The Hypostatic union.

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  • #246119
    Tim Kraft

    Here is an interesting thought. Satan or shall we say a Religious deceiver of the truth of God actually puts himself above God when he says he has sin or is in sin. God says, through Jesus, “I have cleansed you and made you whole”! If then you say, no, I am a sinner, or I have sin, or I do sin or I think I have sin, you have just placed yourself above God's word that says, I have cleansed you and made you whole. What God hath cleansed let no man call unclean. If you do, you have put yourself above God!! Denying what God says is far from humility. Its putting your words above God's!! IMO, TK


    Hi Tim! these scriptures that do tell us that we are sinners, but sin is not imputed to us, because we are under Jesus blood, the New Covenant.

    1Jo 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

    1Jo 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    1Jo 1:10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

    Rom 4:5 ¶ But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.
    Rom 4:6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,
    Rom 4:7 [Saying], Blessed [are] they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
    Rom 4:8 Blessed [is] the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.

    Peace and love to you and yours Irene


    Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05)
    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus,  He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal.  I hope this causes us to seek more.


    John 10:30 I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    Quote (csaliba @ May 18 2011,14:49)

    Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05)
    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus,  He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal.  I hope this causes us to seek more.


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    is this a logical outcome of your bible understanding ??



    Quote (942767 @ May 11 2011,11:08)
    Hi Charles:

    You ask:

    So Jesus is Lord in your term what is Lord

    By the term Lord is meant that he is my master and I am his disciple, and I am subjected to God through him.

    John 13:13Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am.

    14If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash one another's feet.

    15For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.

    16Verily, verily, I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord; neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him

    Do your definitions supercede the scriptures that I quoted from the bible, that state specifically that there is only “ONE GOD” and that Jesus is a man?  He is not just any man.  He is the Son of the Living God, but nevertheless he is a man.  That is what the scriptures state.

    What we have seen through his life of Jesus is that God is love.

    And in the beginning God made man in his own image, and Jesus is the last Adam who is the culmination of this plan, in that Jesus is the express image of God's Person as Hebrews 1:1-3 states.

    But this is a man through whom we have seen the love of God manifested to humanity, but we see God all around us through the whole of his creation.

    This is what Romans 1 states:

    Romans 1:18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;

    19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.

    20For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

    Love in Christ,


    Please reflect in depth on these statements By Paul:

    Philippians 2:6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, : So Jesus Is: God, but to humble himself He didn’t consider to so

    7 but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

    8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross!: He is man/God The Hypostatic union.

    9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, So He is in the Highest place, and above every Name : Therefore He is Jehovah, Jesus, and all names related or in connection to the Almighty God. Without Jesus, the Almighty God is inexistence, He is without name even in the old testament. No one can prove that the God of the old testament was God himself in person. No one has ever seen God. Only Jesus did so, and only Him as man was in the position to do so!

    10that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, : He must be adored! That’s why Jesus accepted to be adored not once. Gospel!

    11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
    Jesus Christ is Lord and without being treated so ,It is an offence, crime, against the Holy Spirit which there’s no forgiveness for whoever commits it .

    He is the Almighty God in Flesh there 's no other interpretation. He is the omnipotent now, since He is to the Glory of God the Father, till He pass it onto His Father

    Peace and Love in The Lord Almighty Jesus Christ for the Glory of God the Father


    Quote (terraricca @ May 18 2011,12:05)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 18 2011,14:49)

    Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05)
    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus,  He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal.  I hope this causes us to seek more.


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    is this a logical outcome of your bible understanding ??



