The gospel

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    “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”

    We have not seen but have been given the Word of God as testimony to the truth. Previous generations have not had the easy access to this as we have.

    God is faithful and waits anxiously for any to see the light and turn back to Him. He comes running down the road to meet his sons who were lost but have been found.


    Hi david,
    How should we effectively reach men? Do we really want to bring them to salvation? If aso what should we say and when? Does the JW approach fit with scriptural teaching? Does it make sense? Who benefits with your approach?


    If you stand, thanks to the grace of God, in a higher place or a place of safety on the mountain and you see others wanting to join you how should you help them? Surely you warn them. Do you preach at them or exult in your superiority, and judge them, and throw stones at them? Do we not dress as they do and reach down, or go down to show them the way?
    That is what the Son of God did and we who are in him should do the same. He has given us the power of the gospel and of the Spirit so it is not of ourselves. Striving in our own strength in the vain hope that we will save ourselves by so doing does not help them and neither is it useful for us.

    ” Not by might nor by power but by Thy Spirit”


    Nick, this is the problem with your posts. You often say things very obvious. But since you direct them at a person (me in this case), I feel the need to defend myself. Yet what am I supposed to defend myself against, since I agree with everything you said?

    Do you think the work we do could be done without the holy spirit?
    Could you go from door to door Nick and talk about the good news of the Kingdom?
    Others have tried. About 7 years ago, I was talking to someone who was very very very zealous. I met Norman in the ministry. We sat down in his basement and discussed the trinity (and a couple other things) for a couple hours. In his basement, he had basically one chair and a stool for me and a Bible. He knew the Scriptures well, in fact, better than anyone I've ever met in the ministry. It seemed that was the only book he owned. One of the only “things” he owned. At first when visiting this site, you reminded me of him. He told me that he tried to go from door to door. It lasted a few days. He couldn't do it. He told me that he witnesses to people over the internet. I guess he was talking about forums like this. When I left, he handed me a leaflet that said among other things that you should tithe, despite the fact that he emphatically was against tithing.

    Long before the Christian era Nick, Jehovah told faithful Abraham about a provision for “all nations of the earth” to bless themselves. (Gen 22:18) He also inspired Solomon to write regarding a fundamental requirement that rests on all humans: “Fear the true God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole obligation of man.” (Eccl. 12:13) But how would the people living in all nations learn about these things? Good question Nick.
    Although there have always been some people who believed God’s word, the Bible indicates that the intensive global witness that would actually reach all nations with the good news was reserved for “the Lord’s day.” As you know Nick, Jehovah’s Witnesses believe this began in 1914. (Rev. 1:10) Concerning this time, Revelation 14:6,7 foretold that a vital proclamation under angelic direction would be made “to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.” They would be urged: “FEAR God and give him glory, because the hour of the judgment by him has arrived, and so worship the One who made the heaven and the earth and sea and fountains of waters.” It is God’s will that this message be delivered. We have the privilege of sharing in that work.
    When Jehovah declared, “You are my witnesses,” it was in a setting where the issue of Godship was being debated. (Is 43:10) The message that must be delivered is not merely that people should believe in a god. Rather, they need to be given the opportunity to learn that the Creator of heaven and earth is the only true God. (Is 45:5,18,21,22; John 17:3) Only the true God can reliably foretell the future. It is our privilege to point out that the fulfillment of Jehovah’s word in the past gives sound basis for confidence that everything he has promised for the future will come true.–Josh 23:14; Is 55:10,11.


    AT A meeting of the World Council of Churches some 40 years ago, members were urged to “break out in a spirit of evangelism” and to teach their flocks to “go about evangelizing.” Five years later John A. O’Brien, a Catholic clergyman, wrote about the need to bring in new disciples “by going to them” and not simply “by sitting in our homes.” And in January 1994, Pope John Paul II said that it is “not the time to be ashamed of the Gospel, it’s time to preach it from the rooftops.”

    Apparently these intermittent calls for evangelizers have fallen on deaf ears. An article in the Australian newspaper Illawarra Mercury stated: “Prominent South Coast Catholics are not keen to adopt the Jehovah’s Witness-type approach to their faith.” One man said that evangelism is simply “not part of the Catholic psyche.” Another reasoned: “It’s good for the Church to promote itself, but not through doorknocking. Perhaps through schools or letterbox drops would be better.” Even the dean of a local cathedral was not quite sure how to interpret the pope’s remarks. “We would encourage people to live out the Gospel they know through their own lives,” he said. “Whether that means doorknocking is another thing.” The headline of the news article sums it up well: “Catholics won’t heed Pope’s call to preach.”

