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- February 16, 2015 at 5:44 pm#789163
Participantfor any thing what differentiate satan and God is that God tells his actions prior and satan just do it if he as the okay from God ,satan reasons to do bad is of no understanding ,in God’s way God as always a good reason to act
February 16, 2015 at 7:14 pm#789167kerwin
Yes, God us control and he is righteous.
February 17, 2015 at 3:36 am#789181GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin……So post the other meanings for the word GOD, Make a clear list of them so we have something to talk about , please us scriptures to support your other meanings your comming up with, at least T8 is trying to.
peace and love to you and yours. ………….gene
February 17, 2015 at 4:06 am#789182GeneBalthrop
ParticipantT8…….IN your understanding of the word God, can we call New York city a very great elohim or a GOD THEN? HOW ABOUT a FREIGHT TRAIN, is that also a powerfull elohim or god of somekind, what about an ant it can lift over three times its weight, can ants be elohims, or little gods, where does the line begin and end for GODS OR gods. You see if we view the word God as you seem to want us to, then there is no limit to the word elohims or God’s use. Therefore there isno meaning to the word but ‘power’ of some kind, which could be any thing from an atom to the universe itself. Where is your line at T8?
THE word GOD IS TIED TO A DESTINCT OBJECT OF SOMEKIND, AND ALWAYS IMPUTES A RELATIONSHIP TO THAT object. It never means just the object alone, but it is a “relitive” term , because it imputes our relattionship to that object. Therefore s ripture uses the term as “our”, “your” “their” God, the God of this or the God of that, all of these term show a relationship tied to the use of the word God. IMO
peace and love to you and yours. …………………gene
February 17, 2015 at 7:35 am#789186kerwin
I have already given you evidence and you have supplied none. Should I through every KJV bible away for translating the word elohim to other words than god?
Your claim is absurd and I believe you realize it at some level which is why you do not even attempt to present any evidence to support your case.
This is evidence of the choice the KJV translators made according to Blue Letter Bible’s website.
The KJV translates Strongs H430 in the following manner:God (2,346x), god (244x), judge (5x), GOD (1x), goddess (2x), great (2x), mighty (2x), angels (1x), exceeding (1x), God-ward (with H4136) (1x), godly (1x).4
Provided BLB did not get it wrong there are eleven places where the translators did not translate the word elohim to god. T8 names two occurrences and one occurrence is translated to angels by the writer of Hebrews. That leaves eight other occurrences that you are doubting. Even in the three you are clearly accusing the writer of Hebrews of mistranslating the word elohim to messengers. There is no way I have more authority than the writer of Hebrews. Because of your disbelief you show you show you think you do.
The case is before you and its up to you to either believe or not.
February 17, 2015 at 7:40 am#789187kerwin
1Sa 14:15 Then panic struck the whole army—those in the camp and field, and those in the outposts and raiding parties—and the ground shook. It was a panic sent by God.
his this scriptures false or true ?
I misunderstood you and so gave an incomplete answer.
The meaning of the Hebrew language version is true and the statement in this version is true but the translators may have may have mistranslated one true statement to another related true statement. I have not looked at the evidence though from the evidence t8 put forth it appears this version is a minority choice of translation.
February 17, 2015 at 9:33 am#789192terraricca
try to check things out before you answer in that way it would look more to the truth ;
this is the LXX version 1Sam;15 And there was dismay in the camp, and in the field; and all the people in Messab, and the spoilers were amazed; and they would not act, and the land was terror-struck, and there was dismay from the lord.
so if you going put in question the word of God base on total ignorance this does not help no you or anyone else ;there are enough opinions around what we miss is truth
February 17, 2015 at 9:43 am#789193kerwin
Most versions translate from the Hebrew version which may explain the disagreement between experts. The LXX of the Sea Scrolls is older so it is more likely to be more accurate. It has an Alexandrian Greek slant to some of its translation choices.
February 17, 2015 at 9:57 am#789195Proclaimer
ParticipantT8…….IN your understanding of the word God, can we call New York city a very great elohim or a GOD THEN? HOW ABOUT a FREIGHT TRAIN
I didn’t write the scriptures Gene, so don’t shoot the messenger. I am simply reporting that which is written. If you can’t deal with what is written then you need to change your attitude into one who studies scripture with an open heart and mind toward God and the truth.