    That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing and never,never,stops Growing and expanding,and dominates all space.Now according to science space mysteriously is expanding,and only recently they discovered it. God as a spirit, out of Himself produced, to understand in our terms,a spirit, this spirit was the only way for the Father to dwell within as an uncreated spirit like the Father.This the Father,with the power of the Holy Spirit did, so He could transform His Son in any material existence no matter what,and in whatever that material could be composed of,and the only way out for that Spirit to return back to the Father was, that no matter how corrupted,and sinful the world and humans were to become,He would still quicken Himself,or change Himself into a woman. Now through The Holy Spirit again from the Father,that unique immaculate ever existed woman ,He would be born also in the most immaculate person full of all divine qualities to be God man on earth. Through being a man and also a God He glorified the Father, revealed Him, gave Him a name, made Him Visible, proved His Love to man,established His kingdom,increased His virtues as man to suffer,and die ,and through death He destroyed Satan as proof that He is superior enough to withhold him Just before He dies,and smash him in hell, and also redeemed all those innocent souls,and became the proprietor of hell, Earth,and Heaven,till now.Also through,and from His death, all nature was recreated clean through the elimination of Satan spirit,possesses,and is being held through His Spirit in order to purify humans both in body and soul on consumption of His Flesh the only true bread from heaven,so when He comes for the last time as Judge, He will first through the Power of the Holy Spirit, quicken,or change in a twinkle of an eye all the just, both dead and alive and all humans for the first time ever will start their road to become sons of the Almighty God.

    This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.

    In the beginning was the Light, and the Light was with God, and the Light was God. 2 He was one with God in the beginning.

    I and the Father are one

    Peace and Love in Our Lord Almighty God Jesus Christ till now


    Charles! Unless you can prove that Jesus is Almighty God, you are dead wrong.
    The Scripture in Phil. 2 says that Jesus was in the form of God, and then took on the form of a man. The form of God is Spirit. And that is what Jesus was before He came to earth. There are 50 Scriptures in the Preexisting debate tread in Truth or Tradition to prove it. I will show you two…
    Col 1:13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [us] into the kingdom of his dear Son:
    Col 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins:
    Col 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

    Rev 3:14 ¶ And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

    Jesus is not only the firstborn of all creation, He also is the firstborn from the death in

    Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all [things] he might have the preeminence.

    He is all, that He may have preeminence…meaning He is first in all.

    Also in your previous post you said that Jesus was the most sinful man on earth, and even was like Satan. my friend Jesus never sinned. Even when He was tempted by Satan….Read Mathew, its all in Scriptures. What He did do was ON THE CROSS, took upon Him all the sin's of all mankind. That is the only time that Almighty Jehovah God had to distance Himself from Jesus, and Jesus said:” My God, my God why have You abandoned me… And He gave up His Spirit and died for all of us….
    Peace Irene


    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,02:32)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 18 2011,12:05)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 18 2011,14:49)

    Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05)
    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus,  He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal.  I hope this causes us to seek more.


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    is this a logical outcome of your bible understanding ??



    That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing and never,never,stops Growing and expanding,and dominates all space.Now according to science space  mysteriously is expanding,and only recently they discovered it. God as a spirit, out of Himself produced, to understand in our terms,a spirit, this spirit was the only way for the Father to dwell within as an uncreated spirit like the Father.This the Father,with the power of the Holy Spirit did, so He could transform His Son in any material existence no matter what,and in whatever that material could be composed of,and the only way out for that Spirit to return back to the Father was, that no matter how corrupted,and sinful the world and humans were to become,He would still quicken Himself,or change Himself  into a woman. Now  through The Holy Spirit again from the Father,that unique immaculate ever existed woman ,He would be born also in the most immaculate person  full of all divine qualities to be God man on earth. Through being a man and also a God He glorified the Father, revealed Him, gave Him a name, made Him Visible, proved His Love to man,established His kingdom,increased His virtues as man to suffer,and die ,and through death He destroyed Satan as proof that He is superior enough to withhold him Just before He dies,and smash him in hell, and also redeemed all those innocent souls,and became the proprietor of hell, Earth,and Heaven,till now.Also through,and from His death, all nature was recreated clean through the elimination of Satan spirit,possesses,and is being held through His Spirit in order to purify  humans both in body and soul on consumption of His Flesh the only true bread from heaven,so when He comes for the last time  as Judge, He will first through the Power of the Holy Spirit, quicken,or change in a twinkle of an eye all the just, both dead and alive and all humans for the first time ever will start their road to become sons of the Almighty God.

    This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.

    In the beginning was the Light, and the Light was with God, and the Light was God. 2 He was one with God in the beginning.