    Despite Christendom’s failure to evangelize, more than 6 million of Jehovah’s Witnesses are following Jesus’ command to “go . . . and make disciples of people of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, 20; compare Acts 5:42.) Their door-to-door preaching is now carried out in more than 230 lands. The message they bring is a positive one, highlighting the Bible’s wonderful promises for the future. The Watchtower, publsihed in more languages than any other periodical, is devoted to “Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom,” as stated on the front cover.



    Hi david,
    Yes your work could be being done without the Holy Spirit.

    If all we teach is to believe in God we have made them as the demons as James tells us. Belief saves no one but obedience to the commands of Jesus.


    Could you do it Nick?

    That's what I've been saying Nick. We have to Obey the commands of Jesus.
    Heb 5:9, salvation to those 'obeying' Jesus. Faith without works is dead Nick. So why is it every time I mention us doing something, you reply by saying, Yes, but:
    we must be born of holy spirit.

    It's as if you're disagreeing with me. But I know you aren't.


    Quote (david @ Sep. 28 2005,06:39)
    AT A meeting of the World Council of Churches some 40 years ago, members were urged to “break out in a spirit of evangelism” and to teach their flocks to “go about evangelizing.” Five years later John A. O’Brien, a Catholic clergyman, wrote about the need to bring in new disciples “by going to them” and not simply “by sitting in our homes.” And in January 1994, Pope John Paul II said that it is “not the time to be ashamed of the Gospel, it’s time to preach it from the rooftops.”

    Apparently these intermittent calls for evangelizers have fallen on deaf ears. An article in the Australian newspaper Illawarra Mercury stated: “Prominent South Coast Catholics are not keen to adopt the Jehovah’s Witness-type approach to their faith.” One man said that evangelism is simply “not part of the Catholic psyche.” Another reasoned: “It’s good for the Church to promote itself, but not through doorknocking. Perhaps through schools or letterbox drops would be better.” Even the dean of a local cathedral was not quite sure how to interpret the pope’s remarks. “We would encourage people to live out the Gospel they know through their own lives,” he said. “Whether that means doorknocking is another thing.” The headline of the news article sums it up well: “Catholics won’t heed Pope’s call to preach.”

    Despite Christendom’s failure to evangelize, more than 6 million of Jehovah’s Witnesses are following Jesus’ command to “go . . . and make disciples of people of all the nations.” (Matthew 28:19, 20; compare Acts 5:42.) Their door-to-door preaching is now carried out in more than 230 lands. The message they bring is a positive one, highlighting the Bible’s wonderful promises for the future.  The Watchtower, publsihed in more languages than any other periodical, is devoted to “Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom,” as stated on the front cover.


    Hi david,
    If the whore and her daughters own the land of USA or anywhere then the land and it's people are worse rather than better off. If she does or does not promote her false gospel so what? Jesus never sent his disciples to cast pearls before swine when we make disciples of all nations.



    How should we effectively reach men? Do we really want to bring them to salvation? If so what should we say and when? Does your approach fit with scriptural teaching? Does it make sense? Who benefits with your approach?


    Hi david,
    The work and the burden is of the Lord. Some are called and equipped as evangelists but not all. Some are prophets and some apostles. Some teach. Some heal according to the specific gifting of the Spirit.
    No one has all the gifts or there would not need to be a body. No one either can come unless he is called. Should all be spoken to? I do not think so but only those spoken to whom God puts on our hearts. To take pearls to those who hate God and expose them to contempt is to cause offense to them and the Spirit.


    Hey Nick,
    Are you saying everyone shouldn't be given the chance to hear the greatest news ever? The good news of the kingdom?
    Don't get me wrong. It's God that draws people to him. But we are “God's fellow workers,” and we are to obey his commands to share this good news with everyone.

    Mankinds greatest need is spiritual. Why not share with others what they need most?

    If many people weren't reached with this message of hope/warning message, wouldn't they be able to make the charge: “No one told me! It isn't fair.”

    Are you saying someone who has the power to heal can remain silent?

    What about bloodguilt?

    If God says to someone wicked: You will die if you continue this way,
    and you do nothing to warn that one, he being wicked, will die, but his blood will be on your hands. Actually, let me find the scripture I'm thinking of….
    There's a principal found in Ezekiel:
    EZEKIEL 3:18-19
    “When I say to someone wicked, ‘You will positively die,’ and you do not actually warn him and speak in order to warn the wicked one from his wicked way to preserve him alive, he being wicked, in his error he will die, but his blood I shall ask back from your own hand. But as for you, in case you have warned someone wicked and he does not actually turn back from his wickedness and from his wicked way, he himself for his error will die; but as for you, you will have delivered your own soul.”

