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    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 10 2011,07:48)
    Pierre: How sad that you think these things are for the future. They come or are manifest when an individual believes them and holds fast his faith in them! The promises of God are now, by faith, not some future time. If Jesus were to come back and every eye would see then where would faith be? New Testament truth will come to each individual on the last day! When is the last day? When the light comes it is the day. No more darkness to those who are in the light by faith. The day you accept them as truth for your life is the day of the Lord! It will be different for every individual on earth. At one time or another every (understanding) eye will see the lord(word of God) coming(or manifesting in his life). Its a personal walk by faith with God through Jesus!! The Kingdom of God does not come with observation.Luke 17:20—

    A perfect lie or deception of the truth, that could seem to negate the words of God would be a belief that now is not the time. All things will be later. The future never becomes the now!!! It is always future. If you won't be saved until the future you are dead where you stand.

    Faith is the connection to God NOW! For those who believe Jesus there is no second resurrection or future judgment. Those are mis-understood distortions of doctrines from the Revelation of John. It is appointed for man once to die, then comes the judgment. Like Paul said, I died, its no longer me that lives but Christ in me. The word of Jesus in me. The truth of God in me. I am become a new man in Christ. All the old dirty, sinful, unclean, worthless beliefs are cleansed and purified by the word of God.

    Jesus, the word of God that you hear or read, enters you now and judges you. If the words of Jesus say you are clean and you accept and believe that, then God has just judged you as forever clean by that word. What further judgment could there be.Once God cleans you then you are clean forever, if you believe. If you then begin to believe in the things you do or don't do as the way to be clean you have stepped away from faith and taken on unclean works for perfection. Jesus spoke the words of God and if God says it, it is so!

    The referrence to being dead in sin is because of the separation  between God and you/mankind that happens with a sin consciousness. If you believe you are in sin, then you can have no part with God. God has no sin. You were dead in sin but Jesus (the word of God) raised you up by cleansing you of all sin IF YOU BELIEVE THE WORDS OF JESUS! If you believe then you are raised up and seated with Christ in heavenly places. If you continue to believe it is sometime in the future you are dead in sin! Its your choice. He did the work for your perfection but it only perfects you IF YOU BELIEVE IT PERFECTS YOU!

    The end of time is when you believe and accept the eternal words of Christ. Once you enter into eternal truth there is no time or distance. ALL ARE ONE! Only by faith are you saved, not by works or deeds of kindness. Bless you, TK


    you are mixing all things up;i have been born with a handicap that developed in my teens,and for most of my live i wander why,wen in dew time i start to know God more and more ,i start to thank him for my handicap ,do you know why??

    my faith is strong and relies only on God and his son,in the hope of receiving everlasting live.


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: There are many deep thoughts and reasons for different handicaps that people have before they find the truth and you must personally choose your own beliefs. As for healing and making whole a handicap which already exists within a body, IMO will take a union of your faith with another person or two of total faith in Gods working power for here and now.Continue to believe, expect and be

    thankful for your complete healing before it happens! Healing an existing ailment is much harder than believing in the right to total health without sickness or disease. The mind tends to focus on the problem instead of the soulution thereby empowering the ailment to remain. Speak the end result that you expect and don't look to the ailment or problem. Look to thanksgiving for the love of God. In the same way

    as a body builder decides to build his muscles and go into professional body building. It takes time to start with lite weights and increase more and more and heavier and heavier and more reps and special diets with very little fat and very high in protein and so on. It take years to mold the body to the perfection of the professionals.

    I believe it is the same with the spiritual body, which is mind controlled by the information and thoughts that are drawn to it. Jesus came to tell us who and what we are in God. No new laws or religious doctrines or churches, or rituals. Just where God is(inside us) and how to be connected to God(by faith) and his annointing for all(with pure, untainted thinking). Its for WHOSOEVER WILL BELIEVE! Which also

    means it is not for whosoever believes there is any reason to not connect with God. Jesus' words from God cleans your mind from unworthy beliefs. Know you are clean, worthy, ordained, annointed, sinless, perfect, human beings, children of the most high God. Within a mind that accepts that and believes pure, untainted, love power thoughts from his Father can do anything. We can do all things

    through Christ. Whatsoever thing/words you ask/place a demand on, believe you have already received them and you shall have them. And If you ask anything in my name/athority ye shall have it.
    A god son speaks that which is not, as though it is and it becomes manifest!

