Ronald Weinland: 2008 God's Final Witness

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 21 2008,10:21)
    and another….=348380

    Also, of course there are going to be people who write negative things about this man. For every positive there is a negative and when you claim to be from God, there is always persecution near.

    Mr. Steve

    Anticipation of Peace;

    Romans 14:5 and Colossians 2:16-17.

    Paul said let no man judge you with respect to … sabbath days… which are a shadow of things to come. There are no ordinances under the law that we are required to keep under the new covenant.



    Quote (Anticipation of Peace @ Feb. 21 2008,10:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 21 2008,10:21)
    and another….=348380

    Also, of course there are going to be people who write negative things about this man.  For every positive there is a negative and when you claim to be from God, there is always persecution near.

    Hi AoP.,
    Sadly there are also people wanting to follow other people. We were warned about false prophets and false Christs.


    Quote (Anticipation of Peace @ Feb. 21 2008,10:36)

    Quote (seek and you will find @ Feb. 21 2008,10:30)

    Quote (discipleelohim @ Feb. 21 2008,04:08)
    From what I understand, of the “scattered church” only a tithe of 1/3 will be drawn back into the Church of God to live into the new age. The rest will die and be resurrected in 1000 years. I am newly drawn to Gods Truth.

    The Truth she is referring to is the Truth of God.

    You have to realize that all of us think that we have God's truth. And most of us are growing in grace and knowledge. But you have stood still and you are still in the old Covenant. But we are in the New now. Christ has been crucified and has risen and sits at the rght hand of the Father. He has told us to be born again and receive the Holy Spirit. Then we can understand what is of God. without it we can never understand it.
    All of the Law has been made spiritual, by Jesus. He fullfilled all. God's Kingdom is Spiritual. Please read my tread on the Covenant. I bumped it up again. I just can't keep on doing so if you don't respomd.

    Peace and Love Mrs.

    I don't understand when you say you've bumped it up, can you explain?

    If you look under Covenant you will find what I am talking about. It is the Tread right above this one.

    Peace and Lovw Mrs.


    Quote (Mr. Steve @ Feb. 21 2008,10:46)
    Anticipation of Peace;

    Romans 14:5 and Colossians 2:16-17.

    Paul said let no man judge you with respect to … sabbath days… which are a shadow of things to come.  There are no ordinances under the law that we are required to keep under the new covenant.


    I read both of these and I don't see anything about how it says those were done away with. I find it to say do not judge a man and do not allow a man to judge you and that the reality is found in Christ. Not that they rejected the sabbath. On the contrary I find it funny because they embraced it. But the pharasies believed they rejected it because Christ healed people on the Sabbath, and that was strictly against the bondage of so many little laws that the pharasies had listed as things not to do on the sabbath.

    Second, in Matthew 5:17 Christ says “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophents; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished”.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 21 2008,11:02)

    Quote (Anticipation of Peace @ Feb. 21 2008,10:38)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 21 2008,10:21)
    and another….=348380

    Also, of course there are going to be people who write negative things about this man.  For every positive there is a negative and when you claim to be from God, there is always persecution near.

    Hi AoP.,
    Sadly there are also people wanting to follow other people. We were warned about false prophets and false Christs.

    And there are many has been – I would say Nostrodamus is one.

    1st John Chapter 4 says that you will know a man is of God because no one will believe them.



    MATTHEW 24:29,36
    ““Immediately after the tribulation . . . .Concerning that day and hour nobody knows, neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the Father.”

    ACTS 1:7-8
    “He said to them: “It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction; but YOU will receive power when the holy spirit arrives upon YOU, and YOU will be witnesses of me both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de′a and Sa·mar′i·a and to the most distant part of the earth.””

    Has anybody heard of this guy?

    No, never heard of him. And after April, my guess is, his name will be forgotten.


    From now until the latter part of 2008, many prophecies are going to begin to be fulfilled, especially the Seven Thunders of the Book of Revelation, which the apostle John saw but was restricted from recording. Those thunders are revealed in this book

    –from his website and from first post.

    John saw something, but was restricted from writing it. This guy apparently reveals those things in his new book.

    But here's what we do actually know John said:

    If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll;“–Closing words of Revelation.


    In addition to visiting various scattered congregations in the United States, Ronald Weinland and his wife, Laura, also travel to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Europe. He does this to warn and prepare people…

    –his website

    The Bible foretells this:
    MATTHEW 24:14
    “And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”

    Him warning people in “scattered congregations” in 6 or 7 countries is not “all the nations.”

