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- January 20, 2010 at 10:05 am#170989
ParticipantWhy did the majority of First Century Jews reject Jesus?
answer: the same reason many don't consider him part of their religion – Jesus failed in ALL aspects as the Jewish Messiah. There aren't 300 (or more) prophecies about the Jewish Messiah, there are a handful and he didn't fulfill any of them.
Then the myth built around him took him totally out of consideration because what became Christianity is incompatible with Judaism.
The actual prophecies:
* The Sanhedrin will be re-established (Isaiah 1:26)
* Once he is King, leaders of other nations will look to him for guidance. (Isaiah 2:4)
* The whole world will worship the One God of Israel (Isaiah 2:17)
* He will be descended from King David (Isaiah 11:1) via King Solomon (1 Chron. 22:8-10)
* The Moshiach will be a man of this world, an observant Jew with “fear of God” (Isaiah 11:2)
*****In other words – this must all be accomplished in a human lifetime*****
* Evil and tyranny will not be able to stand before his leadership (Isaiah 11:4)
* Knowledge of God will fill the world (Isaiah 11:9)
* He will include and attract people from all cultures and nations (Isaiah 11:10)
* All Israelites will be returned to their homeland (Isaiah 11:12)
* Death will be swallowed up forever (Isaiah 25:8)
* There will be no more hunger or illness, and death will cease (Isaiah 25:8)
* All of the dead will rise again (Isaiah 26:19)
* The Jewish people will experience eternal joy and gladness (Isaiah 51:11)
* He will be a messenger of peace (Isaiah 52:7)
* Nations will end up recognizing the wrongs they did to Israel (Isaiah 52:13-53:5)
* The peoples of the world will turn to the Jews for spiritual guidance (Zechariah 8:23)
* The ruined cities of Israel will be restored (Ezekiel 16:55)
* Weapons of war will be destroyed (Ezekiel 39:9)
* The Temple will be rebuilt (Ezekiel 40) resuming many of the suspended mitzvot
* He will then perfect the entire world to serve God together (Zephaniah 3:9)
* Jews will know the Torah without Study (Jeremiah 31:33)
* He will give you all the desires of your heart (Psalms 37:4)
* He will take the barren land and make it abundant and fruitful (Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30, Isaiah 11:6-9).
Thanks to Mark S and Plushy BearDifferences in Judaism and Christianity
– says that no human can ever die for the sins of others
– says that Jesus died for the sins of mankindJUDAISM
– says that all humans are born pure, and innocent
– says that all humans are born with 'original sin'.JUDAISM
– says that G-d would never allow/enable a 'virgin birth'
– says that Mary gave birth, though a virginJUDAISM
– says that no man gets a 'second coming'
– says that Jesus will have a 'second coming'JUDAISM
– says that every human should speak directly to G-d
– Jesus claims in the 'new testament' that the 'only way' to G-d is via himJUDAISM
– says G-d is one, indivisable, cannot be separated into three aspects/incarnations
– some sects speaks of the Father, the Son, and the Holy SpiritJUDAISM
– says that we are ALL equally G-d's children
– says that Jesus was 'god's son' above all othersJUDAISM
– has no concept of 'hell'
– *some* Christians non believers to 'hell'JUDAISM
– has no 'devil', the Jewish 'Satan' is just an ordinary angel, under G-d's control
– describes 'Satan' as a devil and 'fallen' angelJUDAISM
– the 'messiah' will be a normal, mortal man who must fulfill all the Jewish messianic prophecies in one normal, mortal lifetime
– Jesus was the 'messiah' and will fulfill the prophecies when he 'returns'JUDAISM
– says that the righteous of ALL faiths will reach 'gan eden' or 'garden of eden'.
