The divider of Christians

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  • #314034

    To anyone interested

    God knew from the beginning that this argument between us individual believers verses the trinitarians were going to arise. This is the biggest divider between christians.  The trinity belief is so widespread in mainstream churches, and the masses that stay stuck here are incredible. (The large flock)

    God uses words or phrases, to trip certain types, because their heart is not sincere for the truth, and they choose to believe the lie.  They will take one word of a verse and make their whole religion based on this.  Like I said, God purposely put certain words in there to confuse them. This is their chastisement for now, with another one coming for trusting in the false prophets, and preachers that enter the churches and their congregations with all their miracles, and tongues, and healings, and hyped up promotion and singers and bands, and recording studio's and all the things that bring self glory, and make them feel important by what the eyes can see, that they do not receive understanding that only our Father can give…..Basic, basic, understanding that there is God the Father, and his Son Jesus Christ, and there is only one true God, and the fact that God calls his Son God, means he is to be worshipped and put in charge, because he is worthy and knows and does his Fathers will exactly as his Father.  So he's a trusted ambassador.  This doesn't make Jesus a false God, because he acts on God's behalf.  It's all through God, and Christ brings us to God. If you worship the Son, you worship the Father, you worship the Father, you worship the Son.  It's all for the Father in the end, as Christ will submit the kingdom back to his Father after his work is completed.

    And because these types hate any one that doesn't believe their doctrine, and they do all the things that Jesus tells us not to do and that is mock, and accuse, and have pride and vain glory, and spite with the poison on their lips, also “talking down” to others, shows that there is a different spirit in them, that many have been blocked from the truth.  They do not like love, and this is a dead give-away, for without it we cannot enter the Kingdom.  Simple.  

    God resists the proud, but gives mercy to the humble.

    They judge us not worthy, and they also say we are of the devil etc etc and even accuse us and say if we were in the days of Jesus, we would of been part-takers of his death…. does not… go unnoticed by God……therefore you can see them by their fruits (works) and lack of understanding not only in basic scripture, but in not knowing prophesies or what is to come, the purpose and why….the deep things of God, that they have been devoid of the holy spirit.  They think we are going to be raptured anytime now, and have no idea whatsoever what events and prophesies have to come first on how to detect the seasons. They will not be prepared and will be struck sore when they realise.  They will think God has forsaken them, left them alone in the dark, and many will be made bitter, but some will realise before it's too late.

    Most think that they are saved no matter what they do, and this covering of Christ is a cloak of protection for their errors and disobedience?  We must worship God with trembling and fear in the hope that we will be chosen to inherit the kingdom. We must always analyse ourselves, comparing always with the scriptures, and God's will for us to follow.

    We all need our consciences rewired, and must help wake them up from their slumber so they can get some oil in their lamps, and I consider them my brethren and share this hope with as many as possible, so we can all be together.  Not to tear them down, but build them up.  A gentle nudge in the right direction.  One can take it or leave it?  No one can force anything on you. Always check everything out.

    There are labourers of the Lord also in the last days, and that time is now, so we must labour together in giving solid truth to our brethren and nothing less.

    And if you are hearing something you never knew or heard, it does not make it false, it just means you havn't searched deep enough, and you've been lulled to sleep by all the nice lovely christian things, and smooth words and have been intoxicated with all the gimme gimme gimme things you try to get out of God, and God does not work like that, it's time for us to give something back, and that is our heart, and love for the truth.
    …… so now is the time, for the door to the ark is closing very soon.

    Search for the truth brethren, there you will find your joy. Whether it nice, or whether it bitter, God gives us the whole lot so that we can be part of his plan and be prepared for what's in store.  Then we can enjoy all the nice things, when our reward comes with Christ.
    My God bless you all and keep us all together in Christ our Lord

    Ed J

    Hi Georgie,

    Nice speech, but how does “The Trinity” idea fit into this?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 07 2012,14:47)
    Hi Georgie,

    Nice speech, but how does “The Trinity” idea fit into this?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi Ed

    They divide. They say you are not a follower of God, you are a heretic and of the devil. They divide. They think themselves are the only ones with salvation under that great “born again” banner. If you disagree with them, or challenge their doctrine, they spit out poison before cutting you off. If you go on their site, you will see.
    You won't last too long.

