The arian dissenters

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  • #201267

    Quote (barley @ June 30 2010,13:09)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ June 29 2010,06:14)

    Quote (barley @ June 28 2010,14:03)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Dec. 30 2009,02:24)
    Gene said:

    Thinker………I worship the FATHER (ONLY) as the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD, as Jesus said, YOU on the other hand worship Three MYSTERIOUS FORMS of GOD. The GOD I worship is SPIRIT and Has NEVER Been FLESH. He lives vicariously through His creation His spirit is in all things that has Life in them. He operates through the MINDS of HIS Childern and that includes Jesus and all who Have His Spirit in them. NO TRIUNE ANYTHING, ALL WHO TEACH AND PREACH THE TRINITY ARE (IDOLATERS) and false teachers.;

    TO ALL:

    Gene claims that he worships the Father only. But the whole creation worships the Father and the Son:

    “And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:

         'Blessing and honor and glory and power
         Be to Him who sits on the throne,
         And to the Lamb, forever and ever!' “

    Gene and others here pride themselves that they are dissenters from the Catholic Church. But in reality they dissent from the rest of creation which worships both the Father and the Son. While the rest of creation worships in God's way Gene and others decide for themselves how they will worship God. This is what dissenters do. They go their own way.


    The quote you presented does not speak of worshiping.  It speaks of blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne….

    Where is the word “worship” in this quote?

    It says that both He who sits upon the throne AND the Lamb are given “honor.” The word “honor” is equal to the word “worship.” It means to “value or esteem in the highest degree” (Strong's# 5092).

    Both the Father and the Lamb are given honor, that is, they are esteemed in the highest degree.

    You are not in line with the rest of creation.

    the Roo

    You might find it useful to look up the word honor, it does means to esteem, or to hold in high regard.  However, this word is not used exclusively regarding God and/or Jesus Christ.

    It is used in reference to prophets in John 4:44
    Paul and his traveling companions in Acts 28:10,
    to every man that worketh good in Romans 2:10
    fellow believers in Romans 12:10

    for starters.  

    Your suggestion that it means worship as in worshipping God is in error.

    To hold in the highest esteem fits but just the four examples above eliminates the idea of worshipping as in worshipping God, or because that someone honored is God.

    Right on Barley

    Besides – Worship means to bow down in submission and is used of both God and man.
    I bow down to Jesus as my human savior and master. Does not make him God.


    To All……….. Ex 34:14….> “For thou shall worship (NO) Other god : for the LORD, (YHWH) , whose name is Jealous, is a Jealous GOD: 15…..> Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitance of the land, (TODAY THE TRINITARIANS) and go a whoring after their gods, (the trinity)and do sacrifice unto their gods, and one call you and you eat (take to yourself) of his sacrifice.

    This same thing is being done today only it is a IMAGE of Jesus being that God they worship. There is only (ONE) that is to be Worshiped as GOD and NO other. IMO

    peace and love to you all……………….gene


    Quote (barley @ June 30 2010,13:09)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ June 29 2010,06:14)

    Quote (barley @ June 28 2010,14:03)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Dec. 30 2009,02:24)
    Gene said:

    Thinker………I worship the FATHER (ONLY) as the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD, as Jesus said, YOU on the other hand worship Three MYSTERIOUS FORMS of GOD. The GOD I worship is SPIRIT and Has NEVER Been FLESH. He lives vicariously through His creation His spirit is in all things that has Life in them. He operates through the MINDS of HIS Childern and that includes Jesus and all who Have His Spirit in them. NO TRIUNE ANYTHING, ALL WHO TEACH AND PREACH THE TRINITY ARE (IDOLATERS) and false teachers.;

    TO ALL:

    Gene claims that he worships the Father only. But the whole creation worships the Father and the Son:

    “And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:

         'Blessing and honor and glory and power
         Be to Him who sits on the throne,
         And to the Lamb, forever and ever!' “

    Gene and others here pride themselves that they are dissenters from the Catholic Church. But in reality they dissent from the rest of creation which worships both the Father and the Son. While the rest of creation worships in God's way Gene and others decide for themselves how they will worship God. This is what dissenters do. They go their own way.


