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- February 6, 2006 at 7:12 pm#11515
ParticipantInterestingly, most often the expression “free gift” in the Bible is referring to the holy spirit. But there are references to another free gift. Here are a couple:
“and it is as a free gift that they are being declared righteous by his undeserved kindness through the release by the ransom [paid] by Christ Jesus.”ROMANS 5:15-17
“But it is not with the gift as it was with the trespass. For if by one man’s trespass many died, the undeserved kindness of God and his free gift with the undeserved kindness by the one man Jesus Christ abounded much more to many. Also, it is not with the free gift as it was with the way things worked through the one [man] that sinned. For the judgment resulted from one trespass in condemnation, but the gift resulted from many trespasses in a declaration of righteousness. For if by the trespass of the one [man] death ruled as king through that one, much more will those who receive the abundance of the undeserved kindness and of the free gift of righteousness rule as kings in life through the one [person], Jesus Christ.”February 7, 2006 at 6:19 am#11520Eliyah
ParticipantI too agree that justification and salvation is a free gift( Rom.5:1-10) through Yahushua Messiah sacrifice upon repentance( Acts 2:21-38) of sin / ie transgression of torah or law-ie-lawlessness( 1 John 3:4), and those that have done so do not wilfully ( Heb.10:26) sin / or commit lawlessness( 1 John 3:4) to YHWH'S laws and commands, which is His will ( Matt.7:21) and YHWH'S will is obedience to His Commandments and torah law instructions, which is the whole duty of all mankind ( Ecc.12:13).
Obedience to do YHWH'S will, is what proves our true faith in YHWH and His Son.
For sin-which is dis-obedience or lawlessness ( 1 John 3:4 ) is what you are to repent of–is sin to start with or was it not?
That is why Yahushua Messiah came and died for us-is because we all have sinned-/ ie-disobeyed- or committed lawlessness ( 1 John 3:4 ) to YHWH'S torah laws or word instructions which is His will ( Matt.7:21) for all mankind ( Ecc.12:13).
However, after you have been justified by faith in Messiah ( Rom.5:1-11) from your past sins ( or- lawlessness 1 John 3:4) and are now under free pardon of those sins, that it gives one a liscense ( Jude 4 ) to continuing in sin or lawlessness( 1 John 3:4) that grace or that free pardon shall abound( Rom.6:1) ?
YHWH FORBID is what Paul said, for faith or belief without obedience to YHWH'S torah laws or instructions is a dead faith ( James), for sin- or lawlessness ( 1 John 3:4 ) to YHWH and His will, is what you repented of ( Acts 2:38 ) to start with is it not ? Or what was it that you repented of, was it not sin–ie- lawlessnes or transgression of YHWH'S laws and commandments( 1 John 3:4 ), then if not, then why and for what reason did Messiah or christ have to die for?
Then, when you have repented of sin or lawlessness , or transgression of YHWH'S laws( 1 John 3:4 ) and have now been given free pardon ( Rom.5:1-11), are you not now obligated through Messiah to do the will of YHWH ( Matt.7:21) which is the whole duty of mankind ( Ecc.12:13) through faith in Yahushua Messiah and establish the law as Paul said in ( Rom.3:31 ), or do you make void the law through faith in Messiah or Christ ?
What did Paul say about that in ( Rom.3:31) ?
If all the above is not so, then please answer all the above questions with scriptures proving otherwise ?
Eliyah C.
April 29, 2009 at 5:50 am#129494chosenone
ParticipantYes, salvation is a free gift of God.
THE MESSAGE of Christ crucified was a snare to the Jews (1 Cor.1: 23). It by no means met their approval that God’s Anointed should fail to remove the Roman yoke of bondage which lay so heavily upon the people. And that He should suffer and die, stumbled them altogether (1 Peter 2:8). To the Greeks, in their perpetual quest for “wisdom” and fondness of intellectual splendor, the heralding of Christ crucified was extremely stupid (1 Cor.1:23). For to them our Lord was merely a dead man hanging on a cross. He was not what men expected the Christ to be. Such a One as He was not acceptable to them, for He did not meet their preconceived standards.