    The only true example we have of the truth is Jesus. And if we say he was the only one that had the power of God we deny the truth that he himself gave us. We should be working his power works from God. He came to heal the world from their wrong/sin thinking. If you believe you have sin or have done something wrong or any belief that separates one from union with God/the power source then the

    annointing is blocked and pure love power cannot flow out to all the world. If we believe the power is for the future and not now, THEN WE WILL NOT EXPERIENCE THE POWER NOW! Jesus said ONLY BELIEVE but it goes without saying not believing or believing it won't work is empowering the blockage to the power. Love must flow in a pure mind. Love is the only power. You cannot hold personal grudges against others and let love flow. Jesus basically said drop everything and go reconcile with your brother. You can't condemn others for what they like, or choose to do, or choose to eat or anything and let love flow. Love is total freedom from one to all. Love doesn't take into account a wrong. Love will heal the world if we let it flow. IMO, TK


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 10 2011,00:09)

    TIM wrote:

    Pierre: Gladly, John 3:16 and John 17:14 to 24  and Psalm 23 and Psalm 91:7 are a great start. Bless you, TK


    John 3:16 is right, but don't fool yourself into believing, once saved, always saved, rather try to figure out what James meant by,

    Jam 2:24   Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.  

    Jam 2:26   For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.  

    John 17:14-24, I can tell that you don't understand that this prayer was not only for the apostles, but for the once that were predestined to be called yet, Eph. 1:5-10; and that does not include everybody that says, I believe, Mat. 20:16.

    Ps. 23, I have no clue why you brought that up?

    Ps. 91:7,  :) ?



    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 11 2011,04:15)
    Pierre: There are many deep thoughts and reasons for different handicaps that people have before they find the truth and you must personally choose your own beliefs. As for healing and making whole a handicap which already exists within a body, IMO will take a union of your faith with another person or two of total faith in Gods working power for here and now.Continue to believe, expect and be

    thankful for your complete healing before it happens! Healing an existing ailment is much harder than believing in the right to total health without sickness or disease. The mind tends to focus on the problem instead of the soulution thereby empowering the ailment to remain. Speak the end result that you expect and don't look to the ailment or problem. Look to thanksgiving for the love of God. In the same way

    as a body builder decides to build his muscles and go into professional body building. It takes time to start with lite weights and increase more and more and heavier and heavier and more reps and special diets with very little fat and very high in protein and so on. It take years to mold the body to the perfection of the professionals.

    I believe it is the same with the spiritual body, which is mind controlled by the information and  thoughts that are drawn to it. Jesus came to tell us who and what we are in God. No new laws or religious doctrines or churches, or rituals. Just where God is(inside us) and how to be connected to God(by faith) and his annointing for all(with pure, untainted thinking). Its for WHOSOEVER WILL BELIEVE! Which also

    means it is not for whosoever believes there is any reason to not connect with God. Jesus' words from God cleans your mind from unworthy beliefs. Know you are clean, worthy, ordained, annointed, sinless, perfect, human beings, children of the most high God. Within a mind that accepts that and believes pure, untainted, love power thoughts from his Father can do anything. We can do all things

    through Christ. Whatsoever thing/words you ask/place a demand on, believe you have already received them and you shall have them. And If you ask anything in my name/athority ye shall have it.
    A god son speaks that which is not, as though it is and it becomes manifest!

    The only true example we have of the truth is Jesus. And if we say he was the only one that had the power of God we deny the truth that he himself gave us. We should be working his power works from God. He came to heal the world from their wrong/sin thinking. If you believe you have sin or have done something wrong or any belief that separates one from union with God/the power source then the

    annointing is blocked and pure love power cannot flow out to all the world. If we believe the power is for the future and not now, THEN WE WILL NOT EXPERIENCE THE POWER NOW! Jesus said ONLY BELIEVE but it goes without saying not believing or believing it won't work is empowering the blockage to the power. Love must flow in a pure mind. Love is the only power. You cannot hold personal grudges against others and let love flow. Jesus basically said drop everything and go reconcile with your brother. You can't condemn others for what they like, or choose to do, or choose to eat or anything and let love flow. Love is total freedom from one to all. Love doesn't take into account a wrong. Love will heal the world if we let it flow. IMO, TK


    I would like to meet you in the flesh and see for my own eyes that all what you say is true,in your person that is,

    because the scriptures says no one is without sin and the only ones receiving powers from God are his true representatives,

    are you one of them?????

