The most high god

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2010,03:07)
    Hi LU,
    So he was copying God and being fully attentive to instructions and not led by God's Spirit?
    Can you follow this god?

    Hi Nick,
    Perhaps the Son's greatest strength was following the instructions of His Father.

    I could only hope to come close to follow Christ as well as He followed His Father!


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Feb. 17 2010,03:55)
    I believe that when Thomas saw Jesus he realized that he was seeing the expression of the Father in bodily form (when you've seen me you've seen the Father). After the resurrection Jesus was no longer merely a man (made Him for a little while lower then the angels) but, having all power and authority given to Him by the Father, having the nature of the Father, being the image of the Father, being the only begotten Son of God, called God in scriptures He always points to the Father and is always obedient to Him. Why should I take the pendulum to the opposite extreme from those who would attempt to make Jesus equal to the Father and forsake the divinity clearly stated in scripture. Kathi has not twisted or changed scripture, If Jesus only does what the Father wills then any praise of Jesus is truly praise to what the Father has done. I believe that Jesus allows the Father to relate with man in ways He never could as the Father.

    My opinion, Wm

    Hi ST,
    Did Jesus not have the power and authority of God while he walked the earth but only after he was raised?

    Did hew then work in his own power and authority till he died??

    He disagrees with you


    Quote (JustAskin @ Feb. 16 2010,07:30)
    Kathi wrote: “Otherwise He would be more likely to say, “My God and My Father.”

    Kathi, do you see what you have written. Why would Thomas call Jesus “God” if they knew who God was(is) and then say call on 'God's Father?
    “My God (Jesus) and My Father (God, the Father).”  your sentence doesn't make sense. That would make Thomas even less than he already was (A doubter and now also a dual Goddist). since you infer – not state this, the whole of that portion is a pointless argument…

    “Thomas went from knowing Jesus as Lord to realizing Him as God at that moment.  Thomas already knew Jesus as Lord.”
    Yes, Thomas went from knowing Jesus as Lord.
    He also realized that he was seeing the God ('Father') through Jesus – JUST AS JESUS HAD TOLD HIM (them).

    This is the whole point of the incident – do you think it was an ACCIDENT that Thomas wasn't there the first time:
    “For you Pharoah, I have raised up to mighty power to bring you down also to show that I AM Almighty God and I give to whom I give and take away from whom I take away and I reveal to whom I revela and deny to whom I deny” (My paraphrase)

    Kathi, WHAT is “A GOD” to you?

    To me, there can only be ONE GOD. no If's, no But's – ONE GOD.
    A God (The God) is:
    – ALL Powerful (Is the SOURCE of ALL THINGS);

    – Contains ALL things (There is nothing outside of God, all things are within him)

    – Is all loving, because all things are his he loves all things – if because of free will, something goes bad, GOd desires that that thing gets corrected and comes back into integrity with his love – at the final, God will have to destroy some part of that which is his like removing a Cancer. Like removing a Cancer, one CANNOT be SENTIMENTAL and feel sorry for parts – ALL cancerous parts MUST be destroyed otherwise it will re-infect the good parts sooner or later (And since there is Eternity to live…!)

    – A God (The GOd) desires Worship of himself – worship is the TOTAL devotion and Servitude of all that is within him that he has given sentient life force (Spirit) to, to give offer back that Life Force (Spirit) as a sacrifice, as pious selflessness.
    (I wrote before that I gave my Son money to buy sweets. Immediately on purchase, he offers me some of his sweets back.)

    Having said this, how then do you place Jesus in the same category as 'A GOd'. Jesus is WITHIN his father, within “God”, how then is he also God. What LIFE FORCE does Jesus give to anyone except that it is done through the medium of “GOD's” Holy Spirit force? Do you attribute raising the dead to Jesus' PERSONAL spirit force – “For he has Life in him…” by means of the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD.

    One cannot ahve two masters for one will love one and hate the other. Ok, a bit strong as it wasn't meaning Jesus and God, but it does mean that you will Worship ONE more than the Other – and GOd is a JEALOUS GOD who desire total devotional Worship from his creation.

    Did Jesus ever say that – I wonder why – Do you? (I Guess not!)


    This is what you wrote:

    Kathi, WHAT is “A GOD” to you?