– some Christians insist that only those who 'know Christ' can reach heavenJUDAISM
– forbids Jews from trying to convert anyone to Judaism
– believes in actively 'witnessing' and encouraging people to convert to Christianity
– no concept of original sin
– some sects of Christianity believe in “original sin” to justify the need for a savior. Others believe that humankind cannot keep from sinning and requires a savior to cleanse them.January 20, 2010 at 11:21 am#170994kerwin
I tend to believe such experts that date scripture as being full of it as they seem to like speculate on little evidence. I do expect that is Peter’s second letter to a certain group of individuals that he calls “who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours:”. That does not actually mean it is to the same group the first letter we have is to but they are both designed to stimulate the readers to holy thinking as he claims both the letters he speaks of are. He then warns of scoffers, which pretty much covers the so called experts as well as others.
Looking further I find the greetings are similar with Peter referring to himself as an apostle in the first little and an apostle and servant in the second. He addresses the first to the elect that have been chosen through the foreknowledge of God through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, for obedience to Jesus the Anointed and sprinkled by his blood. The second is addressed somewhat different though also long but the meaning of both is pretty much the same except he does not name specific churches.
There is a difference in the endings as the final greetings in 1 Peter are more personal than those of 2 Peter as they name individuals. Both end with a blessing in Jesus but he included amen at the end of his second letter.
Looking at these facts I could not say either way if the same writer wrote them both. I can say the same motives drove the author in both letters.
Now about 2 Peter 3:15-16.
I will agree with the experts that this is evidence that the letter was written after at least two of Paul’s letters and that Peter grouped Paul’s letters in with Scripture. Never the less that does not prove that the letter was written later than the first Century. What is tells us is the writer of 2 Peter considered Paul’s writing inspired.
The objection based on 2 Peter 3:8 is why I have contempt for experts. Peter was repeating an idea expressed in Psalms 90:4. He was probably answer people who wondered why Jesus did not return immediately.
Such speculation is fruitless as we lack evidence we need to prove anything one way or another. The real question is the message of 2 Peter consistent with the gospel of Jesus the Anointed One.
January 22, 2010 at 5:37 am#172445gollamudi
ParticipantForged genealogies of Christianity:
Matthew 1 contains an account of the genealogy of Jesus, and traces back the descent of Joseph, the husband of Mary, to Solomon son of David. The enumeration of his ancestors terminates thus (verses 15, 16, 17), “And Eliud begat Eleazar, and Eleazar begat Matthan, and Matthan begat Jacob, and Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, and from David until the carrying away into Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the carrying away into Babylon unto Christ are fourteen generations.”
In Luke 3:23-24, however the genealogy of Jesus differs from that given by Matthew; for he assigns the descent of Joseph, the husband of Mary, to Nathan the son of David. The parentage of Jesus is there described as follows: “And Jesus was the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, which was the son of Matthat, which was the son of Levi, which was the son of Melchi, etc., etc. Thus while, according to Matthew, there are forty-two generations, reckoning back to Abraham, there are twenty-six according to the names mentioned in Luke. Besides this, the list of names given in Matthew is not calculated to afford a correct knowledge of the descendants of David, for three generations, Ahaziah, Jaos, and Amaziah, are omitted, and Uzziah is represented to be the son of Joram. See the correct genealogy in 1 Chronicles 3, and in the historical part of the Second Book of Chronicles beginning at chapter 22, etc.
It appears that the omission of three generations of kings was done advisedly, in order to make out Matthew’s three series of fourteen generations. However, after all it must be owned, that contradictory accounts of the generations have no reference to Jesus, but only to Joseph. For, as Mary is stated to have remained a virgin, even after her marriage with Joseph, we do not see the use of putting forth a long string of names which had no relation to the founder of the Christian religion.