    I and the Father are one

    Peace and Love in Our Lord Almighty God Jesus Christ till now

    Also Pierre

    the words :

    I'M THIRST before Jesus died meant that He wanted to withhold Satan (I rather not be clear)to destroy him,and that's symbolically the vinegar for.

    Reflect and pray so you receive light


    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,09:41)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,02:32)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 18 2011,12:05)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 18 2011,14:49)

    Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05)
    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus,  He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal.  I hope this causes us to seek more.


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    is this a logical outcome of your bible understanding ??



    That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing and never,never,stops Growing and expanding,and dominates all space.Now according to science space  mysteriously is expanding,and only recently they discovered it. God as a spirit, out of Himself produced, to understand in our terms,a spirit, this spirit was the only way for the Father to dwell within as an uncreated spirit like the Father.This the Father,with the power of the Holy Spirit did, so He could transform His Son in any material existence no matter what,and in whatever that material could be composed of,and the only way out for that Spirit to return back to the Father was, that no matter how corrupted,and sinful the world and humans were to become,He would still quicken Himself,or change Himself  into a woman. Now  through The Holy Spirit again from the Father,that unique immaculate ever existed woman ,He would be born also in the most immaculate person  full of all divine qualities to be God man on earth. Through being a man and also a God He glorified the Father, revealed Him, gave Him a name, made Him Visible, proved His Love to man,established His kingdom,increased His virtues as man to suffer,and die ,and through death He destroyed Satan as proof that He is superior enough to withhold him Just before He dies,and smash him in hell, and also redeemed all those innocent souls,and became the proprietor of hell, Earth,and Heaven,till now.Also through,and from His death, all nature was recreated clean through the elimination of Satan spirit,possesses,and is being held through His Spirit in order to purify  humans both in body and soul on consumption of His Flesh the only true bread from heaven,so when He comes for the last time  as Judge, He will first through the Power of the Holy Spirit, quicken,or change in a twinkle of an eye all the just, both dead and alive and all humans for the first time ever will start their road to become sons of the Almighty God.

    This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.

    In the beginning was the Light, and the Light was with God, and the Light was God. 2 He was one with God in the beginning.

    I and the Father are one

    Peace and Love in Our Lord Almighty God Jesus Christ till now

    Also Pierre

    the words :

    I'M THIRST before Jesus died meant that He wanted to withhold Satan (I rather not be clear)to destroy him,and that's symbolically the vinegar for.

    Reflect and pray so you receive light


    this is as clear as mud,no scriptures your opinions and dreams

    the truth is Gods word not your word of opinions ,start to understand what is written before you are inventing what is not there or said in scriptures.

    you be judge by your words you say,



    Quote (Pastry @ May 19 2011,02:35)
    Charles!  Unless you can prove that Jesus is Almighty God, you are dead wrong.  
    The Scripture in Phil. 2 says that Jesus was in the form of God, and then took on the form of a man.  The form of God is Spirit.  And that is what Jesus was before He came to earth.  There are 50 Scriptures in the Preexisting debate tread in Truth or Tradition to prove it.  I will show you two…
    Col 1:13   Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated [us] into the kingdom of his dear Son:  
    Col 1:14   In whom we have redemption through his blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins:  
    Col 1:15   Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:  

    Rev 3:14 ¶ And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;  

    Jesus is not only the firstborn of all creation, He also is the firstborn from the death in

    Col 1:18   And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all [things] he might have the preeminence.  

    He is all, that He may have preeminence…meaning He is first in all.

    Also in your previous post you said that Jesus was the most sinful man on earth, and even was like Satan. my friend Jesus never sinned.  Even when He was tempted by Satan….Read Mathew, its all in Scriptures.  What He did do was ON THE CROSS, took upon Him all the sin's of all mankind.  That is the only time that Almighty Jehovah God had to distance Himself from Jesus, and Jesus said:” My God, my God why have You abandoned me… And He gave up His Spirit and died for all of us….
    Peace Irene

    Lord Almighty not Almighty God There's a difference

    Lord Almighty means God the Father within Jesus as Mystically

    Almighty God is only Spiritual.Almighty God used His Son to become man within Jesus and then with the Power of the Holy Spirit glorified Him to Glorify Himself and transformed Him into a spiritual Flesh. The first born of all creatures.As soon as The Father through the power of the Holy Spirit raised Jesus,all nature,I repeat all nature was recreated clean through the elimination of Satan spirit.

