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- December 16, 2010 at 11:11 am#229011
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Dec. 16 2010,12:22) Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 16 2010,17:48) Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 16 2010,07:49) Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 15 2010,07:15) Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 13 2010,14:12) Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 12 2010,06:00) Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 12 2010,19:16) Kathi, TheodorJ, As regarding the dead.
In those times it was believed that once a person was dead in the body, the flesh, they were dead forever.
The concept of the dead rising to an everlasting life was inconceivable.
Persons could be revived from the dead, but still died later.
Was it Elijah who raised up the son of widow, and healed the sick, in the same fashion as Jesus was later to do. Hence, in the time of Jesus they said of Jesus performing miracles, 'is he another Elijah', and, 'is he Elijah come back from the dead?'
Of course, like Lazarus in Jesus' time, those raised up still went on to die later…the 'everlasting rising' was not yet, but to come.
Kathi, you are right that the patriachs are not 'dead in the Spirit'.
Dead in the flesh…but alive in the Spirit …but not the 'glorified Spirit man' that Jesus was later to become, perfected in the flesh and called 'Begotten Son of God with power' – the first fruit of the resurrection of which many, 144,000 more there will be, and he was made High Priest in the Temple of God.So, although alive in the Spirit, the patriachs are not yet resurrected else Jesus could not then be 'preEminent', could not have been the 'firstfruit'.
Greetings JA…. “For the dead sleep””For the dead know nothing”…..These statements are pretty clear as to state of existance we as humans assume after we stop breathing…The fact that those who were raised from the dead in fact died again speaks to the authority and the power over death that the almighty has,however,as demonstrated we are first commited to die and after that the resurection…
Hi Ted,
Regarding the dead not knowing anything…I have listened to many NDE's and they typically have many similarities. If they are a victim of an accident or are in the hospital, they describe themselves as leaving their body and looking at the body from the outside of it, then they continue on to see what they describe as the afterlife. So, the body that they look back at, knows nothing. The 'knowing' part of the body leaves the body, it seems. So it would be true to say that the dead know nothing. That body in the casket is not laying there thinking anything, their ability to know things has left their body. That which lies in the casket knows nothing but the inner-person leaves the body and continues on to the afterlife in another dimension. The people in these NDE stories do not consider themselves dead but more alive than ever if their experience is in the 'light' and consider the body which they left as dead and unresponsive until they return into that body.
Greetings Kathi……Iam not disputing the fact that the being or the essense is not committed back to the creator…It is from this that the universal church formulated the theory which encompassed what is known to them as a soul….This is a challenging phenomonon….Let me start by simply saying”if we went on in the spirit realm after death”….Why would we need a resurection for salvation???
Hi Ted,
The body will be resurrected. Does it say anywhere that the spirit will be resurrected?
Kathi….At the resurection we will inherit our glorified body which will be spirit and we will have victory over death…
theodso the second resurrection is for the birds
Greetings Pierre…..The first resurection will be those who died in christ and at the end of the milenial reighn the white throne judgement will take place and all who have died will have a chance, while under judgement ,for salvation….The second resurection is by no means for the birds….it is for all who ever lived and never knew the Christ…This will be the quintessential demonstration of Gods love and mercy…How could it be any other way…and of course there will be those who will reject Gods government and they will simply cease to exist….December 31, 2010 at 6:05 am#230670Lightenup
ParticipantQuote (Lightenup @ Dec. 11 2010,00:28) Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 08 2010,12:03) Quote (Tim Kraft @ Dec. 09 2010,01:28) For any and all born again spirit filled sons of God, lets hear what the spirit says of the Sabbath Day of the Lord. At the last supper Jesus said…..that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me……Jesus!
Jesus was the fulfillment of the Sabbath day requirement of the law. Jesus is all and in all. Jesus is the sabbath rest of God. Jesus said….my father worketh until now….now, God is at rest and Jesus is at rest with God. Jesus said …my yoke is easy, my burden is light, enter into my rest and find peace for your souls….! Jesus broke the chains that bound us. Cut our fetters in twain. Released us from our mental prison.