This perplexing matter has not escaped the enquiry of Christian scholars, and they meet it by asserting that Luke does not contradict the account of Matthew, but mentions the same Kings under different names, in the same manner as Solomon is called Uzziah, Azariah, and Jehoiachin. This defense is not admissible, as Luke mentions Nathan, the brother of Solomon, as the ancestor of Jesus; it cannot, therefore, be supposed that Solomon bore the name of Nathan. We further observe that Matthew reckons eighteen generations, and Luke twenty-three, from David to Zerubabel. Again, from Abraham to Jesus, Matthew makes out forty-two, and Luke forty generations. This cannot be reasoned away but by taking various names as the designation of the same person. Besides, we find in our Scriptures only two or three of those contained in the list of the ancestors of Jesus who had several names. And as to those men who lived between Abraham and David, not one is represented in our Sacred Writings as having possessed two names, so that the contradictory enumerations in the New Testament still remain unreconciled. Some scholars have contrived to offer another palliation of the suspicious account. They say Matthew alone gave the ancestral origin of Joseph, but that Luke stated that of Mary, who was also of the seed of David by his son Nathan, and that Mary’s origin was mixed up with that of her husband, because man and wife are one flesh. Such apologies are frustrated by the very words of Luke (chapter 3), who speaks expressly of Joseph to show that through him the royal ancestry of Jesus was established. Those who assert that Jesus took his pedigree from his mother, only ought to find in the genealogy of Jesus the son of Mary, the son of Heli, the son of Matthew, etc.; thus all suspicion of error would have been obviated. Those who make an attempt to defend their position by quoting “Man and wife are of one flesh,” [Genesis 2:24] should recollect that this expression has reference only to their conjugal fidelity and affection, but not to their descent.
January 22, 2010 at 6:19 am#172461kerwin
The promise was made to David and stated nothing about Solomon. David was told he would always have a son to sit on the throne if his sons were careful to obey God. Solomon was not as was deprived of 10 tribes and one of his descendants was deprived of the other 2. Stop listening to deceivers.
God is the one who chooses which of David's descendants he decides to place on David's throne not some false Jew.
January 22, 2010 at 7:41 am#172474gollamudi
Participantbrother kerwin,
You are not reading my posts fully. See for yourself how Gospel writers manipulated Jewish scriptures to prove their dogma.January 22, 2010 at 9:00 am#172486kerwin
ParticipantQuote (gollamudi @ Jan. 22 2010,13:41) brother kerwin,
You are not reading my posts fully. See for yourself how Gospel writers manipulated Jewish scriptures to prove their dogma.
Why do you think they were trying to prove their dogma to believers? The gospels were written to those who already believed and not to unbelievers. The four gospels are more biographies the evangelical tracts. The most they do is to reinforce the belief that Jesus is the Anointed One.We have no writings that are meant to convince unbelievers. We attempt to do that by piecing together what what we have remaining of all that told to believers so long ago.
You also forget that the people the gospel were written to were of the First Century culture and not the Twenty First. Perhaps you are ignorant of the effect Greek culture has on Modern Western Thought.
Here is a treatise on the subject.
I disagree with some of their biblical interpretations.
January 23, 2010 at 1:56 am#172631GeneBalthrop
ParticipantAdam…..You asked Why did the majority of the First Century Jews reject Jesus . That is because they were looking for the Messiah to set up the Kingdom of Israel again, which he will do when he comes again. But Scripture plainly says He came to His OWN and they recieved HIM NOT> Why do you think GOD Cast the out of their Land if they were right in their beliefs. He not only cast them out but sent a sword after them every where they went.The time of Jesus First appearance on earth was to save mankind from their sins, it was not to setup the kingdom of GOD on the earth as a whole that time is coming in the near future. Then the Jew will repent and cry for HIM as one who lost his only son. A change of heart is definitely coming for the Jew's. Adam do not give up what you already have learned for Jewish fables.
Peace and love to you and yours………………….gene
January 23, 2010 at 6:25 am#172688gollamudi
ParticipantHi brother Gene,
No Jew was expecting Messiah at the time of Jesus since all the Messianic prophesies were reserved for the last days. Messiah has to come in the end days when Jews will come back to their holy land and Messiah will build the (third) Temple. He will establish a political(not any spiritual) kingdom to them. There will be peace on earth. So how can we expect Jews at the time of Jesus to believe Jesus as Messiah when not even one requirement was fulfilled by Jesus. Second coming was the later development of the Church especially by Paul to fill the gap.I hope you will realise this truth.
