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  • #64520

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 21 2007,11:59)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 21 2007,11:44)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 21 2007,11:07)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 21 2007,09:51)
    Hi Ken:

    You mention about me asking the following question:

    No they don't they have no answers so they rattle on about something else like How I keep the Sabbath even though they don't keep it at all.  If it wouldn't have been how I keep the Sabbath trhen it would have been something else.  Before that is was which day is the seventh. Then can I coinside the seventh day with creation week.

    The reason that I asked the question is that you keep insisting that in order to keep the Sabbath you must do it on Saturday and Saturday alone.  I wanted to show by the question that what matters in the principle of resting on the seventh day after six consequtive work days.  You accused me of not keeping the Sabbath day because I believe this is the case.  I do keep the Sabbath, but not Saturday because my work week starts on Monday.  No problem if you want to keep the Sabbath on Saturday.  As I said to you, I commend you and Laurel and others that believe this way, but to tell me that I keep the Harlot's day or that will mean receiving the Mark of the Beast.  I am sorry the Lord is the judge and knows the motives and the intents of my heart.  I am striving to obey the commandments that have come from God through my Lord.  If someone says that they are a Chistian and is not doing this then that is another issue, but even then what we are striving to do through our teaching what we believe to be the truth is to lead people to the truth so that they can prosper.  You nor I can force people to do what we want them to do even if we feel that we are doing it for their good.

    You have a lot of valuable scriptural knowledge to share with this forum.  You and I have discussed many scriptures and we have agreed in most cases, but even if we don't agree on some, that doesn't mean that I am right and you are wrong.  Of course both of us think that we are correct in our teaching otherwise we would not be teaching what we believe to be the truth.  God has taught me that although I believe that I am right there is always that possibility that I can be wrong.

    All of us have made mistakes or at least I have made a few and probably will make some more, and all of us may have a fault or two that we may have to overcome so that if we are bearing fruit, we may become even more efficient for our Lord.

    John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

    I am glad that you are my brother in Christ.  You have much to offer.

    God Bless

    94 I have concede you win or LOOSE keep any day you wish.

    However does the first day bear the name Sabbath?  The only name for a day in the bible.

    I would love to go With the current instead Against the current but as long as Satan romes the earth the swim up stream is not pleasant.  The water is extremely choppy to say the least as those who claim to have love continue to throw their fiery darts of judgement.

    What brought all this on?  That I keep the Sabbath in the Spirit. The arguments brought about by those who don't keep the Sabbath at all!  Indeed not even setting aside “any day” for the Lord.

    However I am wrong for trying to REASON with the unreasonable which led to more arguing.  It is a well learned lesson I have learned.

    I pray that all will come to the knowledge of the truth.

    God bless,



    The Jews number their days of the week 1 through 6 and call the 7th day Holy Sabbath.

    In the Gregorian calendar the days are called Monday. Tuesday, etc. and the 7th day is called Sunday.  I call it my Sabbath.

    You are keeping the Sabbath the way that you believe that you should and I am not telling you that you are wrong in what you are doing but I am encouraging you to obey the Lord, but I also believe that I am striving to obey the commandments including the Forth commandment, and I am at peace with God.  As I told you when I heard SDA preaching that Saturday was the only day on which the Sabbath should be kept, I went to God in prayer over this issue, and went to an SDA meeting because if that is what God wanted then I wanted to obey, but I believe that God has shown me that it is the principle of resting on the seventh day after six consequtive days of work that he is trying to convey, and not that we should keep the Sabbath on a specific day.  The seventh day is relative to when you begin your work week.

    Each of us will go before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account for what we have done in this body.  He alone is the judge.

    Please try to understand what is being said to you on this issue.  Have you read my last post carefully, and I believe that you will see.

    God Bless you and your family and be careful of hurricanes

    Not the calendar in my country the week starts with Sunday, no matter which day starts your work week.  Is the weekly calendar different around the world.  Anyway which day do the Jews say is the seventh?

    Saturday is the seventh day worldwide as far as I know.

    There is no scripture that says worship on Any Day with exception to Rom. 14:5 which “I believe” is speaking about annual Sabbaths because of the food And days.

    Look at this site of the Jewish calendar.

    Peace :)


    The scripture states six days shall thy labour and do all of thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. For you that means the same Sabbath as the Jews observe, for me, it means the seventh day of my work week.

    God Bless


    to all……> now that we had our spat let move on, with the Sabbath topic.
    there are several points that need to be understood with reguards to the Sabbath Day.
    1… is the Sabbath a particular time period and if so what time period is it. Lets start by seeing what God says about it. Gen1:31, then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Notice He started with the evening to count the day, so from evening to the begining of another evening completes a day.
    Gen2:2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3, Then God (Blessed) the Seventh DAY and Sanctified (IT). Because in it He rested from all His works which God had created and made.

