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  • #184405
    Ed J

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 23 2010,20:05)

    No, that makes you the pharisee that rejected Jesus' truth.


    Hi Georg,

    How so?

    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 23 2010,20:08)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 23 2010,20:05)

    No, that makes you the pharisee that rejected Jesus' truth.


    Hi Georg,

    How so?

    Ed J



    Ed J

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 23 2010,20:11)

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 23 2010,20:08)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 23 2010,20:05)

    No, that makes you the pharisee that rejected Jesus' truth.


    Hi Georg,

    How so?

    Ed J



    Hi Georg,


    What is that suppose to mean?

    Ed J


    To All……This thread is about Satan………..So can anyone identity Satan , is he a Being going around jumping in and out of people, as Nick thinks, or is Satan an (adversarial) Spirit (intellect) that is in Man and controls the way he thinks and therefore the way this world works. Was PETER really A SATAN of was that just a PLAY on WORD by Jesus, or WAS Judas REALLY A DEVIL or was that also a play on Words by Jesus, Where the Childern of the DEVIL Really the Pharisees or was that also just a play on WORDS> Do Devils and Demons truly exist as being going around hiding behind every nook and cranny waiting to jump in some one and take them over, or is it a Spirit (intellect) that exists in the heart and minds of men, that effect there actions in life, that they themselves recieved into their minds from the World as they grow up to be an adult.

    Quoting scripture does not seem to answer any of these questions here for some reason, so what is your thoughts on these things. Is Satan a (Separate BING of SOME KIND) Who is in competition with GOD or is it a Spirit Intellect working in the Natural Man Himself that is the SATAN or Adversary of GOD. Which is it?.

    peace and love………….gene


    Your jumping satan continues to amuse.
    But his dominion of darkness was exposed by Jesus.
    I suppose if you follow Newton you will not believe what he taught.





    Nick…………Then produce you proof of SPIRITS being (Beings) instead of thoughts from INTELLECTS of the MIND. Thoughts from our intellects can go in and out of our Minds, can be changed, But a Being as such i have yet to see in scriptures, Man himself is a Satan (adversary of GOD) Not some cop out being or spook, that goes around jumping in and out of people controlling them. Satan is a SPIRIT or INTELLECT OF AN ADVERSARY and ALL have been SATAN”S at one time or another in there lives. Peter was (INDEED) a SATAN or ADVERSARY of GOD as Jesus (PLAINLY) SAID HE WAS. And you accuses me of not following Scripture , but you have no problem doing it right. Specially if it does not fit you preconceived Worldly views of a SATAN (BEING) or Person of some kind.

    You saying I am following Newton is a LIE, I understood what Newton said about a SATAN Before i ever read His article on it. I just agree with Him on His findings and that is all, I also agree with His disbelief of the TRINITY as well.

    Your continual Labeling of People is Not of GOD, NICK IMO.

    I can understand Terraccia done it, because that is the Spirit Intellect he Serves and His mouth Shows it, But you are supposed to Be a Monitor, not a trash Mouth. Where is the Love of GOD at in saying those things to us. WE are all just voicing our opinions Here we are not trying to draw a fallowing or to rob People of their beliefs in GOD. You think because you don't see something as others do, it makes then all the things you say about them, Who gave you the right to accuse and Label others have you become GOD. Why don;t you do as scripture says “JUDGE NOTHING BEFORE THE TIME”. “AND “HE WHO CONDEMNS ANOTHER CONDEMNS HIMSELF”. If we are under a wrong understanding about something then produce the Proof that is all needed. I have ask you many many time for your proof and you produce very little . Lets all quite Trashing each other if at all possible, and stay on subject matters. It is alright to disagree with what someone say that is no problem, but we should produce our solid reason for it. IMO

    peace and love to you and your……………..gene


    No you show the word INTELLECT in scripture and we will go from there.
    This is a scripture study site.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 25 2010,03:53)
    Nick…………Then produce you proof of SPIRITS being (Beings) instead of thoughts from INTELLECTS of the MIND. Thoughts from our intellects can go in and out of our Minds, can be changed,  But a Being as such i have yet to see in scriptures, Man himself is a Satan (adversary of GOD) Not some cop out being or spook, that goes around jumping in and out of people controlling them. Satan is a SPIRIT or INTELLECT OF AN ADVERSARY and ALL have been SATAN”S at one time or another in there lives. Peter was (INDEED) a SATAN or ADVERSARY of GOD as Jesus (PLAINLY) SAID HE WAS. And you accuses me of not following Scripture , but you have no problem doing it right. Specially if it does not fit you preconceived Worldly views of a SATAN (BEING) or Person of some kind.  

    You saying I am following Newton is a LIE, I understood what Newton said about a SATAN Before i ever read His article on it. I just agree with Him on His findings and that is all, I also agree with His disbelief of the TRINITY as well.

    Your continual Labeling of People is Not of GOD, NICK  IMO.