    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: Please make no mistake about what I write. Anything you might think I write, that you think is about me is never, ever about me in a special way. All the gifts and promises of God are for all who will believe! Whosoever includes you, me, and anybody and everybody.

    There is nobody singled out of the promises of God in the New Testament. Everyone that believes in what Jesus said about us and did for us, is a recipient of the total salvation package of God. No amount of works or deeds or laws or rules or rituals etc., can cleanse you and make you righteous unto God! The works for perfection unto God were done by Jesus and given to all who would accept by faith. One who accepts by faith, their own purification, will express to the world that they too are purified by faith in the works of Jesus. Faith in the perfected love of God, through Jesus, including sinless purification and righteousness, would be dead if that person didn't pass it on to all others as the good news gospel of Christ.

    Just doing good works is worthless for justification and righteousness. Man cannot earn his purification in God, he can only believe he is purified through the works of Jesus. Faith in Jesus purifies the mind/heart unto good works/news for all who will believe!! IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 11 2011,07:10)
    Pierre: Please make no mistake about what I write. Anything you might think I write, that you think is about me is never, ever about me in a special way. All the gifts and promises of God are for all who will believe! Whosoever includes you, me, and anybody and everybody.

    There is nobody singled out of the promises of God in the New Testament. Everyone that believes in what Jesus said about us and did for us, is a recipient of the total salvation package of God. No amount of works or deeds or laws or rules or rituals etc., can cleanse you and make you righteous unto God! The works for perfection unto God were done by Jesus and given to all who would accept by faith. One who accepts by faith, their own purification, will express to the world that they too are purified by faith in the works of Jesus. Faith in the perfected love of God, through Jesus, including sinless purification and righteousness, would be dead if that person didn't pass it on to all others as the good news gospel of Christ.    

    Just doing good works is worthless for justification and righteousness. Man cannot earn his purification in God, he can only believe he is purified through the works of Jesus. Faith in Jesus purifies the mind/heart unto good works/news for all who will believe!! IMO, TK


    that's exactly were i was going ,you are selling the kingdom,by promises in the future and declared them to be accessible in our live today,this is deceitful.

    the kingdom is to come but to become part of it in the future,this is now.


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: I sell nothing!! I have nothing to sell!! If I repeat what Jesus our lord says don't say I am selling something. Look up Luke 17:20 &21 and tell me where the Kingdom of God is!! If you wish to make the gifts and callings of God for the future then so be it. You will never experience the future. Until you understand that now is the time you will never experience the future. Thats why it is called the future and not the now! IMO< TK

    Ed J

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 11 2011,21:10)

    His ministry or his calling of God was the beginning of the New Testament which also meant the end of the Old Testament.

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 07 2011,01:45)

    Though a thousand fall to my right side and to my left side can I believe it will not come nigh me!

    Hi Tim,

    Isn't the verse you quote here in the Old “Testament”?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 11 2011,21:20)
    Pierre: I sell nothing!! I have nothing to sell!! If I repeat what Jesus our lord says don't say I am selling something. Look up Luke 17:20 &21 and tell me where the Kingdom of God is!! If you wish to make the gifts and callings of God for the future then so be it. You will never experience the future. Until you understand that now is the time you will never experience the future. Thats why it is called the future and not the now! IMO< TK

    Greetings Tim…..I admire your conviction….If as Luke says the kingdom of God is in your heart than it seems logical to me that if you possess a kingdom in your heart than there must be some governing body in that kingdom and, is it possible that the ten commandments are the root of that governing body…In Gods kingdom there will be many mansions(that sounds physical to me)and there will be peace and we will learn war no more( does that sound like the world we are in today)The lion will lye with the lamb(where can we see that)There will be no more tears and suffering they will be wiped dry(Has this happened yet?)and every man will go to worship on the appointed holy days( They will come to his temple/mountain)is this happening yet…The kingdom of God will be a physical government on this earth and will be ruled by spirit filled both those who died in christ and those chosen of God(eg.King David,Elisha,Abraham and host of other chosen ones)the subjects in this kingdom will be those who survived the tribulation….IMO the 144000 spoken of in Rev.will be the administrators of Gods government for the milenial reign and Jesus will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords…How could it be any other way??

