The great apostasy

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    Quote (Irene @ July 06 2008,02:10)
    Hi All

    In 2 Thes. 2:, Paul explains to the brethren, that they should not look for the return of Jesus Christ so soon, verses 1,2.
    In verse 3 he says that Christ would not return before the falling away, and the man of sin be revealed. This individual would exalt himself above everyone else, even claim to be god, and have the power of god, verse 4.
    Some of the earlier popes have made that claim.
    Paul also told the brethren, that for the time being something was holding him back to take full charge, verse 7. This something was some one, the emperor. The Roman Emperor ruled not only over the state, he ruled over all religions too; he was “Pontifax Maximus”, Chief religious ruler. And only after he was taken out of the way, would the man of sin, Antichrist, take over. His brutal and merciless ruling would identify him as the one.
    It was when the emperor Justinian died in 565 A.D., the last emperor of the east and the west, the pope of Rome could claim the title, “Pontifax Maximus”, pontiff for short. The pope became the image of the beast, Rome being the beast, because he structured his church after the Roman government.


    Greetings IM4…..I would think we are in the time of the recreation “Pontifax Maximus”simply because of the obvious effort being put forth by the Catholic Church to absorb the many protestant off shoots of Christianity as we know it(eg.The Anglican church et al )….This will not be difficult to achieve since most of these churches already hold to the doctrines set forth at Nicea,with the exception of Papal authority….Papal authority will be accepted as a result of the political alighnment with the ruling EU government…This government could very well be Germany because of its military as well as economic might….



    Ever since Napoleon showed the world that the pope had no real power, and did not have to be feared; the Catholic Church has tried in vain to become the master of all religion again.
    The pope may make a more impressive appearance than any other religious leader, but he will never become again what he once was.
    The reason “Christian Churches” are so similar in their basic doctrine is, because the Roman Catholic Church is the Mother of them all.



    Hmmm, I was really looking forward to continue this topic.



    Irene….Nepolleon dealt the deadly wound, but scripture says the wound was heald, Could the RCC 's move to bring back all her Daughters the protestants be the healing process, interesting thought.

    peace to you and yours………gene



    Napoleon did not cause the deadly wound, Rev. 13:3.
    Napoleon brought about the humiliation and downfall of Antichrist, Dan. 11:36.
    The deadly wound was caused to the Roman empire, when in A.D. 476 the western emperor Romulus Augustus was deposed by the barbarian king of the Heruli. And the deadly wound was healed in A.D. 554 when the eastern emperor Justinian reconquered Rome.



    In 2 Thessa. 2 the son of perdition will sit in the temple of God. This said “temple” is a concept of spiritual authority.


    Hi and welcome ms,

    From which source?

    We are together and individually the temple of God.


    The son of perdition, Antichrist-the Pope, did set himself up as god over the temple of God, the spiritual temple the saints, and any one that refused to worship him was tortured and executed.
    He is also the one that caused the falling away, because not all saints had the strength to endure to the end.



    Quote (Tiffany @ Dec. 01 2008,00:11)
    The son of perdition, Antichrist-the Pope, did set himself up as god over the temple of God, the spiritual temple the saints, and any one that refused to worship him was tortured and executed.
    He is also the one that caused the falling away, because not all saints had the strength to endure to the end.  


    Greetings Georg……..As you know this has been a repedative process and it is about to commence again in our time…The CC is sponsoring a unification of all so called christian churches of which the Pope will preside as the vicar of christ and rule the body through infalliability…..Sounds to me like a false prophet is about to mike his debut….


    I have been thinking about the 2 Th 2:3-4 and on who the anti-christ is.

    2 Th 2:3   Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

    Is Jesus as God (the Son) the same as the son of perdition sitting in the temple of God –   and is Yahshua the Son of Yahweh someone different?  

    Paul in the scriptures say that we are the temple of God (Yahweh) – He does not live in a house.  

    I hear people say that you do not worship the God that I worship and is that because in christianity Yahweh and Yahshua have been replaced with a trinity God?    

