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- June 21, 2011 at 10:07 pm#249423
Participant“Now in the city there was a certain man named Simon, who, prior to this, had been practicing magical arts and amazing the nation of Sa·mar′i·a, saying he himself was somebody great. And all of them, from the least to the greatest, would pay attention to him and say: “This man is the Power of God, which can be called Great.”
(Acts 8:9-10)Speaking of Simon:
Justin Martyr (110-165 C.E.): 1. “…This man, then, was glorified by many as if he were a god; and he taught that it was himself who appeared among the Jews as the Son, but descended in Samaria as the Father while he came to other nations in the character of the Holy Spirit.He represented himself, in a word, as being the loftiest of all powers, that is, the Being who is the Father over all,…3…and had descended, transfigured and assimilated to powers and principalities and angels, so that he might appear among men to be a man, while yet he was not a man…” 1st Apology Chapter XXIII.1,3 (Alexander & Donalsons ANF)
This magician taught that he was the Son, the Father, and the holy spirit.
Tertullian (145-225 C.E.): “For Simon the Samaritan also, the purveyor of the Holy Spirit, in the Acts of the Apostles, … a Tyrian woman Helen from a place of public pleasure, a fit commodity instead of the Holy Spirit. And he pretended that he was the highest Father, … for the purpose of deceiving whom he transformed himself, and pretended that he was a man to men only, playing the part of the Son in Judaea, and that of the Father in Samaria.” Tertullianus (De Anima, 34, 36). Text: _Bibliothec. Patr. Eccles. Select. (curavit Dr. Guil. Bruno Linder), Fasc. iv; Lipsiae, 1859.
Tertullian’s version is different. A woman is the holy spirit, and Simon plays the part of both Son and Father.
Hippolytus (170-236 C.E.): “…For he said that, as the Angels were misgoverning the world owing to their love of power, he had come to set things right, being metamorphosed and made like unto the Dominions, Principalities and Angels, so that he was manifested as a man although he was not really a man, and that he seemed to suffer[40] in Judaea, although he did not really undergo it, but that he was manifested to the Jews as the Son, in Samaria as the Father, and among the other nations as the Holy Ghost…” (Philosophumena, vi. 19). Text: Refutatio Omnium Haeresium (ediderunt Lud. Duncker et F.G. Schneidewin); Gottingae, 1859.
Once again Simon apparently claimed to be Father, Son and Holy Ghost.
Epiphanius ( 2nd/3rd Century?): 1. “From the time of Christ to our own day the first heresy was that of Simon the magician, and though it was not correctly and distinctly one of the Christian name, yet it worked great havoc by the corruption it produced among Christians. … by saying that he was the Great Power of God and had come down from above. And he told the Samaritans that he was the Father, and the Jews that he was the Son…” (Contra Haereses, ii. 1-6). Text: Opera (edidit G. Dindorfius); Lipsiae, 1859.
“Great Power of God from above [=holy spirit], Father, Son.
Origen (2nd/3rd Century?): (5 :62) v.62 “…But Celsus is ignorant that the Simonians in no way confess that Jesus is the Son of God, but they say that Simon is the Power of God, … (6:2) vi. ii. For the former (Simon) pretended he was the Power of God, which is called Great, and the latter (Dositheus) that he too was the Son of God…” Origenes (Contra Celsum, i. 57; v. 62; vi. ii). Text (edidit Carol. Henric. Eduard); Lommatzsch; Berolini, 1846.
Origen (2nd/3rd Century?): “There was also Simon the Samaritan … he desired to spread the glory of his name, … quoted from the Acts of the Apostles; …having proved that Simon was in no respect divine.” Origen, Contra Celsum (LVII), Schaff 421-422. Accessible online at: Christian Classics Ethereal Library.
While Origen’s account does contain other details, he does show Simon claimed to be “divine.”
Philastrius ( ? ): “Simon, the magician, a Samaritan … saying that he was some Power of God, above all powers. Whom the Samaritans worship as the Father…” (De Haeresibus, i). Text: Patres Quarti Ecclesiae Saeculi (edidit D.A.B. Caillau); Paris, 1842.
Jerome Hieronymus (4th Century): “Of whom there is one Simon, a Samaritan, whom we read of in the Acts of the Apostles, who said he was some Great Power. And among the rest of the things written in his volumes, he proclaimed as follows: “I am the Word of God; I am the glorious one, I the Paraclete, the Almighty, I the whole of God.” (In Matthaeum, IV. xxiv. 5). Text: S. Eusebii Hieronymi Comment.; Migne Patrol. Grec., VII. col. 176.