Peace and love
AdamJanuary 23, 2010 at 6:34 am#172691kerwin
ParticipantQuote (gollamudi @ Jan. 23 2010,12:25) Hi brother Gene,
No Jew was expecting Messiah at the time of Jesus since all the Messianic prophesies were reserved for the last days. Messiah has to come in the end days when Jews will come back to their holy land and Messiah will build the (third) Temple. He will establish a political(not any spiritual) kingdom to them. There will be peace on earth. So how can we expect Jews at the time of Jesus to believe Jesus as Messiah when not even one requirement was fulfilled by Jesus. Second coming was the later development of the Church especially by Paul to fill the gap.I hope you will realize this truth.
Peace and love
Garbage! Messiah claimants were fairly common. They include Simon in 4 B.C, Athrongas in 3 B.C., Judas of Galea, Theudas in 46 A.D. and more.Here is what Wikipedia states.
You must remember the Jews of today are commonly of the Pharisaical tradition which was often opposed to Jesus. The have further evolved since then.
I have even heard the Pharisees were a minor sect of the First Century Period. You should read the link I provided in a previous post.
January 23, 2010 at 8:06 am#172709gollamudi
ParticipantThe Messianic Idea in Judaism
Belief in the eventual coming of the mashiach is a basic and fundamental part of traditional Judaism. It is part of Rambam's 13 Principles of Faith, the minimum requirements of Jewish belief. In the Shemoneh Esrei prayer, recited three times daily, we pray for all of the elements of the coming of the mashiach: ingathering of the exiles; restoration of the religious courts of justice; an end of wickedness, sin and heresy; reward to the righteous; rebuilding of Jerusalem; restoration of the line of King David; and restoration of Temple service.Modern scholars suggest that the messianic concept was introduced later in the history of Judaism, during the age of the prophets. They note that the messianic concept is not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible).
However, traditional Judaism maintains that the messianic idea has always been a part of Judaism. The mashiach is not mentioned explicitly in the Torah, because the Torah was written in terms that all people could understand, and the abstract concept of a distant, spiritual, future reward was beyond the comprehension of some people. However, the Torah contains several references to “the End of Days” (acharit ha-yamim), which is the time of the mashiach; thus, the concept of mashiach was known in the most ancient times.
The term “mashiach” literally means “the anointed one,” and refers to the ancient practice of anointing kings with oil when they took the throne. The mashiach is the one who will be anointed as king in the End of Days.
The word “mashiach” does not mean “savior.” The notion of an innocent, divine or semi-divine being who will sacrifice himself to save us from the consequences of our own sins is a purely Christian concept that has no basis in Jewish thought. Unfortunately, this Christian concept has become so deeply ingrained in the English word “messiah” that this English word can no longer be used to refer to the Jewish concept. The word “mashiach” will be used throughout this page.
Some gentiles have told me that the term “mashiach” is related to the Hebrew term “moshiah” (savior) because they sound similar, but the similarity is not as strong as it appears to one unfamiliar with Hebrew. The Hebrew word “mashiach” comes from the root Mem-Shin-Chet, which means to paint, smear, or annoint. The word “moshiah” comes from the root Yod-Shin-Ayin, which means to help or save. The only letter these roots have in common is Shin, the most common letter in the Hebrew language. The “m” sound at the beginning of the word moshiah (savior) is a common prefix used to turn a verb into a noun. For example, the verb tzavah (to command) becomes mitzvah (commandment). Saying that “mashiach” is related to “moshiah” is a bit like saying that ring is related to surfing because they both end in “ing.”
The Mashiach
The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The mashiach is often referred to as “mashiach ben David” (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments (Isaiah 11:2-5). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.It has been said that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the mashiach. If the time is right for the messianic age within that person's lifetime, then that person will be the mashiach. But if that person dies before he completes the mission of the mashiach, then that person is not the mashiach.