    But they have no knowledge if you test them.
    Why is that?
    Yes they will have knowledge of this professor and that theologian, and this logos and that translation, but not of the scriptures? or even the basics?
    Love thy neighbour.


    I'm feeling what you say here Journey and have been having some similar thoughts today.I've been studying,praying and learning more about the trinity doctrine lately and am realizing just how false and deceiving it is.Since my doubts first began a few months ago on this topic I was back and forth on it for awhile.
    Being raised a Roman Catholic I've been taught this since I was a small child and being somewhat involved with the teachings of Calvin and reformed theology for a couple years it only emboldened my belief in this.I've been brainwashed with this confusing lie my whole life and I thank God for his grace in that I'm finally being set free.
    I've talked to few about my change of mind on this yet but I will stand for the truth of Gods word for the rest of my life. I'm completely convinced of its error and realized today that part of the reason I've been so double-minded my entire Christian life,apart from yielding to indwelling sin,is the fact that I've been so confused about the truth of God and his Son Jesus,and therefore redemption and the whole Bible.The trinity doctrine makes God,Jesus and so many scriptures contradictory and true and false at the same time.Things that should be so simple a three year old could understand are baffling mysteries that theologians still struggle with today.I'm seeing more and more all the time how philosophical and pagan beliefs have corrupted the faith and its no wonder there's a million different denominations.
    I'm in a discipleship class at a baptist church that I've attended since February of this year.I enjoy it and we dont really discuss much doctrine.Where I'm at its mostly about the fruit of the spirit but I know the time will come when I could well have to tell my true beliefs and perhaps be rejected as heretical and asked to leave.Not only here but at the church I attend also.
    I'm praying for the Spirits guidance and to be loving and kind but firm and strong in the truth when this time comes.I also share your conviction that we need to share the truth,even if in just subtle ways at times since it is the truth that sets us free.I have a new hunger for truth now and I praise God that He is setting me free.I desire this for others too.
    The hardest part for me was saying Jesus isnt God which would be for most as well too.But now I feel so free and at peace that He is just what he says-the Christ,the Son of God,this is the true gospel and they that are of God will hear Gods words even if it it hurts a bit to throw out the tradition.


    As God works in our life He reveals truth to us at the appropriate time. Early in my relationship with God He showed me that many, if not most, Christians set their doctrine on an extreme of a pendulums swing, but truth is found in the balance. I remember when I first encountered that the teaching of the trinity was false, I ran from it. But years later God gave me a revelation that left me with no choice but to open up to this teaching. One point I want to be clear on; I did not gain my salvation at that point (I was saved years earlier) but I became more effective at finding/teaching truth.  

    I believe that the best way to reach those still trapped in extremes of doctrine is to relay the truth and to pray that God will give them a revelation and a hunger for it. Love will succeed where confrontation usually fails.

    1 Corinthians 4:5 So don’t judge anyone now. The time for judging will be when the Lord comes. He will shine light on everything that is now hidden in darkness. He will make known the secret purposes of our hearts. Then the praise each person should get will come from God.

    Romans 14:4 You cannot judge the servants of someone else. Their own master decides if they are doing right or wrong. And the Lord’s servants will be right, because the Lord is able to make them right.

    2 Timothy 2:25 You must gently teach those who don’t agree with you. Maybe God will let them change their hearts so that they can accept the truth.

    My opinion – Wm


    Thanks for sharing these scriptures st,and I agree with your opinions and advice as well.Love is the key;I dont want to get in a big argument with others and know thats what it could easily turn into.
    When I first started reading the bible for myself at seventeen I think God was showing me that the trinity wasn't true but I felt i might be wrong and went along with what everyone teaches.Its easy to see that its refuted all over the bible but fear of men and fear of being wrong are strong hindrances.
    It was people saying whoever denies the trinity is damned that lead me on the search I've been on the last few months.I disagreed with them on that while I claimed to be a trinitarian myself and they still called me a heretic and were very angry.
    And I certainly agree that I was saved years ago and most that claim to believe in trinity really dont understand what it means or its implications, so its not a matter of salvation.I wont make the same dogmatic error as I did before in the opposite way.I did for awhile agree that any that didnt confess Jesus as God or believed another doctrine were damned but the Lord softened my heart on that point which lead me to where I am now.I dont and wont accept the idea of doctrinal salvation which Calvinists and others  espouse.
    God has been so gracious to me and I hope to extend that grace to others and be a real light in this world to believers and nonbelievers alike.I desire to be like Christ and let the Father show me what to say and how to say it at the right time.