    The trinity doctrine is part of the deception and just a part of the lie, the virgin birth is another, the name of Jesus is part of the deception and how the switch ocurred.



    “That day shall not come”, Paul is referring to the return of Christ, that's how he starts out in verse 1.
    The one that exalts himself as god is Antichrist.
    The true believers, the saints, are the spiritual temple of God; sitting in the temple is to say, he has the power over them, and anyone that would not worship him was killed.
    Antichrist is the son of perdition.
    I don't think traditional Christianity replaces anything, it adds the Holy Spirit as a third person.
    Am I understanding you correctly, you believe the virgin birth is a deception?
    What do you mean the name Jesus is part of the deception?



    The teachings of trinity came during the great apostasy within a few generations of the death of Jesus.
    Yet men still prefer to try to justify this folly against what is written.


    hi nick
    2Th 2:3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
    2Th 2:4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

    i still believe that this man is Constantine,and it is still here today



    You have a fascination with Constantine.
    That day means, Christs return; and how was Constantine responsible for the falling away from the truth.
    In what way did he exalt himself above all that is called God, or how did he set himself up in the temple of God; and what temple is Paul referring to? did he proclaim himself to be god? not that I know.
    Constantine has long been dead, but the Antichrist is still with us to day.



    hi Georg
    2Th 2:3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.
    2Th 2:4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God’s temple, proclaiming himself to be God.

    that day” will only occur at the rebellion,
    go back in history and you will find out that the so called Christians were so divided among themselves that the reason why Constantine could do what he did.

    the total apostasy (rebellion) was now in place and Constantine the man of lawlessness.the cross the greatest idole in history.



    I have given you dates of history, you don't seem to want to pay attention to them because they mess up your believes.
    Example: you did not answer my questions, here they are again.

    In what way did he exalt himself above all that is called God?
    or how did he set himself up in the temple of God?
    and what temple is Paul referring to?
    did he proclaim himself to be god? not that I know.
    Constantine has long been dead, but the Antichrist is still with us to day; how do you explain that?
    Remember what you acused Nick of!?



    hi georg
    i have explain it before,here i do it again,Constantine is the man ,because by puthing himself top person and decieding what the churche was going to say or do he put himself above God ,so he exalted himself above God.and his way of thinking is still with us today because the foundation of that antichrist is with us today “the Catholic roman churche” this must included all her daugthers.



    You're forgetting that the Roman emperor was not only top man over the state, he was also “PONTIFEX MAXIMUS”, meaning, “Chief religious ruler”, all emperors were, not just Constantine.
    He was the restrainer that Paul talked about in

    2Th 2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth (restrains) will let, (will restrain) until he be taken out of the way.

    No pope dared to claim that title as long as there was an emperor around.
    Justinian was the last emperor of the east and the west, when he died in 565 AD, he, the restrainer, was taken out of the way, and Antichrist took his place, began to rule.
    Many emperors before Constantine declared them self to be god, nothing unusual about that.
    Constantine did change the Sabbath service to Sunday, and he changed the remembrance of Christs death to the resurrection of Christ, and he did rule with the trinitarian; but he is not responsible for the doctrines of the Catholic church, that they teach now. All those changes were made at the first Counsel of Nicea, at which over 300 bishops attended, over which Constantine presided, but that's all.
    No, I'm afraid he is not your man.



    hi georg
    HE who NOW?? what is now stand forth,?? 65 ad until 325ad ??
    Constantine is the first so called Christian emperor. all the other ones are take overs from him.

    Tim Kraft

    If we can talk to Jesus and walk with Jesus, and pray to Jesus and Jesus dwells in our hearts and minds, then Jesus is here, in human flesh and blood. The word of God is within. Jesus said he and his Father would come and make their abode in us. We are the temple of God! Its no longer us that lives its Christ IN US the hope of glory. If one believes that Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit are not within them they have no part or union with God. The Kingdom of Heaven is within all who accept and believe. Jesus even said,”neither shall they say, lo here or lo there! for, behold the Kingdom of God is within you(Luke 17:21). Those who believe, receive and those who reject the truth do not partake. TK

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