Ronald Weinland: 2008 God's Final Witness

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  • #263801

    Quote (seek and you will find @ Mar. 14 2008,14:29)

    Quote (rkay101 @ Mar. 14 2008,14:18)
    t8 – what makes you the rightheous one? I guess only you have the power to expose (know) false prophets, everyone else who believes in a prophet is simply too dumb to differentiate between a true and/or a false prophet? If you have no interest in this MAN, then i suggest you go your way and let the rest be. This entire thread has been about nothing but QnA(people who have read the books-Vs-people who haven't). I hope God opens your minds sooner than later. Peace.

    I guess you dont know who you are talking to, do you? t8 owns this place, maybe you should go away.  In any account talking like you just did, gets you nowhere with people here. So kindle be nice.

    And welcome.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    Greetings Peace and Love…..With all do respect to t8 and his holdings,and I might say I enjoy this forum very much,but ,I fail to see what his ownership of this thread or website for that manner, have to do with the free flowing dialog we all enjoy….

    PS…It is the sum total of all the participants that gives this forum the flavor……And I am sure t8 knows that…..


    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 14 2008,12:28)
    I actually have no interest in this man, just an interest in exposing false prophets for leading people astray.

    Greetings t8…..Alloy me to bore you with an ODE that was recited before the US House of Representatives in 1940s ,by certain congressman whos' name I can't remember….
    There was a wise old owl who lived in an oak…………………..
    The more he saw the less he spoke………………………………
    The less he spoke the more he heard…………………………….
    Why can't we all be as that little bird…………………………….

    I appreciate your passion,when it comes to the proliferation of false teachings……But in all honesty we do not know if
    RW is false or not…..with reference to the here and now…….


    Quote (theodorej @ Mar. 15 2008,00:18)

    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 14 2008,12:28)
    I actually have no interest in this man, just an interest in exposing false prophets for leading people astray.

    Greetings t8…..Alloy me to bore you with an ODE that was recited before the US House of Representatives in 1940s ,by certain congressman whos' name I can't remember….
    There was a wise old owl who lived in an oak…………………..
    The more he saw the less he spoke………………………………
    The less he spoke the more he heard…………………………….
    Why can't we all be as that little bird…………………………….

    I appreciate your passion,when it comes to the proliferation of false teachings……But in all honesty we do not know if
    RW is false or not…..with reference to the here and now…….

    But we also do not know if He is right, It goes both ways.

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    What does his book say?

    Yes, we've heard: “Just read it” many times.

    Apparently, it is a wonderful book, with wonderful things in it.

    Yet no one really wants to discuss what is actually in this book, what this book teaches. Why is that?

    Oh, “just read the book.”

    What makes this book so wonderful? What has he said that others haven't said? What scriptures does he use that has a couple people so enthused?

    Can anyone explain what this book is about? What it teaches?

    gnipp gnopp

    Quote (david @ Mar. 15 2008,12:07)
    What does his book say?

    Yes, we've heard: “Just read it” many times.

    Apparently, it is a wonderful book, with wonderful things in it.

    Yet no one really wants to discuss what is actually in this book, what this book teaches. Why is that?

    Oh, “just read the book.”

    What makes this book so wonderful? What has he said that others haven't said? What scriptures does he use that has a couple people so enthused?

    Can anyone explain what this book is about? What it teaches?

    I can, but if you really wanted to know you would download and look at it, wouldn't you? Since in truth you don't really care I'll make it simple for you.

    Prepare to meet your God.



    Quote (david @ Mar. 15 2008,12:07)
    What does his book say?

    Yes, we've heard: “Just read it” many times.

    Apparently, it is a wonderful book, with wonderful things in it.  

    Yet no one really wants to discuss what is actually in this book, what this book teaches.  Why is that?

    Oh, “just read the book.”  

    What makes this book so wonderful?  What has he said that others haven't said?  What scriptures does he use that has a couple people so enthused?  

    Can anyone explain what this book is about?  What it teaches?

    Greetings David…..The best setting to discuss RWs book would be with one who read it…..
    What I can say is it is repleat with scriptual reference speaking to the book of revelation from beginning to end……..

    The fundamental problem as I see it reverts back to the nature that is in us all..and that is we have core set of beliefs and we are not receptive to any contadiction or correction of same….

    RW is a man of conviction with the courage to come forth with his convictions…..This does not mean he is correct and on the same hand he may not be wrong….

    In addition the book speaks to organized religion as we know it today and the dogma it proliferates….It speaks to the need to adhere to the law with respect to the sabbath and tithing…It speaks to Gods'plan for mankind and the mercifull way it will afford every living human being an opportunity to be saved from eternal death….It speaks of Gods church and how it can be recognized…..