    Tim Kraft

    Quote (theodorej @ Jan. 12 2011,23:52)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 11 2011,21:20)
    Pierre: I sell nothing!! I have nothing to sell!! If I repeat what Jesus our lord says don't say I am selling something. Look up Luke 17:20 &21 and tell me where the Kingdom of God is!! If you wish to make the gifts and callings of God for the future then so be it. You will never experience the future. Until you understand that now is the time you will never experience the future. Thats why it is called the future and not the now! IMO< TK

    Greetings Tim…..I admire your conviction….If as Luke says the kingdom of God is in your heart than it seems logical to me that if you possess a kingdom in your heart than there must be some governing body in that kingdom and, is it possible that the ten commandments are the root of that governing body…In Gods kingdom there will be many mansions(that sounds physical to me)and there will be peace and we will learn war no more( does that sound like the world we are in today)The lion will lye with the lamb(where can we see that)There will be no more tears and suffering they will be wiped dry(Has this happened yet?)and every man will go to worship on the appointed holy days( They will come to his temple/mountain)is this happening  yet…The kingdom of God will be a physical government on this earth and will be ruled by spirit filled both those who died in christ and those chosen of God(eg.King David,Elisha,Abraham and host of other chosen ones)the subjects in this kingdom will be those who survived the tribulation….IMO the 144000 spoken of in Rev.will be the administrators of Gods government for the milenial reign and Jesus will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords…How could it be any other way??

    Theodore: Jesus told his disciples on several occasions, let him who has hearing ears, hear! He was saying to hear the truth within the heart with understanding that spirit words paint pictures on the heart. Thats why he used metaphors and parables. God speaks in pictures and dreams and visions. We are the young men who will dream dreams and see visions!

    Please hear the spirit. Until you can look up the words in the greek I will paraphrase with actual definintions of the original greek words. John14:1… my fathers house there are many mansions…[places or positions of “abode”]….I go…[die] to prepare a place…. [an “abode”]…for you[within]!

    V23…If a man love me[love my words from God] he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him[the words of the kingdom] and MAKE OUR “ABODE” WITH HIM!![abode is same grk. word as “mansions”

    Luke 17:21….The Kingdom of God dosn't come with observation or physical sight. The Kingdom of God is the ruling power of God/Jesus/Spirit within each individual.

    There is peace individually, now,that must spread to others who accept and then spread to others. What I am saying is if we all agree with Jesus, the prince of peace who says we are perfect unto God and we all jointly spread peace and love we will convert the world to peace and love.

    Those who have sin in their hearts, and uncleanliness, and unworthyness, laws and rules and restrictions and are told they will never be perfect, told how to live their lives, told they are not good enough and that they are sinners and much more ARE WHAT THEY ACCEPT AND BELIEVE THEY ARE!

    Those who believe the Spirit of God dwells within have nothing but peace, love, joy, longsuffeing, meekness, kindness, and gentleness to give out to the world. Then there would be no more war or suffering or painful tears. Every day is and will be the Holy Day of the Spirit of God.

    Last but not least, how do you believe a physical Government would be able to rule, command, control the people? Love does not tell another what to do or control another. There are no laws in love. Love controls itself. Love won't hurt another. What kind of punishment do you see for lawbreakers?

    All who live by the sword will eventually die by the sword. A natural progression is in progress. Death and destruction projected from our minds will bring forth death and destruction of our lives. As the discordant bacterias and viruses evolve from our destructive energies they will eventually overpower those creating them. Those living outside of love will live on the outside where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. For that is the world they choose to live in! Love will remain. Love conquers all. IMO, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 12 2011,04:20)
    Pierre: I sell nothing!! I have nothing to sell!! If I repeat what Jesus our lord says don't say I am selling something. Look up Luke 17:20 &21 and tell me where the Kingdom of God is!! If you wish to make the gifts and callings of God for the future then so be it. You will never experience the future. Until you understand that now is the time you will never experience the future. Thats why it is called the future and not the now! IMO< TK


    you did not read my comment ,

    first “selling the kingdom” is and expression,the kingdom is made available to those who follow Christ,and love God with all there hearths,

    the deeds you do are so you would be prepared for the kingdom,because in the kingdom all will know the will of God.
    and love the only rule.