    The quote you presented does not speak of worshiping.  It speaks of blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne….

    Where is the word “worship” in this quote?

    It says that both He who sits upon the throne AND the Lamb are given “honor.” The word “honor” is equal to the word “worship.” It means to “value or esteem in the highest degree” (Strong's# 5092).

    Both the Father and the Lamb are given honor, that is, they are esteemed in the highest degree.

    You are not in line with the rest of creation.

    the Roo

    You might find it useful to look up the word honor, it does means to esteem, or to hold in high regard.  However, this word is not used exclusively regarding God and/or Jesus Christ.

    It is used in reference to prophets in John 4:44
    Paul and his traveling companions in Acts 28:10,
    to every man that worketh good in Romans 2:10
    fellow believers in Romans 12:10

    for starters.  

    Your suggestion that it means worship as in worshipping God is in error.

    To hold in the highest esteem fits but just the four examples above eliminates the idea of worshipping as in worshipping God, or because that someone honored is God.

    Thank you for admitting that my definition “highest esteem” fits. But the examples you gave of other uses of the word “time” (honor) do not serve you well because they are in a totally different context. In the Revelation the Lamb is being given the highest esteem along with Him who sits upon the throne.

    Jesus said that men are to honor the Son EVEN AS they honor the Father.

    There are not that many pieces to the jig saw puzzle so it should not be too difficult for you to get the picture.

    In Revelation 5 the word “honor” is indeed equivalent to the word “worship.” Verse 15 says that they “FELL DOWN AND WORSHIPPED“.

    Those who receive the “honor” in verse 13 are the same objects of the “worship” in verse 15, namely, the One who sits upon the throne AND THE LAMB. Therefore, the word “honor” is equivalent to worship in this instance.


    the Roo


    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ July 08 2010,08:01)

    Quote (barley @ June 30 2010,13:09)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ June 29 2010,06:14)

    Quote (barley @ June 28 2010,14:03)

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Dec. 30 2009,02:24)
    Gene said:

    Thinker………I worship the FATHER (ONLY) as the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD, as Jesus said, YOU on the other hand worship Three MYSTERIOUS FORMS of GOD. The GOD I worship is SPIRIT and Has NEVER Been FLESH. He lives vicariously through His creation His spirit is in all things that has Life in them. He operates through the MINDS of HIS Childern and that includes Jesus and all who Have His Spirit in them. NO TRIUNE ANYTHING, ALL WHO TEACH AND PREACH THE TRINITY ARE (IDOLATERS) and false teachers.;

    TO ALL:

    Gene claims that he worships the Father only. But the whole creation worships the Father and the Son:

    “And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, I heard saying:

         'Blessing and honor and glory and power
         Be to Him who sits on the throne,
         And to the Lamb, forever and ever!' “

    Gene and others here pride themselves that they are dissenters from the Catholic Church. But in reality they dissent from the rest of creation which worships both the Father and the Son. While the rest of creation worships in God's way Gene and others decide for themselves how they will worship God. This is what dissenters do. They go their own way.


    The quote you presented does not speak of worshiping.  It speaks of blessing and honor and glory and power be to him who sits on the throne….

    Where is the word “worship” in this quote?

    It says that both He who sits upon the throne AND the Lamb are given “honor.” The word “honor” is equal to the word “worship.” It means to “value or esteem in the highest degree” (Strong's# 5092).

    Both the Father and the Lamb are given honor, that is, they are esteemed in the highest degree.

    You are not in line with the rest of creation.

    the Roo

    You might find it useful to look up the word honor, it does means to esteem, or to hold in high regard.  However, this word is not used exclusively regarding God and/or Jesus Christ.

    It is used in reference to prophets in John 4:44
    Paul and his traveling companions in Acts 28:10,
    to every man that worketh good in Romans 2:10
    fellow believers in Romans 12:10

    for starters.  

