Satan's Christmas

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  • #260701

    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 15 2011,04:09)
    I don't think of it any way related to a séance.  If I know correctly a séance is when a group of people gather for the purpose of talking with dead spirits. The only spirit that will be involve in this day will be the holy spirit. The whole point of this day is to counter Satan's day with prayer. Christians are called to pray in the war against satan. Jesus fasted and prayed. Was that a séance?

    I slightly agree with your point on holy day. The only thing that gets me is just that we are called to pray. It's one thing not to celebrate but to 100% give to God seems to be on the next level. if it's God's day then how can satan have it? In the end I think we should honor God at all times and give him days of trouble.

    I don't understand on how you can think some evil day is coming and reject a day of prayer. To say a evil days is coming is to say day of spiritual battle is coming. Refusing to pray is refusing to fight. As for fasting people fast on other things besides food. I think food was big back then because it was more of a major part of entertainment back when things we not as modern as today. To say their is a spiritual fight coming and not participating shouts to me all you wanted to do was sound smart.

    On a ending note we don't need to understand but accept each other.


    Have a question, by christian standard, you all wait until the day jesus comes back, due to this world is evil and an evil god runs it, right? right.
    So by christian standard every day is evil, then what makes halloween any different then any other day?

    By the by, regarding fasting:

    Mat 6:17  `But thou, fasting, anoint thy head, and wash thy face, that thou mayest not appear to men fasting, but to thy Father who is in secret, and thy Father, who is seeing in secret, shall reward thee manifestly.

    For what it is worth.
    I don't sound smart, because I am intelligent, blessed, highly favored, and a princess.  :;):

    That however, is a totally different subject in itself.

    Hope all goes well with your ritual.


    Lol not to mention you are typing so you can't sound smart. Nice verse but it doesn't hurt to invite others to join. True it's just getting more evil. I just heard a speech on homosexuals being right. It made me want to cry because the man was from a evangelical free church which was the denomination that convinced me to become christian. While yes the world is run by a evil God the fact remains you said yourself halloween is statistically the second most dangerous day and first being thanks giving. Is that worth a fast and prayer?


    Quote (princess @ Oct. 14 2011,18:51)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 14 2011,15:00)

    The Trinity is debated because the there are those who have eyes but cannot see and ears but cannot hear.

    I have tested the spirit of the books of the bible and what I have heard is the voice of God falling on my ears.

    There are some debatable scriptures but most if all of them can be understood in such a way to agree with the good news of the kingdom of God.

    I have also tested other claimants and so far they have all fallen short.

    There are some mistranslations that make certain passages hard to understand.  Some were hard to understand in the first place.

    God lives and speaks to those who seek him.


    Then there are a lot of people that cannot hear and see, for the triad belief is mainstream christianity. I do not know what could or would deter the catholic church to ensure that their views of teaching were not somehow found in the book they put together.

    Even so, the truth cannot be hidden when one seeks it with a pure heart, with no intention to use it for anything other then finding truth.

    Strange you should say such about other books, I would think the shepard of hermes and enoch would be one that you would take as such.

    I do hope that your health is well, and you are taking care of yourself.



    I believe there is a version of Enoch that agrees with the message of Scripture but I have not yet read it.  What I have read has parts that do seem to be consistent mixed with other part that are not.

    I forget what I found when I tested the Shepherd of Hermes.    

    They give you some ideas of the existent doctrines in their time period but those doctrine are corrupted even though you can get some good out of them by the grace of God.

    As there are now so were there in the past those who argued over the meaning of Scripture.  The Trinitarian tenet evolved over time even in the Roman Catholic Church.  I believe their Cannon was put in place before that time.

    It does not matter as I agree with you that it is the message of salvation that counts and those that hunger and thirst for righteousness will believe it while those who do not will not.

    My health is acceptable though I am struck by ailments common to man that do test me at times. I hope that you are also in good health.


    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 14 2011,18:11)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 11 2011,08:14)
    Statisically, it is one of the most dangerous night of the year to be out and about, thanksgiving being the first.
    So my conclusion is somewhat different, your is just a different view point due to your faith.

    @mike I thought the 31st was the most active time for halloween. I could be wrong I'm not trying to start a debate on this topic. Also take a look at princesses quote. This is her second comment on the thread.

