The arian dissenters

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  • #167331

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 31 2009,12:06)
    Hi TT,
    God was in him reconciling the world to Himself.
    You should believe this because Christ in you is your hope of glory.

    A half truth is a falsehood. The other side of it is that Jesus Himself is the AUTHOR of eternal salvation (Heb. 5:9).

    You honor a kind of proxy savior. I honor THE Savior.

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 31 2009,11:55)
    hi TT,
    He saw his Lord and also his God.

    Why do you dissent from the ways of God by making Him a wierd trinity?
    How can you know God??

    Thomas saw only Jesus and addressed Him as “My Lord and my God.” Jesus replied saying,

    “Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

    It says that Thomas saw Jesus.



    Hi TT,
    Jesus is given to be the source for us of many things by his Father God.
    Thomas saw God in Jesus and believed also in that faithful servant vessel, the Son of God.


    THINKER ………ANOTHER COP OUT. JESUS IS (NOT) A GOD, IF WE BELIEVE IN JESUS THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE THINK HE IS A GOD.Having faith in Jesus and GOD the FATHER, has nothing to do with Jesus being a GOD. No one has ever produced any scripture where Jesus ever said He was a GOD. He even said “why callest me good , there is (ONLY) ONE who is GOOD and that is GOD”, do you see his name there as being good. What is blocking the truth from you? Jesus is (NOT) GOD we have all posted hundreds of sound scriptures that prove that point, what is stopping you from accepting them. Jodi's Post is both accurate and right> IMO



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 31 2009,12:16)
    Hi TT,
    Jesus is given to be the source for us of many things by his Father God.
    Thomas saw God in Jesus and believed also in that faithful servant vessel, the Son of God.

    It doesn't say that Thomas saw God in Jesus. It says that Thomas saw Jesus and addressed Him as “My Lord and my God.” Your assumptions are without foundation in the narrative.

    Jesus is THE Savior in His own right according to His own works.

    looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.


    who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.

    We are healed by HIS stripes. He is THE Savior in His own right. The Father did not suffer for you.

    I am a faithful witness to the true gospel. You sir are not a friend of God.



    Quote (thethinker @ Dec. 31 2009,12:14)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 31 2009,12:06)
    Hi TT,
    God was in him reconciling the world to Himself.
    You should believe this because Christ in you is your hope of glory.

    A half truth is a falsehood. The other side of it is that Jesus Himself is the AUTHOR of eternal salvation (Heb. 5:9).

    You honor a kind of proxy savior. I honor THE Savior.

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 31 2009,11:55)
    hi TT,
    He saw his Lord and also his God.

    Why do you dissent from the ways of God by making Him a wierd trinity?
    How can you know God??

    Thomas saw only Jesus and addressed Him as “My Lord and my God.” Jesus replied saying,

    “Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

    It says that Thomas saw Jesus.


    Thinker…….Thomas finally came to understand that GOD was (IN) Jesus , it finally dawned on HIM. That is why He said what he said. Jesus plainly said the FATHER (WAS) (IN) HIM, GODS PRESENCE WAS THERE VIA THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT WAS (IN) JESUS, not that He was a GOD or the FATHER either. THERE IS (ONLY) (ONE) GOD , AND (ONE) MEDIATOR BETWEEN GOD AND MAN THE (MAN) JESUS CHRIST. Notice it does not say the GOD Jesus Christ, when is this going to dawn on you as it did Thomas that is the question here.



    Quote (Gene @ Dec. 31 2009,12:23)
    THINKER ………ANOTHER COP OUT.  JESUS IS (NOT) A GOD, IF WE BELIEVE IN JESUS THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE THINK HE IS A GOD.Having faith in Jesus and GOD the FATHER, has nothing to do with Jesus being a GOD.  No one has ever produced any scripture where Jesus ever said He was a GOD. He even said “why callest me good , there is (ONLY) ONE who is GOOD and that is GOD”, do you see his name there as being good. What is blocking the truth from you? Jesus is (NOT) GOD we have all posted hundreds of sound scriptures that prove that point, what is stopping you from accepting them. Jodi's Post is both accurate and right> IMO


    Jesus is not “a” God. You are confusing me with David.

    HE IS GOD!



    Gene said:

    Thinker…….Thomas finally came to understand that GOD was (IN) Jesus , it finally dawned on HIM.