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Sep. 23 2012,03:49)
    As God works in our life He reveals truth to us at the appropriate time. Early in my relationship with God He showed me that many, if not most, Christians set their doctrine on an extreme of a pendulums swing, but truth is found in the balance. I remember when I first encountered that the teaching of the trinity was false, I ran from it. But years later God gave me a revelation that left me with no choice but to open up to this teaching. One point I want to be clear on; I did not gain my salvation at that point (I was saved years earlier) but I became more effective at finding/teaching truth.  

    I believe that the best way to reach those still trapped in extremes of doctrine is to relay the truth and to pray that God will give them a revelation and a hunger for it. Love will succeed where confrontation usually fails.

    1 Corinthians 4:5 So don’t judge anyone now. The time for judging will be when the Lord comes. He will shine light on everything that is now hidden in darkness. He will make known the secret purposes of our hearts. Then the praise each person should get will come from God.

    Romans 14:4 You cannot judge the servants of someone else. Their own master decides if they are doing right or wrong. And the Lord’s servants will be right, because the Lord is able to make them right.

    2 Timothy 2:25 You must gently teach those who don’t agree with you. Maybe God will let them change their hearts so that they can accept the truth.

    My opinion – Wm

    Hi William,
    May I ask what was your revelation that opened you up to the teaching of the Trinity?

    Thanks, Bro!


    I believe I was given a revelation that God, is a title to an “office”, not a name. That there is only one true God; the Father, He is the source of/for everything. He is best understood as being like our soul, embodying self (God in this case), exerting His will over His corporeal extension (Christ the future begotten Son). So just as a human being's body provides our soul with its interface to the world, so the “pre-incarnate” Christ was “God's” extension to interface with us. To elaborate I was shown that the Father exists outside/above all of His creation(s). He is so far beyond His creation(s), that He interacts vicariously through His “agents” ,His Son and the Holy Spirit (that is why Jesus came explaining the Father).  

    The Father is the personage of God, while His physical manifestation is within the office of “God”. However just to be clear the Father is far greater then all including the Son. The Son is the image of the Father and contains the nature of the Father (all that can be perceived of the Father by those of us in this reality) and is God’s representative and is in all ways “God” to us while acknowledging the Father as His God.  Prior to His incarnation I believe that Christ simply acted as the Father's agent in all matters related to His corporeal creation.

    This manifestation having the makings of this reality, but with the essence of God, was at the opportune time sent to pay the ransom for all men and fulfill the secret of God, to make possible the age of grace. I believe that this manifested “body” of which we were made after, (“our image”) would provide the DNA (or whatever) to allow the Father, to father, His only begotten Son. This was accomplished when the essence of the Father’s corporeal manifestation was emptied of all but the nature of God and impregnated into Mary in a manner that she remained a virgin. This image of the Father was born into a child, not having a sin nature, but fully human.

    So to put it  a different way, I believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit are different manifestations of the Father. The best explanation I can offer is a vague comparison to water. If an endless supply of water was to represent the Father and He removed all heat from a pocket of the water, then a solid chunk of ice will manifest everywhere the cold intersects with the water. If He further creates another pocket of several hundred degrees then everywhere the water is heated will turn to steam. The water will not have been diminished, or changed into something besides water, there would only be different manifestations, of the same water. Now the water existed before the cold, but did not manifest as ice because the “new environment” wasn’t there to support it.

    Initially I resisted this revelation for a time but so far this has stood the test of harmony with the whole of scriptures (actually it solved a number of conflicts).