    Your suggestion that it means worship as in worshipping God is in error.

    To hold in the highest esteem fits but just the four examples above eliminates the idea of worshipping as in worshipping God, or because that someone honored is God.

    Thank you for admitting that my definition “highest esteem” fits. But the examples you gave of other uses of the word “time” (honor) do not serve you well because they are in a totally different context. In the Revelation the Lamb is being given the highest esteem along with Him who sits upon the throne.

    Jesus said that men are to honor the Son EVEN AS they honor the Father.

    There are not that many pieces to the jig saw puzzle so it should not be too difficult for you to get the picture.

    In Revelation 5 the word “honor” is indeed equivalent to the word “worship.” Verse 15 says that they “FELL DOWN AND WORSHIPPED“.

    Those who receive the “honor” in verse 13 are the same objects of the “worship” in verse 15, namely, the One who sits upon the throne AND THE LAMB. Therefore, the word “honor” is equivalent to worship in this instance.


    the Roo

    TO ALL:

    Barley is another we may add to the list of those who dissent from worshiping the Lamb with the rest of creation.

    the Roo


    Hi KJ,
    Another personal attack?


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2010,09:15)
    Hi KJ,
    Another personal attack?


    Verse 13 says that the Lamb is honored with Him who sits on the throne. Verse 15 uses the word “worship.” Are not those who refuse to worship the Lamb dissenters from the rest of creation?



    Hi KJ,
    Focus on learning.
    You do not have a safe enough place to stand and abuse others


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2010,09:35)
    Hi KJ,
    Focus on learning.
    You do not have a safe enough place to stand and abuse others


    You need to take the warnings of God more seriously. If you don't honor the Son EVEN AS you honor His Father you are in deeeeep stuff!



    Mathew 28:9
    And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.

    the Roo



    Jesus is not Worshipped.

    Honor, Praise and Glorify both the Son and the Father, Worship the Father only.

    You know full well that the word is “obesience” – not Worship.

    We have done all this time and time over but you take every opportunity to re-present false rendering.

    If Jesus had been “Worshipped” the Jews would have been up in arms because they knew only to worship God – and they were claiming that Jesus was Blaspheming in everything he did – yeh, even [to them] “claiming to BE God” by being the Son of God..which…Jesus went to pains to DISCLAIM; “What if i say that i am the Son of God… Did not even HE [God] call [The mighty ones of mankind, e.g. Moses] 'gods' to whom the word of God came?”

    Ed J

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ July 08 2010,09:54)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ July 08 2010,09:35)
    Hi KJ,
    Focus on learning.
    You do not have a safe enough place to stand and abuse others


    You need to take the warnings of God more seriously. If you don't honor the Son EVEN AS you honor His Father you are in deeeeep stuff!


    Hi Jack,

    Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him:
    but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Spirit (speaketh against the Holy Spirit), it
    shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come. (Mt.12:32)

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (JustAskin @ July 08 2010,10:01)

    Jesus is not Worshipped.

    Honor, Praise and Glorify both the Son and the Father, Worship the Father only.

    You know full well that the word is “obesience” – not Worship.

    We have  done all this time and time over but you take every opportunity to re-present false rendering.

    If Jesus had been “Worshipped” the Jews would have been up in arms because they knew only to worship God – and they were claiming that Jesus was Blaspheming in everything he did – yeh, even [to them] “claiming to BE God” by being the Son of God..which…Jesus went to pains to DISCLAIM; “What if i say that i am the Son of God… Did not even HE [God] call [The mighty ones of mankind, e.g. Moses] 'gods' to whom the word of God came?”


    What “bible” do you have?

    Mathew 28:9
    And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.

    the Roo


    Quote (JustAskin @ July 08 2010,10:01)

    Jesus is not Worshipped.

    Honor, Praise and Glorify both the Son and the Father, Worship the Father only.

    You know full well that the word is “obesience” – not Worship.

    We have  done all this time and time over but you take every opportunity to re-present false rendering.

