Ronald Weinland: 2008 God's Final Witness

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  • #263200

    As well Broncs, you didn't consider my other posts:

    “If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll;”
    –Closing words of Revelation.

    Yet his website says:
    “From now until the latter part of 2008, many prophecies are going to begin to be fulfilled, especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording. Those thunders are revealed in this book”

    I don't know how we can understand this any other way but to be an addition to the book of revelation. He is revealing something that John apparently saw but didn't write. So “plagues” will clearly be upon this one.

    Also, how do you understand these scriptures:
    MATTHEW 24:29,36
    ““Immediately after the tribulation . . . .Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.”

    ACTS 1:7-8
    “He said to them: “It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction; but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de′a and Sa·mar′i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.””


    Are you saying at that time no one knew, but now, God has revealed it to this one person?


    david – what in the world are you talking about. You're completely off my point. I merely mentioned that you were assuming that Mr. Weinland was not the person referred to in the scripture you quoted, and that it was Mr. Armstrong who carried the message of the church throughout the world. Then you go spouting off a bunch of irrelevant references written by men?? I never said anything about politics or the military.

    I agree 100% that Satan is the God of this world. That's why he will and has deceived many. Many are called, few are chosen. You appear confused to me.

    Please read Mr. Weinland's books if you intend to post on this thread, as the title clearly states his name in it. Unless of course you're afraid of what is in them. Go ahead, I'll be waiting. Then we can have an informed discussion.



    Quote (Broncs453 @ Feb. 21 2008,15:13)
    david – what in the world are you talking about.  You're completely off my point.  I merely mentioned that you were assuming that Mr. Weinland was not the person referred to in the scripture you quoted, and that it was Mr. Armstrong who carried the message of the church throughout the world.  Then you go spouting off a bunch of irrelevant references written by men??  I never said anything about politics or the military.

    I agree 100% that Satan is the God of this world.  That's why he will and has deceived many.  Many are called, few are chosen.  You appear confused to me.

    Please read Mr. Weinland's books if you intend to post on this thread, as the title clearly states his name in it.  Unless of course you're afraid of what is in them.  Go ahead,  I'll be waiting.  Then we can have an informed discussion.


    Mr and Mrs. Weinland travel all over the world already? With your money. Nice. I guess He better do it now, because after April He will not be able to do it anymore. Think about this, is it really necessary to do this? We have a computer that will reach a lot of people. It is really odd, because He is doing exactly what Mr. Armstrong did. Wow.

    Peace and Love Mrs.
    P.S. I hate to sound so mean, everybody has to proof to each what He is saying is true.


    Ok, Herbert Armstrong, through the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation met with heads of governments in various nations, for which he described himself as an “ambassador without portfolio for world peace.”

    Just wondering why he's trying to achieve world peace through a system that God has foretold he will destroy? (dan 2:44)

    JAMES 4:4
    “Adulteresses, do YOU not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God.”

    God is the one who is going to bring peace, true peace, not merely the words “peace” and it is not through diplomatic means. To become a friend of the world is to become enemies with God. Jesus followers are to be “no part of the world.” (John 17:14; 15:19)

    It is a fact of history that the early Christians had no part in politics. True Christians today, similarly look to God's government as the solution to these problems.

    Since what he was doing is in no way scriptural, it is also in no way a fulfillment of:
    MATTHEW 24:14
    “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”

    It was because of humanitarian projects that he was invited to meet with certain heads of state. But I have no idea how this can be viewed as preaching the good news to all the nations.


    I just find it very spooky that Ron was saying spring 2008 in 2006. How on earth would he have known that the Pope was going to be in NY then??

    Question: Did he “know that the Pope was going to be in NY then?”


    Hi David,
    How is THE WORLD defined?


    As far as believing, why does anybody believe anything without proof? It's called faith, and I'm sure that is why you believe what you believe also without any proof.

    But faith is not baseless. It is not blind hope.
    I have seen the sun come up thousands of times. I have unwavering faith that it will come up again tomorrow.
    If you look in the Bible, you will see that those with faith have reason for their faith.
    I'm wondering what the reasons are for believing this man is a prophet of God who is going to die and be resurrected 3 1/2 days later.
    What are his credentials? You guys keep singing the mantra: Just read the book. just read the book.
    But could you perhaps give us a reason to? As of yet, I don't think any of you have quoted one scripture on this thread. Perhaps something from the Bible that specifically points to this guy. Or perhaps an explanation of how he puts all the pieces of the puzzle together to cause you to be so excited.

    Understand that there are many scriptures that speak of “false prophets” and such, so our hesitation is completely justified. Can you give us something other than asking us to read the book.