    Thanks William for your explanation although I don' think it is trinitarian. It sounds more like modalism to me but I could be wrong.

    Here is a copy of the Nicene Creed that unites the vast majority of the churches that consider themselves Christian. I was wondering if you would say if you agree with this or not. If not, would you please bold out the parts that you don't agree with?

    I believe in one God,
    the Father Almighty,
    maker of heaven and earth,
    and of all things visible and invisible;

    And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
    the only begotten Son of God,
    begotten of his Father before all worlds,
    God of God, Light of Light,
    very God of very God,
    begotten, not made,
    being of one substance with the Father;
    by whom all things were made;
    who for us men and for our salvation
     came down from heaven,
    and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost
     of the Virgin Mary,
     and was made man;
    and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate;
    he suffered and was buried;
    and the third day he rose again
     according to the Scriptures,
    and ascended into heaven,
    and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
    and he shall come again, with glory,
     to judge both the quick and the dead;
    whose kingdom shall have no end.

    And I believe in the Holy Ghost the Lord, and Giver of Live,
    who proceedeth from the Father [and the Son];
    who with the Father and the Son together
     is worshiped and glorified;
    who spake by the Prophets.
    And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church;
    I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
    and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
      and the life of the world to come. AMEN.

    Ed J

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Sep. 25 2012,00:30)

    So to put it  a different way, I believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit are different manifestations of the Father. The best explanation I can offer is a vague comparison to water. If an endless supply of water was to represent the Father and He removed all heat from a pocket of the water, then a solid chunk of ice will manifest everywhere the cold intersects with the water. If He further creates another pocket of several hundred degrees then everywhere the water is heated will turn to steam. The water will not have been diminished, or changed into something besides water, there would only be different manifestations, of the same water. Now the water existed before the cold, but did not manifest as ice because the “new environment” wasn’t there to support it.


    Hi Wm,

    The stages of water and God are indeed similar,
    but you have painted an incomplete picture for us…

    Water really has “FOUR” stages…

    “And the city lieth foursquare”  (Link)  (Rev 21:16)

    Ed J

    Evidence Exhibit 4: (Link)

    For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then (now) face to face:
    now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. (1 Cor 13:12)

     F.   The non-Trins see God as One…                         <– An incomplete picture

     G.   The Trins see God as three…                        <– An incomplete picture

                    non-Trins say Trins  got the wrong  “God”,    (F.)

                 Trins say non-Trins  got the wrong  “Jesus”.  (G.)

                          Seeing Jesus at the right hand of GOD

                             Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God  

                                NOTE: View, is a face to face view.

                The right Jesus with the right GOD

          Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone   ;   In whom all
         the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the LORD:

         In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit,


    Ed J

    Evidence Exhibit 3:  (Link)

    non-Trins say Trins  got the wrong  “God”,   (F.)

    Trins say non-Trins  got the wrong  “God”.   (G.)

    G. The Trins see God as three…                        <– An incomplete picture

    F. The non-Trins see God as One…                         <– An incomplete picture

                                                                                     <– The complete picture

              “To him that overcometh ( ) will I grant to sit with me in my throne,
              even as I(יהשוע) also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.
           He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” (Rev 3:21-22)

                        Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners,
                but fellowcitizens ( ) with the saints, and of
    the household of God;
                And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets. (Eph 2:19-22)

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    For the most part I can agree with it except for the use of the word Catholic (I know Catholic means universal but I like to be clear that Church is the body of believers scattered about, and not tied to any organization).



    I agree with you William and I am glad that we agree together on the Nicene Creed and both understand the word 'catholic' as meaning universal and not Roman Catholic. I'm not sure, but I think that there are currently maybe four of us active here on HN that agree with the Nicene Creed. Maybe there should be another poll about it. Thanks for answering my question. :)


    Quote (AndrewAD @ Sep. 23 2012,08:56)
    When I first started reading the bible for myself at seventeen I think God was showing me that the trinity wasn't true…………

    Quote (seekingtruth @ Sep. 23 2012,02:49)
    I remember when I first encountered that the teaching of the trinity was false, I ran from it.