    This was the test that Satan was hoping for, because he believed that Jesus would not succeed the test,and come back to life. Jesus just before He died possessed Satan in order to destroy him, and only God the Father was in the position to do that because Jesus would be dead.The main reason as a human being,that Jesus was in that state in the garden.Knowing what He would be facing,not just death but a direct encounter with Satan.

    Because He knew that he would be totally dependable on His Father. Satan felt that He was tricked by God.And He did only as he saw it, justice.The story of Job is all about this mystery.

    Now reflect on John10: 18“No one has taken it away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This commandment I received from My Father.

    He was referring to His life right .If when He was dead and He couldn't raise Himself but only His Father could do that for Him, why then He said that He has the authority to take it up again???

    It is obvious that the Father and the Son are one, ALWAYS HAVE BEEN SO.Simply to over power Satan.

    Malachi 2:16 For I hate divorce,” says the LORD, the God of Israel……

    Got it???

    Can't you see it??

    Satan wasn't aware of the power through the functioning of a triune God.The trick which Satan is still believing ,that was the cause of his defeat and want to vindicate.

    Jesus spirit was completely used in nature and was depending on His Father,that's why He said that my Father would not leave Him,because HE WAS ALWAYS IN HIM.The Son of God was capable to create all simply because His Father spirit was always within Him.

    That's why He gave Him all His power in His hand, because He was all the time within a battle from that rebel.God the Father was not in the position to battle with Him directly otherwise He would have destroyed Him, something that a loving and a merciful God would not do.

    Therefore, since He was as always within His Father He himself could raise Himself with the Power of the spirit of His Father.

    Don't forget that Jesus spirit was,and is in all nature forever in order to be everywhere,and everything is being held by HIM ,in HIM, and for HIM.The covenant which lasts forever.So Satan will never interfere directly in all nature .WE HAVE TO GIVE HIM PERMISSION WITH OUR BEHAVIOUR.

    Your quote:Also in your previous post you said that Jesus was the most sinful man on earth, and even was like Satan. my friend Jesus never sinned.  Even when He was tempted by Satan….Read Mathew, its all in Scriptures.  What He did do was ON THE CROSS, took upon Him all the sin's of all mankind.

    Misunderstanding:  I meant On the Cross purposely to destroy Satan,How on earth He could prove that Jesus is superior in all.As I explained If His Father wasn't within Him He would have lost the Battle.

    My Father will not leave me. I AND MY FATHER ARE ONE!!!!

    Peace and Love in Jesus Christ our Lord Almighty



    Quote (terraricca @ May 19 2011,04:06)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,09:41)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,02:32)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 18 2011,12:05)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 18 2011,14:49)

    Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05)
    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus,  He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal.  I hope this causes us to seek more.


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    is this a logical outcome of your bible understanding ??



    That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing and never,never,stops Growing and expanding,and dominates all space.Now according to science space  mysteriously is expanding,and only recently they discovered it. God as a spirit, out of Himself produced, to understand in our terms,a spirit, this spirit was the only way for the Father to dwell within as an uncreated spirit like the Father.This the Father,with the power of the Holy Spirit did, so He could transform His Son in any material existence no matter what,and in whatever that material could be composed of,and the only way out for that Spirit to return back to the Father was, that no matter how corrupted,and sinful the world and humans were to become,He would still quicken Himself,or change Himself  into a woman. Now  through The Holy Spirit again from the Father,that unique immaculate ever existed woman ,He would be born also in the most immaculate person  full of all divine qualities to be God man on earth. Through being a man and also a God He glorified the Father, revealed Him, gave Him a name, made Him Visible, proved His Love to man,established His kingdom,increased His virtues as man to suffer,and die ,and through death He destroyed Satan as proof that He is superior enough to withhold him Just before He dies,and smash him in hell, and also redeemed all those innocent souls,and became the proprietor of hell, Earth,and Heaven,till now.Also through,and from His death, all nature was recreated clean through the elimination of Satan spirit,possesses,and is being held through His Spirit in order to purify  humans both in body and soul on consumption of His Flesh the only true bread from heaven,so when He comes for the last time  as Judge, He will first through the Power of the Holy Spirit, quicken,or change in a twinkle of an eye all the just, both dead and alive and all humans for the first time ever will start their road to become sons of the Almighty God.