Jerome is specific here: Simon said he was “The Word of God,” “The Paraclete,” [holy spirit] “the Almighty,” “the whole of God”
Theodoretus ( ? ): “…Whereas he called himself the Boundless Power, and (said) that he had appeared to the Jews as the Son, and to the Samaritans he had descended as the Father, and among the rest of the nations he had gone up and down as the Holy Spirit.” (Haereticarum Fabularum Compendium, I. i.). Text: Opera Omnia (ex recensione Jacobi Simondi, denuo edidit Joann. Ludov. Schulze); Halae, 176.
What concept did Simon, one of the earliest heretics from Christianity teach?
June 22, 2011 at 3:26 am#249457Lightenup
ParticipantSimon the Sorcerer gets his butt kicked by Simon Cephas (Simon Peter, writer of 1 and 2 Peter and disciple of Christ).
Let not Simon the sorcerer delude you by semblances which are not realities, which he exhibits to you, as to men who have no understanding, who know not how to discern that which they see and hear. Send, therefore, and fetch him to where all your city is assembled together, and choose you some sign for us to do before you; and, whichever ye see do that same sign, it will be your part to believe in it.
And immediately they sent and fetched Simon the sorcerer;(13) and the men who were adherents of his opinion said to him: As a man concerning whom we have confidence that there is power in thee to do anything whatsoever,(14) do thou some sign before us all, and let this Simon the Galilaean, who preaches Christ, see it. And, whilst they were thus speaking to him, there happened to be passing along a dead person, a son of one of those who were chiefs and men of note and renown among them. And all of them, as they were assembled together, said to him: Whichever of you shall restore to life this dead person, he is true, and to be believed in and received, and we will all follow him in whatsoever he saith to us. And they said to Simon the sorcerer: Because thou wast here before Simon the Galilaean, and we knew thee before him, exhibit thou first the power which accompanieth thee.(15)
Then Simon reluctantly drew near to the dead person; and they set down the bier before him; and he looked to the fight hand and to the left, and gazed up into heaven, saying many words: some of them he uttered aloud, and some of them secretly and not aloud. And he delayed a long while, and nothing took place, and nothing was done, and the dead person was lying upon his bier.
And forthwith Simon Cephas drew near boldly towards the dead man, and cried aloud before all the assembly which was standing there: In the name of Jesus Christ, whom the Jews crucified at Jerusalem, and whom we preach, rise up thence. And as soon as the word of Simon was spoken the dead man came to life and rose up from the bier.
And all the people saw and marvelled; and they said to Simon: Christ, whom thou preachest, is true. And many cried out, and said: Let Simon the sorcerer and the deceiver of us all be stoned. But Simon, by reason that every one was running to see the dead man that was come to life, escaped from them from one street to another and from house to house, and fell not into their hands on that day.
But the whole city took hold of Simon Cephas, and they received him gladly and affectionately; and he ceased not from doing signs and wonders in the name of Christ; and many believed in him. Cuprinus,(16) moreover, the father of him that was restored to life, took Simon with him to his house, and entertained him in a suitable manner, while he and all his household believed in Christ, that He is the Son of the living God. And many of the Jews and of the pagans became disciples there. And, when there was great rejoicing at his teaching, he built churches there, in Rome and in the cities round about, and in all the villages of the people of Italy; and he served there in the rank of the Superintendence of Rulers twenty-five years.(17)
And after these years Nero Caesar seized him and shut him up in prison. And he knew that he would crucify him; so he called Ansus,(18) the deacon, and made him bishop in his stead in Rome. And these things did Simon himself speak; and moreover also the rest, the other things which he had in charge, he commanded Ansus to teach before the people, saying to him: Beside the New Testament and the Old let there not be read before the people(19) anything else:(20) which is not right.
And, when Caesar had commanded that Simon should be crucified with his head downwards, as he himself had requested of Caesar, and that Paul's head should be taken off, there was great commotion among the people, and bitter distress in all the church, seeing that they were deprived of the sight of the apostles. And Isus the guide arose and took up their bodies by night, and buried them with great honour, and there came to be a gathering-place there for many.
And at that very time, as if by a righteous judgment, Nero abandoned his empire and fled, and there was a cessation for a little while from the persecution which Nero Caesar had raised against them. And many years after the great coronation(21) of the apostles, who had departed out of the world, while ordination to the priesthood was proceeding both in all Rome and in all Italy, it happened then that there was a great famine in the city of Rome.(22)
Here endeth the teaching of Simon Cephas.
Here is what else Simon Cephas (Simon Peter…NOT Simon the Sorcerer) had to say about the Father and the Son.
Moreover, because we were catchers of fish,(8) and not skilled in books, therefore did He also say to us: “I will send you the Spirit, the Paraclete, that He may teach you that which ye know not; “for it is by His gift that we speak those things which ye hear. And, further, by it we bring aid to the sick, and healing to the diseased: that by the hearing of His word and by the aid of His power ye may believe in Christ, that He is God, the Son of God; and may be delivered from the service of bondage, and may worship Him and His Father, and glorify His divine Spirit. For when we glorify the Father, we glorify the Son also with Him; and when we worship the Son, we worship the Father also with Him; and when we confess the Spirit, we confess the Father also and the Son: because in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit, were we commanded to baptize those who believe, that they may live for ever.