Similarly, that our present salvation in Christ and resultant eonian life and glory should be entirely a gracious gift, and therefore a blessing which is only given to those of God’s own choosing, is an altogether unacceptable concept to the great majority of those who are naming the name of the Lord. It is not what they expected the gospel to be, and, in their conceit, many consider it very significant insofar as truth is concerned that they should disapprove of it.
Nonetheless, the evangel of our salvation is that Christ died for our sins, was entombed and roused the third day according to the scriptures (1 Cor.15:3,4); that, in God’s reckoning, we were crucified together with Christ, and died together with Him (Rom.6:3,8). The evangel reveals to us that before the disruption of the world, in accord with His will, for the laud of the glory of His grace, God had already chosen us in Christ, to be holy and flawless in His sight, and designated us beforehand for the place of a Son for Him through Christ Jesus (Eph.1:3-6).Blessings.
April 29, 2009 at 6:30 am#129495NickHassan
ParticipantHi CO,
Why are you telling us this if it is an amnesty for all?
Of course God is calling all men to repent.[acts 17]April 29, 2009 at 3:13 pm#129511GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNick………..God's (calling) is for all men to repent, (NOT) he is calling all to repent now. It is impossible for a man to repent on his own. “NO man (can) come unto me unless the FATHER DRAW HIM”. That is how he begins to work (by his GRACE with all he CALLS) Many are called not (ALL) Now. On the day of Pentecost in acts, all did not repent but as many as GOD was calling did. And how did they, was it not by there minds being opened to the (TRUTH) that they themselves crucified the son of GOD. You need to understand, (that conviction), was given then in there hearts by GOD (they were (pricked) in there hearts) by GOD'S Spirit of Truth, and (then) they repented, a few days before that they were calling Jesus a bastard, and a blasphemer of GOD and deserved to die. GET IT?
peace and love to you……………………………..gene
April 29, 2009 at 3:17 pm#129512GeneBalthrop
ParticipantNick………why do you continually want to make salvation a work of MAN'S so-called FREE WILL Choices, instead of salvation by the GRACE of GOD. Through the effectual working of His Spirit. Does your (PRIDE) demand that of you brother? IMO
peace and love to you……………gene
April 29, 2009 at 4:37 pm#129520chosenone
Eph.2:8-10 …8 For in grace, through faith, are you saved, and this is not out of you; it is God's approach present,
9 not of works, lest anyone should be boasting.
10 For His achievement are we, being created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God makes ready beforehand, that we should be walking in them.You save yourself by Repenting? Being “born again”? Remember scripure “lest you should boast”.
Humble yourself, it is NOT of YOU!Blessing.
April 29, 2009 at 6:37 pm#129526NickHassan
ParticipantHi CO,
Are not among the ALL who are called to repentance?[Acts17]
Unless you repent you will perish.[Lk13]April 29, 2009 at 10:04 pm#129544chosenone
You repeat this many times, that we must repent. Please expain to me what we must repent of?April 29, 2009 at 10:07 pm#129545kerwin
ParticipantQuote (chosenone @ April 30 2009,05:04) NH.
You repeat this many times, that we must repent. Please explain to me what we must repent of?
You must repent of all you wicked ways. Some does not do the trick. All is what is acceptable to God.What does repent mean?