    This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.

    In the beginning was the Light, and the Light was with God, and the Light was God. 2 He was one with God in the beginning.

    I and the Father are one

    Peace and Love in Our Lord Almighty God Jesus Christ till now

    Also Pierre

    the words :

    I'M THIRST before Jesus died meant that He wanted to withhold Satan (I rather not be clear)to destroy him,and that's symbolically the vinegar for.

    Reflect and pray so you receive light


    this is as clear as mud,no scriptures your opinions and dreams

    the truth is Gods word not your word of opinions ,start to understand what is written before you are inventing what is not there or said in scriptures.

    you be judge by your words you say,



    I suggest something.

    Virtues belong to God.

    As it is you will discover the amount of virtues there is in my writing.

    Deduct that according to you is not in the scriptures.

    Now through the elimination of what is according to you is not within scripture,you will discover that there's less virtues
    therefore you would have deducted what belongs to God.

    Then reflect and ask yourself whether your god is a god or my God is a God Almighty.


    Peace and love in My God Almighty Lord Jesus Christ


    Charles! You are wrong my friend. The only Almighty God is Jehovah God. Jesus is a Mighty God, the Son of God. They are not the same. It sounds like you believe in a trinity. The Father and the Son are one in believe, Jesus came from Heaven to do His fathers will. And by God Holy Spirit in us, we to are one with father and Son. But you have not given me any Scripture that proves, your believe that Jesus was the most sinful man on earth when He walked here.
    And it is not Jesus Spirit that upholds all here on earth, it is Jehovah Gods Spirit. He is all powerful.
    Again Jesus is NOT Omnipotent. The only one that is, is Jehovah God. You have no Scripture to prove that.
    Jhn 6:38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
    This is my last post to you, I wish you all the best. Go back to the Bible and study more… You seem to me all confused…Peace Irene


    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,14:27)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 19 2011,04:06)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,09:41)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 19 2011,02:32)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 18 2011,12:05)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 18 2011,14:49)

    Quote (thehappyman @ May 17 2011,14:05)
    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus,  He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal.  I hope this causes us to seek more.


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.
    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    Peace and love in Jesus Christ


    is this a logical outcome of your bible understanding ??



    That's How it was designed By the Father in order for God Almighty to start growing and never,never,stops Growing and expanding,and dominates all space.Now according to science space  mysteriously is expanding,and only recently they discovered it. God as a spirit, out of Himself produced, to understand in our terms,a spirit, this spirit was the only way for the Father to dwell within as an uncreated spirit like the Father.This the Father,with the power of the Holy Spirit did, so He could transform His Son in any material existence no matter what,and in whatever that material could be composed of,and the only way out for that Spirit to return back to the Father was, that no matter how corrupted,and sinful the world and humans were to become,He would still quicken Himself,or change Himself  into a woman. Now  through The Holy Spirit again from the Father,that unique immaculate ever existed woman ,He would be born also in the most immaculate person  full of all divine qualities to be God man on earth. Through being a man and also a God He glorified the Father, revealed Him, gave Him a name, made Him Visible, proved His Love to man,established His kingdom,increased His virtues as man to suffer,and die ,and through death He destroyed Satan as proof that He is superior enough to withhold him Just before He dies,and smash him in hell, and also redeemed all those innocent souls,and became the proprietor of hell, Earth,and Heaven,till now.Also through,and from His death, all nature was recreated clean through the elimination of Satan spirit,possesses,and is being held through His Spirit in order to purify  humans both in body and soul on consumption of His Flesh the only true bread from heaven,so when He comes for the last time  as Judge, He will first through the Power of the Holy Spirit, quicken,or change in a twinkle of an eye all the just, both dead and alive and all humans for the first time ever will start their road to become sons of the Almighty God.

    This God the Father Couldn't do as one being.