    Something else, that just feels wrong about this,
    Christianity is always about Christ, who, in turn, is always about His father. Its never about any other man. A prophet or teacher will never point you to themselves, only God.


    Hi David,
    How is THE WORLD defined?

    How did the earliest Christians define it NICK?


    Hi david,
    Are we all of the world in your view?


    Many websites have stated that Ronald “denies the trinity, calling the Holy Spirit “not a separate being” but simply “the power of God” “

    This is something I actually agree with.

    The following:
    “his prediction is specifically that the US will be hit with a nuclear attack in the spring of 2008”
    if very specific.

    So there is only a couple of months for this to be true, for him to be correct.
    The thing is, he's in a tough spot. Even if he's right, what does it really mean?

    Mar 13:21 “Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'Look, He is there!' do not believe it.
    Mar 13:22 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
    Mar 13:23 But take heed; see, I have told you all things beforehand.


    Posted by Ronald Weinland
    “2008…beginning in the spring time, things are going to begin happening here in the United States, and there’ll be about at six-month period of time that brings us to our demise…with nuclear weapons…I am a prophet…God has not sent a prophet for nearly 2,000 years to this earth; the last one was our Messiah…if someone says something and it doesn’t come to pass, they’re false. That’s what is referred to as a false prophet.”
    (Source: Radio interview KCOL 600, Loveland, Colorado, April 2, 2007)


    According to him, the “end-times” officially began on February 2, 2008, and that 1335 days later, being September 29, 2011, would be the date of the return of Christ.
    –mat 24:36


    There is one scripture everyone forgets when quoting Matthew about no one knowing the day or hour. Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

    And in Revelations it talks of the 2 Wittnesses that God will send to the earth. The 2nd we will know soon.

    And who is ANY OF US to say who God can choose for His Prophets? Credentials? Well, I think those would be between God and His Prophet? We are just man, how are we to questions what God does?


    Quote (Anticipation of Peace @ Feb. 21 2008,23:24)
    There is one scripture everyone forgets when quoting Matthew about no one knowing the day or hour.  Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.

    And in Revelations it talks of the 2 Wittnesses that God will send to the earth.  The 2nd we will know soon.

    And who is ANY OF US to say who God can choose for His Prophets?  Credentials?  Well, I think those would be between God and His Prophet?  We are just man, how are we to questions what God does?

    All I CAN SAY TO ALL OF THIS, TIME WILL TELL. We are not to far of. 2 Momths. We'll see.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Quote (seek and you will find @ Feb. 22 2008,01:44)
    All I CAN SAY TO ALL OF THIS, TIME WILL TELL. We are not to far of. 2 Momths. We'll see.

    February 2nd 2008 was the sealing of the 144k. (1335 days)

    March 18th is the opening of the 7th Seal and the end of the Abomination of Desolation. (1290 days)

    April 17th is the beginning of the Great Tribulation. (1260 days)

    This Does not mean the date the nukes will go off. There is a period of time before this happens as Ron has revealed. So yes, time will tell. I just wouldn't turn your back on Ron right in April.

    Yes, this all leads to Sept 29th 2011. The Feast of Trumpets.

    Have a great day!


    Quote (discipleelohim @ Feb. 22 2008,01:52)

    Quote (seek and you will find @ Feb. 22 2008,01:44)
    All I CAN SAY TO ALL OF THIS, TIME WILL TELL. We are not to far of. 2 Momths. We'll see.

    February 2nd 2008 was the sealing of the 144k. (1335 days)

    March 18th is the opening of the 7th Seal and the end of the Abomination of Desolation. (1290 days)

    April 17th is the beginning of the Great Tribulation. (1260 days)

    This Does not mean the date the nukes will go off. There is a period of time before this happens as Ron has revealed. So yes, time will tell. I just wouldn't turn your back on Ron right in April.

    Yes, this all leads to Sept 29th 2011. The Feast of Trumpets.

    Have a great day!

    I am not turning my back on nobody as a Christian Love is the answer.

    You have a nice day too

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Greetins All….A quick question ? what is the date for the Popes' Visit to the US


    Quote (theodorej @ Feb. 22 2008,05:59)
    Greetins All….A quick question ? what is the date for the Popes' Visit to the US

    April 15th through the 20th I believe… (yup, its in this article)

    Doesn't the pope look like the emperor in star wars?


    Quote (theodorej @ Feb. 22 2008,05:59)

    Hey theodorej! Great to see ya brethren!


    Quote (discipleelohim @ Feb. 22 2008,06:05)

    I found this in a Google search. Apparently someone else also thinks they have resemblance.

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