Flee therefore from the words of the wisdom of this world, in which there is no profit, and draw near to those which are true and faithful, and acceptable before God; whose reward also is laid up in store, and whose recompense standeth sure. Now, too,(9) the light has arisen on the creation, and the world has obtained the eyes, of the mind, that every man may see and understand that it is not fit that creatures should be worshipped instead of the Creator, nor together with the Creator: because everything which is a creature is made to be a worshipper of its Maker, and is not to be worshipped like its Creator. But this One who came to us is God, the Son of God, in His own nature, notwithstanding that He mingled(10) His Godhead with our manhood, in order that He might renew our manhood by the aid of His Godhead. And on this account it is right that we should worship Him, because He is to be worshipped together with His Father, and that we should not worship creatures, who were created for the worship of the Creator. For He is Himself the God of truth and verity; He is Himself from before all worlds and creatures; He is Himself the veritable Son, and the glorious fruit(11) which is from the exalted Father.
But ye see the wonderful works which accompany and follow these words. One would not credit it: the time lo! is short since He ascended to His Father, and see how His Gospel has winged its flight through the whole creation-that thereby it may be known and believed that He Himself is the Creator of creatures, and that by His bidding creatures subsist. And, whereas ye saw the sun become darkened at His death, ye yourselves also are witnesses. The earth, moreover, quaked when He was slain, and the veil was rent at His death. And concerning these things the governor Pilate also was witness: for he himself sent and made them known to Caesar,(12) and these things, and more than these, were read before him, and before the princes of your city.
From: http://new.studylight.org/his….f08-146
edited to delete the duplicate portio
n that I originally pasted twice.June 22, 2011 at 3:33 am#249459david
ParticipantHi lighten up
So, your post is basically about Simon Peter. This thread is on Simon the magician and the trinity.June 22, 2011 at 3:38 am#249461Lightenup
ParticipantWell, actually David, my post is about Simon the Sorcerer also, or did you miss that? Maybe read it again.
June 22, 2011 at 3:39 am#249462Lightenup
ParticipantSimon the Sorcerer is also Simon the Magician…correct?
June 22, 2011 at 4:13 am#249467david
ParticipantYou know you repeated the first nine paragraphs?
June 22, 2011 at 4:28 am#249473Lightenup
ParticipantThanks David for pointing that out…I fixed it.
June 22, 2011 at 4:40 am#249477Wispring
ParticipantHi David,
From the stuff you posted it comes to my mind that Simon taught he was either God or the trilogy concept of God in the flesh. Since Christ Jesus taught us God is spirit and must be worshipped in truth and spirit this Simon was evidently a self-glorifying self-deluded man.With Love and more love,
WispringJune 23, 2011 at 1:09 am#249547mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (david @ June 21 2011,16:07) Epiphanius ( 2nd/3rd Century?): 1. “From the time of Christ to our own day the first heresy was that of Simon the magician,
Interesting.I read a blog the other day where someone was trying to set the other posters straight that Jesus is the Son of God, and not God Himself.
The following poster told him he was lucky he posted that “heresy” anonymously.
My how times have changed.
June 23, 2011 at 1:12 am#249548mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (Lightenup @ June 21 2011,21:26) Cuprinus, moreover, the father of him that was restored to life, took Simon with him to his house, and entertained him in a suitable manner, while he and all his household believed in Christ, that He is the Son of the living God.
That sounds about right.June 23, 2011 at 3:36 am#249564Lightenup
ParticipantIf you liked that part Mike, you might be interested in Simon Peter's expanded teaching (ya know, the person who was the disciple of Christ)…
Quote that by the hearing of His word and by the aid of His power ye may believe in Christ, that He is God, the Son of God; and may be delivered from the service of bondage, and may worship Him and His Father, and glorify His divine Spirit. For when we glorify the Father, we glorify the Son also with Him; and when we worship the Son, we worship the Father also with Him; and when we confess the Spirit, we confess the Father also and the Son: because in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Spirit, were we commanded to baptize those who believe, that they may live for ever. June 23, 2011 at 3:55 am#249565mikeboll64
BlockedHi Kathi,
How's your trip going? Or are you back?
We all know that Jesus is the “only begotten god”, so yes, he is the god who is the Son of God Almighty.
As far as the “worship” part, you already know my stance on “proskuneo”. But check out what I read today:
1 Chronicles 29:20 KJV
And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the LORD your God. And all the congregation blessed the LORD God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped the LORD, and the king.You'd be hard pressed to find a more recent, respected translation that says “worshipped” in this verse, because we are not to worship the creation, right?
