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- October 19, 2024 at 5:43 am#946906
ParticipantSince this is the message being preached worldwide here in these last days, And the bible is filled with truths about what Gods kingdom will accomplish for all creation. Thus every true follower knows those bible truths to be able to share this message, please share some of those bible truths with us.
October 24, 2024 at 6:17 am#946932Keith
ParticipantSad that not one of you can answer this simple question. The bible is filled with truths on this matter. Only those who do not know Jesus know nothing about this subject. Those who actually love Jesus, obey Jesus, He teaches–Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God= OT-NT, thus all who love and obey him and remain his friend and in his love( John 15:10-14) have took the time to study carefully EVERY utterance from God, Every real minister on earth that Jesus is with, teaches EVERY utterance from God without fail to their flock. So there is no excuse for not knowing the bible truths about the kingdom promises, unless one is being taught by these-2Cor 11:12-15-
October 27, 2024 at 12:56 pm#946941Keith
ParticipantHere is one for you– Job 33:25 Ones skin( in Gods kingdom on earth) will be fresher than in ones youth( now)–Means one will not age like we do now. What a wonderful promise.
Only those who are sharing the good news of Gods kingdom will be allowed in it. You best learn it well while you can. If you don’t already know these truths, you have not found the teachers who have Jesus. God warned all–GET OUT OF HER.
October 29, 2024 at 7:51 pm#946944Berean
ParticipantThank you for this good news which brings to mind the healing of Naaman.
Then went he down, and dipped himself seven times in Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God: and his flesh came again like unto the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.(2 Kings 5:14)
October 30, 2024 at 11:29 am#946945Keith
ParticipantYes God can do anything. He created everything, he knows 100% how everything works. Another wonderful promise = pure harmony amongst all of Gods creatures-Isaiah 11–(( Even the lions will eat straw like the bull.–Few know prior to Noah’s flood that was the case as well. Its how the animals survived on the ark.
November 16, 2024 at 3:56 pm#947002Keith
ParticipantHere is another bible truth about the good news of Gods kingdom=Psalm 37:10-11-teaches a little while longer and the wicked one will be no more( = nothing to fear) But the meek ones( great crowd( Rev 7:9) of other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold( little flock to heaven) themselves will possess the earth and find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace( forever)
November 16, 2024 at 6:36 pm#947004DesireTruth
ParticipantYou may want to read the entire 37th Psalm to place the two passages you quote into context. It doesn’t speak of a singular “wicked one” (which I have to presume you believe is referencing “Satan”) and you then continue on with what seems to be a reference to the “millennial age.”
This entire chapter speaks of security/protection for those who trust in G-d and insecurity/destruction for the wicked. Read the first two verses:
1. Do not fret because of evildoers; do not be envious of doers of wickedness. 2. For like the grass they will dry up quickly, and like green vegetation they will wither.
What “biblical truths” are you looking for?
November 17, 2024 at 12:42 am#947005Berean
ParticipantHi all,
THIS WILL TAKE PLACE AFTER THE MILLENNIUM (time of judgment of the wicked by Christ and the martyrs).And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.(Rev.21:4)
And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: (Rev.22:3)
November 17, 2024 at 6:46 am#947006Keith
ParticipantYes Rev 21:3-4 is good news indeed–But the bible assures the great crowd will not leave this earth-Prov 2:21-22)
Matt 24:22- unless those days( tribulation and Armageddon) were cut short no flesh would be saved.
The great crowd( Rev 7:9) that no man can number are the other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold( fold= little flock)
The great crowd are the meek who will inherit the earth( Matt 5:5) Psalm 37:11,29)
November 17, 2024 at 6:53 am#947007Keith
ParticipantNo not only satan and his angels, but to Gods view 99% on earth are deemed wicked to his view, Its why Jesus teaches-FEW will find the road that leads off into life, and compared these last days to Noahs day( Luke 17:26)99.9% deemed wicked in Noahs day, yet they all had love for family and friends. Gods view of wicked differs from mortals view.
November 18, 2024 at 3:14 am#947008DesireTruth
ParticipantSo G-d hates his creation?!?!? Ezek 18:32 “For it is not My desire that anyone shall die—declares the Sovereign GOD. Repent, therefore, and live!”
Seems G-d has given all a choice; but you have taken that option off the table by making G-d into your image and condemning virtually all of mankind to death.
