Righteous in gods eyes

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    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 03 2010,15:18)
    Nick…………If you have no Salt in you, you are good for nothing but to be cast out and trumped under by the foot of Men. Jesus told us to Have SALT in ourselves and have Peace. The word of GOD will flow out of all  hearts if GOD is in them and guiding our thoughts, no matter if you have never read one word written in scriptures.  It's what in the heart that counts Nick , speaking the Words written in scripture does not equal a right Heart, many quote scriptures and have not the Spirit of GOD in them at all.  IMO

    peace and love……………….gene

    You deny and go beyond scripture yet out of the mouth comes what the heart is full of.

    Is what you say above the statement of a gnostic enamored with his own thoughts?

    Make sure the light in you is not darkness for O how deep that darkness can be.


    Nick………Where have i went beyond scripture, I believe you need to see how deep in darkness you may be in, instead of accusing others. As i have said before you seem to be in line with Gnostic's more then I because they also believed in Spirit(Beings) jumping in and out of People and taking control of them. You also seem to believe Jesus Preexisted His berth as some kind of Spirit Being as they did also.

    Yes indeed out of the mouth the Heart speaks is that where you get your trash talk from. You make statements and no scripture to back them up, the salt thing is just one of many you teach falsely. Without Scripture support. I quote what Jesus said and you take offense, why is that NICK?

    peace and love………………………gene


    You only use scripture when it aligns with your ideas.
    You really need to align with it to have hope of rightoeusness in the eyes of our awesome God.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 04 2010,01:14)
    Nick………Where have i went beyond scripture, I believe you need to see how deep in darkness you may be in, instead of accusing others. As i have said before you seem to be in line with Gnostic's more then I because they also believed in Spirit(Beings) jumping in and out of People and taking control of them.  You also seem to believe Jesus Preexisted His berth as some kind of Spirit Being as they did also.

    Yes indeed out of the mouth the Heart speaks is that where you get your trash talk from. You make statements and no scripture to back them up, the salt thing is just one of many you teach falsely. Without Scripture support. I quote what Jesus said and you take offense, why is that NICK?

    peace and love………………………gene


    Mt 12:30 “He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 04 2010,07:09)
    You only use scripture when it aligns with your ideas.
    You really need to align with it to have hope of rightoeusness in the eyes of our awesome God.

    Nick………….Hog Wash! That seems to be what you are doing here not me. Then when i do use scripture, you say i (ONLY) use Scripture when it lines with what i say, as if you don't also. Think about it Nick.

    peace and love…………………gene


    Righteousness in the eyes of God is being one with his righteous son.
    Abiding in scripture ensures the relationship is ongoing.[2jn9]


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 05 2010,09:35)

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ May 04 2010,07:09)
    You only use scripture when it aligns with your ideas.
    You really need to align with it to have hope of rightoeusness in the eyes of our awesome God.

    Nick………….Hog Wash! That seems to be what you are doing here not me.  Then when i do use scripture,  you say i (ONLY) use Scripture when it lines with what i say, as if you don't also.  Think about it Nick.

    peace and love…………………gene


    nick is right, it takes more than to be righteous in scriptures, we also have to be righteous in our conscience before God,and research to the full understanding of his word without adding ours,
    the word of God does not need men help,
    God as made it possible to the righteous, that his truth even with some addition from the devil can be understand.


    Terraricca………I am the one saying it takes more then Scriptures to make some one right. I think you are confusing what i am saying with what Nick said. Nick is the one who thinks scripture is what counts to make one righteous, Not me. I believe it takes the Spirit of GOD to transform a person in their Heart and Minds, rather you every read a bible or not. Quoting Scriptures only has an appearance of righteousness , much like those who quote the Law an commandments all the time, that is just an outward (appearance) a white washed Sepulchral . Having KNOWLEDGE of SCRIPTURE does (NOT) Make anyone right in their hearts, nor can it ever change a person from inside.

    “Though I have (ALL) knowledge, and Have not LOVE it profits me nothing”> The Love of GOD in our Hearts with or without Scripture is what counts. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    You are stubbornly confused.
    Abiding in scripture ensures your fellowship with God and His Son.[2Jn9]


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 06 2010,03:51)
    Terraricca………I am the one saying it takes more then Scriptures to make some one right. I think you are confusing what i am saying with what Nick said. Nick is the one who thinks scripture is what counts to make one righteous, Not me. I believe it takes the Spirit of GOD to transform a person in their Heart and Minds, rather you every read a bible or not. Quoting Scriptures only has an appearance of righteousness , much like those who quote the Law an commandments all the time, that is just an outward (appearance) a white washed Sepulchral . Having KNOWLEDGE of SCRIPTURE does (NOT) Make anyone right in their hearts, nor can it ever change a person from inside.