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: According to Jesus at Luke17:21the Kingdom of God is within each person. The kingdom is not out there or over there or under there, the kingdom of God is the spirit words of God that Jesus (as the sower) and sowed inside mankind. If we receive the kingdom/words of Jesus and hold them fast (so that a misunderstanding religious person) (or devil) cannot pull them out of the ground of your heart then the we build the Kingdom on the solid rock of Jesus' words. As we build the temple of God, by his spirit words from Jesus, it fills our temple with light, which also is the infilling of the holy spirit. We rise up to God in truth and understanding. Bless you, TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 15 2011,06:46)
    Pierre: According to Jesus at Luke17:21the Kingdom of God is within each person. The kingdom is not out there or over there or under there, the kingdom of God is the spirit words of God that Jesus (as the sower) and sowed inside mankind. If we receive the kingdom/words of Jesus and hold them fast (so that a misunderstanding religious person) (or devil) cannot pull them out of the ground of your heart then the we build the Kingdom on the solid rock of Jesus' words. As we build the temple of God, by his spirit words from Jesus, it fills our temple with light, which also is the infilling of the holy spirit. We rise up to God in truth and understanding. Bless you, TK


    the kingdom is or should be in everyone who let God enter his hearth and so Christ can make him free ,the kingdom will come to live wen all the children of God will be all in God


    Tim Kraft

    Pierre: You are correct IMO! God bless you! TK


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 17 2011,04:31)
    Pierre: You are correct IMO! God bless you! TK

    :) :)


    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 16 2011,13:35)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 15 2011,06:46)
    Pierre: According to Jesus at Luke17:21the Kingdom of God is within each person. The kingdom is not out there or over there or under there, the kingdom of God is the spirit words of God that Jesus (as the sower) and sowed inside mankind. If we receive the kingdom/words of Jesus and hold them fast (so that a misunderstanding religious person) (or devil) cannot pull them out of the ground of your heart then the we build the Kingdom on the solid rock of Jesus' words. As we build the temple of God, by his spirit words from Jesus, it fills our temple with light, which also is the infilling of the holy spirit. We rise up to God in truth and understanding. Bless you, TK


    the kingdom is or should be in everyone who let God enter his hearth and so Christ can make him free ,the kingdom will come to live wen all the children of God will be all in God



    1Cr 15:28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, “”that God”” may be all in all.



    Quote (Baker @ Jan. 18 2011,12:14)

    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 16 2011,13:35)

    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 15 2011,06:46)
    Pierre: According to Jesus at Luke17:21the Kingdom of God is within each person. The kingdom is not out there or over there or under there, the kingdom of God is the spirit words of God that Jesus (as the sower) and sowed inside mankind. If we receive the kingdom/words of Jesus and hold them fast (so that a misunderstanding religious person) (or devil) cannot pull them out of the ground of your heart then the we build the Kingdom on the solid rock of Jesus' words. As we build the temple of God, by his spirit words from Jesus, it fills our temple with light, which also is the infilling of the holy spirit. We rise up to God in truth and understanding. Bless you, TK


    the kingdom is or should be in everyone who let God enter his hearth and so Christ can make him free ,the kingdom will come to live wen all the children of God will be all in God



    1Cr 15:28   And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, “”that God”” may be all in all.  


    thanks georg

    :) :)

    Tim Kraft

    As you believe it so it is to you!! I quote undeniable scriptures from Jesus who brought the spiritual Kingdom of God or God's words to the earth for mankind to consume, partake of, accept, eat, drink and become one with. If you look to the future for the Kingdom of God to come to you then in the furture after some stuff has to be done by somebody, your kingdom will come!

    For those that believe, it is here within each person, NOW! We who believe are building our temples within the kingdom of God right now. Our foundation is built on the solid rock, words of Jesus. Jesus has cleansed and purified everything that goes into this new temple built without hands unto God. Bless you, TK


    hi Tim

    if i get to understand what you are trying to say,would it be that everyone of us as to built is own house according to God design for the kingdom to come ,if this is what you are saying then i agree with you.

    we know that the kingdom is not for babes but for mature persons ,so it is to us to grow ,constantly until maturity in Christ perfection.



    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 19 2011,03:39)
    hi Tim

    if i get to understand what you are trying to say,would it be that everyone of us as to built is own house according to God design for the kingdom to come ,if this is what you are saying then i agree with you.

    we know that the kingdom is not for babes but for mature persons ,so it is to us to grow ,constantly until maturity in Christ perfection.


    Greetings Tim….If the kingdom of God is hear already then why do we need a resurection,why does the scripture speak of an end to war and suffering and why would Jesus have to go and prepare a place or abode that we are to build in our spirit /mind and finally why would there be a need for a governing body as for all will be a law unto themselves dwelling in the mansion they built themselves….Help me here!!!

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