How I deal with these scriptures is another question, but you are not dealing with them very well because your defence appears to be ignore or ridicule. I would suggest a godly approach to reading the scriptures and if scriptures conflict with your current understanding, then you might need to revaluate.
February 17, 2015 at 1:38 pm#789214kerwin
Gene is interpreting your words incorrectly. Don’t you believe you should correct him?
February 17, 2015 at 2:41 pm#789223Proclaimer
ParticipantI am so use to him doing that, so I don’t usually bother. I think if he has ears he will be able to hear. If not, then something blocking his hearing and he needs to figure this out for himself as only he is responsible for the life he has been given.
T8…….IN your understanding of the word God, can we call New York city a very great elohim or a GOD THEN? HOW ABOUT a FREIGHT TRAIN, is that also a powerfull elohim or god of somekind, what about an ant it can lift over three times its weight, can ants be elohims, or little gods, where does the line begin and end for GODS OR gods. You see if we view the word God as you seem to want us to, then there is no limit to the word elohims or God’s use. Therefore there isno meaning to the word but ‘power’ of some kind, which could be any thing from an atom to the universe itself. Where is your line at T8?
THE word GOD IS TIED TO A DESTINCT OBJECT OF SOMEKIND, AND ALWAYS IMPUTES A RELATIONSHIP TO THAT object. It never means just the object alone, but it is a “relitive” term , because it imputes our relattionship to that object. Therefore s ripture uses the term as “our”, “your” “their” God, the God of this or the God of that, all of these term show a relationship tied to the use of the word God. IMO
Way off again Gene. You need to understand what others are saying before you can actually have a decent conversation with them. Did you know that?
Let’s go back to the ABCs with this, and hopefully you can understand that I have given scripture, not my own writing.
If scripture says that Nineveh was an ‘elohim’ city or ‘elohim great’ city, then I doubt that it is saying that the city is God and I made this clear. So give up with that line of questioning. You are barking up the wrong tree mate. The point being made is that ‘elohim’ was being used to mean ‘exceedingly great’. Not an object.
Please read my posts before responding. We just ask that you be sensible in your replies. It saves a lot of time and gives the conversations more chances to learn from each other, rather than having to correct people for silly reasons like this.
Quality not quantity. God wants quality too. Make your words like precious stones and gold. Not clay.
So how about an answer. Was Nineveh a God city or a exceedingly great city, or what?
February 18, 2015 at 4:00 am#789239GeneBalthrop
ParticipantT8……Problem is the word God or elohim, does not just mean excedeling great, as the city of Nineveh was, LIKE I SAID ‘NEW YORK CITY COULD BE TERMED A GOD ALSO, IF THAT WERE THE CASE. your leaving off the rest of tbe meaning of the word eholim, (what you lean on and trust in for power “and” guidence), perhaps those people who lived in it looked at it as their GOD, which THEY LEANED ON for power AND TRUSTED IN for guidence, and maybe that is why GOD sent Johna to warn then, he was going to destory it, but when they repented of it and sought the true God , he had mercy on them. So from that perspective Nineveh, could have repesented a GOD to those people, albeit a “false” God. The city of Babylon was a even greater city, I BELIEVE, was it ever called a GOD In scriptures. What your doing T8 IS HUNTING FOR ANY EXCEPTION TO THE TERM GOD, TRYING TO MAKE IT A WORD THAT JUST MEANS POWER. Now if you are goingto do that then why get upset if i say any thing with “power” can be called a God then? I am not trying to ridicule you, but where is the line of the meaning of the word God to you at? Lets be clear on you defiition of the word is all i am asking you and kerwin to be.
peace and love to you and yours. ……………..gene
February 18, 2015 at 1:36 pm#789249kerwin
You are speaking two different language but technically New York City can be called a god as it fits one of the English definitions of the word god. That definition is “<span class=”ssens”> a person or thing of supreme value </span>” and I looked it up in Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary because I was curious. Off hand I believe one way it would be used is New York City is a god among cities. It may be that is what the Hebrews were saying and the translators chose to translate it to great.
