The millenial reign

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  • #128271


    Rather then continuing with this nonsense, why don't you ever pay attention to the scriptures.
    You're always good in posting a lot of them, why not read the once I quote for a change; don't you get tired swimming against the steam?



    Hi Georg,
    You turn the stream into steam by your additions.
    Let scripture be pure and your opinions just remain opinions.


    You just hate to admit, you don't understand nothing, what is important to you is that you post, even if it is nonsense.



    Hi Georg,
    Is it wise to claim to be a man of understanding?
    All men can be proved to be liars.
    Better to offer folks the source of truth-scripture


    To claim to be wise without understanding, I would say is rather unwise, wouldn't you?



    Georg…… I agree with you, some think by parroting scriptures that give the impression they understand it when in fact they don't at all. If we can't perceive the meaning of what is written it is useless to quote it. IMO

    peace and love to you and Irene………………gene


    Jesus will reign with his saints over the whole world from the throne of David for 1000 years.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2009,22:34)
    Jesus will reign with his saints over the whole world from the throne of David for 1000 years.

    Now that is what I call a new revelation.



    Nick……we all know that brother thats not the point.

    love and peace…………………..gene


    That is the subject of the thread and not man's ideas.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 22 2009,22:34)
    Jesus will reign with his saints over the whole world from the throne of David for 1000 years.

    That is the subject of the thread and not man's ideas.

    Come to think of, you're right Nick; you caught us of guard.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 18 2005,10:09)
    ps Is 11.6
    ” And the wolf will dwell with the lamb, and the leopard will lie down with the kid, and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together and a little boy will lead them. Also the cow and the bear will graze, their young will lie down together;and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and the nursing child will play by the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child will piut his hand on the viper's den”
    The return of safety among the animals and the domination and killing of the weak by the strong will be no more. Such fear will not exist.
    Is 65.20
    ” No longer will be there in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his days…The wolf and the lamb shall graze together and the lion shall eat straw like the ox; and dust shall be the serpent's food. They shall do no evil or harm in all My Holy mountain 'says the Lord”
    All this is because Satan will be bound for the 1000 years.

    Hi Nick:

    Where do the scriptures state that these scriptures apply to the millenium?


    Hi 94,
    In context
    Ps 11
    1And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots:

    2And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;

    3And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears:

    4But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

    5And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.

    6The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

    7And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

    8And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' den.

    9They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

    10And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.

    11And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

    12And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

    13The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.

    14But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them.

    15And the LORD shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind shall he shake his hand over the river, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dryshod.

    16And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

    So it relates to the time the son of and Lord of David will be ruling on earth.
    That is the millenial time as after that time the kingdom is handed back to the Father.


    Hi 94,
    Ps 65
    17For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

    18But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

    19And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

    20There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

    21And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

    22They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

    23They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.

    24And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

    25The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

    The last enemy to be destroyed is death during the millenium.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 12 2009,13:37)
    Hi 94,
    Ps 65
    17For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

    18But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

    19And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

    20There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

    21And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

    22They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

    23They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.

    24And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

    25The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

    The last enemy to be destroyed is death during the millenium.

    Hi Nick:

    If my understanding is correct, we will receive a spiritual body when the Lord returns for the church. If so, then there will be no more death during the millenial reign.

    Love in Christ,


    Hi Nick:

    Also, the following verse of scripture speaks about sinners. I don't believe that there will be any sinners in the resurrection.

    20There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

    Love in Christ,


    Quote (942767 @ May 12 2009,13:49)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 12 2009,13:37)
    Hi 94,
    Ps 65
    17For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

    18But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

    19And I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and joy in my people: and the voice of weeping shall be no more heard in her, nor the voice of crying.

    20There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

    21And they shall build houses, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

    22They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

    23They shall not labour in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; for they are the seed of the blessed of the LORD, and their offspring with them.

    24And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

    25The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

    The last enemy to be destroyed is death during the millenium.

    Hi Nick:

    If my understanding is correct, we will receive a spiritual body when the Lord returns for the church.  If so, then there will be no more death during the millenial reign.

    Love in Christ,

    Hi 94,
    There will be nations of natural men under Jesus and his brothers who are now like the angels, sons of the resurrection with an imperishable heavenly body.


    Quote (942767 @ May 12 2009,13:55)
    Hi Nick:

    Also, the following verse of scripture speaks about sinners.  I don't believe that there will be any sinners in the resurrection.

    20There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

    Love in Christ,

    Hi 94,
    No the sinners will also not all be destroyed by the great tribulation or the devastation of the armies around Jerusalem at the return of Jesus, as not all are in those armies.


    Hi Nick:

    What about the following scriptures relative to any surviving the great tribulation. It appears that all who have not been raptured will have worshiped the Anti-Christ, and therefore, will be judged by the seven last plagues.

    2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

    2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    2Th 2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

    2Th 2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

    2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way.

    2Th 2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

    2Th 2:9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


    Hi 94,
    God always leaves a remnant.
    The great tribulation is shortened for the sake of some surviving.

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