The Hypostatic union.

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  • #245772

    Okay Pierre. :)





    Quote (terraricca @ May 11 2011,12:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 11 2011,19:22)
    Let's see……………………..English (kind of :) ), French, and Italian?


    no,English (kind of ) ,french and dutch(mother thong)


    Pierre! Dutch is not to far from my Hometown. Rheine Westfalen Germany…..Today there are no more borders. We lives about 10 minutes away from the border then….I was born in 1938 and we left Germany when I was 15 going on 16 years old….Since then we lived here in Cincinnati, Ohio….Nice City…..Both…So I only know two languages….Used to know a dialect from Westfalen, but forgot most of it…..Peace Irene


    Quote (Kila @ May 11 2011,08:10)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 06 2011,17:33)
    According to John we will eventually become gods

    Hi csaliba,

    What do you mean by that?

    Isn't that what the serpent told Eve?



    At the very end when Jesus will give everything to His father in order to all be in Him, All in One Mighty God ,indirect we will be, or won't we?



    Quote (Pastry @ May 12 2011,04:13)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 11 2011,12:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 11 2011,19:22)
    Let's see……………………..English (kind of :) ), French, and Italian?


    no,English (kind of ) ,french and dutch(mother thong)


    Pierre!  Dutch is not to far from my Hometown.  Rheine Westfalen Germany…..Today there are no more borders.  We lives about 10 minutes away from the border then….I was born in 1938 and we left Germany when I was 15 going on 16 years old….Since then we lived here in Cincinnati, Ohio….Nice City…..Both…So I only know two languages….Used to know a dialect from Westfalen, but forgot most of it…..Peace Irene


    I believe wen the mennonites left Holland or Flanders i believe it was called in those days ,they wen to the USA and they call there language ;low German; and the Lutherans called their language high German ,strange is it.



    Quote (terraricca @ May 12 2011,14:26)

    Quote (Pastry @ May 12 2011,04:13)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 11 2011,12:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 11 2011,19:22)
    Let's see……………………..English (kind of :) ), French, and Italian?


    no,English (kind of ) ,french and dutch(mother thong)


    Pierre!  Dutch is not to far from my Hometown.  Rheine Westfalen Germany…..Today there are no more borders.  We lives about 10 minutes away from the border then….I was born in 1938 and we left Germany when I was 15 going on 16 years old….Since then we lived here in Cincinnati, Ohio….Nice City…..Both…So I only know two languages….Used to know a dialect from Westfalen, but forgot most of it…..Peace Irene


    I believe wen the mennonites left Holland or Flanders i believe it was called in those days ,they wen to the  USA and they call there language ;low German; and the Lutherans called their language high German ,strange is it.


    Pierre! When I was a small girl, all I spoke was low German or dialect. When my Mother married again, my Stepfather made me speak High German. They don't call at that =, they call it dialect. Like in the south, Bavaria all you hear is dialect, which nobody from the North of Germany could understand..,.Now some will speak English since the United European, and all borders are gone….except for Russia….Peace Irene


    Quote (Pastry @ May 13 2011,08:35)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 12 2011,14:26)

    Quote (Pastry @ May 12 2011,04:13)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 11 2011,12:35)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ May 11 2011,19:22)
    Let's see……………………..English (kind of :) ), French, and Italian?


    no,English (kind of ) ,french and dutch(mother thong)


    Pierre!  Dutch is not to far from my Hometown.  Rheine Westfalen Germany…..Today there are no more borders.  We lives about 10 minutes away from the border then….I was born in 1938 and we left Germany when I was 15 going on 16 years old….Since then we lived here in Cincinnati, Ohio….Nice City…..Both…So I only know two languages….Used to know a dialect from Westfalen, but forgot most of it…..Peace Irene


    I believe wen the mennonites left Holland or Flanders i believe it was called in those days ,they wen to the  USA and they call there language ;low German; and the Lutherans called their language high German ,strange is it.


    Pierre!  When I was a small girl, all I spoke was low German or dialect.  When my Mother married again, my Stepfather made me speak High German.  They don't call at that =, they call it dialect.  Like in the south, Bavaria all you hear is dialect, which nobody from the North of Germany could understand..,.Now some will speak English since the United European, and all borders are gone….except for Russia….Peace Irene


    in Europe you can walk 20km in any direction and you have another dialect most are German roots or Slavic roots,or Latin

    only the past 60 years it start to change now day it is only the old that are lost unless they have picked up another language,now in Europe the average language spoken by people are mini;3 to pickup a good Job you have to know 4 0r 5



    Quote (Kila @ May 11 2011,08:14)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 07 2011,05:48)
    When you reflect and pray the Holy Spirit to give you light you will be aware  that Moses was Jesus incarnated in him.