    So if he is God's prophet, we have quite a ways to go.


    david – You missed it completely. The verse you quote above does not refer to Ron Weinland. He is one of the Witnesses. The verse refers to Herbert Armstrong, who indeed did “preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations”. Read up on his career and life and you will discover that he met with more leaders and heads of state than almost any other civilian.

    Sounds like you're trying to put up a bunch of Bible verses to support your assertion that Ron Weinland couldn't possibly be who he says he is. You've been led down the road of pagan Christianity my friend. Take the scales off your eyes and open your mind to what just might be possible.



    Quote (Mr. Steve @ Feb. 21 2008,10:16)

    You can just order them for free and have your own copy. Or download the books.

    To All;

    While these books have some good truths including the truth that Christ is coming again to establish his kingdom, the books make some presumptuous claims that you should reject.  First, the book fails to account or explain over a dozen parables where Christ comes to his church before the great tribulation begins and then comes in glory after the tribulation.  Second, it states that Mr. Armstrong's successor was the anti-christ.  Third, it contains a legalistic view of keeping the sabbath that was rejected by the apostles.  Fourth, it makes many claims of certain people in history that fulfilled prophecy, which is pure speculation.  Fifth, it states that the Laodicean age began when Armstrong passed away.  On the fifth claim, I will admit it is a remarkable coincidence, but many good men and women died during the same time so I wouldn't say that Armstrong's death was the proximate cause of any particular falling away.


    Steven – These books do not state that Mr. Armstrong's successor was “the anti-christ”. If so, please point out on what page this is claimed. I have read both books twice, and you obviously have not. The Prophsied End Time states that Mr. Tkach of the WCG was who caused the apostasy and the first of the seven seals to be opened by Jesus Christ on 12/17/1994.

    Also, please give me the page in either book where this “legalistic view of the Sabbath” is, and where in the BIBLE that it was in fact rejected by the apostles.



    Hey Broncs come to the chat with us. I believe WeAreOne had U2U in ats


    Quote (Broncs453 @ Feb. 21 2008,12:52)

    Quote (Mr. Steve @ Feb. 21 2008,10:16)

    You can just order them for free and have your own copy. Or download the books.

    To All;

    While these books have some good truths including the truth that Christ is coming again to establish his kingdom, the books make some presumptuous claims that you should reject.  First, the book fails to account or explain over a dozen parables where Christ comes to his church before the great tribulation begins and then comes in glory after the tribulation.  Second, it states that Mr. Armstrong's successor was the anti-christ.  Third, it contains a legalistic view of keeping the sabbath that was rejected by the apostles.  Fourth, it makes many claims of certain people in history that fulfilled prophecy, which is pure speculation.  Fifth, it states that the Laodicean age began when Armstrong passed away.  On the fifth claim, I will admit it is a remarkable coincidence, but many good men and women died during the same time so I wouldn't say that Armstrong's death was the proximate cause of any particular falling away.


    Steven –  These books do not state that Mr. Armstrong's successor was “the anti-christ”.  If so, please point out on what page this is claimed.  I have read both books twice, and you obviously have not.  The Prophsied End Time states that Mr. Tkach of the WCG was who caused the apostasy and the first of the seven seals to be opened by Jesus Christ on 12/17/1994.

    Also, please give me the page in either book where this “legalistic view of the Sabbath” is, and where in the BIBLE that it was in fact rejected by the apostles.


    Mr.B. How can you say that Mr. Tkatch was the one that caused Jesus Christ to open the seven seals in 1994. What prove is there. How can you believe something without prove? Please explain?

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Here is Ron's teaching about the second resurrection from his site
    “AFTER the thousand years there will be a resurrection of ALL the other remaining dead and they will be judged Rev 20:10-15. This is the main harvest of mankind. The time of the INGATHERING of all nations into the Family of God. All humanity will be raised, in their courses and taught the way of God, being given understanding and the Spirit of God. They will be given a certain amount of time to learn and develop and to prove themselves. If they repent, turning from their commandment breaking and willingly follow where God's Spirit leads, It shall lead them into the Family of God. If they do not, then the second death awaits. Rev 20:13-15.”

    Taught the way of God and given a second chance?
    Sounds familiar but it not written.


    Quote (seek and you will find @ Feb. 21 2008,13:19)

    Download the PDF of The Prophesied End Time.