    EZEKIEL 33:7-9
    ““Now as regards you, O son of man, a watchman is what I have made you to the house of Israel, and at my mouth you must hear [the] word and give them warning from me. When I say to someone wicked, ‘O wicked one, you will positively die!’ but you actually do not speak out to warn the wicked one from his way, he himself as a wicked one will die in his own error, but his blood I shall ask back at your own hand. But as regards you, in case you actually warn someone wicked from his way [for him] to turn back from it but he actually does not turn back from his way, he himself will die in his own error, whereas you yourself will certainly deliver your own soul.”

    1 TIMOTHY 4:16
    “Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who listen to you.”

    The work and burden is of the lord? Nick? you say?
    1 CORINTHIANS 3:6-9
    “I planted, A·pol´los watered, but God kept making [it] grow; so that neither is he that plants anything nor is he that waters, but God who makes [it] grow. Now he that plants and he that waters are one, but each [person] will receive his own reward according to his own labor. FOR WE ARE GOD'S FELLOW WORKERS. YOU people are God’s field under cultivation, God’s building.”

    You say some are “equipped as evangelists but not all.” Well, some are maybe better equipped than others. We all have a mouth.

    To not use the gift of speech to praise Jehovah and make his name known seems a sin.
    JAMES 4:17
    “if one knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.”


    Hi David,
    So the warning to Ezekiel has been taken personally by your organisation and out of fear of sin you preach?


    Hows it going Nick,
    Maybe you forget the times that I explained why we preach.
    It is out of love for Jehovah and neighbor.
    –Because we love Jehovah, we obey the scriptural commands to share the good news with everyone.
    –Because we love our neighbors, we share with them this most wonderful news.
    I think that's been made rather clear in past posts.

    Is it out of fear of sin we preach? you say.

    The scripture says: 'If you know how to do what's right and do not do it, it is a sin.'
    Sharing with people life saving information is the right thing to do, always. Is it not? One does this out of love. People are starving spiritually, lost, frightened, not knowing what is happening in the world, not knowing what is to come, wondering why there is wickedness and suffering. Out of love, we share the good news of the kingdom with them. It is what they need most. Sharing this good news is the right thing to do, is it not? The scripture in James cannot be ignored with regard to sharing this good news.

    –Fear of sin is not the motivating factor for the preaching work however. The sanctification of Jehovah's name is the important thing. His name has been slandered. The scripture in James is rarely used with reference to the preaching work. Rather, love for God and neighbor are stressed.

    Has it been taken personally by our organization? Should it not be taken personally by everyone who looks at this scripture and sees how God feels about people. It is a glimpse into God's reasoning.
    Nick, if God says he's going to destroy the wicked, which he has said–And you don't do anything to warn the wicked, they being wicked will die in their own error. But what will God think of you Nick? Or what will it mean for someone who ignores this principal and just tries to save themselves?

    How merciful it is for Jehovah God to see to it that ample warning is given.

    In Ezekiel’s time, however, there were Israelites who failed to appreciate God’s boundless love and mercy. They said: “The way of Jehovah is not adjusted right.” Yet, they were really the ones needing to adjust their thinking and ways.—Ezek. 33:17, 20.



    Hi David,
    I applaud the intent to warn and inform. I do doubt whether the efforts are that effective due to the techniques used which may even be counterproductive. I also do not believe it is the same message given by Christ that is preached.


    We have used radio and tv in the past, but the methods set out by Jesus are the best. We follow them.
    hmmm. What message exactly did Christ preach in your opinion? Did he stress the sactification of his fathers name? Did he talk to people about God's Kingdom? Did he tell people to repent, because the kingdom of God has drawn near? Did he comfort people with the good news that God's Kngdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellowmen and that it will turn the earth into a paradise? Did he exalt his father as sovereign lord of the universe? Did he bear witness to the truth concerning religious hypocrisy, tradition, beliefs, etc?

    In your mind, what was the message that Christ preached and that his apostles and early disciples preached?

    If you don't believe the methods of preaching that we use is effective, you will have to take that up with Jesus and how he trained his early disciples.



    David asked,

    In your mind, what was the message that Christ preached and that his apostles and early disciples preached?

    Now I pose that you will explain the elaborate doctrine of the JWs concerning the tree that was cut down and the bands that was put on the stump where the Gentile kingdoms of this world would rule for 1,260 years which the JWs claim ended in the year 1914, and Messiah came in secret and invisible and the Kingdom of Yah was set up ?

    Well, the fact is, that Gentile kingdoms are still ruling this world with their own governments, and the final decree that the Kingdom of Yah will be implimented at Messiah's literal coming at the LAST TRUMPET( Matt.24:31; 1 Thess.4:16; 1 Cor.15:52; Rev.11:15).