April 30, 2009 at 1:40 am#129580GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (Gene @ April 30 2009,03:13) Nick………..God's (calling) is for all men to repent, (NOT) he is calling all to repent now. It is impossible for a man to repent on his own. “NO man (can) come unto me unless the FATHER DRAW HIM”. That is how he begins to work (by his GRACE with all he CALLS) Many are called not (ALL) Now. On the day of Pentecost in acts, all did not repent but as many as GOD was calling did. And how did they, was it not by there minds being opened to the (TRUTH) that they themselves crucified the son of GOD. You need to understand, (that conviction), was given then in there hearts by GOD (they were (pricked) in there hearts) by GOD'S Spirit of Truth, and (then) they repented, a few days before that they were calling Jesus a bastard, and a blasphemer of GOD and deserved to die. GET IT? peace and love to you……………………………..gene
Kerwin ………The question is, not what repentance (IS) we all Know what it (IS), the question is HOW one repents, is it of the (SELF) or of (GOD). Who is doing the work of repentance?, That is the question. IMOpeace and love…………………..gene
April 30, 2009 at 2:09 am#129584NickHassan
Stop trying to do it all for God.
Let God draw men to repentance.Adding our penniworth to the hows and whens is just a vanity.
April 30, 2009 at 5:24 am#129597kerwin
ParticipantQuote (Gene @ April 30 2009,08:40) Quote (Gene @ April 30 2009,03:13) Nick………..God's (calling) is for all men to repent, (NOT) he is calling all to repent now. It is impossible for a man to repent on his own. “NO man (can) come unto me unless the FATHER DRAW HIM”. That is how he begins to work (by his GRACE with all he CALLS) Many are called not (ALL) Now. On the day of Pentecost in acts, all did not repent but as many as GOD was calling did. And how did they, was it not by there minds being opened to the (TRUTH) that they themselves crucified the son of GOD. You need to understand, (that conviction), was given then in there hearts by GOD (they were (pricked) in there hearts) by GOD'S Spirit of Truth, and (then) they repented, a few days before that they were calling Jesus a bastard, and a blasphemer of GOD and deserved to die. GET IT? peace and love to you……………………………..gene
Kerwin ………The question is, not what repentance (IS) we all Know what it (IS), the question is HOW one repents, is it of the (SELF) or of (GOD). Who is doing the work of repentance?, That is the question. IMOpeace and love…………………..gene
That is not much of a question if you believe what Jesus states when he told people to repent or they to would perish. Obviously Jesus believe a person had to repent and not God. God strives to bring(teach) all people to repentance but unless we actually repent we are obviously not brought to it. We are not puppets in the hands of God though he does try to manipulate us to our good fortune.April 30, 2009 at 3:28 pm#129609GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin………So expanding your theology then, you believe GOD is irreverent to the repentance process , as to the internal process taking place in the mind of a person, He just put the truth out there and man on His own some how changes his own mind and accepts it without any internal working of GOD on the Heart and mind of that person right. This is critical to our understand of (TRUE REPENTANCE) because it show if it is a work of GOD or a WORK of Man. Please commit on what you believe, I personally believe it is 100% a WORK of GOD by His GRACE (Gods influencing on the heart). I do not believe we GO to GOD but He comes to us and works in us our repentance. I believe salvation is totally a gift of GOD without exception. what is your views? IMO
peace and love…………………………..gene
April 30, 2009 at 3:33 pm#129611GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ April 30 2009,14:09) G,
Stop trying to do it all for God.
Let God draw men to repentance.Adding our penniworth to the hows and whens is just a vanity.
NIck………….your lame brain reasoning is both ignorant and makes no since. If any is adding their pennies worth its you. Not us.You need to repent of you stupidity lest GOD deal with you folly. IMO .
peace and love…………………….gene
April 30, 2009 at 4:48 pm#129617kerwin
ParticipantGene wrote:
Quote He just put the truth out there and man on His own some how changes his own mind and accepts it without any internal working of GOD on the Heart and mind of that person right.
That is certainly not what I said. I said God teaches us. By teaches I mean God rebukes, corrects, instructs, and trains us in righteousness. Still the question is what kind of student we are and whether we are a student who hungers and thirst for righteousness or not.. God of course created us and so he created us to be what we are but that does not mean we are puppets in his hands. We still choose freely according to our inward desires which we have been given by the grace of God.
Gene wrote:
Quote This is critical to our understand of (TRUE REPENTANCE) because it show if it is a work of GOD or a WORK of Man.