    Hi csaliba,

    How does God giving you light connect to this statement?



    The topic is not about Moses .But reflect on these and I would suggest to open a new topic ,to discuss Who was Moses?

    Similar Characteristics between Moses and to Jesus:

    Moses birth is a puzzle and a mystery
    His birth was illegal,
    unknown father.
    Through his birth became the first and the last
    He was born mysteriously unique.
    He was hidden for three months from his birth.
    He escaped death many times
    He defended the weak.
    He was meek
    He was always a stranger in a strange land.
    He was a Jew,a prince, a shepherd,
    He was born to free God's people
    He was God for his people.
    He was a judge //////////
    He was a prophet ///////
    He was a mediator///////
    He was a teacher ///////
    He was a servant to God
    He did miracles
    He established the supper of the lamb
    He established the carnal Laws
    He established the carnal Church
    He established new priesthood
    He established the temple
    He established forgiveness.
    He destroyed the first laws
    He gave bread from heaven
    He controlled God's anger
    He walked through water
    Most powerful man on earth
    He gave a holy land to his people
    He promised his people another one like him

    I think it's sufficient to convince you that Jesus spirit was within Moses!
    peace and love in Jesus our Moses


    Hi Pierre! Never heard that Germans spoke Latin, only that the Mass in the Catholic Churches was all in Latin. Nobody understood what the Priests was saying. tell you the truth, I love my Homeland. It is the most unique Country besides Bavaria, but most speak German, at least the last time we were there in 1987….Peace Irene


    Quote (Pastry @ May 13 2011,13:47)
    Hi Pierre!  Never heard that Germans spoke Latin, only that the Mass in the Catholic Churches was all in Latin.  Nobody understood what the Priests was saying.  tell you the truth, I love my Homeland.  It is the most unique Country besides Bavaria, but most speak German, at least the last time we were there in 1987….Peace Irene


    did I mention in Germany or Europe ?



    Quote (csaliba @ May 13 2011,06:32)

    Quote (Kila @ May 11 2011,08:14)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 07 2011,05:48)
    When you reflect and pray the Holy Spirit to give you light you will be aware  that Moses was Jesus incarnated in him.

    Hi csaliba,

    How does God giving you light connect to this statement?



    The topic is not about Moses .But reflect on these and I would suggest to open a new topic ,to discuss Who was Moses?

    Similar Characteristics between Moses  and to Jesus:
    Moses birth is a puzzle and a mystery
    His birth was illegal,
    unknown father.                  
    Through his birth became the first and the last
    He was born mysteriously unique.
    He was hidden for three months from his birth.
    He escaped death many times
    He defended the weak.
    He was meek
    He was always a stranger in a strange land.
    He was  a Jew,a prince, a shepherd,
    He was born to free God's people
    He was God for his people.
    He was a judge  //////////
    He was a prophet  ///////
    He was a mediator///////
    He was a teacher ///////
    He was a servant to God
    He did miracles
    He established the supper of the lamb
    He established the carnal Laws
    He established the carnal Church
    He established new priesthood
    He established the temple
    He established forgiveness.
    He destroyed the first laws
    He gave bread from heaven
    He controlled God's anger
    He walked through water
    Most powerful man on earth
    He gave a holy land to his people
    He promised his people another one like him

    I think it's sufficient to convince you that Jesus spirit was within Moses!
    peace and love in Jesus our Moses

    Also kila,

    With every respect,are you aware what the word meek in every sense means? Jesus also said that he is meek and humble.
    the bible used the word meek to indicate a common mystery within Moses and Jesus. I reveal a good part,but not all as Jesus was concerned:

    Jesus although He was the Son of God and equal with the Father,while He was doing the Father's job in the world,He kept himself calm and patient ,although He was the most powerful person ever existed in all times in the world,and He had the power and could have destroyed all evil there and then.In fact He did this purposely to show Satan that He will win the battle through His death,not through His physical power,but through His meekness,and weakness, to proof that even in weakness God is superior to any and all powers.

    Peace and Love in our Lord Jesus Christ


    By Jesus own words He said this

    Jhn 14:28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come [again] unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

    And this

    Eph 4:4 [There is] one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
    Eph 4:5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
    Eph 4:6 One God and Father of all, who [is] above all, and through all, and in you all.