Jesus is the new way to God. Jesus is the temple, the door, the light, the sacrifice, the Arc of the Covenant, Jesus enlightened mankind to the spirit of God, Jesus changed us in the twinkling of an eye, mortal took on immortality, Jesus cleansed us, ordained us, made us completely whole. There is one requirement, that we BELIEVE!!
We are now at rest with God. Our works are finished in Christ. No more works for salvation. No more works of the law. The law was unto Jesus. The old past away and behold all things are become new in Jesus. A new covenant with new promises. Executed by Jesus and sealed in his blood. Jesus did the works for our sinless perfection. He gave us the gift of the spirit. God bless all, TK
Greetings Tim…..There are many that hold your belief that Jesus put an end to the sabbath and all the law that encompasses it…..I fail to see how this emancipation from a command by the eternal to keep “HIS” day holy or to keep” HIS holydays from generation to generation even unto forever”…has been eliminated as a result of the sacrafice Jesus made….yet we can make holy a day chosen as a result of a decree on behalf of carnal men…who have alighned every holy day with that of pagantry…Sunday ( The sun God) Christs Mass(alighned with the winter soltice)Easter ( in keeping with adoration to Ishta )….IMO
Hi Ted,
I would like to comment on this if you don't mind…Quote There are many that hold your belief that Jesus put an end to the sabbath and all the law that encompasses it I don't know about those who believe that Jesus put an 'end' to the sabbath but I understand that Jesus is our sabbath rest and to 'keep' the sabbath is to rest, from the works of the law, by belief in Jesus. The sabbath changes from a temporal idea within time which was only a shadow of the real sabbath…a person we rest in so He can work in us, the person of Christ who is our rest.
Hebrews 4:2 For indeed we have had good news preached to us, just as they also; but (B)the word they heard did not profit them, because it was not united by faith in those who heard.
3For we who have believed enter that rest, just as He has said,
although His works were finished (D)from the foundation of the world.4For He has said (E)somewhere concerning the seventh day: “(F)AND GOD (G)RESTED ON THE SEVENTH DAY FROM ALL HIS WORKS”;
5and again in this passage, “(H)THEY SHALL NOT ENTER MY REST.”
6Therefore, since it remains for some to enter it, and those who formerly had good news preached to them failed to enter because of (I)disobedience,
7He again fixes a certain day, “Today,” saying through David after so long a time just (J)as has been said before,
DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEARTS.”8For (L)if Joshua had given them rest, He would not have spoken of another day after that.
9So there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God.
10For the one who has entered His rest has himself also (M)rested from his works, as (N)God did from His.
11Therefore let us be diligent to enter that rest, so that no one will fall, through following the same (O)example of (P)disobedience.
I think this writer puts it well:
Quote That is what the true sabbath is, to cease from your own labors, your own efforts, your own activity; to cease from your own works. “Well,” you say, “if I did that I would be nothing but a blob, an immobile inactive piece of flesh.” Exactly! Of course you would. But the implication is that you cease from your own efforts and depend on the work of Another. That is the whole import of the book of Hebrews, another One is going to work through you. This is why Paul cries, “Not I, but Christ. I no longer live, but Christ lives in me,” (cf, Gal 2:20). This was also the secret of the life of Jesus, as we have seen. He himself said, “It is the Father who dwells in me who does the work,” (cf, John 14:10). “The Son can do nothing by himself,” (cf, John 5:19). This is the secret of the Christian who learns “it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure,” (cf, Phil 2:13). So the secret of true Christian life is to cease from dependence on one's own activity, and to rest in dependence upon the activity of Another who dwells within. That is fulfilling the sabbath, the true sabbath.