    In the beginning was the Light, and the Light was with God, and the Light was God. 2 He was one with God in the beginning.

    I and the Father are one

    Peace and Love in Our Lord Almighty God Jesus Christ till now

    Also Pierre

    the words :

    I'M THIRST before Jesus died meant that He wanted to withhold Satan (I rather not be clear)to destroy him,and that's symbolically the vinegar for.

    Reflect and pray so you receive light


    this is as clear as mud,no scriptures your opinions and dreams

    the truth is Gods word not your word of opinions ,start to understand what is written before you are inventing what is not there or said in scriptures.

    you be judge by your words you say,



    I suggest something.

    Virtues belong to God.

    As it is you will discover the amount of virtues there is in my writing.

    Deduct that according to you is not in the scriptures.

    Now through the elimination of what is according to you is not within scripture,you will discover that there's less virtues
    therefore you would have deducted what belongs to God.

    Then reflect and ask yourself whether your god is a god or my God is a God Almighty.


    Peace and love in My God Almighty Lord Jesus Christ


    being in the truth of God allow me to tell you ,all what you are saying so far is pure balloni,fake that is ,stories that is,you most go to much to the movies and see those avatar features.

    i would not be surprised if you tell me that STARS WARS ' is a true story,

    so far I believe you are from Gods truth.



      I strongly suggest that for a little while at least you get a red letter bible and reflect only on what Christ Jesus said and perhaps become a disciple of Christ Jesus. Become a brother and friend of Christ Jesus. I know he would like that.

    Luke 8:21 (King James Version)

    21And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brethren are these which hear the word of God, and do it.

      This is something my Teacher of God's way said Charles. He is calling me a brother. Since God is spirit like you said. Therefore God isn't a man. I cannot be God's spiritual brother. Christ Jesus was a man with God's spirit dwelling in him. I can be Christ Jesus's spiritual brother. Christ Jesus also said if I love him and keep his words both he and God will dwell in me. This is what, in truth, is meant by “I and the Father are one”. I won't become God by having his spirit dwell in me and neither did Christ Jesus become God by having God's spirit dwell in him. Charles, Christ Jesus doesn't teach a mystery school philosophy. He teaches us how to behave and what to believe to have a righteous life and be presentable to his, mine and your spiritual Father(God). Go in peace Charles.

                                                     With Love and Respect,


    Hi Charles:

    Based on some of the statements that you have made relative to Jesus, I believe that you need to study asking God to give revelation knowledge of His Word before trying to teach others.  One cannot teach others until one is taught himself, and this is not to say that I know everything myself, but there was one time in my life that God had to slow me down because I was full of zeal and did not have enough knowledge of the scriptures.

    This is coming from one who loves you and wants the very best that God has to offer for you and your family.

    If your have not been born again, you cannot possibly understand the scriptures, and so, if you have not been born again, make this a priority.

    Love in Christ,


    I would like to echo 942767's statement about not knowing everything. I am positive I don't. I am just a humble disciple of Christ Jesus. I don't try to teach much here. Matter of fact, I am still processing and organizing in my mind with the help of God much of the stuff that I have learned from others while posting to this site.

    With Love and Respect,


    Csaliba (Charles),

    You wrote to the Happyman:


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.

    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    There is nowhere in scripture that Jesus is said to be a sinful man.  Scripture instead states that Jesus became sin for us.  In that case sin means carnal nature.  Thus our carnal nature (old man) is nailed to the cross by our immersion in the death of Jesus the anointed.  

    God incarnates in a human being whenever the Spirit of God dwells in a man as God lives in them through his Spirit.

    God thus incarnated in the human being Jesus because his Spirit dwelled within the man Jesus and God lived in through it.  Since God lived in Jesus he also spoke and did his work through him and thus Jesus did not sin even though he was tempted as is common to man.

    God declares the wages of sin is death and yet Jesus who did not sin experienced death not because of his own sins but because there is sin in the world.  In sacrificing himself Jesus condemned the world as well as the god of the world because his death demonstrated it and its god are both carnal.

    By living according to the Spirit of God even to the point of death he proved that those who lived according to the Spirit are not carnal and therefore do not deserve the wages of death.