    There is only ONE Almighty Jehovah God who is above all. There are other Scriptures that tell us that there is none beside Him, like
    Deut. 4:35
    Deut. 6:4

    There is no trinity…..

    Peace Irene


    Quote (terraricca @ May 10 2011,10:06)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 10 2011,00:20)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 09 2011,11:57)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 07 2011,12:48)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 07 2011,04:22)

    Hi all,

    According to John we will eventually become gods

    John 10:34Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are gods’e? 35If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken

    Yes anyone that speaks the truth of God is a god like Moses was to his brother;Ex 4:16 He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him.

    Jesus was a god to his brothers and the people of Israel.

    Moses acting as a god to his brothers but this also bears a full responsibility of actions,and for one mistake it ad cost his live and never enter the promised land.

    so be careful if you want to play god.



    Moses, was never found dead,Moses 'tomb was never found.
    Moses with respect to prophecies should never enter the Holy Land. Moses was the only person on earth who confronted god on mount Sinai on the very first day.Moses, when you study carefully on that particular day till he went to Egypt was completely controlling god,and also went to Egypt only because god accepted all what Moses asked,and wanted.When you reflect and pray the Holy Spirit to give you light you will be aware  that Moses was Jesus incarnated in him.Also Moses life is a copycat of Jesus.That's why he was to introduce the supper of the lamb.That's why he never entered the Holy Land because symbolically it was not the time.

    peace and love.


    you should read the scriptures again ,it is Moses who did everything that God told him to do .



    First of all that was one of two angels acting as God.One positive and one negative.

    But to simplify it, scripture uses the word god. St Paul confirmed that it was the finger of God to indicate that it was someone in his name.  

    god did everything Moses wanted to do, or else he wouldn't have gone.
    Not just read scripture but meditate.

    He even begged, in a way Moses to accept, he even made him to be like god in order to accept.(as proof that he is Jesus spirit)

    Moses even broke the first two tablets,until god changed them and promised forgiveness.(as proof that he is Jesus spirit and who is to establish forgiveness of sins)

    Moses also prevented god from destroying all his(god's) people,and to start all over again through Moses.(as proof that he is a murderer like what Jesus said in John 8:44)

    Moses also defied god when instead to talk to the mountain to get water,he hit it with his staff. (to show him that He is Jesus spirit in Moses,and also in reality He is in command)

    This to show us that Moses was within the spirit of Jesus. I will post more to show you what Moses made god do for him.

    It is also important to know that it wasn't always

    peace and love in Jesus Christ


    you start to sound like Mormons,

    your explanation do not make sense,show scriptures

    you are inventing thing or make them up as you go ,


    Scripture has 4 i interpretations.

    One literal doesn't make sense
    One spiritual
    One spiritual and material.
    One cosmical.

    I am interested in the one spiritual and Material,or negative and positive, or good and Evil,which represents us,So when one reads the bible ,within this concept he must reflect through both both sides.If one looks at the burning bush and not consumed one can discover quite a various contradictory surprising definition to it,and it is all like that through scriptures.That's why one must rely on his church for interpretation,because otherwise one goes mad.

    When one read scripture one read a verse,or mostly one word,and then one must reflect days on it,one also must pray the Holy Spirit to give him light,apart from more and more holy things one must do.One could read a word which in English is a house but when one study and do all what I said above that the word House could mean a Girl,a window,a door and so on.
    It's the same when we read one God all understand that it means one God but when you refer to the original Jewish writing He discovers that never in the whole bible the word God is in the singular but always in the plural,so God could be more than one person and still be God as one

    An example of how the Hebrew word Elohim is used in the plural is that it is translated “gods” (referring to idols) 235 times in the Old Testament. It is exactly the same word that is translated “God,” referring to the Almighty. An example is given below:

    “I am the LORD your God [Elohim], who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods [Elohim] before Me. (Exodus 20:2-3)
    The Hebrew word translated “God” is the word El or Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of El. The plural form is used 2607 of the 2845 times the word “God” is used in the Old Testament. Not only is the word for God usually used in the plural form, but several verses refer to God as “Us”:
    God bless


    Quote (csaliba @ May 15 2011,10:00)
    “I am the LORD your God [Elohim], who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods [Elohim] before Me. (Exodus 20:2-3)
    The Hebrew word translated “God” is the word El or Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of El. The plural form is used 2607 of the 2845 times the word “God” is used in the Old Testament. Not only is the word for God usually used in the plural form, but several verses refer to God as “Us”:
    God bless

    Hi Charles,

    I bailed from the one conversation we had because your posts are very long, and your views don't often align with any scriptures I've ever read.