So repentance is our action while creating us and teaching us in righteousness is God’s.
Gene wrote:
Quote I do not believe we GO to GOD but He comes to us and works in us our repentance.
Scripture does explicitly state we must reach out to God.
Acts 17:27(KJV) reads:
Quote That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:
May 1, 2009 at 2:29 am#129645GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin………On the one hand you say its of GOD , then you turn and say it by your own So-called FREE WILL Choice, So bottom line, whose work is it then your or GOD'S or Both, where do you really stand on this. Are you truly saved by GRACE and the (NOT) of YOURSELF or are you using GOD'S grace to exault yourself, Who is getting the credit for you salvation GOD or YOU?
peace and love…………………….gene
May 1, 2009 at 4:13 am#129652GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin……Does God really (STRIVE) or does He just do it. You make it sound like GOD is trying but because of our own wills may not quite be able to do it unless we are a good student and can pick it up some How, Is this not the same as professing GOD but denying the POWER THERE OF> I have noticed something here with people who think they, By there so-called (free will) choices, some how have to make there own right choices and thereby are contributors toward their salvation. is this what you believe? You said GOD of course GOd created us to be what we are (BUT) That does not mean we a puppets in his Hands, (NO) (we are the clay in the potters Hands) would be more like it. IMO
peace and love………………………………….gene
May 1, 2009 at 11:06 am#129659kerwin
ParticipantGene wrote:
Quote Does God really (STRIVE) or does He just do it.
Scripture states God disciplines and rebukes us and that is striving according to my understanding.
Gene wrote:
Quote You make it sound like GOD is trying but because of our own wills may not quite be able to do it unless we are a good student and can pick it up some How.
That is about correct except I would use “willing student” instead of “good student”. Some may be of poor quality but if they are willing to learn then God will teach them.
Gene wrote:
Quote Is this not the same as professing GOD but denying the POWER THERE OF.
No. God has the power but to use it to force someone to do what is right would be evil.
Gene wrote:
Quote By there so-called (free will) choices, some how have to make there own right choices and thereby are contributors toward their salvation. is this what you believe?
Why do you think being called by God’s grace eliminates a person making a choice? Scripture is clear that both happen so it must be that they are not opposed and both happen. God made us what we are and in so doing predestined us for what we will be but we still have to make the choices that will make us what we will be.
Gene wrote:
Quote You said GOD of course GOd created us to be what we are (BUT) That does not mean we a puppets in his Hands, (NO) (we are the clay in the potters Hands) would be more like it. IMO
The potter makes the pot but he does not control its actions after it is made. God is different in that he presents us with choices to make and so separates the chaff from the wheat and refines the precious metal that those that believe will become.
May 1, 2009 at 3:18 pm#129672GeneBalthrop
ParticipantKerwin…….So in you understanding , it is man who is the ultimate savior of himself , by (His) FREE WILL (non influenced choices) And GOD (creating) it in us is not true then, the bottom line is, it is up to the person himself right?
Jer 13:23….Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil.
Hos 13:14 I will ransom them from the power of the grave; I will redeem them from death, I will be thy plagues; O death, I will be thy destruction: repentance shall be hid from my eyes.
We have so many scriptures that disagree with that, the most obvious is Jesus said, “no man (CAN) come unto me except the Father (draw) Him (GREEK DRAG) . I could be wrong but to me When man puts himself in the equations He is robbing GOD of His work in the salvation process. I believe it is GOD who changes our thinking to Aline with His That he gives us a (NEW) heart and puts His law in us by writing them on our Hearts, to me GOD recreates us completely by (HIS SPIRIT) renewing of our minds and hearts. I take (NO) Credit for my salvation at all. If i change it is the FATHER in me doing the works and He gets all the glory for that not me i get non. I am truly saved by (GRACE) and (NOT) of myself. There is non good no not (ONE) except GOD the FATHER, That is just the way i see it> WE are (CREATED UNTO GOOD WORKS) We are not creators only God creates IMO.
peace and love…………………………gene
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