    Thus by his self-sacrifice he put the carnal nature of those who believe to death and by his resurrection he gives them a new life by the Spirit of God even as he was given a new life.    Those that believe are instructed to live by that new life and not by the old one crucified on the cross.


    Quote (kerwin @ May 20 2011,17:05)
    Csaliba (Charles),

    You wrote to the Happyman:


    John 10:30     I and the Father are one.”

    It wasn't possible for God to become man Without Jesus.Jesus became the most sinful being on earth for us.Practically He became Satan himself to destroy him to convince him that He is omnipotent, and also superior to him the founder and father of sin.

    Only through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus as man could God the Father, achieve this Mystery,and only through the God the Father it was possible for Jesus to be Glorified and also Glorify His Father.

    There is nowhere in scripture that Jesus is said to be a sinful man.  Scripture instead states that Jesus became sin for us.  In that case sin means carnal nature.  Thus our carnal nature (old man) is nailed to the cross by our immersion in the death of Jesus the anointed.  

    God incarnates in a human being whenever the Spirit of God dwells in a man as God lives in them through his Spirit.

    God thus incarnated in the human being Jesus because his Spirit dwelled within the man Jesus and God lived in through it.  Since God lived in Jesus he also spoke and did his work through him and thus Jesus did not sin even though he was tempted as is common to man.

    God declares the wages of sin is death and yet Jesus who did not sin experienced death not because of his own sins but because there is sin in the world.  In sacrificing himself Jesus condemned the world as well as the god of the world because his death demonstrated it and its god are both carnal.

    By living according to the Spirit of God even to the point of death he proved that those who lived according to the Spirit are not carnal and therefore do not deserve the wages of death.

    Thus by his self-sacrifice he put the carnal nature of those who believe to death and by his resurrection he gives them a new life by the Spirit of God even as he was given a new life.    Those that believe are instructed to live by that new life and not by the old one crucified on the cross.


    Your quote: There is nowhere in scripture that Jesus is said to be a sinful man. Scripture instead states that Jesus became sin for us.
    Jesus became the last most sinful person on earth just before He died. You might ask how??
    Jesus became the first glorified person on earth as soon as He resurrected. You might ask how?? So Jesus was the First and the Last .
    First of all with every respect, not as you said “God incarnates in a human being whenever the Spirit of God dwells in a man as God lives in them through his Spirit,”
    because you, I, and all Christians have the Holy Spirit within us, and through Him, dwells our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ living in us, and through Our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ, dwells the Almighty God the Father, but still none of them are incarnated within us.
    John13: 20 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who receives whomever I send receives(Holy Spirit) Me;( Jesus Christ)and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me(God the father).
    John 16:14 “He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you. 15 “All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you
    Although we have the Holy Spirit within us, we have more freedom then humanity had before Jesus came, this for the simple reason, that humans were the property of Satan’s Spirit, from Adam’s sin and were vulnerable, and being manipulated by him, since our souls were his, and his angels residue, and also completely jailed within this filthy flesh (not body)which also his. So humans were body, soul, and spirit the property of Satan, and both on birth and on death as a principle, were automatically Satan owned souls, as an act of justification since all have sinned. Even those who where good in the eyes of God were the property of Satan, but through Michael’s intervention, they will be sent temporary to Limbo till the redeemer came.
    Thanks for Jesus, this evil spirit was removed, first on baptism of the water, in order for Jesus to fulfil His mission, then on the baptism of the blood on the cross from all nature the covenant which lasts forever.
    Mark 3:27 In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can rob his house.
    Now I come to your quote regarding sin: As I said on death all humans’ souls where possessed by Satan as their proprietor, and taken for justification, so Jesus to be like us in everything, as soon as He was reaching death, His father left Him, to be equal to us as man except in sin, therefore His soul became Satan possessed, so He became the most sinful person ever, but for us, to destroy forever Satan in hell for committing the biggest error.
    Isaiah: 50:8 He is near that justifieth me; who will contend with me? let us stand together: who is mine adversary? let him come near to me.
    9 Behold, the Lord GOD will help me; who is he that shall condemn me? lo, they all shall wax old as a garment; the moth shall eat them up.
    . This was the test that Satan , himself was convinced of, that since he owns the body, soul, and spirit, it wasn’t possible for God to become man, the only proof that Jesus is Man/God.
    Rev:5: 4And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. 5And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.
    Rev: 12:7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, 8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. 9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. 10And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
    So Jesus was the last to be possessed by Satan as his property, and from then on all souls on death, will be the property of Jesus and will be taken for justification by Michael.
    Your quote: God thus incarnated in the human being Jesus.
    Again this is false teaching, it is a sin against the Holy Spirit. God never incarnates and never will incarnates in humans, The Holy Spirit incarnated in the womb of Mary once only, in order that the Almighty God will be born Man/God within Jesus as the Son of the Most High two in one.: and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever. 33 And of his kingdom there shall be no end. HIS KNGDOM THERE SHALL BE NO END. JESU CHRIST LORD ALMIGHTY.
    Now since His kingdom(referring to Jesus) has no end, what eventually happen after He gives everything to His father, and also remains His? How is it possible to remain His kingdom, and to have no end?? Isn’t it rather, His Father’s kingdom and not His?? Or isn’t more appropriate that Jesus Is God??
    Luke1:31 Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever. 33 And of his kingdom there shall be no end. 34 And Mary sa
    id to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man? 35 And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