    “Though I have (ALL) knowledge, and Have not LOVE it profits me nothing”> The Love of GOD in our Hearts with or without Scripture is what counts. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    you say;Having KNOWLEDGE of SCRIPTURE does (NOT) Make anyone right in their hearts, nor can it ever change a person from inside.

    you right it is not knowing that stealing is wrong that will stop you from stealing.

    you have to understand the scriptures with your heart,what that means is answering the question do i like righteousness and truth is that me??

    if the answer is no, well you can learn the bible from one cover to the other it would not help you in any way.

    but if you say YES,then every word written in the scriptures become a personal letter from Christ and his father,and because they are the source of righteousness and truth you will bend you heart to receive it and change all your way in according to there will and demands ,and all what you learning from that letter is so powerful that the spirit their of is transforming you to become approved by God.that the grace of God in action to you,and everyone of us.


    Terraricca………….A Simple example of two forms of righteousness. One a person is instructed by His Father and Mother that is is wrong to seal and the child grows up understanding that it is wrong to steal. But the Lust to steal is still in his Heart and even if He does Not steal He still is not right in His Heart. That same with the Law and commandments they can be taught to us and we can full well know them by scripture, but that does not take out the Lust and wrong desires in our Hearts by that knowledge.

    Now if a Persons Heart is (CHANGED) by the LOVE of GOD in HIM , it destroys the LUST in HIM. You begin to look at your Neighbor with sorrowful eyes and have compassion on Him or Her and would not take anything that is his or Hers. Where before you might not take any thing from your neighbor (Because) of fear of GOD or the LAW or the consequences of that action.

    Here is another example………Lust or desire, works like a Spring , It always want to expand to its formed state , it has a built in force, that it has no power over, Law produces Fear and is like a opposite force that pushes the spring down, it can regulate the spring. The laws of GOD were given to regulate that force in us and they were given with Power to cause us to fear to break them, but they could never change that Inherent force working in Us.

    God With his Spirit caused us to CHANGE , it is like he takes away the (inherent force working in us) and replaces it with another Force driven By His Holy SPIRIT of LOVE. We become a NEW CREATION.

    Again i maintain the KNOWLEDGE of SCRIPTURE, Changes nothing, BUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DOES. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 07 2010,03:56)
    Terraricca………….A Simple example of two forms of righteousness.  One a person is instructed by His Father and Mother that is is wrong to seal and the child grows up understanding that it is wrong to steal. But the Lust to steal is still in his Heart and even if He does Not steal He still is not right in His Heart. That same with the Law and commandments they can be taught to us and we can full well know them by scripture, but that does not take out the Lust and wrong desires in our Hearts by that knowledge.

    Now if a Persons Heart is (CHANGED) by the LOVE of GOD in HIM , it destroys the LUST in HIM. You begin to look at your Neighbor with sorrowful eyes and have compassion on Him or Her and would not take anything that is his or Hers. Where before you might not take any thing from your neighbor (Because) of fear of GOD or the LAW or the consequences of that action.

    Here is another example………Lust or desire, works like a Spring , It always want to expand to its formed state , it has a built in force, that it has no power over, Law produces Fear and is like a opposite force that pushes the spring down, it can regulate the spring. The laws of GOD were given to regulate that force in us and they were given with Power to cause us to fear to break them, but they could never change that Inherent force working in Us.

    God With his Spirit caused us to CHANGE , it is like he takes away the (inherent force working in us) and replaces it with another Force driven By His Holy SPIRIT of LOVE. We become a NEW CREATION.

    Again i maintain the KNOWLEDGE of SCRIPTURE, Changes nothing, BUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DOES. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene


    you say;;God With his Spirit caused us to CHANGE , it is like he takes away the (inherent force working in us) and replaces it with another Force driven By His Holy SPIRIT of LOVE. We become a NEW CREATION.

    God cause is his word, and if you do not believe what is written then you are condemn.
    Jn 3:19 This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ May 07 2010,03:56)
    Terraricca………….A Simple example of two forms of righteousness.  One a person is instructed by His Father and Mother that is is wrong to seal and the child grows up understanding that it is wrong to steal. But the Lust to steal is still in his Heart and even if He does Not steal He still is not right in His Heart. That same with the Law and commandments they can be taught to us and we can full well know them by scripture, but that does not take out the Lust and wrong desires in our Hearts by that knowledge.