    In closing I would think that most of the anamos directed at this man is a result of his boldness and audacity these are the demanding requisites of a message such as the one he clearly states is from God…..And rest assured we all know before long if they are indeed from the eternal…


    PS…David there is only One Who Is Truly Wonderfull…..and it certainly is not a book….


    In addition the book speaks to organized religion as we know it today and the dogma it proliferates….It speaks to the need to adhere to the law with respect to the sabbath and tithing…It speaks to Gods'plan for mankind and the mercifull way it will afford every living human being an opportunity to be saved from eternal death….It speaks of Gods church and how it can be recognized…..

    Thankyou theodorj

    Let's pick one. According to the Bible (and Ron as well) how can God's people “be recognized?”

    And, let's also discuss “tithing.” That should be fun. What does ron say with regard to this?


    Quote (rkay101 @ Mar. 14 2008,14:18)
    t8 – what makes you the rightheous one? I guess only you have the power to expose (know) false prophets, everyone else who believes in a prophet is simply too dumb to differentiate between a true and/or a false prophet? If you have no interest in this MAN, then i suggest you go your way and let the rest be. This entire thread has been about nothing but QnA(people who have read the books-Vs-people who haven't). I hope God opens your minds sooner than later. Peace.

    Did I ever say that I was the righteous one?

    No, God is the source of righteousness and his son is the righteous one.

    I am only interested in exposing those who bring the way into disrepute. If such are not exposed or challenged, then they can do more damage. If they are exposed earlier, then at least people under their spell can possibly be set free before the damage is done.


    Quote (rkay101 @ Mar. 14 2008,14:18)
    t8 – what makes you the rightheous one? I guess only you have the power to expose (know) false prophets, everyone else who believes in a prophet is simply too dumb to differentiate between a true and/or a false prophet? If you have no interest in this MAN, then i suggest you go your way and let the rest be. This entire thread has been about nothing but QnA(people who have read the books-Vs-people who haven't). I hope God opens your minds sooner than later. Peace.

    Another thing.

    You are free to promote this guy and I am free to warn people not to follow false prophets.

    2009 will reveal all. Will you still converse with me when it turns 2009? Or will RWs followers just politely leave.

    I think in 2009, that all who promoted RW should do the honorable thing and apologise to the members of this board for promoting a false prophet and for possibly putting the way into disrepute for some.

    gnipp gnopp

    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 04 2008,13:16)
    What about weapons?

    Might need to protect yourself coz you will have all the gear and all those that didn't listen to Ron will be without. Then everyone will say why didn't we follow Ron. Why didn't we follow man.

    Or what about booking the Space Shuttle?

    Or maybe we should follow Christ?

    This is 'exposing those who bring the way into disrepute'? This appears to be self righteous, discourteous and ridiculing of people that you consider under a spell. I'm viewing more worldly teachings than Christian teachings in your quoted comment.

    When you make comments like that it is hard to take you serious about trying to help people under a spell. Your having fun at their expense. Where are you exposing false teaching? I'm not sure that you even know what he teaches. Such things are not taught by this man. You shouldn't be surprised when your seen poorly.

    Making comments like that show that you've made up your mind. You've stated that if it does happen, he got lucky and is still wrong. And BTW many have said they would admit being wrong. Looking back at how they have behaved and treated people here I'd put more faith in them keeping their word then many others that frequent this thread.

    This is given in low tones, I hope you can hear it that way.
    Time will expose the truth. Be patient.



    Quote (david @ Mar. 16 2008,11:04)

    In addition the book speaks to organized religion as we know it today and the dogma it proliferates….It speaks to the need to adhere to the law with respect to the sabbath and tithing…It speaks to Gods'plan for mankind and the mercifull way it will afford every living human being an opportunity to be saved from eternal death….It speaks of Gods church and how it can be recognized…..

    Thankyou theodorj

    Let's pick one.  According to the Bible (and Ron as well) how can God's people “be recognized?”

    And, let's also discuss “tithing.”  That should be fun.  What does ron say with regard to this?

    Greetings David….If I were looking for Gods' church I think it would be a small group of folks that are adhereing to a form of apostolic christianity that has its roots in sabbath keeping,to include the Saturday Sabbath as well as strict adherence to the Godly appointed holy days(eg.Passover,Unleavened Bread,Pentecost,Trumpets,Atonement,Tabernacles and the last great Day….)..Given this time in our History a lot folks think that God is trying to save mankind and if you ask me he is doing a very poor job….My sense is he is not and for that reason at this time he does't need the legions of high minded religious types that are out there trying to save souls in Jesus'name..
    Iam not one to cite chapter and verse,but my heart tells me Gods church can found among the spirit lead bretheren that have the truth in their hearts….God did say”That wherever Two or more are gathered in my name There I will Be”The very name Church Of God ” bares that out…
    The true church of God follows his commandments and Holy Sabbaths with no connection to any man made religious celebrations…..
    In closing Gods Church has appointed leaders,they are…Apostles,Prophets,Evanglelists and Teachers make no mistake …these are men and they are carnal…In addition the tithes of the faithfull are needed to conduct the day to day appointments of the work..