    Then read from page the bottom of page 137 where it begins “Church Spued Out of God’s Mouth” to the end of that chapter.

    As you were once with WCG this should trigger some truths with scripture backing.

    Honestly, I didn't create this thread to throw punches with people who don't believe RW is the prophet from the God of Abraham but more to meet new people and share fellowship with Brethren.

    Perhaps God is presenting this material to you for a reason? those of the scattered church that don't repent and come back to the COG from my understanding is they will not live into the new age. None of the scattered church. Which means they will all die and wait until the Great resurection.

    I will have to catch up to your previous pasts later dear, I have to keep reading. Us newly drawn need to stay focused on God as he will likely be using us during the tribulation.

    God bless you!!


    Hi DE,
    Is the COG the body of Christ?
    Not likely.
    The JWs make similar assertions.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 21 2008,13:34)

    Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. KJV

    God told Daniel to SHUT THE BOOK UP as it was sealed or closed “till” (meaning until) the time of the end.

    So what you are saying is that there is no possible way that God has NOT opened or unsealed “the words” of the end-times?

    I would have to think that God can do whatever He wants,
    With whomever He wants,
    Whenever He wants.

    You are very nieve to think otherwise my friend.

    It doesn't have to be “written” as the book of Revelations was written in code “until” the end of times. But it sure is being revealed now. And the majority of people are too BLIND to see that.

    I guarantee you, that you will be given proof of who Ron is speaking for and in a LOUD way.


    Quote (seek and you will find @ Feb. 21 2008,13:19)

    Quote (Broncs453 @ Feb. 21 2008,12:52)

    Quote (Mr. Steve @ Feb. 21 2008,10:16)

    You can just order them for free and have your own copy. Or download the books.

    To All;

    While these books have some good truths including the truth that Christ is coming again to establish his kingdom, the books make some presumptuous claims that you should reject.  First, the book fails to account or explain over a dozen parables where Christ comes to his church before the great tribulation begins and then comes in glory after the tribulation.  Second, it states that Mr. Armstrong's successor was the anti-christ.  Third, it contains a legalistic view of keeping the sabbath that was rejected by the apostles.  Fourth, it makes many claims of certain people in history that fulfilled prophecy, which is pure speculation.  Fifth, it states that the Laodicean age began when Armstrong passed away.  On the fifth claim, I will admit it is a remarkable coincidence, but many good men and women died during the same time so I wouldn't say that Armstrong's death was the proximate cause of any particular falling away.


    Steven –  These books do not state that Mr. Armstrong's successor was “the anti-christ”.  If so, please point out on what page this is claimed.  I have read both books twice, and you obviously have not.  The Prophsied End Time states that Mr. Tkach of the WCG was who caused the apostasy and the first of the seven seals to be opened by Jesus Christ on 12/17/1994.

    Also, please give me the page in either book where this “legalistic view of the Sabbath” is, and where in the BIBLE that it was in fact rejected by the apostles.


    Mr.B. How can you say that Mr. Tkatch was the one that caused Jesus Christ to open the seven seals in 1994. What prove is there. How can you believe something without prove? Please explain?

    Oeace and Love Mrs.

    Ms Seek – In my post I referred to the book The Prophesied End Time, and in it Mr. Weinland fully explains what Mr. Tkach did and why it caused the opening of the first seal. Mr. Tkach announced in a sermon on 12/17/94 that from that point on all of the work of Mr. Armstrong was basically being thrown out the window. Meaning it was no longer necessary to worship on the Sabbath, that Christmas and Easter were ok to celebrate, etc and basically turned the WCG into a “mainstream” PAGAN Christianity church. The proof is in the fact that he did it, and it caused a splintering of the church. As to whether or not this caused the opening of the first seal of Revelation, there is no proof at the moment other than Mr. Weinland saying that it was. Time will tell if he is indeed correct.

    As far as believing, why does anybody believe anything without proof? It's called faith, and I'm sure that is why you believe what you believe also without any proof.



    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 21 2008,13:56)

    I am not here to debate what you think is right in the eyes of God. I already know what is True and what is False.

    Have you read the books? They are free.

    They will answer your question and perhaps many more. I suggest you keep them close by. You may reject them now, but you will be seeking them out in due time so you know what you need to do when things begin to change in a way never seen by mankind in history.

    May God open your mind and be in your heart on this day.


    david – You missed it completely. The verse you quote above does not refer to Ron Weinland. He is one of the Witnesses. The verse refers to Herbert Armstrong, who indeed did “preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations”. Read up on his career and life and you will discover that he met with more leaders and heads of state than almost any other civilian.