The author of that quote also says this about Sunday worship:
Quote That should make it clear. This is why the claims of the Seventh Day Adventists, the Seventh Day Baptists, and other groups, that Christians changed the sabbath, are absurd, ridiculous. They claim that the Pope changed the sabbath by a papal edict from Saturday to Sunday, and that around the third or fourth century Christians began to celebrate Sunday rather than Saturday, out of obedience to this papal edict. But nothing could be further from the truth. History does not corroborate that in any degree. The Sabbath has always been Saturday and it always will be. It is the seventh day of the week. Sunday has always been the first day of the week. It has never been a sabbath, and it is pure legalism to call it a sabbath or to treat it as one. It is not a day of rest or restricted activity and it is not designed as such. It is the first day of the week; to Christians, the Lord's day. The shadow-sabbath ended at the cross, as Paul has made clear. The next day was the day of resurrection, the day when the Lord Jesus came from the tomb. On that day a new day began — the Lord's day. Christians immediately began to observe the Lord's day on the first day of the week. They ceased observing the Sabbath because it was ended by the fulfillmen
t of its reality in the cross, and they began to observe the first day of the week. This is what you find reflected in the book of Acts. Justin Martyr, who writes from the 2nd century, says,But Sunday is the day on which we all hold our common assembly, because it is the first day on which God, when he changed the darkness and matter, made the world; and Jesus Christ, our Savior, on the same day, rose from the dead.
A fifth fact about this: Though this shadow-sabbath, i.e., Saturday observance, ended at the cross, the true sabbath, the rest of God, God's ceasing from effort, continued and still continues today.
Also, Ted, you mentioned that Christmas “Christs Mass” as you call it, does not fall on the winter solstice, that is a few days beforehand. Some have problems with Christmas being a replacement for a pagan holiday but like I said, the solstice was not held on December 25th as I understand but Hanakuh sometimes does begin on December 25th from what I researched last year and Hanakuh is the festival of lights celebrating the light that came and remained because of the oil for the menorah lasted miraculously longer than what would naturally occur.
We know that Jesus is the Light and that Christmas is about a story and not a one day event. We believe that life begins at conception and it is entirely possible that Mary conceived on December 25 during a feast-Hanakuh. It was at that supernatural conception that the Christmas miracle begins, but again, Christmas isn't about a single event but a story including a miraculous conception in a virgin, a pregnancy, a trip to Bethlehem, a humble birth, an angel announcement to the shepherds, their visit to the manger, and the wise men who came to worship the baby. It all didn't happen on one day but the Word becoming flesh with conception could very well have begun on Dec. 25th if you consider the timing of John the Baptist conception and birth and Mary's visit to his mother.Celebrating Christ's coming in the flesh is a response to all the celebrating at the feasts which were a shadow of what was to come…Christ's coming.
You might say that Christmas is a manmade tradition but so was Purim and so was Hanakuh. Did God ridicule Purim or Hanakuh? Did the events that Christmas celebrates not happen or did they happen? Was it celebrated by the angels, by Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, or the Magi?
So, I suppose you can tell that I believe that Christmas is a manmade Christian Holy day, initiated by a feast which foreshadowed the coming Messiah. Christmas is a Christian response to the fulfillment of a feast and the celebration of that fulfillment. Purim was a manmade Jewish response to what happened during Queen Esther's story which saved the Jews instead of killed them and then there's Hanakuh. So there, three celebrations that were initiated by men that celebrate a holy/miraculous event. And then there is Resurrection Day, commonly called 'Easter' in some countries but has many names like Pascha, Pascua, Pasti, etc. That relates to the waving of the 'first fruits' which took place on the first day after the first sabbath after passover since back in the OT. Jesus was the first fruits of the resurrected ones. Calling the celebration 'the Resurrection Day' is a better name than Easter as that name is associated with a false goddess and causes confusion. Of course, planets have names associated with false gods and goddesses too as well as days of the week (Mars, Saturn, etc.). Knowing that…the name shouldn't keep us from celebrating the event that gave Christians victory over sin…certainly it is an event worthy of giving 'double' honor to by setting aside a special day of the year to corporately remember it as one body of Christ.
Enough for now…I hopes this makes sense to you.
bump for Laurel and Pierre.December 31, 2010 at 6:51 am#230689terraricca
excuse my ignorance but could you point out what you say;bump for Laurel and Pierre.