    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 16 2008,21:41)

    Quote (rkay101 @ Mar. 14 2008,14:18)
    t8 – what makes you the rightheous one? I guess only you have the power to expose (know) false prophets, everyone else who believes in a prophet is simply too dumb to differentiate between a true and/or a false prophet? If you have no interest in this MAN, then i suggest you go your way and let the rest be. This entire thread has been about nothing but QnA(people who have read the books-Vs-people who haven't). I hope God opens your minds sooner than later. Peace.

    Did I ever say that I was the righteous one?

    No, God is the source of righteousness and his son is the righteous one.

    I am only interested in exposing those who bring the way into disrepute. If such are not exposed or challenged, then they can do  more damage. If they are exposed earlier, then at least people under their spell can possibly be set free before the damage is done.

    Greetings t8…..False prophets need only be dimissed,the challange is their own prophesy and the discussion should be on how to handle the next one….


    Greetings. I figured after a nice long break I would drop by, catch up, and say hello to everyone. And on that note:

    Tithing was demanded to God as He provides us with everything. So the 10% that He tells us to give to Him is already His in the first place, just like everything else in the world. Not giving back the 10% is robbing from Him.

    This is purely to answer a question and not to argue. And because I know my words will be twisted:

    Titus 3:9-11 But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. Warn a devisive person once, warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

    But hello Gnipp and theodorej! Catch you in an email perhaps! Take care and stay strong.


    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 16 2008,21:46)

    Quote (rkay101 @ Mar. 14 2008,14:18)
    t8 – what makes you the rightheous one? I guess only you have the power to expose (know) false prophets, everyone else who believes in a prophet is simply too dumb to differentiate between a true and/or a false prophet? If you have no interest in this MAN, then i suggest you go your way and let the rest be. This entire thread has been about nothing but QnA(people who have read the books-Vs-people who haven't). I hope God opens your minds sooner than later. Peace.

    Another thing.

    You are free to promote this guy and I am free to warn people not to follow false prophets.

    2009 will reveal all. Will you still converse with me when it turns 2009? Or will RWs followers just politely leave.

    I think in 2009, that all who promoted RW should do the honorable thing and apologise to the members of this board for promoting a false prophet and for possibly putting the way into disrepute for some.

    Greetings t8…….Iam surprised !! that you would even think an apology would be necessary…after all…I get the impression that you are steadfast and unyielding in your faith and there is nothing RW could say or do that could lead you astray…unless of course your concern is for the impressionable new seekers of truth…and if that is the case than Iam interested in any information you might have that catches this man (RW) in a lie and I will be eternally gratefull..
    I have caught RW in his weakest state and that is he is carnal and a man,However,that does not dismiss the possibility he is being used of God….After all there were many prophets before RW who bore the criticism of their peers…The ones who come to mind are Jonah (what a fish story he told)and the other is Noah…and we all know his story.
    God willing and we are still able to carry on this forum by the close of this year without any major developments that disrupt life as we know it….rest assure I have the courage to say I was wrong…Having said that if you have any information other than the recital of chapter and verse please share it with me…


    Quote (Anticipation of Peace @ Mar. 17 2008,03:43)
    Greetings.  I figured after a nice long break I would drop by, catch up, and say hello to everyone.  And on that note:

    Tithing was demanded to God as He provides us with everything.  So the 10% that He tells us to give to Him is already His in the first place, just like everything else in the world.  Not giving back the 10% is robbing from Him.  

    This is purely to answer a question and not to argue.  And because I know my words will be twisted:

    Titus 3:9-11  But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.  Warn a devisive person once, warn him a second time.  After that, have nothing to do with him.  You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

    But hello Gnipp and theodorej!  Catch you in an email perhaps!  Take care and stay strong.

    Greetings A….Good to hear from you….I find this forum totally non combative and limited with respect to arguments, the discourse proves to be very enlightening…My purpose here is not one of propergation but one of education….My faith is being challenged and strengthened with every post, and having said that…thank you for your imput..
    With reference to tithing the obligation is undeniable and you are correct.
    What was the question….forgive my lapse of memory


    Quote (david @ Mar. 16 2008,20:04)

    In addition the book speaks to organized religion as we know it today and the dogma it proliferates….It speaks to the need to adhere to the law with respect to the sabbath and tithing…It speaks to Gods'plan for mankind and the mercifull way it will afford every living human being an opportunity to be saved from eternal death….It speaks of Gods church and how it can be recognized…..