    I will engage with you about “elohim” if you keep your posts short and to the point.

    First up, the Hebrews used what is commonly called a “plural of majesty”.  I believe that to be a misnomer because it doesn't always reflect something majestic.  For example, Canaan was told that he would be the slaves of slaves.  It is more a “plural of emphasis”, because a slave is surely not majestic.

    King Nebuchadnezzar was called the kings of kings.  So was Artaxerxes.  Surely the writer did not intend to teach that these two human beings were comprised of multiple persons in a “kinghead”, right?

    Solomon's Song of songs is really the songs of songs in Hebrew, because the writer wanted to emphasize that this was a “above par”, so to speak.

    The Hebrew use of the plural form of a word meant either “more than one”, or as an emphasis that the one mentioned was “above par”.

    For example, “elohim” could either refer to more than one god, or to one single god that was “above par”.  It is used in reference to the single god Dagon and the single god Mo'lech.

    It is most commonly used to refer to the single God Jehovah.  But keep in mind that the word can only refer to more than one, or one who is above par.  It NEVER refers to “more than one person in a Godhead” or “more than one person in a slavehead” or “more than one person in a kinghead”, or “more than one song in a songhead”.

    Finally, you are mistaken if you think any scripture ever refers to YHWH as an “US”.  But I would like you to post these scriptures that you think do this.



    Hi Charles,

    That's why one must rely on his church for interpretation,because otherwise one goes mad.

      What is the name of the church you are relying on please?

                                            With Love and Respect,


    Quote (Wispring @ May 16 2011,15:16)
    Hi Charles,

    That's why one must rely on his church for interpretation,because otherwise one goes mad.

      What is the name of the church you are relying on please?

                                            With Love and Respect,


    Hi Wispring,I already quoted that.

    I already quoted that I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ the only Church He established.

    Philippians1:15It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. 16The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. 17The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains.c 18But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.

    Peace and Love in Jesus Christ


    Quote (csaliba @ May 14 2011,06:14)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 13 2011,06:32)

    Quote (Kila @ May 11 2011,08:14)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 07 2011,05:48)
    When you reflect and pray the Holy Spirit to give you light you will be aware  that Moses was Jesus incarnated in him.

    Hi csaliba,

    How does God giving you light connect to this statement?



    The topic is not about Moses .But reflect on these and I would suggest to open a new topic ,to discuss Who was Moses?

    Similar Characteristics between Moses  and to Jesus:
    Moses birth is a puzzle and a mystery
    His birth was illegal,
    unknown father.                  
    Through his birth became the first and the last
    He was born mysteriously unique.
    He was hidden for three months from his birth.
    He escaped death many times
    He defended the weak.
    He was meek
    He was always a stranger in a strange land.
    He was  a Jew,a prince, a shepherd,
    He was born to free God's people
    He was God for his people.
    He was a judge  //////////
    He was a prophet  ///////
    He was a mediator///////
    He was a teacher ///////
    He was a servant to God
    He did miracles
    He established the supper of the lamb
    He established the carnal Laws
    He established the carnal Church
    He established new priesthood
    He established the temple
    He established forgiveness.
    He destroyed the first laws
    He gave bread from heaven
    He controlled God's anger
    He walked through water
    Most powerful man on earth
    He gave a holy land to his people
    He promised his people another one like him

    I think it's sufficient to convince you that Jesus spirit was within Moses!
    peace and love in Jesus our Moses

    Also kila,

    With every respect,are you aware what the word meek in every sense means? Jesus also said that he is meek and humble.
    the bible used the word meek to indicate a common mystery within Moses and Jesus. I reveal a good part,but not all as Jesus was concerned:

    Jesus although He was the Son of God and equal with the Father,while He was doing the Father's job in the world,He kept himself calm and patient ,although  He was the most powerful person ever existed in all times in the world,and He had the power and could have destroyed all evil  there and then.In fact He did this purposely to show Satan that He will win the battle  through His death,not through His physical power,but through His meekness,and weakness, to proof that even in weakness  God is superior to any and all powers.

    Peace and Love in our Lord Jesus Christ

    Also, Kila,

    Read this carefully and reflect in depth,and discover what Paul is referring to.Don't forget that Paul was a very zealous Pharisee???

    7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

    Peace and Love



    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus, He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal. I hope this causes us to seek more.