    So you were there? Your assumptions have no foundation in the narrative.



    Hi TT,
    So you say.
    But scripture says his Father is his God, our God and the God of the Jews.

    You dissent?.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 31 2009,12:35)
    Hi TT,
    So you say.
    But scripture says his Father is his God, our God and the God of the Jews.

    You dissent?.

    So Jesus is not THE Savior in His own right? He is not THE AUTHOR of eternal salvation? We are not healed by HIS stripes and HIS personal sufferings?

    Deny these and you are not a friend of God.

    You believe that we are Israelites under Moses (Deuteronomy 6:4)?



    thinker………Jesus is a savior used by GOD the FATHER, go back and reread what David very (CLEARLY) posted on this Subject of SAVIORS.


    Quote (Gene @ Dec. 31 2009,12:47)
    thinker………Jesus is a savior used by GOD the FATHER, go back and reread what David very (CLEARLY) posted on this Subject of SAVIORS.


    He is the AUTHOR of eternal salvation to all those who obey HIM (Heb. 5:9). Did you get that? Jesus is the AUTHOR of eternal salvation to those who obey HIM. We are to obey Him yet you say that we are Lord of the sabbath with Him. You are an embarassment to your anti-trinitarian fellows.

    From all your yakking on this thread you still have not dealt with Revelation 5:13 which says that “every creature” worships the Father AND the Lamb. Yak yak yak. When will you answer Revelation 5:13?

    You are a dissenter Gene. Just admit it.



    hi TT

    what s the problem with revelation 5;13

    Rev 5:11 Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.
    Rev 5:12 In a loud voice they sang:
    “Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain,
    to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength
    and honor and glory and praise!”
    Rev 5:13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, singing:
    “To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb
    be praise and honor and glory and power,
    for ever and ever!”

    Rev 5:14 The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.

    i don't see any thing wrong God is whorship and so is the Lamb who is Christ so ????


    terraricca said:

    i don't see any thing wrong God is whorship and so is the Lamb who is Christ so ?

    Amen! That's what I have been saying. Both the Father and the Lamb are to be worshiped. It says that “every creature in heaven and in earth” worships them. But there are a few dissenters here. I am glad that you are not a dissenter.



    THINKER……A author is not the story, he is the one who wrote the book, Jesus was the one who wrote the book on salvation by showing us the (WAY) . And it was the same way He was save and it is the same way we must be saved also , so in this sense He wrote the Book or Authored it (so to speak) But it was GOD the FATHER who saved HIM and SAVES US also. It was GOD the FATHER who Brought Jesus back to Life and raised Him from the dead and gave Him eternal life. Learn to trust and believe who Jesus trusted and Believed in and If you truly believe in Jesus you will also trust with all your Heart the one who He trusted with all his heart, because no other can raise the dead but GOD the FATHER alone. Jesus never did a miracle (HIMSELF) it was the FATHER doing those Miracles through HIM. Jesus is (NOT) a GOD but a HUMAN BEING. OUR (EXACT) REPRESENTATION. WE (ARE) able to come to the (FULL MEASURE) OF CHRIST JESUS.




    Quote (Gene @ Dec. 31 2009,10:48)
    But it was GOD the FATHER who saved HIM and SAVES US also

    Poppycock! Jesus was without sin and the only thing he needed saving from was the murderous unbelievers.

    But Jesus chose to lay down his life and take it up again, that means he is “The Savour” not by proxy but by his own blood and life, no other was Savour to mankind in this way. Acts 20:28 tells us that Jesus blood is the Blood of God!

    He was no mere man as you put him off to be!

    As Jack pointed out he is the “Author of eternal salvation” but not only that, he is the “Author and the finisher of our faith”! Heb 12:2

    But you choose to not give Jesus credit for doing anything!

    You choose to see Jesus as a mere puppet on a string that the Father just dangled around and did his will through.

    That is why you  refuse to give Jesus the same honor that you give the Father or the same worship that Jack is talking about in Rev ch 5.

    Jesus is not a Savour by proxy as David trys to put off as if he is like every other previous Savour.

    Paul knew who he was when he said…

    while we wait for the blessed hope–the glorious appearing of “our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, Titus 2:13

    There is only one Savour and that is God! Paul knew this and called him his God just like Thomas!