When Will the Mashiach Come?
There are a wide variety of opinions on the subject of when the mashiach will come. Some of Judaism's greatest minds have cursed those who try to predict the time of the mashiach's coming, because errors in such predictions could cause people to lose faith in the messianic idea or in Judaism itself. This actually happened in the 17th century, when Shabbatai Tzvi claimed to be the mashiach. When Tzvi converted to Islam under threat of death, many Jews converted with him. Nevertheless, this prohibition has not stopped anyone from speculating about the time when the mashiach will come.Although some scholars believed that G-d has set aside a specific date for the coming of the mashiach, most authority suggests that the conduct of mankind will determine the time of the mashiach's coming. In general, it is believed that the mashiach will come in a time when he is most needed (because the world is so sinful), or in a time when he is most deserved (because the world is so good). For example, each of the following has been suggested as the time when the mashiach will come:
if Israel repented a single day;
if Israel observed a single Shabbat properly;
if Israel observed two Shabbats in a row properly;
in a generation that is totally innocent or totally guilty;
in a generation that loses hope;
in a generation where children are totally disrespectful towards their parents and elders;
What Will the Mashiach Do?
Before the time of the mashiach, there shall be war and suffering (Ezekiel 38:16)The mashiach will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15).
Olam Ha-Ba: The Messianic Age
The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come. This term can cause some confusion, because it is also used to refer to a spiritual afterlife. In English, we commonly use the term “messianic age” to refer specifically to the time of the messiah.Olam Ha-Ba will be characterized by the peaceful co-existence of all people (Isaiah 2:4). Hatred, intolerance and war will cease to exist. Some authorities suggest that the laws of nature will change, so that predatory beasts will no longer seek prey and agriculture will bring forth supernatural abundance (Isaiah 11:6-11:9). Others, however, say that these statements are merely an allegory for peace and prosperity.
All of the Jewish people will return from their exile among the nations to their home in Israel (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). The law of the Jubilee will be reinstated.
In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9). There will be no murder, robbery, competition or jealousy. There will be no sin (Zephaniah 3:13). Sacrifices will continue to be brought in the Temple, but these will be limited to thanksgiving offerings, because there will be no further need for expiatory offerings.
Some gentiles have tried to put an ugly spin on this theology, claiming that Jews plan to force people to convert to our religion, perhaps based on their own religion's history of doing exactly the same thing. That is not at all how Jews understand the messianic age. We believe that in that future time, everyone will simply know what the truth is, in the same way that we know that 2+2=4, and there will no longer be any reason to argue about it. It is much like a situation I witnessed at work once: two computer programmers were arguing loudly and at length about whether it was possible for a user to input data at a certain point in a program. Finally someone pressed a key and they a
ll saw that nothing happened. Now they knew the truth, end of argument. When mashiach comes, theological truths will be equally obvious to mankind, and there will be no reason to argue about it.What About Jesus?
Jews do not believe that Jesus was the mashiach. Assuming that he existed, and assuming that the Christian scriptures are accurate in describing him (both matters that are debatable), he simply did not fulfill the mission of the mashiach as it is described in the biblical passages cited above. Jesus did not do any of the things that the scriptures said the messiah would do.On the contrary, another Jew born about a century later came far closer to fulfilling the messianic ideal than Jesus did. His name was Shimeon ben Kosiba, known as Bar Kokhba (son of a star), and he was a charismatic, brilliant, but brutal warlord. Rabbi Akiba, one of the greatest scholars in Jewish history, believed that Bar Kokhba was the mashiach. Bar Kokhba fought a war against the Roman Empire, catching the Tenth Legion by surprise and retaking Jerusalem. He resumed sacrifices at the site of the Temple and made plans to rebuild the Temple. He established a provisional government and began to issue coins in its name. This is what the Jewish people were looking for in a mashiach; Jesus clearly does not fit into this mold. Ultimately, however, the Roman Empire crushed his revolt and killed Bar Kokhba. After his death, all acknowledged that he was not the mashiach.