    This is YOUR party, Raz. Name the time and I'll be there. :)



    I was drawn to mediate on the matter and it came to me that the Roman Catholic celebrates the time of Jesus' death at Easter while Scripture clearly declares it occurred during the time of the Jewish Passover.  This did not seem to effect their selection of those books that make that point though it did effect the Anglican translators of the King James Version of Scripture.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,03:11)

    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 14 2011,18:11)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 11 2011,08:14)
    Statisically, it is one of the most dangerous night of the year to be out and about, thanksgiving being the first.
    So my conclusion is somewhat different, your is just a different view point due to your faith.

    @mike I thought the 31st was the most active time for halloween. I could be wrong I'm not trying to start a debate on this topic. Also take a look at princesses quote. This is her second comment on the thread.

    This is YOUR party, Raz.  Name the time and I'll be there.  :)

    I gave it a few seconds of thought. The only things that go on before october 31 are small parties and the few serious people who want to celebrate it on the original day. Most of the parties that go on will probably be church events and other organizations
    of moral value setting up parties for kids in place of the 31st's pranks from older kids, bad candy, and other dangers that come on the 31st. The best idea I came up with is it have my pastors pray on it and have the lord give them a day. The pastors at my evening church speak in tongues and performed healing prayer. I'll pray to for the sake of counting on God and not humans.


    Hi All! Glad to be Home…. Our Second Son got married today for the third time….Hope and pray that three is a charm….. All that is not for us oldies any longer…. Had to light the Unity Candle…hope it will take this time…..As far as a day to pray, we should really pray every day and to me that makes the day Holy…and fasting is the day of Atonement and takes place once a year……peace and Love Irene


    Oh happy day! :)


    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 13 2011,22:04)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 14 2011,07:00)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 12 2011,21:19)
    So the passage you present 'they must be put to death' means what to you?

    I feel conflicted about it, Princess.  God Himself says that homosexuals are an abomintation, detestable to His eyes, and that those found in the nation of Israel were to be killed.

    Solomon said:
    Proverbs 17:15
    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous; Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

    God Himself labeled them as wicked – so who am I to justify them?

    But in the back of my head I hear Jesus saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.

    Therefore, I'm conflicted and basically avoid them and media about them altogether.

    What does “they must be put to death” mean to YOU?



    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    You make a good point, Kerwin.  But I don't put myself into John's category.  That man was sent by God to pave the way for my Lord.  I am a nobody.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,21:00)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 13 2011,22:04)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 14 2011,07:00)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 12 2011,21:19)
    So the passage you present 'they must be put to death' means what to you?

    I feel conflicted about it, Princess.  God Himself says that homosexuals are an abomintation, detestable to His eyes, and that those found in the nation of Israel were to be killed.

    Solomon said:
    Proverbs 17:15
    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous; Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

    God Himself labeled them as wicked – so who am I to justify them?

    But in the back of my head I hear Jesus saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.

    Therefore, I'm conflicted and basically avoid them and media about them altogether.

    What does “they must be put to death” mean to YOU?



    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    You make a good point, Kerwin.  But I don't put myself into John's category.  That man was sent by God to pave the way for my Lord.  I am a nobody.


    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    John did not cast the first stone ,as a prophet he was send by God to bring repentance and straiten the way ,in Israel,
    before the coming of the Messiah ,a thing he did until his dead ,

    Mt 3:3 This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah:
    “A voice of one calling in the desert,
    ‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
    make straight paths for him.’ ”

    Mt 11:9 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.
    Mt 11:10 This is the one about whom it is written:
    “ ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you,
    who will prepare your way before you.’
    Mt 11:11 I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
    Mt 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.
    Mt 11:13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John.
    Mt 11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.
    Mt 11:15 He who has ears, let him hear.



    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,09:00)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 13 2011,22:04)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 14 2011,07:00)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 12 2011,21:19)
    So the passage you present 'they must be put to death' means what to you?

    I feel conflicted about it, Princess.  God Himself says that homosexuals are an abomintation, detestable to His eyes, and that those found in the nation of Israel were to be killed.

    Solomon said:
    Proverbs 17:15
    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous; Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

    God Himself labeled them as wicked – so who am I to justify them?

    But in the back of my head I hear Jesus saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.

    Therefore, I'm conflicted and basically avoid them and media about them altogether.

    What does “they must be put to death” mean to YOU?



    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    You make a good point, Kerwin.  But I don't put myself into John's category.  That man was sent by God to pave the way for my Lord.  I am a nobody.


    We are instructed to rebuke our neighbor so as not to be a part with his sin. John the Baptist was just doing what the love of God compels one to do. There are other scriptures that should be considered in getting to the heart of the matter but those two passages I have spoken of is some of what I have considered.