Here are some newer versions:
they bowed low and fell prostrate before the LORD and the king.NASB ©
and bowed low and did homage to the LORD and to the king.NRSV ©
and bowed their heads and prostrated themselves before the LORD and the king.NKJV ©
and bowed their heads and prostrated themselves before the LORD and the king.NWT
And all the congregation proceeded to bless Jehovah the God of their forefathers and bow low and prostrate themselves to Jehovah and to the king.Many of the newer translators have apparently recognized the problem with the KJV's translation, and have corrected it.
I wonder why they don't do that in the case of Jesus? The translators could easily treat the words in the case of Jesus the same way they treat them in the case of David, right?
This is what we've dubbed the “Exception for Jesus” rule. It is outlined in the “Bizzaro World Doctrine” thread.
And finally, we once again have a text implying that Peter baptized using the triune formula because he was COMMANDED BY JESUS to do so. And that always makes me wonder why he broke that commandment Jesus gave him in the Book of Acts.
peace and love,
mikeJune 23, 2011 at 4:00 am#249566Lightenup
ParticipantWell Mike,
We have been over and over this…we should let David have his topic. I'm not back from my trip yet…just taking some quiet time away from all the wild and crazy funJune 23, 2011 at 5:50 pm#249607Worshipping Jesus
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ June 22 2011,20:12) Quote (Lightenup @ June 21 2011,21:26) Cuprinus, moreover, the father of him that was restored to life, took Simon with him to his house, and entertained him in a suitable manner, while he and all his household believed in Christ, that He is the Son of the living God.
That sounds about right.
Ha Ha MikeTo the Hebrews to claim you were the “Only Begotten Son of God” equated to being equal with God.
Jesus claim that the Father God was his own personal Father caused them to rise up and attempt to stone him on several occasions.
I and my Father are one. “Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him”. Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me? The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and “because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God”. John 10:30-33
The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, “because he made himself the Son of God“. John John 19:7
And Jesus nor the Apostles ever said “he was not God” did they?
June 24, 2011 at 1:14 am#249659Proclaimer
ParticipantQuote (WorshippingJesus @ June 24 2011,04:50) To the Hebrews to claim you were the “Only Begotten Son of God” equated to being equal with God.
Ha ha WJ.Being equal actually means that you are not that which you are equal to.
e.g., 3+3=6 and so does 2+2+2=6
But 3+3 is not 2+2+2.
In nature they have the same end value.
In identity, completely different.Another example in case the math is to complex for ya.
Let's say for argument sake that 1 Australian dollar equals 1 US dollar. (Actually the Aussie dollar is stronger), then is an Australian dollar the same dollar as the US dollar.
Of course not.
Back to the drawing board. Or should I say, back on the carousel. I imagine you will ask the same thing again not to long from now.
June 24, 2011 at 2:25 am#249668mikeboll64
BlockedQuote (Lightenup @ June 22 2011,22:00) Well Mike,
We have been over and over this…we should let David have his topic. I'm not back from my trip yet…just taking some quiet time away from all the wild and crazy fun
Fair enough, Kathi. I hope you're having fun with your “hot boyfriend”!(For those who don't know, that's her husband of many years.)
June 24, 2011 at 2:33 am#249669mikeboll64
BlockedKeith, those same Jews said “the only Father we have is God Himself”. Were THEY also “equal to God”?
Also, t8 has (again) pointed out that “equal TO” means you are NOT the thing you are “equal TO”. I cannot possibly be “equal TO” myself.
And finally, are you REALLY going to go there? Are you seriously going to use “no one ever said he WASN'T God” as support to your doctrine?
That's too much, man!
June 24, 2011 at 2:34 am#249670mikeboll64
BlockedKeith, are you going to comment on the point of David's thread? How the “first heresy” came from a man claiming to be the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
June 24, 2011 at 3:56 am#249685Lightenup
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ June 23 2011,21:25) Quote (Lightenup @ June 22 2011,22:00) Well Mike,
We have been over and over this…we should let David have his topic. I'm not back from my trip yet…just taking some quiet time away from all the wild and crazy fun
Fair enough, Kathi. I hope you're having fun with your “hot boyfriend”!(For those who don't know, that's her husband of many years.)
LOL, yes I have been having fun with my 'hot boyfriend' but when I wrote that message to you, I had taken my mother away to Amish land for a few days as a distraction. My dad died last year two days after Father's DayI brought her back to her home tonight but I am still far from my home.
Anyway, so what about what Simon the Sorcerer thought. He was wrong. Simon Cephas 'Peter' was right. That is what matters.
February 25, 2012 at 7:16 am#280490david
Participantsimon the magician, and the trinity.
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