The six days of creation: age of the universe

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  • #174698

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 30 2010,20:13)
    hi asher
    it is seen as men views the scriptures are recognized to be from God, if we accept the wise men (non biblical)this could lead us far away into the devils trap,and become entangled with all sort of philosophy in men view and be dragged away from God and Christ sacrifice and so everlasting live

    It is a commandment to listen and learn and to observe what they teach us to do in terms of Torah, so they are not “non-biblical” but rather they are appointed according to the Torah to be in that position.

    If G-d and even Messiah states that this is an eternal decree, I doubt that it could lead us to the devil. None of the Rabbis that I have learned from are evil in any way, they teach about G-d, they believe in G-d wholeheartedly. Philosophy is not a bad thing, buts when it contradicts scripture it is a problem. The Sages do not do that.

    Now, ofcourse not all Rabbis are good guys, that would impossible to suggest such a thing. But the Sages who brought all this Torah to the world were not teaching contradictory lessons.

    The Sages role is not turn people away from G-d or Messiah, rather they are only teaching how to love. By keeping the commandments with the infusing of the love for HaShem and neighbor as self. There is no way that could be a bad thing.

    The Sages were not teaching people to break commandments, to celebrate pagan holidays or participate in pagan customs or believe in Hellenistic philosophies. Those are issues that a believer should be concerned about.

    For almost 2,000 years, the message of the Bible has been de-Judaified and Paganized Hellenized, misrepresented by anti-Torah doctrines and philosophies that are foreign to the original movement of the Biblical people. These are where our disdain should be directed to… not against Rabbis who are devoting their lives to the same teachings that have been passed since Moses and the same teachings that even Yeshua taught and practiced.

    It is with the result of 2,000 years of this false doctrine that he mislead and lead believers astray that we should be worried about people being lead into the ways of devils and entangled with man's philosophies.

    The issue is not with Judaism, it is with the House of Ephrayim which is lost and needs to return.


    Asher………..You are right concerning the House of Ephrayim (ISREAL) as being lost. Jesus plainly told his disciples to go after the LOST SHEEP of THE HOUSE of ISRAEL. They can be identified some what by looking at the Blessings of Jacob on his childern. He said the His name (ISREAL) was to be placed on Ephraim and Manasseh the two sons of Joseph. He said Ephraim would become a common wealth of nations and would hold the gates of his enemies. The only Nation to achieve that is ENGLAND and the United States of AMERICA. There are even more signs, there were originally thirteen colonies that settled America from ENGLAND if you count (ALL) the tribes of Israel you will find there are thirteen of them. Some times the house of Joseph is considered as ONE, but His double portion as the (considered Firstborn son of Jacob) granted Him a bouble portion (Ephraim and Manasseh) And Jacob plainly said let my name (ISRAEL) be upon them. The United States and ENGLAND represent IMO the true Israel Decedents. You can find all the tribes names in this nation. There are more Jew in New York then in the area now called Israel. As i have said before i believe there are far more Israelites then we can even imagine. Possibly Billions alive today and have NO knowledge of it. IMO



    You are quite right with your assessment of the two tribes Ephraim and Manasseh. England “was” the nation the sun never set on, and America “was” the most powerful nation in the world; ever wonder why the decline?

    Gen 12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

    Abraham is the father of the nation Israel; England was blessed until after WW I, when, after first supporting Israel to get their own land back, which by then was called Palestine, they turned against them. The same with America, we used to be allies with Israel, now we have turned against them too for political reasons, and favor them that try to destroy Israel.
    However, when Jesus said he was sent to the lost sheep, the house of Israel, that included all tribes, both houses, Israel and Judah.
    The reason he told his disciples,

    Mat 10:5 ¶ These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

    Mat 10:6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

    was because of the prophecy in

    Dan 9:24 ¶ Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

    This is a prophecy, telling when the Holy Spirit would be poured out on the Gentiles, none Jews.
    Dan. 9:27 is the seventieth week, it is also the week, 7 years, of Christs ministry, only his ministry lasted only three and a half years, or half a week; when the seventy weeks were up, God fulfilled that prophecy.

    Act 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.

    You see, Jesus had alluded to the fact that there were other sheep, none Jews.

    Jhn 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.