    I can understand Terraccia done it, because that is the Spirit Intellect he  Serves and His mouth Shows it, But you are supposed to Be a Monitor, not a trash Mouth. Where is the Love of GOD at in saying those things to us. WE are all just voicing our opinions Here we are not trying to draw a fallowing  or to rob People of their beliefs in GOD.  You think because you don't see something as others do, it makes then all the things you say about them, Who gave you the right to accuse and Label others have you become GOD. Why don;t you do as scripture says “JUDGE NOTHING BEFORE THE TIME”. “AND “HE WHO CONDEMNS ANOTHER CONDEMNS HIMSELF”. If we are under a wrong understanding about something then produce the Proof that is all needed. I have ask you many many time for your proof and you produce very little .  Lets all quite Trashing each other if at all possible, and stay on subject matters. It is alright to disagree with what someone say that is no problem, but we should produce our solid reason for it. IMO

    peace and love to you and your……………..gene


    you trip on your tong,

    you reject what ever is contrary to your understanding ,you even disregard Jesus words ,apostles words,scriptures.

    i have the right to point out what is not in line with the scriptures ,because you use them to sell you opinions.

    i would have no right to do it if you do not quote the scriptures,or not refer to it ,

    you feel attacked, you should ,stop telling untruths ,

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 25 2010,03:53)
    Nick…………Then produce you proof of SPIRITS being (Beings) instead of thoughts from INTELLECTS of the MIND. Thoughts from our intellects can go in and out of our Minds, can be changed,  But a Being as such i have yet to see in scriptures, Man himself is a Satan (adversary of GOD) Not some cop out being or spook, that goes around jumping in and out of people controlling them. Satan is a SPIRIT or INTELLECT OF AN ADVERSARY and ALL have been SATAN”S at one time or another in there lives. Peter was (INDEED) a SATAN or ADVERSARY of GOD as Jesus (PLAINLY) SAID HE WAS. And you accuses me of not following Scripture , but you have no problem doing it right. Specially if it does not fit you preconceived Worldly views of a SATAN (BEING) or Person of some kind.  

    You saying I am following Newton is a LIE, I understood what Newton said about a SATAN Before i ever read His article on it. I just agree with Him on His findings and that is all, I also agree with His disbelief of the TRINITY as well.

    Your continual Labeling of People is Not of GOD, NICK  IMO.

    I can understand Terraccia done it, because that is the Spirit Intellect he  Serves and His mouth Shows it, But you are supposed to Be a Monitor, not a trash Mouth. Where is the Love of GOD at in saying those things to us. WE are all just voicing our opinions Here we are not trying to draw a fallowing  or to rob People of their beliefs in GOD.  You think because you don't see something as others do, it makes then all the things you say about them, Who gave you the right to accuse and Label others have you become GOD. Why don;t you do as scripture says “JUDGE NOTHING BEFORE THE TIME”. “AND “HE WHO CONDEMNS ANOTHER CONDEMNS HIMSELF”. If we are under a wrong understanding about something then produce the Proof that is all needed. I have ask you many many time for your proof and you produce very little .  Lets all quite Trashing each other if at all possible, and stay on subject matters. It is alright to disagree with what someone say that is no problem, but we should produce our solid reason for it. IMO

    peace and love to you and your……………..gene

    Hi Gene,

    If satan is not an evil entity, then explain these verses…

    2Cor.2:11 Lest Satan should get an advantage of us:
                    for we are not ignorant of his devices.

    1Thes.2:18 Wherefore we would have come unto you, even I Paul,
                     once and again; but Satan hindered us.

    1Tm.1:20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have  
                   delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

    Rev.12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan,
                  which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

    Rev.20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent,
                  which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

    Rev.20:7: And when the thousand years are expired,        
                   Satan shall beloosed out of his prison,

    Ed J


    ED J………By entity i assume you mean a individual PERSON of SOME KIND, But Satan is not a Person Satan is an ADVERSARIAL SPIRIT (INTELLECT) that Exist in Man and MUST be OVER COME. WE are to MASTER IT, AS Jesus DID . Satan is a Spirit and a SPirit is NOT a PERSON (IT) is a INTELLECT and anyone can Be a SATAN as Jesus Said PETER (WAS) at one time and Judas and the Pharisees also were product of the Spirit (intellect) that was (IN) Them. Not some Being but thoughts from our minds make up what a Satan is. Think about it. I could accuse anyone who resists the WILL of GOD as Being a SATAN , Just as Jesus Did. This Spirit is every in this world in fact it controls this world to a point that GOD allows it to. IMO

    peace and love to you and your………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 26 2010,04:24)
    ED J………By entity i assume you mean a individual PERSON of SOME KIND, But Satan is not a Person Satan is an ADVERSARIAL SPIRIT (INTELLECT) that Exist in Man and MUST be OVER COME. WE are to MASTER IT, AS Jesus DID .  Satan is a Spirit and a SPirit is NOT a PERSON (IT) is a INTELLECT and anyone can Be a SATAN as Jesus Said PETER (WAS) at one time and Judas and the Pharisees also were product of the Spirit (intellect) that was (IN) Them. Not some Being but thoughts from our minds make up what a Satan is. Think about it. I could accuse anyone who resists the WILL of GOD as Being a SATAN , Just as Jesus Did.  This Spirit is every in this world in fact it controls this world to a point that GOD allows it to. IMO

    peace and love to you and your………………..gene


    so you want for us to think about it ,so you would rely on our men logic ,is that wise??

    the scriptures says that Satan was the first who opposed him,
    from then on the others are just join his adversity,

    that is why Christ told he was the father of the liars ,

    and he is the master of this world ,because this world is fighting against God s king.

    your concept is directly opposite to God and Jesus statement,
    are you feel comfortable with that position???