    Some important information is here, one the time period was the seventh day not any day but a paticular day and it started at evening after the sixth day. And another thing is that He blessed that Day not any day but that paticular day, He put a blessing into it. Lets talk about this before moving on to more subject matter reguarding the Sabbath Day. WE have seen it must have been important to God to Sanctify it and Bless it.


    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 21 2007,12:14)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 21 2007,11:59)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 21 2007,11:44)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 21 2007,11:07)

    Quote (942767 @ Aug. 21 2007,09:51)
    Hi Ken:

    You mention about me asking the following question:

    No they don't they have no answers so they rattle on about something else like How I keep the Sabbath even though they don't keep it at all.  If it wouldn't have been how I keep the Sabbath trhen it would have been something else.  Before that is was which day is the seventh. Then can I coinside the seventh day with creation week.

    The reason that I asked the question is that you keep insisting that in order to keep the Sabbath you must do it on Saturday and Saturday alone.  I wanted to show by the question that what matters in the principle of resting on the seventh day after six consequtive work days.  You accused me of not keeping the Sabbath day because I believe this is the case.  I do keep the Sabbath, but not Saturday because my work week starts on Monday.  No problem if you want to keep the Sabbath on Saturday.  As I said to you, I commend you and Laurel and others that believe this way, but to tell me that I keep the Harlot's day or that will mean receiving the Mark of the Beast.  I am sorry the Lord is the judge and knows the motives and the intents of my heart.  I am striving to obey the commandments that have come from God through my Lord.  If someone says that they are a Chistian and is not doing this then that is another issue, but even then what we are striving to do through our teaching what we believe to be the truth is to lead people to the truth so that they can prosper.  You nor I can force people to do what we want them to do even if we feel that we are doing it for their good.

    You have a lot of valuable scriptural knowledge to share with this forum.  You and I have discussed many scriptures and we have agreed in most cases, but even if we don't agree on some, that doesn't mean that I am right and you are wrong.  Of course both of us think that we are correct in our teaching otherwise we would not be teaching what we believe to be the truth.  God has taught me that although I believe that I am right there is always that possibility that I can be wrong.

    All of us have made mistakes or at least I have made a few and probably will make some more, and all of us may have a fault or two that we may have to overcome so that if we are bearing fruit, we may become even more efficient for our Lord.

    John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

    I am glad that you are my brother in Christ.  You have much to offer.

    God Bless

    94 I have concede you win or LOOSE keep any day you wish.

    However does the first day bear the name Sabbath?  The only name for a day in the bible.

    I would love to go With the current instead Against the current but as long as Satan romes the earth the swim up stream is not pleasant.  The water is extremely choppy to say the least as those who claim to have love continue to throw their fiery darts of judgement.

    What brought all this on?  That I keep the Sabbath in the Spirit. The arguments brought about by those who don't keep the Sabbath at all!  Indeed not even setting aside “any day” for the Lord.

    However I am wrong for trying to REASON with the unreasonable which led to more arguing.  It is a well learned lesson I have learned.

    I pray that all will come to the knowledge of the truth.

    God bless,



    The Jews number their days of the week 1 through 6 and call the 7th day Holy Sabbath.

    In the Gregorian calendar the days are called Monday. Tuesday, etc. and the 7th day is called Sunday.  I call it my Sabbath.

    You are keeping the Sabbath the way that you believe that you should and I am not telling you that you are wrong in what you are doing but I am encouraging you to obey the Lord, but I also believe that I am striving to obey the commandments including the Forth commandment, and I am at peace with God.  As I told you when I heard SDA preaching that Saturday was the only day on which the Sabbath should be kept, I went to God in prayer over this issue, and went to an SDA meeting because if that is what God wanted then I wanted to obey, but I believe that God has shown me that it is the principle of resting on the seventh day after six consequtive days of work that he is trying to convey, and not that we should keep the Sabbath on a specific day.  The seventh day is relative to when you begin your work week.

    Each of us will go before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account for what we have done in this body.  He alone is the judge.

    Please try to understand what is being said to you on this issue.  Have you read my last post carefully, and I believe that you will see.

    God Bless you and your family and be careful of hurricanes

    Not the calendar in my country the week starts with Sunday, no matter which day starts your work week.  Is the weekly calendar different around the world.  Anyway which day do the Jews say is the seventh?

    Saturday is the seventh day worldwide as far as I know.