Throughout Jewish history, there have been many people who have claimed to be the mashiach, or whose followers have claimed that they were the mashiach: Shimeon Bar Kokhba, Shabbatai Tzvi, Jesus, and many others too numerous to name. Leo Rosten reports some very entertaining accounts under the heading False Messiahs in his book, The Joys of Yiddish. But all of these people died without fulfilling the mission of the mashiach; therefore, none of them were the mashiach. The mashiach and the Olam Ha-Ba lie in the future, not in the past.
Biblical Passages Referring to the Mashiach
The following passages in the Jewish scriptures are the ones that Jews consider to be messianic in nature or relating to the end of days. These are the ones that we rely upon in developing our messianic concept:Isaiah 2, 11, 42; 59:20
Jeremiah 23, 30, 33; 48:47; 49:39
Ezekiel 38:16
Hosea 3:4-3:5
Micah 4
Zephaniah 3:9
Zechariah 14:9
Daniel 10:14January 23, 2010 at 2:56 pm#172752GeneBalthrop
ParticipantAdam………Lets talk about the “END OF DAYS” OR “LATTER DAYS”, a little. So when does the end of days or Latter days begin. You and the Jews are under the ideology that this means at the very end like in our time or a future date, right? But this is a misconception of the term “END OF DAYS” or “LATTER DAYS' let me explain, if i were to tell you the end of the week or latter days of the week you would probably say Friday or Saturday. But the truth is the end of the week started after MID Wednesday, the same applies with the “END OF DAYS” OR “LATTER DAYS”, GOD has alloted seven thousand years for the completion of his Plan on earth after 3500 the “END OF DAYS” OR “LATTER DAYS” started . It says the Messiah would be cut off in the (Midst of the week) that is GOD'S weekly time period and that was around 2000 years ago. There has been two thousand years before the flood and two thousand years after the flood to Jesus the Messiah, (in the latter days) and there has been two thousand years sense the Appearance of Jesus the Messiah and when he returns there will be one thousand of His reign on earth with His Saints, for a total of seven thousand years. The Messiah did indeed come inthe latter or end of days as Prophesied.
peace and love …………..gene
January 25, 2010 at 5:39 am#173090gollamudi
ParticipantHi brother Gene,
I am sorry to say that there is no scripture in O.T to say that Messiah will be cut off in the middle of a week or middle of a time span. These are all the inventions of our Christianity by misinterpreting the Jewish scriptures. Indeed Messiah will come in the last days and establish peace and tranquility in the world. There will be one religion and one King in this world. So far Jesus never fulfilled any one of such requirements as Messiah. No Jew can agree with such views as Jesus fulfilled the messainic requirements. Please read some books as I quoted in my posts. Don't consider 'Jews for Jesus' as real Jewish people. You know they are none but Christians who believe every thing what a trinitarian believe here.Peace and love
AdamJanuary 25, 2010 at 5:55 am#173099Not3in1
ParticipantHello brother Adam,
You've been studying.
We find the holes and then say, “But gosh, the Bible is supposed to be right!” and we ponder, and we ponder some more. Until we get to the point when we stop pondering and just accept that what was written – was written by men who were not necessarily inspired by God. Oh, they were inspired alright but perhaps not in the way we give them 100% credit for.
Love you!
MandyJanuary 25, 2010 at 6:08 am#173103gollamudi
ParticipantHi Sis Mandy,
Welcome back. Where were you in these days? A Happy New year to you and your family though belated. I know you are one of the honest truth seekers.Please see my latest posts you will understand how I am oriented towards Judaism.
I hope you will also find some truth in my arguments.
Thanks and love to you
AdamJanuary 25, 2010 at 6:11 am#173107Not3in1
ParticipantI do find truth in your arguments, Adam. It's curious to me how the journey goes….. One starts to question the bible, then the messiah, then they want to be Jews, and then……nothing…..or some other religion or belief system. I've seen this happen so many times before. It's so very curious to me. Kejonn and I have taken similiar paths. Very curious, indeed.