December 31, 2010 at 7:08 am#230693terraricca
Participanthi Theo
you say ;Greetings Pierre…..The first resurection will be those who died in Christ and at the end of the millennial reign the white throne judgement will take place and all who have died will have a chance, while under judgement ,for salvation….The second resurection is by no means for the birds….it is for all who ever lived and never knew the Christ…This will be the quintessential demonstration of Gods love and mercy…How could it be any other way…and of course there will be those who will reject Gods government and they will simply cease to exist….=============================================
the first resurrection to my understanding will be for the 144000 take from the earth into heaven ,and all the ones God as judged worthy to be in the first resurrection the great crowd ,this should include all from the beginning starting with Abel.
after the 1000 years are done Satan will be released and the rest of all humanity ever lived (Adam i do not know)will be resurrected and for a time will be exposed to the word of God trough the ones from the first resurrection ,and so become in full knowledge of the will of God ,there choice will be there's to make,and after the time that God would have allowed for it ,Satan will try to push the rebels against God grace to go after the city of God on earth to attack it and so will be destroyed this also will bring the end of Satan utility and so he will be destroyed.
then dead it self will be destroyed and Christ will turn the kingdom to his father and now we will say that all is of God and in God.
December 31, 2010 at 7:25 am#230696Baker
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Dec. 16 2010,20:57) Quote (Baker @ Dec. 16 2010,11:53) shimmer, i don't agree with you that the Sabbath only is the day we should rest. paul says that Rom 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day [alike]. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
Rom 14:6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth [it] unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard [it]. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.
To deny this is going against Scriptures…. We need to understand that the Sabbath was
Exd 31:16 Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, [for] a perpetual covenant.
Iit was a Covenant that God made with the children of Israel, and not with us gentiles. If i want to keep any day it is according to Scripture. However if you want to keep the Sabbath it is up to you, as long as you don't impose it on anyone else or judge those who do not keep it…
Peace and love Irene
I agree with that Irene.Your right I think.
Nice of you to agree, you think,,,,I know so because Scriptures say so….But you know it is OK to keep any day and that includes the Sabbath. What I have a problem with if someone thinks they have to keep it…that is not the New Covenant.
Peace to you Irene.December 31, 2010 at 7:57 am#230703Baker
ParticipantQuote (Lightenup @ Dec. 16 2010,07:49) Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 15 2010,07:15) Quote (Lightenup @ Dec. 13 2010,14:12) Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 12 2010,06:00) Quote (JustAskin @ Dec. 12 2010,19:16) Kathi, TheodorJ, As regarding the dead.
In those times it was believed that once a person was dead in the body, the flesh, they were dead forever.
The concept of the dead rising to an everlasting life was inconceivable.
Persons could be revived from the dead, but still died later.
Was it Elijah who raised up the son of widow, and healed the sick, in the same fashion as Jesus was later to do. Hence, in the time of Jesus they said of Jesus performing miracles, 'is he another Elijah', and, 'is he Elijah come back from the dead?'
Of course, like Lazarus in Jesus' time, those raised up still went on to die later…the 'everlasting rising' was not yet, but to come.
Kathi, you are right that the patriachs are not 'dead in the Spirit'.
Dead in the flesh…but alive in the Spirit …but not the 'glorified Spirit man' that Jesus was later to become, perfected in the flesh and called 'Begotten Son of God with power' – the first fruit of the resurrection of which many, 144,000 more there will be, and he was made High Priest in the Temple of God.So, although alive in the Spirit, the patriachs are not yet resurrected else Jesus could not then be 'preEminent', could not have been the 'firstfruit'.
Greetings JA…. “For the dead sleep””For the dead know nothing”…..These statements are pretty clear as to state of existance we as humans assume after we stop breathing…The fact that those who were raised from the dead in fact died again speaks to the authority and the power over death that the almighty has,however,as demonstrated we are first commited to die and after that the resurection…
Hi Ted,
Regarding the dead not knowing anything…I have listened to many NDE's and they typically have many similarities. If they are a victim of an accident or are in the hospital, they describe themselves as leaving their body and looking at the body from the outside of it, then they continue on to see what they describe as the afterlife. So, the body that they look back at, knows nothing. The 'knowing' part of the body leaves the body, it seems. So it would be true to say that the dead know nothing. That body in the casket is not laying there thinking anything, their ability to know things has left their body. That which lies in the casket knows nothing but the inner-person leaves the body and continues on to the afterlife in another dimension. The people in these NDE stories do not consider themselves dead but more alive than ever if their experience is in the 'light' and consider the body which they left as dead and unresponsive until they return into that body.
