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- February 25, 2006 at 1:01 pm#11695
KeymasterObvious stuff
You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not engage in the following:
- Spamming, flooding, or flaming in the forums or the PM service.
- Posting false/inaccurate or defamatory posts in the forums.
- Being abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, or threatening to others in the forums or PMs.
- Being invasive of a person’s privacy.
- Posting inaccurate statements about a person in the forums.
- Posting, starting topics, or PMs that contain obscene or sexual content or links.
- Pushing doctrines that are not related to the topic. (Pushing them in an appropriate topic is OK.)
- Starting a topic that is not appropriate for the Category. In such cases, a topic can be moved to the appropriate topic and may result in the topic starter being moved to an appropriate member group.
- Divulging or sharing the contents of a PM to others unless permission is gained from all who contributed to a PM discussion. PMs are confidential. PMs can only be shared with a Moderator or Admin if any of the above pertaining to PMs takes place.
Members can be banned for engaging in any of the above.
More stuff
Posts will not be removed or edited if requested, unless they contain content as listed above. Otherwise, posting in Heaven Net means your post will remain on Heaven Net indefinitely. If you wish to retract something you have said, do so by explaining it in a new post.
Posts made in Heaven Net can be used or quoted in any part of the Heaven Net website by other members or by the web master.
Members who have editing rights, cannot change the content in their posts. Editing is for fixing grammatical and spelling errors and at most, to make your original point clearer. Abuse of this can lead you to being banned, ending the editing feature for all members, and we may restore your posts back to their original condition by using the last backup. This could result in recent posts being lost, so the decision would be based on which was the greater loss.
We are also not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of this BB. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately via a moderator. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary.
Good stuff
Enjoy, search, teach, share, and learn about the wonders of God. Treat people how you would like to be treated.
Moderation of the forums
Members can report a post that breaks any of the rules above using a link under each post titled “Report this post to a moderator.
Once a post is reported, it is PMed to all moderators who then decide to give a written warning to the offending member and or increment a penalty toward that member resulting in that member sporting a tile next to their name.
Upon receiving 5 tiles, a member’s posting privilege will be removed. They will still be able to PM members and moderators however.
Tiles can be removed if a member makes amends for the offence. e.g., a genuine apology to the victim/person can lead to removal of the tile that was given for that offence.
Hot Seat
The Hot Seat forum has a special rule that allows a member to ask another member a fair question that demands an answer. If the member does not answer, then he/she will be banned from the forums until they answer the question. An ‘I don’t know’, or some other clear explanation that answers the question sufficiently means you avoid being banned.
This has been put in place to curb the practice of drive by teachings, where you do not answer honestly questions about your teaching. Some have chosen to ignore legitimate and good questions in the past because they exposed their teachings or because the teacher did not know the answer and decides to ignore the question instead of admit that they do not know.
We believe that a true person of God would be honest, and give an explanation as to what it is that they believe, and all the more so if they teach it. And a good servant of Christ would also rejoice when proven wrong because they have learnt something new and are closer than before to the truth of the faith.
Banning members until they reasonably answer a question helps everybody. It makes the teacher be responsible for his/her teaching. It helps the readers see the truth or the lie in a teaching. It also weeds out false teachers from the forums.
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