November 18, 2024 at 1:09 pm#947010Keith
ParticipantGod loves all mankind, it’s why he sacrificed his son on all’s behalf. He is a God of justice as well. Its they who are failing God because most are being mislead like this-2Cor 11:12-15– They don’t listen to Jesus. 99% of all religion claiming to be Christian are lead by this-2Cor 11:12-15, all the other religions on earth are false as well, except for the 1 religion Jesus is with-These listen to Jesus and obey him. They are no part of this world= different, rejected, hated Jesus said.
It was Jesus who teaches-FEW will find the road that leads off into life( be saved)-It was Jesus who compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead then) Luke 17:26)
November 20, 2024 at 6:43 am#947016DesireTruth
ParticipantGod loves all mankind, it’s why he sacrificed his son on all’s behalf.
There is so much wrong in this statement; how is sacrificing someone/putting them to death, an act of “love”?!?!
Since G-d only spoke HIS commands in the Tanakh, please find the passage saying G-d was sending HIS “son” to be sacrificed, find the passage saying death was a requirement of the Messiah for the sins of mankind, and find the passage where G-d condoned human sacrifice.
G-d loves mankind because HE created them, period! There’s no sacrificial Jesus, there’s no “mediator”, there’s no atonement by the shedding of a man’s blood, and you aren’t a filthy rag before G-d as the liar Paul says, BECAUSE G-D CREATED YOU!
Do you reject your children when they do wrong or do you correct them? When your children to come to you, do you require another to “mediate” on their behalf or do you welcome them with open arms? Aren’t we created in HIS image? If you don’t treat your children un-lovingly, why would you think G-d would keep HIS creation (mankind) at arms length and unreachable?
G-d said to repent, turn from sin, and HE’LL remember it no more; why does christianity reject HIS words? When G-d says those who return to HIM, HE will have mercy on and freely forgive; was HE lying? Did our unchanging G-d, change?
Do you also reject G-d when HE spoke to Cain saying: “If you do well will I not accept you? But if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. And its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.” (Gen 4:7) Do I accept Paul’s lies of being controlled by sin or do I trust and know the words spoken by G-d are truth and HE said I have control over sin, I must rule over it. I have the choice to either obey G-d or not, just like all of mankind.
November 20, 2024 at 9:05 am#947017Keith
ParticipantGod is a God of justice as well. A perfect mortal rebelled and sinned -Justice= A perfect mortal lived sinless but paid in full the wages of sin he did not owe= the ransom sacrifice.
He only died 3 days and was raised.
Paul doesn’t lie, God inspired every word he wrote through him, thus you are calling God the liar.
Few on earth repent and turn around-Why= 99% are being mislead by this-2Cor 11:12-15–He uses many things that look good to a mortals heart but are straight off the table of demons. (Example= valentines day, Cupid a real life false god worshipped for centuries) is associated with this holiday) Gods #1 commandment = Thou shalt not have any other god before your face. To God its no different than the stone Gods worshipped by false religions) Satan is the ruler of this world( system) the god of this system of things. He has 99% mislead.
People laugh at me for saying that about a cartoon cupid. Even halloween-many occult things involved. Both Christmas and Easter filled with pagan things originating in false religions.
November 20, 2024 at 11:47 am#947018Proclaimer
ParticipantThere is so much wrong in this statement; how is sacrificing someone/putting them to death, an act of “love”?!?!
God is a God of truth. No lie or contradiction.
The soul that sins will die.
Therefore, death is the price of sin and it is a required payment.
God is also merciful.
He sent his son into the world to pay the price for our sin.
The sacrificial lamb being the forerunner for the ultimate plan that the enemy had no idea about. For if they knew, they wouldn’t have crucified the Son of God.
November 20, 2024 at 2:54 pm#947019Keith
ParticipantJesus death covers repented sin. Repent and turn around(stop doing the sin) to get sins blotted out.( Acts 3:19)—
Yes once dead one cannot be rejudged for past sin in the resurrection. Death is the full payment( wages) of sin. Every mortal who has lived paid in full by their death the wages of sin. Some claim Jesus death covers all sin= false. Even the righteous have died and paid their own wages.
Jesus said-some of you here will never taste death– all there died so what did he mean? He was speaking to true followers as a whole not personally to those back then.Those who live to see the great tribulation and Gods day of anger( armageddon) the little flock changed in the twinkling of an eye during the trib-will never taste death. Those brought through on earth may never taste death as well.( providing the pass the final test when satan is loosed to test the resurrected ones faith, but all will be tested on earth.