    There is no scripture that says worship on Any Day with exception to Rom. 14:5 which “I believe” is speaking about annual Sabbaths because of the food And days.

    Look at this site of the Jewish calendar.

    Peace :)


    The scripture states six days shall thy labour and do all of thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.  For you that means the same Sabbath as the Jews observe, for me, it means the seventh day of my work week.

    God Bless

    We have been through this 94.

    What is the biblical name of the day you keep?

    If you are looking for me to say I respect your opinion to keep a pagan day then I sorry I won't say that. There is only one Sabbath day in the bible and that is the seventh day of the week.

    I have nothing left to discuss with you about the Sabbath.




    Ok Gene “WE” are ready on how to keep the Sabbath.


    This was in my email:

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    Gene Balthrop has just replied to the topic you subscribed to.

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    Board URL:
    Forum:Scripture & Biblical Doctrine
    Topic: Sabbath

    The topic is located at:

    to all……> now that we had our spat let move on, with the Sabbath topic.
    there are several points that need to be understood with reguards to the Sabbath
    1… is the Sabbath a particular time period and if so what time period is it.
    Lets start by seeing what God says about it. Gen1:31, then God saw everything
    that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning
    were the sixth day. Notice He started with the evening to count the day, so from
    evening to the begining of another evening completes a day.
    Gen2:2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and rested
    on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. 3, Then God (Blessed)
    the Seventh DAY and Sanctified (IT). Because in it He rested from all His works
    which God had created and made.

    Some important information is here, one the time period was the seventh day not
    any day but a paticular day and it started at evening after the sixth day. And
    another thing is that He blessed that Day not any day but that paticular day, He
    put a blessing into it. Lets talk about this before moving on to more subject
    matter reguarding the Sabbath Day. WE have seen it must have been important to
    God to Sanctify it and Bless it.



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    Kenrch……This is a descussion on the Sabbath not a descussion on how (YOU) keep it, or how (I) keep it . I just hope you help teach and be patient with brothers and sisters who are trying to learn about the sabbath. remeember what it say's , if any offend one of these little ones, it would be better fore him if a mill stone were hung around his nick and him cast into the sea. We need to watch how we treat one another here. Lets try to help each other not descourage each other…


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 21 2007,14:50)
    Kenrch……This is a descussion on the Sabbath not a descussion on how (YOU) keep it, or how (I) keep it . I just hope you help teach and be patient with brothers and sisters who are trying to learn about the sabbath. remeember what it say's , if any offend one of these little ones, it would be better fore him if a mill stone were hung around his nick and him cast into the sea. We need to watch how we treat one another here. Lets try to help each other not descourage each other…


    I came to the thread and did not see it so I thought I would post it.

    Good Grief talk about paranoid!

    Are you saying I can't participate on this thread?

    It's your show BRO. I don't “intend” to participate but If I want too I sure will!

    When have I ever discourage learning the truth?

    YOU REMEMBER BRO YOU ARE NOT MY JUDGE! And if I choose to jump in I SURE WILL!

    Peace BRO,



    BTW this thread IS on WHEN and HOW to keep the Sabbath. Just thought you might like to know that.


    Kenrch…..> I could care less if you posted it or not, it sounds like you are being parnaoid. Like is said its not about you and i could care less if you engage in this subject or not. It's become apperant most have left descussing the sabbath anyway.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 21 2007,16:50)
    Kenrch…..> I could care less if you posted it or not, it sounds like you are being parnaoid. Like is said its not about you and i could care less if you engage in this subject or not. It's become apperant most have left descussing the sabbath anyway.

    You chill Bro you are the one who came in with the “remember about the little ones” Etc.

    Well they wanted a New teacher. Why would they leave?

    Peace BRO :)


    To all …..> we should look at the sabbath as a time of spicial blessings and a time of special fellowship with our Heavenly Father. There is a scripture that say's we should call the Sabbath (delight ) a good time for us in our fellowship with God and each other. It should not be looked at as a chain around our necks as the pharsiess where making it at the time of Christ. Remember Jesus said the Sabbath was made (FOR) man and not man for the Sabbath, and he also said that we were Lord of the sabbath just like he (being a son of man was also). I believe there is a blessing in the sabbath day for all who acknowledge it. And there is also a scripture that says that the sabbathe is a sign between God and his people. And we are told to keep the commandments and the sabbath is one of them. Keeping the sabbath can be quite enjoyable and you can get a special sense of joy from observing it.


    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 21 2007,17:11)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 21 2007,16:50)
    Kenrch…..> I could care less if you posted it or not, it sounds like you are being parnaoid. Like is said its not about you and i could care less if you engage in this subject or not. It's become apperant most have left descussing the sabbath anyway.