    To me, there can only be ONE GOD. no If's, no But's – ONE GOD.
    A God (The God) is:
    – ALL Powerful (Is the SOURCE of ALL THINGS);

    – Contains ALL things (There is nothing outside of God, all things are within him)

    – Is all loving, because all things are his he loves all things – if because of free will, something goes bad, GOd desires that that thing gets corrected and comes back into integrity with his love – at the final, God will have to destroy some part of that which is his like removing a Cancer. Like removing a Cancer, one CANNOT be SENTIMENTAL and feel sorry for parts – ALL cancerous parts MUST be destroyed otherwise it will re-infect the good parts sooner or later (And since there is Eternity to live…!)

    – A God (The GOd) desires Worship of himself – worship is the TOTAL devotion and Servitude of all that is within him that he has given sentient life force (Spirit) to, to give offer back that Life Force (Spirit) as a sacrifice, as pious selflessness.
    (I wrote before that I gave my Son money to buy sweets. Immediately on purchase, he offers me some of his sweets back.)

    Now, I ask you…if that is what God is, then what is the Most High God?



    Hi ST,
    Was Jesus a mere man until his resurrection?
    Do mere men do such miracles in their own power and authority?


    Quote (Lightenup @ Feb. 17 2010,08:24)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2010,03:07)
    Hi LU,
    So he was copying God and being fully attentive to instructions and not led by God's Spirit?
    Can you follow this god?

    Hi Nick,
    Perhaps the Son's greatest strength was following the instructions of His Father.

    I could only hope to come close to follow Christ as well as He followed His Father!

    Hi LU,
    You can be one with him.
    He can appoint to you a role in his body and you can share his Spirit.
    And by sharing the same power and authority given him you can continue reconciling men with God.

    But you will need to be free from man's religious stuff.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2010,16:37)

    Quote (Lightenup @ Feb. 17 2010,08:24)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2010,03:07)
    Hi LU,
    So he was copying God and being fully attentive to instructions and not led by God's Spirit?
    Can you follow this god?

    Hi Nick,
    Perhaps the Son's greatest strength was following the instructions of His Father.

    I could only hope to come close to follow Christ as well as He followed His Father!

    Hi LU,
    You can be one with him.
    He can appoint to you a role in his body and you can share his Spirit.
    And by sharing the same power and authority given him you can continue reconciling men with God.

    But you will need to be free from man's religious stuff.

    I didn't learn this from man. What man did you think that I learned this from?


    Hi LU,
    Folk have all sorts of religious ideas.
    Who knows where they all come from?


    You assume way too much. You don't think God gives wisdom to those who ask for it? God gives me wisdom when I ask for it. That is why I believe what I do.


    hi LU,
    The Word of God is the wisdom of God [Lk11.49] and as we align with it God can lay foundations.


    Hi lU,
    Whatever plants not planted by my Father will be pulled out.
    One of Satan's favourite deceptions is that Jesus is another god who came to seek worship.

    So buildings fill every town with the confused worshipping him and other gods.


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Feb. 17 2010,03:55)
    I believe that when Thomas saw Jesus he realized that he was seeing the expression of the Father in bodily form (when you've seen me you've seen the Father). After the resurrection Jesus was no longer merely a man (made Him for a little while lower then the angels) but, having all power and authority given to Him by the Father, having the nature of the Father, being the image of the Father, being the only begotten Son of God, called God in scriptures He always points to the Father and is always obedient to Him. Why should I take the pendulum to the opposite extreme from those who would attempt to make Jesus equal to the Father and forsake the divinity clearly stated in scripture. Kathi has not twisted or changed scripture, If Jesus only does what the Father wills then any praise of Jesus is truly praise to what the Father has done. I believe that Jesus allows the Father to relate with man in ways He never could as the Father.

    My opinion, Wm

    Hi ST,
    His divinity?
    Did this influence his actions as a mere man?

    You mean how he was called GOD?
    But he is not our God as our God is the Father


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 16 2010,17:00)
    Hi lU,
    Whatever plants not planted by my Father will be pulled out.
    One of Satan's favourite deceptions is that Jesus is another god who came to seek worship.

    So buildings fill every town with the confused worshipping him and other gods.

    Hi Nick,
    You said:

    One of Satan's favourite deceptions is that Jesus is another god who came to seek worship.