November 20, 2024 at 2:54 pm#947020Keith
ParticipantJesus death covers repented sin. Repent and turn around(stop doing the sin) to get sins blotted out.( Acts 3:19)—
Yes once dead one cannot be rejudged for past sin in the resurrection. Death is the full payment( wages) of sin. Every mortal who has lived paid in full by their death the wages of sin. Some claim Jesus death covers all sin= false. Even the righteous have died and paid their own wages.
Jesus said-some of you here will never taste death– all there died so what did he mean? He was speaking to true followers as a whole not personally to those back then.Those who live to see the great tribulation and Gods day of anger( armageddon) the little flock changed in the twinkling of an eye during the trib-will never taste death. Those brought through on earth may never taste death as well.( providing the pass the final test when satan is loosed to test the resurrected ones faith, but all will be tested on earth.
November 21, 2024 at 3:24 pm#947021Keith
ParticipantAnother great attribute of what Gods kingdom rule will accomplish for mankind= No resident will ever say–i am sick -Isaiah 33:24)
November 22, 2024 at 4:49 am#947023DesireTruth
ParticipantHe only died 3 days and was raised.
So the Jesus died; how much greater then were Enoch and Elijah as neither saw death? You still haven’t answered the question of where in the Tanakh G-d said the Messiah was to die for the sins of mankind. The Tanakh speaks about the true Messiah, who he will be and what he will do; and I haven’t read a single word about the Messiah dying for the salvation of anyone.
Few on earth repent and turn around-Why= 99% are being mislead by this-2Cor 11:12-15
What false apostles are people being mislead by today? I know of none claiming to be an apostle, let alone walking around teaching or preaching anyone to mislead them. Who is the greatest “apostle” people follow today…could it be Paul????
Gods #1 commandment = Thou shalt not have any other god before your face.
You say this, but who is front and center in your life…Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; all day long, the Jesus. Any thing that comes between you and G-d is called idolatry and a violation of the 1st Command.
Satan is the ruler of this world( system) the god of this system of things.
Satan is an angel of G-d and angels can only do what G-d commands them to do (read the first part of Job); to believe an angel can go against G-d’s will is foolishness, they don’t have freewill. To say Satan is the ruler of this world calls David a liar when he says in Ps 103:19 Yahweh has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. “Ruling over all” I would have to image includes this world. Ps 24:1 states “The earth is Yahweh’s, with its fullness, the world and those who live in it” If the Earth belongs to G-d can anyone or anything claim ownership, let alone rule over it other than G-d? So Satan DOESN’T rule this world, G-d does; another false teaching of the christian church.
November 22, 2024 at 4:51 am#947024DesireTruth
ParticipantJesus death covers repented sin.
Explain how the innocent can take on the sins of guilty when G-d said the guilty are responsible for their guilt. Will you enter a courtroom and take on the punishment of a murderer? So how can the Jesus take on the guilt of the entire world?
Jesus said-some of you here will never taste death– all there died so what did he mean? He was speaking to true followers as a whole not personally to those back then.
Must be nice to look in the rear view to come up with false interpretation; the passage you are citing is Matt 16:28. HOWEVER, I don’t like to read a single verse to prove a point; I like to read the surrounding verses to put things into context. One must begin reading in verse 24 were the conversation begins:
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life on account of me will find it. 26 For what will a person be benefited if he gains the whole world but forfeits his life? Or what will a person give in exchange for his life? 27 For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of his Father with his angels, and at that time he will reward each one according to what he has done. 28 Truly I say to you, that there are some of those standing here who will never experience death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom.”
Jesus isn’t speaking of “true followers”, he’s speaking to his disciples “Jesus said to his disciples” and says “truly I say to you” (you can trust what I’m about to say) “there are some of those standing here (those he is speaking to) who will never experience death” (will not die) until they see the “son of man” coming in his kingdom. As you so eloquently pointed out, those the Jesus spoke to are all dead and we’re still waiting for the Jesus’ return; which why you cling to the “true followers” narrative. Here’s the kick in the teeth, the Jesus isn’t the Messiah and all you have to do is confirm it with what G-d spoke thru the prophets in the Tanakh about who the Messiah is and what he will do (something most christians won’t do…verify anything).
providing they pass the final test when satan is loosed to test the resurrected ones faith, but all will be tested on earth.
Explain why G-d would “test” the faith of the people after spending a 1000 years in G-d’s presence; why would HE need to “test” the people again to see if they “truly” love HIM. Do these people sudden not know who G-d is and could be swayed from HIM? This makes no sense! Why do you believe G-d hates HIS creation?
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