    Hi Bronco.
    While you assert that I have been led down the road of “pagan” christianity (despite there being no paganism in my Bible quotes) I believe you have followed the path of apostasized Christianity. Here is my proof:

    he met with more leaders and heads of state than almost any other civilian.

    History teaches that the earliest Christians (in accord with Christ's teachings) did not engage in politics in any way. Jesus and his followers were “no part of the world” as the scriptures state. (Read John 15:19; 17:14; james 4:4)

    “Early Christianity was little understood and was regarded with little favor by those who ruled the pagan world. . . . Christians refused to share certain duties of Roman citizens. . . . The Christians . . . felt it a violation of their faith to enter military service. They would not hold political office. They would not worship the emperor.”
    –On the Road to Civilization—A World History, A. K. Heckel and J. G. Sigman, 1937, pp. 237-8

    “The Christians stood aloof and distinct from the state, . . . and Christianity seemed able to influence civil life only in that manner which, it must be confessed, is the purest, by practically endeavouring to instil more and more of holy feeling into the citizens of the state.”
    –The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries, (New York, 1848), Augustus Neander, translated from German by H. J. Rose, p. 168

    “They refused to take any active part in the civil administration or the military defence of the empire. . . . It was impossible that the Christians, without renouncing a more sacred duty, could assume the character of soldiers, of magistrates, or of princes.”
    —History of Christianity, Edward Gibbon, 1891, pp. 162-3.

    “While they [the Christians] inculcated the maxims of passive obedience, they refused to take any active part in the civil administration or the military defence of the empire. . . . It was impossible that the Christians, without renouncing a more sacred duty, could assume the character of soldiers, of magistrates, or of princes.”—The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, by Edward Gibbon, Vol. I, p. 416.

    “The Christians . . . shrank from public office and military service.”
    –“Persecution of the Christians in Gaul, A.D. 177,” by F. P. G. Guizot in The Great Events by Famous Historians, edited by R. Johnson, 1905, Vol. III, p. 246)

    Speaking of the early Christians, the book World History, The Story of Man’s Achievements says: “Zealous Christians did not serve in the armed forces or accept political offices.”

    Church historian Augustus Neander reported that “the Christians were represented as men dead to the world, and useless for all affairs of life; . . . and it was asked, what would become of the business of life, if all were like them?”
    “The Christians stood aloof and distinct from the state, as a priestly and spiritual race, and Christianity seemed able to influence civil life only in that manner which, it must be confessed, is the purest, by practically endeavouring to instil more and more of holy feeling into the citizens of the state.”—The History of the Christian Religion and Church, During the Three First Centuries (New York, 1848), Augustus Neander, translated from German by H. J. Rose, p. 168.

    John 15:19
    “If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. THAT IS WHY THE WORLD HATES YOU.” (NIV)

    The Bible urges us not be be friends of the world, otherwise we will be enemies of God.

    Also, consider this:

    Over this world of unrighteous human society and its kingdoms, God’s Adversary, Satan the Devil, exercises rulership; in fact, he has made himself “the god” of such world. (Mt 4:8, 9; Joh 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; compare 2Co 4:4.)

    God did not produce such unrighteous world; it owes its development to his chief Opposer, in whose power “the whole world is lying.” (1Jo 4:4, 5; 5:18, 19)

    Satan and his “wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places” act as the invisible “world rulers [or, cosmocrats; Gr., kosmokrátoras]” over the world alienated from God.—Eph 6:11, 12.

    So Jesus would not be a part of this wicked world ruled by Satan. He would be “not of the world,” or “no part of the world.” And his followers were to remain separate or not belonging to the world and it’s wicked ways either, like Jesus.

    This being the case, I don't really care if Armstrong or whoever is buddies with the world that is ruled by Satan. (see Bible)

    We are to follow Jesus.

    JOHN 17:14
    “I have given your word to them, but the world has hated them, because they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.”

    JOHN 15:19
    “If YOU were part of the world, the world would be fond of what is its own. Now because YOU are no part of the world, but I have chosen YOU out of the world, on this account the world hates YOU.”

    JAMES 4:4
    “Adulteresses, do YOU not know that the friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a friend of the world is constituting himself an enemy of God.”

    Him becoming friends with the worldly governments that God is going to destroy does not Bible prophecy make.

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