    Thankyou theodorj

    Let's pick one.  According to the Bible (and Ron as well) how can God's people “be recognized?”

    And, let's also discuss “tithing.”  That should be fun.  What does ron say with regard to this?

    Hey Theodorej, here is where the question was.


    (page 55 of this thread:)….;st=540

    Greetings David….If I were looking for Gods' church I think it would be a small group of folks that are adhereing to a form of apostolic christianity that has its roots in sabbath keeping

    Hi Theo. I'm wondering how you would respond to my posts on page 55 of this thread regarding Sabbath keeping today?


    On Tithing:
    At no time were first-century Christians commanded to pay tithes.

    The primary purpose of the tithing arrangement under the Law had been to support Israel’s temple and priesthood; consequently the obligation to pay tithes would cease when that Mosaic Law covenant came to an end as fulfilled, through Christ’s death on the torture stake. (Eph 2:15; Col 2:13, 14)

    It is true that Levitical priests continued serving at the temple in Jerusalem until it was destroyed in 70 C.E., but Christians from and after 33 C.E. became part of a new spiritual priesthood that was not supported by tithes.—Ro 6:14; Heb 7:12; 1Pe 2:9.

    As Christians, they were encouraged to give support to the Christian ministry both by their own ministerial activity and by material contributions. Instead of giving fixed, specified amounts to defray congregational expenses, they were to contribute “according to what a person has,” giving “as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2Co 8:12; 9:7)

    I agree with this statement:

    So the 10% that He tells us to give to Him is already His in the first place, just like everything else in the world.

    And that is why Jehovah accused Israelites who neglected tithing in Malachi’s day of ‘robbing him in tithes and offerings.’ (Malachi 3:8, New International Version) It was as though by not tithing they were taking from Jehovah what was his.

    National laws are not normally valid outside a country’s borders. For example, the law that obliges motorists in Britain to drive on the left does not apply to drivers in France. Similarly, the law requiring tithing was part of an exclusive covenant between God and the nation of Israel. (Exodus 19:3-8; Psalm 147:19, 20) Only the Israelites were bound by that law.

    ***In addition, although it is true that God never changes, his requirements sometimes do. (Malachi 3:6) The Bible states categorically that the sacrificial death of Jesus, in 33 C.E., “blotted out,” or “abolished,” the Law and with it the “commandment to collect tithes.”—Colossians 2:13, 14; Ephesians 2:13-15; Hebrews 7:5, 18.

    And when Jesus said he did not come to destroy the “law or the prophets” (the Hebrew scriptures) but rather to fulfill them, this is precisely what he meant. He was not referrring to the law covenant but was using the word “law and prophets” in a way often used in the Bible, to refer to those books of the Bible.

    About 55 C.E., an appeal went out to Gentile Christians in Europe and Asia Minor in behalf of the impoverished congregation in Judea. In his letters to the congregation in Corinth, the apostle Paul describes how this ‘collection for the holy ones’ was organized. (1 Corinthians 16:1) You may be surprised at what Paul’s words reveal about Christian giving.

    The apostle Paul did not cajole fellow believers to give. In fact, Macedonian Christians who were “under affliction” and in “deep poverty” had to ‘keep begging him with much entreaty for the privilege of kindly giving and for a share in the ministry destined for the holy ones.’—2 Corinthians 8:1-4.

    True, Paul encouraged the more affluent Corinthians to imitate their generous brothers in Macedonia. Even so, observes one reference work, he ‘declined to issue directives, preferring rather to request, suggest, encourage, or appeal. Spontaneity and warmth would be absent from the Corinthians’ giving if coercion were present.’ Paul knew that “God loves a cheerful giver,” not one who gives “grudgingly or under compulsion.”—2 Corinthians 9:7.

    Rather than specifying an amount or a percentage, Paul merely suggested that “on the first day of every week, each one . . . should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income.” (1 Corinthians 16:2, NIV) By planning and reserving an amount on a regular basis, the Corinthians would not feel pressured into giving begrudgingly or on emotional impulse when Paul arrived. For each Christian, the decision of how much to give was to be a private matter, one that ‘he had resolved in his own heart.’—2 Corinthians 9:5, 7.


    Greetings David…..Voluminous amounts of reading please forgive my laziness and indulge me with your point of either agreement or disagreement…..After all Iam only posting things as I see it …..and to ERR is human…..Thank you

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