    That is a huge claim. I want to see you back that up with scripture. It needs to be about Jesus specifically.


    Hi Kathi,

    To back nick up, how about any of the many, many Scriptures that say to worship ONLY Jehovah.


    Hi LU,
    Listen to Jesus on the top of the temple.
    Worship God.


    Hi Kathi,

    I think 1 Cor. 8:5-6 sums it up pretty good. “…yet for us there is only ONE GOD, THE FATHER…..and there is only ONE LORD, JESUS CHRIST…”

    Paul didn't say one God, the father and son combo. Or the father, son and spirit trio.

    Clear enough?


    So, there isn't any verse that says that satan's greatest deceptions is to convince people to worship Jesus as the Son of God then.

    When Jesus was on the temple He was asked to worship satan and He said to worship God. Jesus doesn't worship Himself, His God is His Head-His Father. Our head is Jesus and the Father.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 16 2010,18:31)
    Hi Kathi,

    I think 1 Cor. 8:5-6 sums it up pretty good.  “…yet for us there is only ONE GOD, THE FATHER…..and there is only ONE LORD, JESUS CHRIST…”

    Paul didn't say one God, the father and son combo.  Or the father, son and spirit trio.

    Clear enough?

    Hi Mike,
    The Bible says to “Believe in God, believe also in me.” Jesus says that He and the Father are one…they are united. Our head is who??? Just Jesus or Jesus and God the Father? Who does the Father say to bow down to? Answer-the Son.

    I gotta run…


    “Hi Mike,
    The Bible says to “Believe in God, believe also in me.” Jesus says that He and the Father are one…they are united. Our head is who??? Just Jesus or Jesus and God the Father? Who does the Father say to bow down to? Answer-the Son.”

    Hi Kathi,

    Nicks satement is similar to what I asked you a couple of days ago. I said, “The people who worship Mary as the Mother of God, and the saints aren't necessarily evil people. They have been mislead (either directly or indirectly) by that original serpent-the one who has been misleading the entire inhabited earth. But in their minds and hearts, those people are being led by Spirit.

    But think of this from Satan's viewpoint. He knows if he tries to slam God, people will defend Him vehemently. But if he misleads people more slightly–say, convince them to worship God in a way that goes against what the Bible teaches–he can find many takers.

    People who worship Jesus as God (or even as a deity known as the Son of God), can't possibly be worshipping Jehovah with their WHOLE hearts, minds, souls and strength. Jesus calls Jehovah the ONLY true God. Shouldn't that be good enough for us?”

    Your answer is “show me the Scripture that exactly says this”.

    Can you show me the Scripture where is exactly says we should worship Jesus?



    Sad to say but I am done with your silly questions. Not because I can't answer them but because you have no intention of understanding anything that anyone of us is saying to you. You ARE the 'latest' Thomas!

    But — Just for the last:
    The Most High God is God the Father – There is noone else. In the time of Daniel the people firmly believed in many [false] Gods but Daniel's God proved more powerful than all of them.

    Notice in these references that The Most High God is being compared to other [gods] – But in these enlightened times we know there is only ONE GOD so, in effect, the title “The Most High God” does not apply today (Please do not mention it again!)

    [QUOTEGod Most High = El Elyon

    The most high God

    Strongest of the Strong

    Superlative God – surpassing all others

    If He is the Most High then what is
    His perspective on my problems?
    Da 4:34
    His Dominion
    is everlasting
    (“Dominion” = supreme authority)

    Da 4:34 “But at the end of that period I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven, and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; for His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom endures from generation to generation.

    Da 4:35
    He Does according to His will

    Da 4:35 “And all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, 'What hast Thou done?'[/QUOTE]


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2010,07:32)
    Hi LU,
    So does your unity with God in Christ make you God too?
    For us there is one God, the Father.
    God is one.

    With that I agree, it is simple put impossible to worship one God and LORD in capital letters.  I honor Jesus and with all my heart respect Him for what He did.  But worship belongs to our Father only.  I also believe that some of the Scriptures maybe were misinterpret.  If Jesus says in John 24:28 Father is greater then I.  And then we go and worship Jesus?  That to me just does not go together.  There is only one God and Father of all, who is above all.
    1 Corinth.8:4 And that there is none other God but one.  Him we should worship……
    Peace and Love Irene

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