Greetings Kathi……Iam not disputing the fact that the being or the essense is not committed back to the creator…It is from this that the universal church formulated the theory which encompassed what is known to them as a soul….This is a challenging phenomonon….Let me start by simply saying”if we went on in the spirit realm after death”….Why would we need a resurection for salvation???
Hi Ted,
The body will be resurrected. Does it say anywhere that the spirit will be resurrected?
Kathi!1Cr 15:42 So also [is] the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:
1Cr 15:43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:
1Cr 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
Peace Irene
December 31, 2010 at 3:16 pm#230775Lightenup
ParticipantHi Irene,
Good verses about the 'body' but doesn't say about the 'spirit' of the person.December 31, 2010 at 3:18 pm#230777Lightenup
ParticipantHi Pierre,
If you read on the 'Christmas' topic, we were discussing such things as the sabbath and the conception of Jesus. I bumped a post that I made here that was related to that.January 2, 2011 at 11:28 am#231030Tim Kraft
January 2, 2011 at 11:38 am#231031terraricca
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 03 2011,04:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
TKbe carefull of whom you worship.
January 2, 2011 at 1:12 pm#231034theodorej
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Dec. 31 2010,17:08) hi Theo
you say ;Greetings Pierre…..The first resurection will be those who died in Christ and at the end of the millennial reign the white throne judgement will take place and all who have died will have a chance, while under judgement ,for salvation….The second resurection is by no means for the birds….it is for all who ever lived and never knew the Christ…This will be the quintessential demonstration of Gods love and mercy…How could it be any other way…and of course there will be those who will reject Gods government and they will simply cease to exist….=============================================
the first resurrection to my understanding will be for the 144000 take from the earth into heaven ,and all the ones God as judged worthy to be in the first resurrection the great crowd ,this should include all from the beginning starting with Abel.
after the 1000 years are done Satan will be released and the rest of all humanity ever lived (Adam i do not know)will be resurrected and for a time will be exposed to the word of God trough the ones from the first resurrection ,and so become in full knowledge of the will of God ,there choice will be there's to make,and after the time that God would have allowed for it ,Satan will try to push the rebels against God grace to go after the city of God on earth to attack it and so will be destroyed this also will bring the end of Satan utility and so he will be destroyed.
then dead it self will be destroyed and Christ will turn the kingdom to his father and now we will say that all is of God and in God.
Greetings Pierre…..I stand corrected….you are correct…the 144000 thousand will be the first to be resurected,however,there will be those who are in christ that will be spared death and will be numbered among the 144000…these will be the administrators of Gods government and they will preside over those who were blessed to survive the tribulation….the word of God will be prolific through out the world…and here is a hint….They will go to worship on the appointed holy days…this period will be known as the mileniel reign of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords…yes their spears will be beaten into plowsheres and thay will know war no more….the lamb will lye with the lion….and there will be tears no more….anyone who has a problem with this style of living will cease to exist….Gods government will be a just government and justice will neither be denied or delayed….How could it be any other way…??January 2, 2011 at 1:26 pm#231035theodorej
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Greetings Tim…..I agree….My worship is in the form of gratitude and recognition to the one from whence all things come….This does not excuse me from the obligatory statute to keep MY HOLY DAYS from now and even forever from generation to generation….so says the Eternal…I fail to see where the new covenant….which seems to be nothing more than a restating of the old covenant and the abolition of all the ritual practices of worship such as animal sacrafice,and many other customs and traditions that were added to law by men…January 2, 2011 at 1:31 pm#231036Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Hi Tim,Your right! …THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD!
It's time to burn up all the rudiments!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgJanuary 2, 2011 at 1:40 pm#231037theodorej
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,23:31) Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Hi Tim,Your right! …THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD!