    In which the true Gospel of Yah's coming Kingdom was and is still to be preached( Matt.24:14), which includes the message of their true Names( Joel 2:32; Acts 2:21; Acts 4:10-12; Rom.10:13), concerning salvation of man, and that the Promises were and are immortal Eternal life on this earth as was Promised to Abraham and all the faithful obedient( Heb.11), in which even they have not received those promises yet either( Heb.11:13, 39).


    Quote (david @ Sep. 30 2005,00:56)
    We have used radio and tv in the past, but the methods set out by Jesus are the best.  We follow them.
    hmmm.  What message exactly did Christ preach in your opinion?  Did he stress the sactification of his fathers name?  Did he talk to people about God's Kingdom?  Did he tell people to repent, because the kingdom of God has drawn near?  Did he comfort people with the good news that God's Kngdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellowmen and that it will turn the earth into a paradise?  Did he exalt his father as sovereign lord of the universe?  Did he bear witness to the truth concerning religious hypocrisy, tradition, beliefs, etc?

    In your mind, what was the message that Christ preached and that his apostles and early disciples preached?

    If you don't believe the methods of preaching that we use is effective, you will have to take that up with Jesus and how he trained his early disciples.


    Hi david,
    Thank you fro the info. Perhaps it needs added the command that they be born again, and the Power of the Spirit of God at work amongst the preachers.


    Perhaps it needs added the command that they be born again, and the Power of the Spirit of God at work amongst the preachers.

    Let's see now, how long has traditional christianity been preaching its own message about a false person called je'sus, and how many religious denominations are there of this world in almost every country on the globe?

    There are literally thousands of denominations, lets see, there is the Baptist Denominations, then there is the Pentecostal unknown tongues Denominations, then there is the Methodist Denominations, then there is The Anglacan Denominations, then there is The Roman Catholic Denominations, and I could just keep going on and going on like the energizer bunny, and this entire computer does not have enough capacity to list them all.

    Why since 500 years ago, all the Denominations should have had another garden of eden parsdise on this earth, however, all there is, is murder, rape, theft, violence, sorcery of drugs, queers, which are modern Sodomites, and people murdering each other with anything and everything from baseball bats to steal toed boots in their own homes, and not to even mention all the wars.

    Then, there is people like Benny Hinn that stand in front of a camera and is on T.V., saying heal in the name of the lard , and people are falling over like a stiff stove poker on a stage in front of millions of other people, then the audience gets quiet for moment, then, Benny Hinn says praise you je'sus, glory to the lard, then he says that BAAL GOD is doing some mighty miracles among the people, and he is saying that millions are being saved today.”” UNQUOTE.


    Then, you can take your T.V. remote clicker and change channels on your T.V.set , then you can see Pat Robertson's Son sitting there imitating and mimiking his dad Pat Robertson and saying while he sits there with his eyes closed saying, “” there is some person out there who has suffered severe migraine head ac'es for years, and your being healed of that this right this minute praise the lard “”.


    Then you can keep clicking that remote control on your T.V. set, then you can come across so-called good old brudder Richard Roberts, sitting there mimiking his dad good ol brudder Oral Roberts, and the traditional cycle seems to go on and on like the energizer bunny over and over.

    Then there are those modern bold baal prophet Evangelists, that stand up there and as good as well says, “” Step away from your Bible, put your hands up, and give me all your money.”” , then people as much as goes right along with it.

    You don't want me to tell you about ALL those on the Radio and Internet too do ye?

    Then, ALL MIGHTY Yah says to all of these modern Baal Pastors, Priests and Ministers.

    Therefore thus saith YAHWEH the El of Israel I against the pastors that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith YAHWEH.For the land is full of adulterers; for because of swearing the land mourneth; the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up, and their course is evil, and their force is not right.
    Thus saith YAHWEH of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of YAHWEH.

    They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said, Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon you.

    Behold, a whirlwind of YAHWEH is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

    The anger of YAHWEH shall not return, until he have executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.

    I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied.

    But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings “” UNQUOTE.

    Yea boys, is the Kingdom here now like Pat Robertson says it is, if it is, where is it, and are we living in a Paradise right now ?

    If you believe that, then I have some beach front property in New Orleans I want to talk about selling to you? I'm certain you would want to buy it right now, since there was a nice breeze blowing there about a month ago, which spoiled all the 200,000 thousand queers get together meeting there last month ? Oh, but I guess you didn't hear about the big queer party they were going to hold there last month did ye?


    Hi eliyah,
    Yes poking fun and pulling down others does seem to hold your interest. Have you built anything yet?



    I was not poking fun as you call it, that is the flat truth above and you damm well know it too.

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