    I can't help but wonder who is calling the shots here.  It seems to me that SENSIBLE people, like Wm and Andrew, start reading the scriptures and know right off the bat that the Trinity Doctrine is false.  They learn right away that there is but one God, the Father, and His SERVANT Jesus Christ, whom He has sent.

    We have but one God, and that one God has a Son named Jesus.  Unless Jesus has a Son named Jesus, he cannot be that one God.  Nor can the Son OF God logically BE the very God he is the Son OF – like the Trinitarians believe.

    This is just simple, God-given, common sense.  So what happens to these SENSIBLE people over time to make them start believing in nonsense?  The answer is always the same:  “God eventually showed me the truth”, right?  But if that is the case, then that truth should be CLEARLY laid out in God's written word for all of us, right?

    We are told to test the spirits to see if they are telling us the truth.  And we have only the holy scriptures to test them against.  I suggest that those of you who “have been shown” the trinity by spirit, test the things that spirit showed you against the scriptures.  Remember that Satan and his demons masquerade as angels of light; and while you might be thinking you were shown these things by God's Spirit, you may have been duped by Satan.

    Stick to what the scriptures teach, without adding your own “revelations” into them.  If the scriptures teach that we have one God, and He has a Son named Jesus, then that's the way it is.  And there is no way a sensible person will allow “one God and His Son, Jesus” to be twisted into “one God who sometimes manifests as His own Son, Jesus”.

    peace and understanding,


    Quote (seekingtruth @ Sep. 24 2012,07:30)
    I believe Jesus and the Holy Spirit are different manifestations of the Father.

    Have you tested this theory throughout the scriptures, Wm?  Here's a good scripture to test your theory against:

    Luke 10:21
    At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit, said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

    Your version would go like this:

    Luke 10:21
    At that time ONE MANIFESTATION OF GOD, full of joy through A DIFFERENT MANIFESTATION OF GOD, said, “I praise you, A THIRD MANIFESTATION OF GOD, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

    Does this really work for you?



    As God works in our life He reveals truth to us at the appropriate time. Early in my relationship with God He showed me that many, if not most, Christians set their doctrine on an extreme of a pendulums swing, but truth is found in the balance. I remember when I first encountered that the teaching of the trinity was false, I ran from it. But years later God gave me a revelation that left me with no choice but to open up to this teaching. One point I want to be clear on; I did not gain my salvation at that point (I was saved years earlier) but I became more effective at finding/teaching truth.  


    It is true you were saved years earlier.

    How do I know, because if God can change your mind to His truth, then the Word is in you.

    Now the other side of that is also true.  When man puts up walls and God can not change their mind, then at that point they die.  God will not leave them or forsake them, but they are dead, just like the Jews with Moses, which he continued to feed, water and take care of, yet they all died, except two.

    I am afraid that is what has taken place in this last day,  just like it did with the Lutheran, when God moved on, they had put up walls, (we believe this), and died right there.
    The Methodist did the same thing.
    And so did the Pentecostals, when the bride age came along.

    God Bless


    were in scriptures it says that God blesses all for doing absolutely nothing ????

    Jas 1:21 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.
    Jas 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
    Jas 1:23 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror
    Jas 1:24 and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.
    Jas 1:25 But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.

    Jas 2:14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save him?

    Jas 2:18 But someone will say, “You have faith; I have deeds.”
    Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do.

    Jas 2:20 You foolish man, do you want evidence that faith without deeds is useless ?
    Jas 2:21 Was not our ancestor Abraham considered righteous for what he did when he offered his son Isaac on the altar?

    Jas 2:24 You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone.

    Jas 3:13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.
    Jas 3:14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.
    Jas 3:15 Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil.
    Jas 3:16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice

    Jas 3:17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
    Jas 3:18 Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.

    Jas 4:2 You want something but don’t get it. You kill and covet, but you cannot have what you want. You quarrel and fight. You do not have, because you do not ask God.
    Jas 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.
    Jas 4:4 You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God?

    Jas 4:7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
    Jas 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

    it seems that much is based on what we do and react to ,this is what is hidden in our hearts but our action are showing what is really in it ,HOW CAN WE HAVE A WILL OTHER THAN THE WILL OF GOD IF WE ARE TRUE CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS ???