    Quote (Elizabeth @ Jan. 27 2010,08:06)

    When you read the first verse in Gen. 1, stop and look at the verse, does it describe the creation, or is it more of a statement?
    Then, have you ever wondered, why would God create the world in such a chaotic state knowing he was about to put all kinds of vegetation on it, birds, fish, beasts of all sorts, and people?
    Would this planet, the way it looked, have given reason for the angels to shout for joy, Job 38:4,7?
    Have you also noticed that everything was created “after their kind”, except man? If you make something after something, does that not mean something must have been there before? except man?
    What do you think this scriptures means, Ps. 104:30?


    why would God create the world in such a chaotic state knowing he was about to put all kinds of vegetation on it, birds, fish, beasts of all sorts, and people?

    And have you ever wondered why an artist will paint an entire canvas blue or yellow or some other color and then proceed to apparently paint over it? (It's called back painting. It creates a symmetry through the painting.)
    Sometimes, in creating things, we start with the large and then fine tune things as we go.
    No artist I know paints every blade of grass.

    Would this planet, the way it looked, have given reason for the angels to shout for joy, Job 38:4,7?

    JOB 38:4
    “Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth? Tell [me], if you do know understanding.”
    JOB 38:7
    “When the morning stars joyfully cried out together, And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?”

    HEBREWS 1:10
    “And: “You at [the] beginning, O Lord, laid the foundations of the earth itself, and the heavens are [the] works of your hands.”

    PSALM 104:5
    “He has founded the earth upon its established places; It will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever.”

    This “founding of the earth” does not seem to be speaking of creating people. If you look at Job 38:4-6, it further demonstrates this.



    Isn't that what I said?
    I'm not sure if what you're saying is agreeing with me or not?


    Ed J

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 29 2010,09:13)

    ashermoshehthreepointonefour,Jan. wrote:

    the topic of this thread

    The six days of creation: age of the universe -> Scripture & Biblical Doctrine

    Hi Asher,

    I have a few questions for you; why do you just ignore them? (THIRD time posted)

    1) How does the expansion of space equate to the slowing of time?
    2) And if so how can it be calculated?
    3) What is this word [kElah] mean?

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 15 2010,10:47)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 29 2010,09:13)

    ashermoshehthreepointonefour,Jan. wrote:

    the topic of this thread

    The six days of creation: age of the universe -> Scripture & Biblical Doctrine

    Hi Asher,

    I have a few questions for you; why do you just ignore them? (THIRD time posted)

    1) How does the expansion of space equate to the slowing of time?
    2) And if so how can it be calculated?
    3) What is this word [kElah] mean?

    God bless
    Ed J


    I apologize, I honestly did not even realize that you were posting this three times. I just saw this now, I am truly sorry about that. I didnt know. Anyway….

    1. universal expansion manipulates time
    2. scientists record data that indicates that time is different in different positions in space. they base their calculations on that data.
    3. kElah is one of the names of HaShem, the “k” is used when writing a name of G-d, take the “k” away, thats one of the Names. “kElah is the short form of the majestic Elokim.

    G-d Bless you as well

    Ed J

    Quote (ashermoshehthreepointonefour @ Feb. 15 2010,14:19)

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 15 2010,10:47)

    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 29 2010,09:13)

    ashermoshehthreepointonefour,Jan. wrote:

    the topic of this thread

    The six days of creation: age of the universe -> Scripture & Biblical Doctrine

    Hi Asher,

    I have a few questions for you; why do you just ignore them? (THIRD time posted)

    1) How does the expansion of space equate to the slowing of time?
    2) And if so how can it be calculated?
    3) What is this word [kElah] mean?

    God bless
    Ed J


    I apologize, I honestly did not even realize that you were posting this three times. I just saw this now, I am truly sorry about that. I didnt know. Anyway….

    1. universal expansion manipulates time
    2. scientists record data that indicates that time is different in different positions in space. they base their calculations on that data.
    3. kElah is one of the names of HaShem, the “k” is used when writing a name of G-d, take the “k” away, thats one of the Names. “kElah is the short form of the majestic Elokim.

    G-d Bless you as well

    Hi Asher,

    On point #2 you make: Please explain how they did this?

    God bless
    Ed J

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