    You chill Bro you are the one who came in with the “remember about the little ones” Etc.

    Well they wanted a New teacher.  Why would they leave?

    Peace BRO :)

    Kenrch…..>Go read you past two days posts and you won't have a heard time figuring out why they left, the sarcasam they were getting wasn't comming from me . This could have been a very good topic to descuss. It's sad the way it turned out. Well maybe at a later time it will come up again.Ill try to start a new thread later… Peace to all…..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 21 2007,17:43)

    Quote (kenrch @ Aug. 21 2007,17:11)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 21 2007,16:50)
    Kenrch…..> I could care less if you posted it or not, it sounds like you are being parnaoid. Like is said its not about you and i could care less if you engage in this subject or not. It's become apperant most have left descussing the sabbath anyway.

    You chill Bro you are the one who came in with the “remember about the little ones” Etc.

    Well they wanted a New teacher.  Why would they leave?

    Peace BRO :)

    Kenrch…..>Go read you past two days posts and you won't have a heard time figuring out why they left, the sarcasam they were getting wasn't comming from me . This could have been a very good topic to descuss. It's sad the  way it turned out. Well maybe at a later time it will come up again.Ill try to start a new thread later… Peace to all…..gene

    I thought this was about the Sabbath?

    How should we keep the Sabbath?


    That is why I quit and wanted to bring you in. I had enough!

    So how do we keep the Sabbath. Example in the Old Testament it says Not to build a fire on the Sabbath.


    Well Good Night Bro.


    Kenrch……> there is some important differences between the way God dwelt with the carnel Isrealites and the way he works with us.
    God gave His Commandments for Isreal to follow for there good, but they would not follow them, So He turned His commandments into a Law Exodus 20. A law means (forced compliance), after that a man was gathering wood on the sabbath day and Moses took it to God For a decision on what to do, and God told Him to have all the people come together and stone him to death, The reason, Law is Forced compliance and the (FEAR) of the consequences for breaking them cause The Isrealites to obey the commandments now turned into (LAW). But what did Paul say, “Brethern you have not come to that mountain burning and quaking to (FEAR) as they did,(Exodus 20:20). Paul tell us that by works of (Law) the article (the ) was added by translators. Paul was talking about How we Keep the commandments not should keep them or not.
    Now the reason I am bringing this out is to say this principle also applies to the Sabbath Day, are we to see it as forced compliance (the way law works) or through the Love of God, that He Gave us a special time of fellowship, I believe if we want the blessings that go with the sabbath day we should look at it that way.
    Paul said whosoever is under (LAW) is under a curse. The sabbath was made for us not us for it. It's somthing that God the Father gave us to enjoy with each other and Him also. peace to you brother…..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Aug. 22 2007,03:37)
    Kenrch……> there is some important differences between the way God dwelt with the carnel Isrealites and the way he works with us.
    God gave His Commandments for Isreal to follow for there good, but they would not follow them, So He turned His commandments into a Law Exodus 20. A law means (forced compliance), after that a man was gathering wood on the sabbath day and Moses took it to God For a decision on what to do, and God told Him to have all the people come together and stone him to death, The reason, Law is Forced compliance and the (FEAR) of the consequences for breaking them cause The Isrealites to obey the commandments now turned into (LAW). But what did Paul say, “Brethern you have not come to that mountain burning and quaking to (FEAR) as they did,(Exodus 20:20). Paul tell us that by works of (Law) the article (the ) was added by translators. Paul was talking about How we Keep the commandments not should keep them or not.
    Now the reason I am bringing this out is to say this principle also applies to the Sabbath Day, are we to see it as forced compliance (the way law works) or through the Love of God, that He Gave us a special time of fellowship, I believe if we want the blessings that go with the sabbath day we should look at it that way.
    Paul said whosoever is under (LAW) is under a curse. The sabbath was made for us not us for it. It's somthing that God the Father gave us to enjoy with each other and Him also.  peace to you brother…..gene

    So we keep the Sabbath under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and not the letter of the Old Testament law, correct?


    I had posted an apology under that topic but I can't find it. It was here this morning.

    Alright I'll just apologize again :)

    I'm deeply sorry for letting my pride get the best of me and ask all I have offended to forgive me…..PLEASE!

    Please forgive me,




    It appears to have been moved to the “Messages” board. Here ya go….;t=1562


    Quote (kejonn @ Aug. 22 2007,11:08)

    It appears to have been moved to the “Messages” board. Here ya go….;t=1562

    OH! OK thanks.

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