    Luke 10:21
    At that time ONE MANIFESTATION OF GOD, full of joy through A DIFFERENT MANIFESTATION OF GOD, said, “I praise you, A THIRD MANIFESTATION OF GOD, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

    Does this really work for you?

    Your twisting what I've said Mike.

    I know you worded it that way to belittle the teaching but if you want to know I would have said, by what I believe: “At that time THE PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION OF GOD NOW THE BEGOTTEN SON, full of joy through THE SPIRITUAL MANIFESTATION OF GOD, said, “I praise you, FATHER, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.

    1. I NEVER taught that the Father was any kind of manifestation please show me where I said that or remotely indicated it.

    2. Scripture teaches that Jesus is a manifestation:  I Tim 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh…

    3. If the Holy Spirit is simply God's Spirit and not somehow separate then why does scripture indicate a separation?

    You believe in scripture, so do I. Show me where what I've proposed conflicts with scripture.



    The Nicene creed sounds holy and reverent and I've said it many times and nearly knew it by heart at one point,but now I have to ask myself if it's truly scriptural or does it make a tangled web out of God,Jesus and the Bible.
    Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? KJV
    This appears like an emphatic statement from the God of the OT,but I've heard preachers quote this then say,but He did become a man.
    Is this a true statement from a God who is said to be immutable-one who changes not? who will not alter the word that goes forth from His lips-Ps 89:34
    Is there any OT verses that say Jehovah God will become a man?
    Clearly the man Jesus,being a Jew and born under the law claimed to believe in the one God of Israel and he said this was the greatest commandment of all  Mark 12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:   Mark 12:32 And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he:Mark 12:34 And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.
    The Jewish scribe called the One God a he-a singular person,and Jesus seems to approve of his theology.

    When Jesus is questioned about his equality with this God whom he calls Father he says John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.
    He goes on to tell how that all judgement is committed to him,and how he'll raise the dead but again says John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.
    The Son can do nothing of himself,I can of mine own self do nothing;is Jesus saying he's totally reliant on his God,that it's God who's given him this great power and authority? or is this simply Jesus speaking from his role as a human son when in reality he's an Almighty God himself and always has been? In a court of law we are told to tell the truth,the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help us God.
    So did Jesus tell the whole truth to the Jews about his equality with God? or was it only a half truth?or was it true and false at the same time? Saying I can of mine own self do nothing just doesn't seem like something the God who made the universe would or could honestly say.
    Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

    Matthew 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.KJV – or from a different manuscript-

    16 And someone came to Him and said, “Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?” 17 And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”NASB

    This scripture used to really baffle me.Is Jesus just being humble according to his human nature? If Jesus is really God this has got to be the biggest case of false humility the world has ever known.This sounds like something a real human being would say who realizes that as a creature created by God he is entirely dependent on Him and any goodness whatsoever is from His Maker.In this verse it appears Jesus disqualifies himself from being God by saying”why callest thou me or why are you asking me?”There is only One.

    According to the doctrine of the trinity God is one in three persons by an unknowable nature,substance or essence.And the nature is not to be confounded or confused with the persons,and these persons are all co-equal,co-eternal by this nature,yet these persons have a rank and order somehow,yet behind this role or mask they wear they are exactly the same by this substance also called the divine ousia or nature.This nature is also called the triune being which they claim is the one true god,while each person is also the one true god in and of themselves.The rule is not to confuse the divine nature with the persons yet they do,by calling the one true god a he or person whenever theologically needed.So there are three persons and one unknowable nature which makes four and when they call the triune god a person then this makes five.Four persons and one nature or three persons with one nature/person.
    Is this really the God of the the Bible? or was St Augustine correct when he said he saw the trinity in Plato before he saw it in the scriptures?
    If the trinity is true then Jesus is not a true Son and God is not a true Father either;its just an act for us poor souls like the Greek and heathen gods put on plays for men.This all is rather repulsive to me for it makes God a liar in the OT and Jesus a liar in the new.God is not the author of this confusion.
    Let God be true and every man a liar.

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