    Quote (terraricca @ Oct. 16 2011,09:58)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,21:00)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 13 2011,22:04)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 14 2011,07:00)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 12 2011,21:19)
    So the passage you present 'they must be put to death' means what to you?

    I feel conflicted about it, Princess.  God Himself says that homosexuals are an abomintation, detestable to His eyes, and that those found in the nation of Israel were to be killed.

    Solomon said:
    Proverbs 17:15
    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous; Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

    God Himself labeled them as wicked – so who am I to justify them?

    But in the back of my head I hear Jesus saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.

    Therefore, I'm conflicted and basically avoid them and media about them altogether.

    What does “they must be put to death” mean to YOU?



    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    You make a good point, Kerwin.  But I don't put myself into John's category.  That man was sent by God to pave the way for my Lord.  I am a nobody.


    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    John did not cast the first stone ,as a prophet he was send by God to bring repentance and straiten the way ,in Israel,
    before the coming of the Messiah ,a thing he did until his dead ,

    Mt 3:3 This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah:
    “A voice of one calling in the desert,
    ‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
    make straight paths for him.’ ”

    Mt 11:9 Then what did you go out to see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet.
    Mt 11:10 This is the one about whom it is written:
    “ ‘I will send my messenger ahead of you,
    who will prepare your way before you.’
    Mt 11:11 I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.
    Mt 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.
    Mt 11:13 For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John.
    Mt 11:14 And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.
    Mt 11:15 He who has ears, let him hear.



    Thank you for your input.


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,13:58)
    Oh happy day!  :)

    Oh happy day it is, the sun went up in another day….
    Bless it O LORD our Father…Peace and Love Irene


    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 16 2011,05:01)

    I was drawn to mediate on the matter and it came to me that the Roman Catholic celebrates the time of Jesus' death at Easter while Scripture clearly declares it occurred during the time of the Jewish Passover.  This did not seem to effect their selection of those books that make that point though it did effect the Anglican translators of the King James Version of Scripture.


    I will agree the Jewish sect has the feast and days very close to their original. Actually, when I began to study the faith, is when I came to understand about the what was considered for all humanity to celebrate versus what the followers of YHWH celebrate.

    I do enjoy the feast of unleaven bread, even with the tradition of hiding the last piece of leaven in the house for the children to find, amazing how 'spring cleaning' arised from such a tradition. The feastival of the booths is quite interesting also, however, I could never bring myself to 'live outside' for a time being, not one for camping, I do enjoy sleeping in my own.

    I agree also with your confirmation of the KJV.

    You are strong in spirit Kerwin, although I understand the aliments of the physical can be overwhelming at times, however, it seems you overcome them each time.

    As always,


    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 16 2011,15:54)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,09:00)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 13 2011,22:04)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 14 2011,07:00)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 12 2011,21:19)
    So the passage you present 'they must be put to death' means what to you?

    I feel conflicted about it, Princess.  God Himself says that homosexuals are an abomintation, detestable to His eyes, and that those found in the nation of Israel were to be killed.

    Solomon said:
    Proverbs 17:15
    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous; Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

    God Himself labeled them as wicked – so who am I to justify them?

    But in the back of my head I hear Jesus saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.

    Therefore, I'm conflicted and basically avoid them and media about them altogether.

    What does “they must be put to death” mean to YOU?



    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    You make a good point, Kerwin.  But I don't put myself into John's category.  That man was sent by God to pave the way for my Lord.  I am a nobody.


    We are instructed to rebuke our neighbor so as not to be a part with his sin.  John the Baptist was just doing what the love of God compels one to do.  There are other scriptures that should be considered in getting to the heart of the matter but those two passages I have spoken of is some of what I have considered.

    …….or when you come to discover your neighbor is buying and selling drugs, you could be friend a state police officer and have them stop in at your house now and again to say hello or have dinner.
    I know, I know not the most up and up thing to do, alas, the dealings have ceased now, but then again the conversations with my neighbor has also.


    Quote (Raziel @ Oct. 15 2011,13:48)
    Lol not to mention you are typing so you can't sound smart. Nice verse but it doesn't hurt to invite others to join. True it's just getting more evil. I just heard a speech on homosexuals being right. It made me want to cry because the man was from a evangelical free church which was the denomination that convinced me to become christian. While yes the world is run by a evil God the fact remains you said yourself halloween is statistically the second most dangerous day and first being thanks giving. Is that worth a fast and prayer?