    When you see that the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are “One” not in just “unity” but (One Spirit) in essence and in their being, then you will see that the Trinitarian view is the only view that reveals the whole counsel of God by taking all scriptural data to account!




    Quote (Gene @ Dec. 31 2009,10:48)
    Jesus never did a miracle (HIMSELF) it was the FATHER doing those Miracles through HIM. Jesus is (NOT) a GOD but a HUMAN BEING. OUR (EXACT) REPRESENTATION. WE (ARE) able to come to the (FULL MEASURE) OF CHRIST JESUS.

    Jesus also was the “Exact representation of the Father”, also. Heb 1:3, John 1:1

    Jesus was God in the flesh! God according to his Spirit and Man according to his flesh! John 1:14



    hi WJ
    you are back to promote your view on trinity ,it does not exist ,show us that your mystery of the trinity is there from the beginning of creation,and that the mystery of the trinity is no mystery at all,and then explain all scriptures that prove other wise ,it seems you always avoid this.

    until you do you are kicking a dead horse please excuse my expression.


    Quote (Gene @ Jan. 01 2010,02:48)
    THINKER……A author is not the story, he is the one who wrote the book, Jesus was the one who wrote the book on salvation by showing us the (WAY) . And it was the same way He was save and it is the same way we must be saved also , so in this sense He wrote the Book or Authored it (so to speak) But it was GOD the FATHER who saved HIM and SAVES US also.  It was GOD the FATHER who Brought Jesus back to Life and raised Him from the dead and gave Him eternal life. Learn to trust and believe who Jesus trusted and Believed in and If you truly believe in Jesus you will also trust with all your Heart the one who He trusted with all his heart, because no other can raise the dead but GOD the FATHER alone. Jesus never did a miracle (HIMSELF) it was the FATHER doing those Miracles through HIM. Jesus is (NOT) a GOD but a HUMAN BEING. OUR (EXACT) REPRESENTATION. WE (ARE) able to come to the (FULL MEASURE) OF CHRIST JESUS.


    The word “author” means “source” or “origin.” Jesus is the source or origin of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.  

    “And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him” ESV

    Jesus is no proxy “savior.” He is the SOURCE of salvation. He is THE Savior.

    ” For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of THE Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning” 2 Peter 2:20

    Note: Sharp's rule applies in 2 Peter 2:20

    He is “THE Savior” Gene. This is why Arainism must be rejected because it leads to the denial that Jesus Christ is THE Savior.



    WJ……….Jesus said he did those things by the finger of GOD, as well as the apostles also did them, He was the (exact) (IMAGE) mirror of the FATHER (BECAUSE) He put (HIS WILL) to DEATH and only done the WILL of THE FATHER, “not (MY) WILL but (THY) WILL be done” remember? Jesus also told us that there is (ONLY) ONE Will that will BE DONE it was (THY) WILL not a MY WILL. Your Trinity teachings is so full of wholes it's pathetic. God can cohabit (ALL), He was (IN) Jesus and is (IN) ALL who Have HIS SPIRIT (IN) them. Come out of “MYSTERY RELIGION”> and let the light of Truth shine on you. Why do you and thinker keep pounding your heads against a brick wall. Try putting All the scriptures together instead of little parts and trying to make doctrines out of them, while ignoring all the rest of scriptures that go against what you are falsely teaching. YOU fail to see the forest because of all the trees, dump your 600 scholars and rely on GOD to reveal His the truth to you. “no you not you shall (ALL) be taught (BY) GOD”, and again “brethren you have no need of a teacher for the SPIRIT will teach you all things”. And again ” for he has called the simple things to confound the wise”. Do not lean on your 600 TRINITARIAN and PREEXISTENCES SCHOLARS WJ, they will only lead you down more rabbit holes and Mazes of confusions.

    peace and love……………………gene


    Gene said:

    God can cohabit (ALL), He was (IN) Jesus and is (IN) ALL who Have HIS SPIRIT (IN) them.

    A half truth is a falsehood. Scripture declares also that Jesus is the SOURCE of eternal salvation (Heb. 5:9). Tell the WHOLE truth Gene.


    Why do you and thinker keep pounding your heads against a brick wall.

    First, we want to contend for the Chistian faith. We are fighting the good fight. Second, I bet you need more aspirin than me and WJ.  


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