It's time to burn up all the rudiments!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Greetings Ed….. We may presently be under judgement and I might add a mercifull measured judgement at that….Surely the day of the Lord is not upon us yet….for on that day God will unleash great wrath….It is coming soon to the world we created and live in….Let us not hasten it,but pray that we may survive it…January 2, 2011 at 2:00 pm#231041Ed J
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ Jan. 02 2011,23:40) Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,23:31) Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Hi Tim,Your right! …THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD!
It's time to burn up all the rudiments!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Greetings Ed….. We may presently be under judgement and I might add a mercifull measured judgement at that….Surely the day of the Lord is not upon us yet….for on that day God will unleash great wrath….It is coming soon to the world we created and live in….Let us not hasten it,but pray that we may survive it…
Hi Theodore J,2Peter 3:10 But “The Day of The LORD” will come as a thief in the night;
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the rudiments
shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.Eccl.9:12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net,
and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men
snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgJanuary 2, 2011 at 2:11 pm#231043theodorej
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Jan. 03 2011,00:00) Quote (theodorej @ Jan. 02 2011,23:40) Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,23:31) Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Hi Tim,Your right! …THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD!
It's time to burn up all the rudiments!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Greetings Ed….. We may presently be under judgement and I might add a mercifull measured judgement at that….Surely the day of the Lord is not upon us yet….for on that day God will unleash great wrath….It is coming soon to the world we created and live in….Let us not hasten it,but pray that we may survive it…
Hi Theodore J,2Peter 3:10 But “The Day of The LORD” will come as a thief in the night;
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the rudiments
shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.Eccl.9:12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net,
and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men
snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Ed…. Do the scriptures you cited support your position that the Day of The Lord is upon us as we speak…January 2, 2011 at 2:19 pm#231045Tim Kraft
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ Jan. 02 2011,23:40) Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,23:31) Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Hi Tim,Your right! …THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD!
It's time to burn up all the rudiments!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Greetings Ed….. We may presently be under judgement and I might add a mercifull measured judgement at that….Surely the day of the Lord is not upon us yet….for on that day God will unleash great wrath….It is coming soon to the world we created and live in….Let us not hasten it,but pray that we may survive it…
theodore: Let the judgment come forth from God! Have those that believe the words of Jesus been judged by his words? Are we not clean and made perfect by the words of Jesus from God? There remains no other or further sacrifice for sin!If Jesus' blood didn't cover sin and perfect the worshiper forever, then there is nothing left but wrath destroying evil.
Are you evil? Not if you believe Jesus cleansed you! Was the sacrifice of Jesus enough to perfect you before God? It better be!
The eternal word of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, came to earth, is coming, has come and will come, to each individual at the last day when that individual is judged, and will cut(like a two edged sword) away evil (beliefs of uncleanliness) from the righteous, through Christ, bind it (evil) and burn it(through forms of death like sickness and disease) as though like fire.
Then shall the righteous shine forth in the Kingdom, as was always intended, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
The wrath of God is judgment against evil. Are you evil? Are you unclean? Are you unworthy? Are you in sin? Anyone who believes that these things are who and what they truly are shall be burned away and severed from the righteous.
Bless all, TK
January 2, 2011 at 2:21 pm#231047Ed J
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ Jan. 03 2011,00:11) Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 03 2011,00:00) Quote (theodorej @ Jan. 02 2011,23:40) Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,23:31) Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Hi Tim,Your right! …THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD!
It's time to burn up all the rudiments!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Greetings Ed….. We may presently be under judgement and I might add a mercifull measured judgement at that….Surely the day of the Lord is not upon us yet….for on that day God will unleash great wrath….It is coming soon to the world we created and live in….Let us not hasten it,but pray that we may survive it…
Hi Theodore J,2Peter 3:10 But “The Day of The LORD” will come as a thief in the night;
in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the rudiments
shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.Eccl.9:12 For man also knoweth not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net,
and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men
snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Ed…. Do the scriptures you cited support your position that the Day of The Lord is upon us as we speak…
Hi Theodore J, …Yep!Isaiah 2:12 For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud
and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:Witnessing to a worldwide audience in behalf of YHVH!