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 26 2010,04:24)
    ED J………By entity i assume you mean a individual PERSON of SOME KIND, But Satan is not a Person Satan is an ADVERSARIAL SPIRIT (INTELLECT) that Exist in Man and MUST be OVER COME. WE are to MASTER IT, AS Jesus DID .  Satan is a Spirit and a SPirit is NOT a PERSON (IT) is a INTELLECT and anyone can Be a SATAN as Jesus Said PETER (WAS) at one time and Judas and the Pharisees also were product of the Spirit (intellect) that was (IN) Them. Not some Being but thoughts from our minds make up what a Satan is. Think about it. I could accuse anyone who resists the WILL of GOD as Being a SATAN , Just as Jesus Did.  This Spirit is every in this world in fact it controls this world to a point that GOD allows it to. IMO

    peace and love to you and your………………..gene

    Hi Gene,

    No need for you to put 'spin' on this.

    Lucifer: known as 'satan' is a spiritual evil entity.
    Lucifer: is our adversary as well as God's.

    God bless
    Ed J


    ED J………My point is what do you call and entity? Is it a (BEING) of some kind that goes around stalking people and jumping in and out of them taking control of them or what is HE or (IT) then. or and adversarial Spirit (intellects) or do you think Spirits are BEINGS. Just curious to see what a SATAN is to you. Not spin or twisting of anything, just want to know what your opinion is.

    peace and love……………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 30 2010,15:55)
    ED J………My point is what do you call and entity? Is it a (BEING) of some kind that goes around stalking people and jumping in and out of them taking control of them or what is HE or (IT) then. or and adversarial Spirit (intellects) or do you think Spirits are BEINGS. Just curious to see what a SATAN is to you. Not spin or twisting of anything, just want to know what your opinion is.

    peace and love……………gene


    yes Satan is a being,but he does not go to and in people.

    wen he deceived Eve and Adam,he planted a seed of weed, and it is that seed what flourishes in the world ,that seed is against God seed the good seed,bad spirit versus good spirit.

    this is why Paul said our fight is not against the flesh but in the spirit were corruption is built,and were the new personality as to be constructed or were you have to start things the way God wants to do it so you have to be born again and be trained by your father in heaven,
    and be obedient.

    it is all explained in the word of God the bible.




    :p how foolishness can be dragged out so far is beyond me :D.

    Is there really a point of arguing with an unbeliever?


    Ed J

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 30 2010,19:13)
    :p  how foolishness can be dragged out so far is beyond me :D.

    Is there really a point of arguing with an unbeliever?


    Hi Georg,

    Why do you call Gene an unbeliever?

    Mt:5:22: But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause
    shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall
    be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

    Ed J

    Ed J

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Mar. 30 2010,15:55)
    ED J………My point is what do you call and entity? Is it a (BEING) of some kind that goes around stalking people and jumping in and out of them taking control of them or what is HE or (IT) then. or and adversarial Spirit (intellects) or do you think Spirits are BEINGS. Just curious to see what a SATAN is to you. Not spin or twisting of anything, just want to know what your opinion is.

    peace and love……………gene

    Hi Gene,

    Lucifer=74 is 'Satan's'=74 Name.
    The systems of religion and traditions of men communicate except
    distortions of truth, confusion of mind, and distractions of spirit
    . (Rev:18:3-5)

    Great I AM’=74, is Satan’s=74 title belonging to GOD’s #1 enemy Lucifer=74.
    Satan’s name before he fell from Heaven was: Lucifer. (Luke 10:18)
    Lucifer means: 'to boast or make a showing and selfish rage or praise’.
    The name Lucifer also means ‘giver of light and bright morning star’.

    2Thess. 2:4 says: [That] {Lucifer} opposes and exalts himself above all that is
    “called God=63” (YHVH=63), or that is worshipped; so that he {Lucifer} as {‘I AM god’} sits in
    [“The Bible”=63: almost all non-Hebrew versions, which is] the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

    Lucifer is a (spiritual evil entity) non-Physical personality, that lurks about seeking whom he may devour. (1Peter 5:8)

    God bless
    Ed J


    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 31 2010,00:23)

    Quote (Elizabeth @ Mar. 30 2010,19:13)
    :p  how foolishness can be dragged out so far is beyond me :D.

    Is there really a point of arguing with an unbeliever?


    Hi Georg,

    Why do you call Gene an unbeliever?

    Mt:5:22: But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause
    shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall
    be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

    Ed J


    do you think Jesus called the pharisees his brethren??????

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