    Peace and Love in our Lord Almighty Jesus Christ


    Quote (csaliba @ May 21 2011,14:34)

    Doesn't “Almighty” mean “the MIGHTIEST of the mighty”? That title would not go to Jesus, but to the One he himself calls “my God”.


    Hi Charles,
      Here is some practical knowledge for you. When someone besides you makes a statement to you in a post and you refer to it; it is not “your quote”. It is “your statement. If this is not abundantly clear to you I will even more graphically present it to you by using you post to teach you this. If you cannot learn this then you are, therefore, unteachable and you have no desire to learn via an exchange of ideas. Fair enough?

    Your quote: God thus incarnated in the human being Jesus.
    Again this is false teaching, it is a sin against the Holy Spirit. God never incarnates and never will incarnates in humans,

     This is you refering to Kerwin's post. I will show you an easier to read, easier to understand, more organized method of presenting textual information on this web site.
      First I will use the quote function to actually quote Kerwin.

    God thus incarnated in the human being Jesus because his Spirit dwelled within the man Jesus and God lived in through it.  Since God lived in Jesus he also spoke and did his work through him and thus Jesus did not sin even though he was tempted as is common to man.

      Now, Charles, I will use the quote function to present your response.

    Again this is false teaching, it is a sin against the Holy Spirit. God never incarnates and never will incarnates in humans, The Holy Spirit incarnated in the womb of Mary once only, in order that the Almighty God will be born Man/God within  Jesus as the Son of the Most High two in one.: and he shall reign in the house of Jacob forever. 33 And of his kingdom there shall be no end. HIS KNGDOM THERE SHALL BE NO END. JESU CHRIST LORD ALMIGHTY.
    Now since His kingdom(referring to Jesus) has no end, what eventually happen after He gives everything to His father, and also remains His? How is it possible to remain His kingdom, and to have no end?? Isn’t it rather, His Father’s kingdom and not His?? Or isn’t more appropriate that Jesus Is God??

      Now, Charles, do you understand how in the interest of presenting information via text on this web-site this method is very much superior in quality than your “mashing it all together method?
      I will tell you the truth, Charles, It is very difficult to read and understand your previous post easily. The reason it is not easy is because of the method or format you use to present it. Sure, I can parse throught it slowly and eventually comprehend what you are posting, but, it is certainly nowhere close to easy.
      I don't agree with you on many of the doctrinal issues you present here. Until you learn to post in a method that is at least half-way organized and fairly easy to read I am not going to interact with you on this board. You may think “So what?” and that is OK, but, think about all the other people who read your posts. Here is a suggestion ask anyone who posts here besides me if your posts are simply put and fairly easy to read. OK?

                                                            With Love and Respect,

    P.S If you want or need any help in formatting your posts; simply ask. Most people here are fairly experienced and adept at using the limited functions we have available to us posting at this web-site.

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