redeemed my soul from passing into the pit, And my life itself will see the light.’”JOB 33:30
“To turn his soul back from the pit, That he may be enlightened with the light of those living.”JOB 36:14
“Their soul will die in youth itself, And their life among male temple prostitutes.”JOB 41:21
“Its soul itself sets coals ablaze, And even a flame goes forth out of its mouth.”September 13, 2006 at 12:12 am#28073david
Participant6:15 shouldn't have been in there. 7:11 should have been instead.
JOB 7:11
“I, also, I shall not hold back my mouth. I will speak in the distress of my spirit; I will be concerned with the bitterness of my soul!”September 13, 2006 at 12:26 am#28076NickHassan
ParticipantThanks david but we could look them up.
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