    Now if a Persons Heart is (CHANGED) by the LOVE of GOD in HIM , it destroys the LUST in HIM. You begin to look at your Neighbor with sorrowful eyes and have compassion on Him or Her and would not take anything that is his or Hers. Where before you might not take any thing from your neighbor (Because) of fear of GOD or the LAW or the consequences of that action.

    Here is another example………Lust or desire, works like a Spring , It always want to expand to its formed state , it has a built in force, that it has no power over, Law produces Fear and is like a opposite force that pushes the spring down, it can regulate the spring. The laws of GOD were given to regulate that force in us and they were given with Power to cause us to fear to break them, but they could never change that Inherent force working in Us.

    God With his Spirit caused us to CHANGE , it is like he takes away the (inherent force working in us) and replaces it with another Force driven By His Holy SPIRIT of LOVE. We become a NEW CREATION.

    Again i maintain the KNOWLEDGE of SCRIPTURE, Changes nothing, BUT THE SPIRIT OF GOD DOES. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours………………..gene

    The gentle breeze forces nothing.
    Those who are LED BY the Spirit are the sons of God.


    Nick……….Who is talking about (Forcing) with regards to the Holy Spirit of GOD? I was showing how the (LAW) Works and it Works by FORCED Compliance , read EX 20:20 for Proof. I was (contrasting) the TWO WAYS of attaining (righteousness). ONE, THE TRUE WAY AND THE OTHER NOT.

    GOD through HIS SPIRIT CREATES (TRUE) righteousness (IN) us> When are you going to take yourself out of the picture and give GOD the GLORY for his work He Performs (IN) US?

    peace and love to you and yours………………………..gene


    Rightousness is not ours but only because of the holy one of God we are clothed in.


    Nick……….I agree with that also, there is only ONE TRUE Righteous ONE and that is GOD the FATHER, But He changes our Hearts and minds to conform to HIS way of thinking. He Indwells us by His HOLY SPIRIT just as he did Jesus. We are (HIS) workmanship, (CREATED) unto GOOD WORKS.

    I want to ask you a question, Do you think that when it says we are (clothed) in Jesus, that excludes Us from Having the Same Spirit of GOD in Us as Jesus has in HIM?. This covering or Clothing you are talking about is our sins being covered by the blood of Christ , but that does not mean we do not have the same HOLY SPIRIT working in our Hearts and minds as Jesus also Has. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………..gene


    God changes nothing unless we submit to being led by the Spirit.
    Be transformed by the renewal of your mind[Rom12]


    Nick……….Do you honestly think GOD is So Weak that He can not effect His WILL on His creation, Tell us this How is it that a man like Paul who Hated Jesus and His teachings and consented to the death of His followers Changed , was it all the sudden He had a change of Heart and became a (WILLING) Participant of GOD”S GRACE. Being Submitted to the will of GOD, is a WORK of GOD in our Hearts and Minds. You continually-try to deal GOD out of OUR Salvation Process and insert yours self as the (controlling factor) of your salvation, Why is that. Are you trying to give yourself the Glory that belongs to GOD the FATHER? Is it so you can have something to (Boast) about, is it so you can say to GOD “Yes you saved me (BECAUSE) i allowed you to” . God saves us despite ourselves , He reaches into the Mud and washes Us clean from the inside out, and He (ALONE) get the GLORY for IT. Step out of the Picture NICK and Let the Spirit have it's (PERFECT) Work. But even that takes GOD'S Spirit to accomplish. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………………..gene


    God is not weak.
    But His strength shows up best in weak vessels.
    The vain and presumptive do not enjoy His fellowship for very long


    Nick…….Your are the best Gandy dancer i think i have ever seen always maintaining your own point of view not matter how much Scriptural proof is presented , it really make no difference it seems. First you present GOD Spirit as weak and only does what we allow it to With us and them you contradict yourself and say God is not weak. It is your vain presumption that will not enjoy His fellowship very long not others as you suppose. Jesus said that the comforter would (NEVER) leaves US. But you say people do not enjoy his fellowship for very long. It appears that you have the Vain and Presumptive understandings to me. not so much others.

    Cast the beam out of your own eye, before endeavoring to cast it out of others would be a good starting point for YOU. IMO

    peace and love……………………….;gene

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