    My honest opinion on the matter. What of Kerwin, T, Irene & Georg and their health concerns. What of Shimmer, T8 for HN, Mike and his conflicts, Prince Stuart to be fully human, you and halloween. TimV, WIT. Happyman, Edj, Gene.  
    To me, I would fast and prayer for them, before I would give any spiritual time to a man made celebration, that includes some make believe diety and its birthday.
    Then again it is my own.


    Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 11 2011,05:09)
    I used my magnifying glass and read some of your post….About Christmas….
    Jesus was not born on that day…. But a Sun God did…. Would you celebrate your Sons Birthday on Hitlers Birthday?  I don't think so….
    When was Jesus born?  We need a Gods Calendar to figure it out the Month Jesus was born…. I also find it interesting that the Bible does not lists Jesus Birthday….I will brin g up a tread about Christmas…Irene

    Greetings Irene ….. The celebration of birthdays is an exaltation of ones self …. The bible does not speak to this in either the OT or the new,because,it is a pagan practice.


    Quote (princess @ Oct. 16 2011,18:52)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 16 2011,05:01)

    I was drawn to mediate on the matter and it came to me that the Roman Catholic celebrates the time of Jesus' death at Easter while Scripture clearly declares it occurred during the time of the Jewish Passover.  This did not seem to effect their selection of those books that make that point though it did effect the Anglican translators of the King James Version of Scripture.


    I will agree the Jewish sect has the feast and days very close to their original. Actually, when I began to study the faith, is when I came to understand about the what was considered for all humanity to celebrate versus what the followers of YHWH celebrate.

    I do enjoy the feast of unleaven bread, even with the tradition of hiding the last piece of leaven in the house for the children to find, amazing how 'spring cleaning' arised from such a tradition. The feastival of the booths is quite interesting also, however, I could never bring myself to 'live outside' for a time being, not one for camping, I do enjoy sleeping in my own.

    I agree also with your confirmation of the KJV.

    You are strong in spirit Kerwin, although I understand the aliments of the physical can be overwhelming at times, however, it seems you overcome them each time.

    As always,


    The history of the debate in the early Christian community over the correct time to celebrate Jesus' act of self-sacrifice is interesting.  I suspect the winning side was influenced by Antisemitism.

    I suspect that same antisemitism also alienated those Christian sects more influenced in their behavior by Jewish understanding of the Old Testament.

    The Jews themselves seemed to be influenced by an Antichristian sentiment in some of their own action of the time and strangely enough alienated those same sects the so called main stream Christian sects did.


    Quote (princess @ Oct. 16 2011,18:56)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 16 2011,15:54)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 16 2011,09:00)

    Quote (kerwin @ Oct. 13 2011,22:04)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 14 2011,07:00)

    Quote (princess @ Oct. 12 2011,21:19)
    So the passage you present 'they must be put to death' means what to you?

    I feel conflicted about it, Princess.  God Himself says that homosexuals are an abomintation, detestable to His eyes, and that those found in the nation of Israel were to be killed.

    Solomon said:
    Proverbs 17:15
    He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous; Both of them alike are an abomination to the LORD.

    God Himself labeled them as wicked – so who am I to justify them?

    But in the back of my head I hear Jesus saying, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone”.

    Therefore, I'm conflicted and basically avoid them and media about them altogether.

    What does “they must be put to death” mean to YOU?



    Did John the Baptist cast a stone when he rebuked Herod for his sin?

    You make a good point, Kerwin.  But I don't put myself into John's category.  That man was sent by God to pave the way for my Lord.  I am a nobody.


    We are instructed to rebuke our neighbor so as not to be a part with his sin.  John the Baptist was just doing what the love of God compels one to do.  There are other scriptures that should be considered in getting to the heart of the matter but those two passages I have spoken of is some of what I have considered.

    …….or when you come to discover your neighbor is buying and selling drugs, you could be friend a state police officer and have them stop in at your house now and again to say hello or have dinner.
    I know, I know not the most up and up thing to do, alas, the dealings have ceased now, but then again the conversations with my neighbor has also.



    We also are told that John the Baptist lost his head as a result of that rebuke. :ghostface:


    Quote (Pastry @ Oct. 11 2011,05:09)
    I used my magnifying glass and read some of your post….


    Did you know that if you hold the Control button (ctrl) on your keyboard while moving the scroll wheel on the top of your mouse forward, you zoom in on whatever's on your computer screen at the time?  I found this out by accident, but it comes in handy many times.  You can quickly zoom in to read something small, and then zoom right back out when you're done if you want by holding control and moving the scroll wheel back towards you.  

    Hope that helps you.  :)

    peace and love,

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