יהוה האלהים (JEHOVAH GOD) YÄ-hä-vā hä ĔL-ō-Hêêm!
Ed J (Isaiah 49:16 / Isaiah 60:14 / Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.org (Ecl.9:12-16)January 2, 2011 at 3:01 pm#231056theodorej
ParticipantQuote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 03 2011,00:19) Quote (theodorej @ Jan. 02 2011,23:40) Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 02 2011,23:31) Quote (Tim Kraft @ Jan. 02 2011,21:28) WORSHIP SHOULD BE EVERY DAY. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD. TK
Hi Tim,Your right! …THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD!
It's time to burn up all the rudiments!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
Greetings Ed….. We may presently be under judgement and I might add a mercifull measured judgement at that….Surely the day of the Lord is not upon us yet….for on that day God will unleash great wrath….It is coming soon to the world we created and live in….Let us not hasten it,but pray that we may survive it…
theodore: Let the judgment come forth from God! Have those that believe the words of Jesus been judged by his words? Are we not clean and made perfect by the words of Jesus from God? There remains no other or further sacrifice for sin!If Jesus' blood didn't cover sin and perfect the worshiper forever, then there is nothing left but wrath destroying evil.
Are you evil? Not if you believe Jesus cleansed you! Was the sacrifice of Jesus enough to perfect you before God? It better be!
The eternal word of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, came to earth, is coming, has come and will come, to each individual at the last day when that individual is judged, and will cut(like a two edged sword) away evil (beliefs of uncleanliness) from the righteous, through Christ, bind it (evil) and burn it(through forms of death like sickness and disease) as though like fire.
Then shall the righteous shine forth in the Kingdom, as was always intended, Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.
The wrath of God is judgment against evil. Are you evil? Are you unclean? Are you unworthy? Are you in sin? Anyone who believes that these things are who and what they truly are shall be burned away and severed from the righteous.
Bless all, TK
Greetings Tim…..It is not place to declare what is evil and what is not….I can only declare that Iam justified to beg my salvation through Jesus and his sacrafice….January 2, 2011 at 5:34 pm#231089terraricca
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ Jan. 03 2011,06:12) Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 31 2010,17:08) hi Theo
you say ;Greetings Pierre…..The first resurection will be those who died in Christ and at the end of the millennial reign the white throne judgement will take place and all who have died will have a chance, while under judgement ,for salvation….The second resurection is by no means for the birds….it is for all who ever lived and never knew the Christ…This will be the quintessential demonstration of Gods love and mercy…How could it be any other way…and of course there will be those who will reject Gods government and they will simply cease to exist….=============================================
the first resurrection to my understanding will be for the 144000 take from the earth into heaven ,and all the ones God as judged worthy to be in the first resurrection the great crowd ,this should include all from the beginning starting with Abel.
after the 1000 years are done Satan will be released and the rest of all humanity ever lived (Adam i do not know)will be resurrected and for a time will be exposed to the word of God trough the ones from the first resurrection ,and so become in full knowledge of the will of God ,there choice will be there's to make,and after the time that God would have allowed for it ,Satan will try to push the rebels against God grace to go after the city of God on earth to attack it and so will be destroyed this also will bring the end of Satan utility and so he will be destroyed.
then dead it self will be destroyed and Christ will turn the kingdom to his father and now we will say that all is of God and in God.
Greetings Pierre…..I stand corrected….you are correct…the 144000 thousand will be the first to be resurected,however,there will be those who are in christ that will be spared death and will be numbered among the 144000…these will be the administrators of Gods government and they will preside over those who were blessed to survive the tribulation….the word of God will be prolific through out the world…and here is a hint….They will go to worship on the appointed holy days…this period will be known as the mileniel reign of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords…yes their spears will be beaten into plowsheres and thay will know war no more….the lamb will lye with the lion….and there will be tears no more….anyone who has a problem with this style of living will cease to exist….Gods government will be a just government and justice will neither be denied or delayed….How could it be any other way…?? - AuthorPosts
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