January 25, 2010 at 6:30 am#173115gollamudi
ParticipantHi Sis,
One thing I can tell you from the depth of my heart, I am really filled with God and He guides me inspite of my questioning these days. When you said the scriptures are human written and are filled with errors I am so much relieved. Because I need not stick to them and attack a fellow human for not accepting my dogma. I find love of God transcends all understanding and reasoning. The same love has brought me to people like you in this forum. I know when we came to God we never understood any single doctrine of Christianity it was only the love of God which compelled us to come to Him and convicted us of our sins. I don't feel sorry for my arguments on scriptures since they are written by people like us who understood God in their own terms. Every human is imperfect and are liable to commit mistake.Hope our God will lead us into all truth.
AdamJanuary 25, 2010 at 6:41 am#173117Not3in1
ParticipantIt's all about love.
Look no further – you've got it right – right there!!
January 25, 2010 at 9:17 am#173159gollamudi
ParticipantThank you Sis.
January 25, 2010 at 11:11 am#173196Elizabeth
ParticipantQuote (gollamudi @ Jan. 25 2010,16:39) Hi brother Gene,
I am sorry to say that there is no scripture in O.T to say that Messiah will be cut off in the middle of a week or middle of a time span. These are all the inventions of our Christianity by misinterpreting the Jewish scriptures. Indeed Messiah will come in the last days and establish peace and tranquility in the world. There will be one religion and one King in this world. So far Jesus never fulfilled any one of such requirements as Messiah. No Jew can agree with such views as Jesus fulfilled the messainic requirements. Please read some books as I quoted in my posts. Don't consider 'Jews for Jesus' as real Jewish people. You know they are none but Christians who believe every thing what a trinitarian believe here.Peace and love
Adam You are wrong because in
Daniel 9:26″ And threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut of, but not for Himself;and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary, and the end thereof shall be with s flood and unto the end of the war desolation are determined.” Not everybody believes in the trinity and we do worship our Heavenly Father only.
You really need to stop this nonsense of not believing that our Savior is the Messiah. God the Father resurrected Him and that alone should show anyone that He is our Savior and King of Kings and Lord of Lords. It is the Jewish People at that time that killed Him and it is no wonder that they want to deny Him. Its a shame that you let man dictate what you believe. Also if you don't have the Son, you don't have the Father either. Think very hard about this, before you get any deeper into their brainwashing. The more you read their Books the more you will deny Jesus. Also I just can't understand why you are trying to convince us here on Heaven Net. Just like that Catholic did. And I for one don't take very kindly to ihat.
That is my advice to you, stop, stop. Prove all things.Peace and Love Irene
January 25, 2010 at 1:34 pm#173207kerwin
ParticipantQuote (gollamudi @ Jan. 25 2010,11:39) Hi brother Gene,
I am sorry to say that there is no scripture in O.T to say that Messiah will be cut off in the middle of a week or middle of a time span. These are all the inventions of our Christianity by misinterpreting the Jewish scriptures. Indeed Messiah will come in the last days and establish peace and tranquility in the world. There will be one religion and one King in this world. So far Jesus never fulfilled any one of such requirements as Messiah. No Jew can agree with such views as Jesus fulfilled the messainic requirements. Please read some books as I quoted in my posts. Don't consider 'Jews for Jesus' as real Jewish people. You know they are none but Christians who believe every thing what a trinitarian believe here.Peace and love
You have not yet explained the Gabriel stone which is too old to be Christian.Stop listening to the yeast of the Pharisees and Saducees and look at the evidence that falsifies their teachings.
When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread. 6″Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
Matthew 16:7-12(NIV) reads:
Quote They discussed this among themselves and said, “It is because we didn't bring any bread.” Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, “You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? Do you still not understand? Don't you remember the five loaves for the five thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? Or the seven loaves for the four thousand, and how many basketfuls you gathered? How is it you don't understand that I was not talking to you about bread? But be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
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