You, yourself insist that elohim means power so why are you objecting when it is used for a near synonym?
February 19, 2015 at 8:10 am#789265GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin….. i am not saying that power alone means a god of any type, that is what you and brother T8 are saying not me. What i am saying it is not just a power that make a god, YOU MUST TRUST AND LEAN ON IT FOR YOUR SUPPORT.
You gave a dictionary deffinition of god as a person or thing of supreme value, that might be closser to what i am saying. It must have “supreme” value. When a person places supreme value in something, he or she is giving it the SUPREME position in tbeir minds Right? So that object could represent a god to them “only” nottoanyone else that does not place that SUPREME VALUE ON IT, it to them would not be a god it would be a false god to them right?
So a god is to him that makes it so, he must first see it’s “supreme” value, not secondary value so he or she will trust in it leaning on it for their support “and” power. IMO
Hence the term God is the power we lean on and trust in, to us (true believers) there is only one, all others are false Gods. Now to us GOD IS A RELATIVE TERM THEN RIGHT?
peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene
February 20, 2015 at 8:50 am#789283kerwin
My point is than many words have more than one meaning and the god; whether its Hebrew, Koine Greek, or English; is one of them as can be seen by looking at a dictionary a lexicon.
God himself states he is god of gods. He is not saying he is the God that he is worshiped by other deities that are themselves worshiped. This you know.
February 21, 2015 at 6:20 am#789302GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin…….what you think he is not refering to other “false” God’s, espically when he said ou ofhis ownnothehe looked for “other” Gods, and found “none”. Seems you now have a delimma right, how can you saty there are other true God’s and God say he could fin “none”? The only way you can reconcile that is to acknowledge the all other God’s are “FALSE” God’s. IMO
But continue on, i am sure youcan come up with something.
peace love to you and yours. …………..gene
February 21, 2015 at 8:02 am#789305kerwin
He is not speaking of false gods because he said that he was their god. Yawheh is not the god of the dead so he cannot be the god of the non-existent.
In addition he did not lie when he told the Hebrew people he called them gods, children of the most high.
February 21, 2015 at 8:12 am#789306kerwin
Do you agree with English reputable English dictionaries that the word god has more than one definition in English?
February 21, 2015 at 10:22 am#789314GeneBalthrop
ParticipantGOD NEVER CALL THEM Gods,that would make him a liar,because hesaid thete were “NO” OTHER God’s besides him.
My question to you is why do you chose to deny GOD’S own WORDS said else where, just so you can force the text to imply what it is not. Now if you want to agree with GOD THE FATHER and Jesus and me, them you will understand that statement was given in a possessive sense of the word. It was not saying they were God’s also.
If you understand this, then “everything” SAID THERE FITS God’s own words and Jesus’ words. Why do you think the other words there such as, “unto whom the word of God came”, was put there, because GOD SENT HIS WORDS TO HIS “OWN” IT is all given in a possevie sense. It had nothing to do with those people actually being God’s Themselves. You trash the word God to infer anything you want to come up with, earthquakes, cities, human beings, to you the word GOD HAS NO “DESTINT” MEANING, IT’S WHAT EVER YOU WANT IT TO MEAN, A little god, a Big GOD, a city god, people gods, and perhaps anykind idol god’s seems to fit also, seems what ever your mind wants to come up with can be a true GOD OR god to you.
Why not just through out the word “God”, out of the bible completely, seeming it can mean anything big or powerfull, or little as far as that goes, because people are not really that powerfull, no matter what you or they think they are after all, BIG IS ONLY A RELATIVE TERM. Can you even give us your meaning of the word God, does the word even have any meaning to You? Jesus said clearly “FOR THOU (someone other then the person speaking) ARE THE “ONLY” (meaning no others) TRUE (meaning actual) GOD. NOW if i say ONLY, I am clearly saying there is “NO” OTHERS AND IF I ADD THE WORD “TRUE” GOD TO IT, That means, “ALL” others are “FALSE” GOD’S. IMO
So my question here is why would you even try to make other true God’s in the first place?
peace and love to you and yours. ……………gene
February 21, 2015 at 8:19 pm#789338NickHassan
ParticipantHi GB,
What does “gods beside me”mean?
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