    Quote (csaliba @ May 16 2011,10:00)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 10 2011,10:06)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 10 2011,00:20)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 09 2011,11:57)

    Quote (csaliba @ May 07 2011,12:48)

    Quote (terraricca @ May 07 2011,04:22)

    Hi all,

    According to John we will eventually become gods

    John 10:34Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are gods’e? 35If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken

    Yes anyone that speaks the truth of God is a god like Moses was to his brother;Ex 4:16 He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him.

    Jesus was a god to his brothers and the people of Israel.

    Moses acting as a god to his brothers but this also bears a full responsibility of actions,and for one mistake it ad cost his live and never enter the promised land.

    so be careful if you want to play god.



    Moses, was never found dead,Moses 'tomb was never found.
    Moses with respect to prophecies should never enter the Holy Land. Moses was the only person on earth who confronted god on mount Sinai on the very first day.Moses, when you study carefully on that particular day till he went to Egypt was completely controlling god,and also went to Egypt only because god accepted all what Moses asked,and wanted.When you reflect and pray the Holy Spirit to give you light you will be aware  that Moses was Jesus incarnated in him.Also Moses life is a copycat of Jesus.That's why he was to introduce the supper of the lamb.That's why he never entered the Holy Land because symbolically it was not the time.

    peace and love.


    you should read the scriptures again ,it is Moses who did everything that God told him to do .



    First of all that was one of two angels acting as God.One positive and one negative.

    But to simplify it, scripture uses the word god. St Paul confirmed that it was the finger of God to indicate that it was someone in his name.  

    god did everything Moses wanted to do, or else he wouldn't have gone.
    Not just read scripture but meditate.

    He even begged, in a way Moses to accept, he even made him to be like god in order to accept.(as proof that he is Jesus spirit)

    Moses even broke the first two tablets,until god changed them and promised forgiveness.(as proof that he is Jesus spirit and who is to establish forgiveness of sins)

    Moses also prevented god from destroying all his(god's) people,and to start all over again through Moses.(as proof that he is a murderer like what Jesus said in John 8:44)

    Moses also defied god when instead to talk to the mountain to get water,he hit it with his staff. (to show him that He is Jesus spirit in Moses,and also in reality He is in command)

    This to show us that Moses was within the spirit of Jesus. I will post more to show you what Moses made god do for him.

    It is also important to know that it wasn't always

    peace and love in Jesus Christ


    you start to sound like Mormons,

    your explanation do not make sense,show scriptures

    you are inventing thing or make them up as you go ,


    Scripture has 4 i interpretations.

    One literal doesn't make sense
    One spiritual
    One spiritual and material.
    One cosmical.

    I am interested in the one spiritual and Material,or negative and positive, or good and Evil,which represents us,So when one reads the bible ,within this concept he must reflect through both both sides.If one looks at the burning bush and not consumed one can discover quite a various contradictory surprising definition to it,and it is all like that through scriptures.That's why one must rely on his church for interpretation,because otherwise one goes mad.

    When one read scripture one read a verse,or mostly one word,and then one must reflect days on it,one also must pray the Holy Spirit to give him light,apart from more and more holy things one must do.One could read a word which in English is a house but when one study and do all what I said above that the word House could mean a Girl,a window,a door and so on.
    It's the same when we read one God all understand that it means one God but when you refer to the original Jewish writing He discovers that never in the whole bible the word God is in the singular but always in the plural,so God could be more than one person and still be God as one

    An example of how the Hebrew word Elohim is used in the plural is that it is translated “gods” (referring to idols) 235 times in the Old Testament. It is exactly the same word that is translated “God,” referring to the Almighty. An example is given below:

    “I am the LORD your God [Elohim], who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. “You shall have no other gods [Elohim] before Me. (Exodus 20:2-3)
    The Hebrew word translated “God” is the word El or Elohim. Elohim is the plural form of El. The plural form is used 2607 of the 2845 times the word “God” is used in the Old Testament. Not only is the word for God usually used in the plural form, but several verses refer to God as “Us”:
    God bless


    Scripture has 4 i interpretations.

    One literal doesn't make sense
    One spiritual
    One spiritual and material.
    One cosmical.

    you forgot one YOURS



    Hi thehappyman,

    I don't believe that Jesus said that He was equal with His Father. Eample : My dad is the head of our home and everything is based on him , i am his son and I am not equal to him. yet i am a part of him.
    Of every thing that I have studied about Jesus, He was not going to do the same as Satan, that is to make himself equal. I hope this causes us to seek more.

    Nice post. It inspires me to seek more. I hope it inspires everyone who reads your post to seek more.

    With Love and Respect,

Viewing 20 posts - 121 through 140 (of 202 total)
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