    If Jesus had been “Worshipped” the Jews would have been up in arms because they knew only to worship God – and they were claiming that Jesus was Blaspheming in everything he did – yeh, even [to them] “claiming to BE God” by being the Son of God..which…Jesus went to pains to DISCLAIM; “What if i say that i am the Son of God… Did not even HE [God] call [The mighty ones of mankind, e.g. Moses] 'gods' to whom the word of God came?”


    What “bible” do you have? Jesus said that men are to honor the Son EVEN AS they honor the Father.

    There are not that many pieces to the jig saw puzzle so it should not be too difficult for you to get the picture.

    In Revelation 5 the word “honor” is indeed equivalent to the word “worship.” Verse 15 says that they “FELL DOWN AND WORSHIPPED”.

    Those who receive the “honor” in verse 13 are the same objects of the “worship” in verse 15, namely, the One who sits upon the throne AND THE LAMB. Therefore, the word “honor” is equivalent to worship in this instance.




    You Choke…

    Honor is not Worship.

    Worship is not Honor alone.

    I'm not going through this. It's been done before. Amnesia… Try it with someone else who has no Wisdom.

    Don't answer me.


    Quote (JustAskin @ July 08 2010,10:30)

    You Choke…

    Honor is not Worship.

    Worship is not Honor alone.

    I'm not going through this. It's been done before. Amnesia… Try it with someone else who has no Wisdom.

    Don't answer me.


    Read my posts and the scriptures again. Verse 13 says “honor” but verse 15 says “worship.” The Father and the Lamb were both honored and worshiped!

    And the verse I gave in Matthew says that they worshiped Jesus:

    Mathew 28:9
    And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.

    Obey God JA!


    Ed J

    Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ July 08 2010,10:19)

    Quote (JustAskin @ July 08 2010,10:01)

    Jesus is not Worshipped.

    Honor, Praise and Glorify both the Son and the Father, Worship the Father only.

    You know full well that the word is “obesience” – not Worship.

    We have  done all this time and time over but you take every opportunity to re-present false rendering.

    If Jesus had been “Worshipped” the Jews would have been up in arms because they knew only to worship God – and they were claiming that Jesus was Blaspheming in everything he did – yeh, even [to them] “claiming to BE God” by being the Son of God..which…Jesus went to pains to DISCLAIM; “What if i say that i am the Son of God… Did not even HE [God] call [The mighty ones of mankind, e.g. Moses] 'gods' to whom the word of God came?”


    What “bible” do you have?

    Mathew 28:9
    And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.

    the Roo

    Hi Jack,

    Didn't you say to Mike all translations are acceptable? Have you changed 'your mind'?

    Douay-Rheims Bible Matt.18:9 And behold Jesus met them, saying:
    All hail. But they came up and took hold of his feet, and adored him.  

    Douay-Rheims Bible Rev.5:14 And the four living creatures said: Amen. And the four and
    twenty ancients fell down on their faces, and adored him that liveth for ever and ever.

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    If you sin… as you do… and you are asked to repent from that sin (I asked you not to reply) and you do not repent, then you are everlastingly condemned of that sin.

    Now, this means nothing to a Trinitarian so I don't expect that you will relent – But – you just might. So think about it.

    You can be excused the condemnation by claiming that you were led astray by your wholsesome belief in your FALSE DOCTRINE – for even Saul/Paul was led astray.
    But when he was 'Show the Light' the “Weight” of his sin fell like “Scales” from his eyes and he obtained the Holy Spirit by no mean “Measure” and became a more “Balanced” person.

    So you also, and that was what I sought for you from the beginning. Now both you and WJ.



    Does anyone say “I adored God”?

    I asked WJ if he Worshipped Jesus – and he could not answer (You answered for him)

    I never asked you – because there is little truth in you and you would only have answered what you wanted to THINK and what you WANTED to be the right answer – Not what your REAL answer was. For this reason also I don't converse with Isaiah 1:8 because he even more, out-rightly, responds in such a foul immature, irresponsible, manner.

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