Righteous in gods eyes

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    Terraricca………You have that right Nick does not understand that, he thinks WATER BAPTISM is what save us. He fails to understand that John the Baptize said “I indeed Baptize with WATER , (BUT) he who comes after me will baptize with Spirit and Fire”. Here it shows a difference in the Baptisms One of Spirit and One of Water. Now Notice, when Jesus came to John to be Baptized by Him , John understanding that the Baptism of Christ was what really counted Said to Him (“I HAVE NEED TO BE BAPTIZED BY YOU”).

    Mat 3:13…..> Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be Baptized of Him. 14…> But John forbade him, (SAYING) I have need to be baptized of YOU, and comest to Me? Now notice Jesus' answer 15…> And Jesus answering said unto Him< Suffer it to be so (NOW): because thus it becomes (US) to fulfill (ALL) and righteousness, Then He suffered Him,.

    The (ALL) was the righteousness required by the LAW also. The Law required Physical cleansing and washings through water Baptisms.
    There is only (ONE) Baptism that Now counts and the is the baptism of the Spirit and fire. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………….gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 21 2010,13:45)
    Terraricca………You have that right  Nick does not understand that, he thinks WATER BAPTISM is what save us. He fails to understand that John the Baptize said “I indeed Baptize with WATER , (BUT) he who comes after me will baptize with Spirit and Fire”. Here it shows a difference in the Baptisms One of Spirit and One of Water.  Now Notice, when Jesus came to John to be Baptized by Him , John understanding that the Baptism of Christ was what really counted Said to Him (“I HAVE NEED TO BE BAPTIZED BY YOU”).

    Mat 3:13…..> Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be Baptized of Him. 14…> But John forbade him, (SAYING) I have need to be baptized of YOU, and comest to Me? Now notice Jesus' answer 15…> And Jesus answering said unto Him< Suffer it to be so (NOW): because thus it becomes (US) to fulfill  (ALL) and righteousness, Then He suffered Him,.

    The (ALL) was the righteousness required by the LAW also.  The Law required Physical cleansing and washings through water Baptisms.
    There is only (ONE) Baptism that Now counts and the is the baptism of the Spirit and fire. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours…………….gene


    yes you right ,the spirit of Christ in us will show the truth of our baptism in Christ,the way we walk in that spirit will show all the angels and God who we are in deed.

    water baptism is for religion to protect there proselytes.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 20 2010,16:20)

    I read the rest of your post and it seems to me you fail to understand that fearing God and loving him are part and parcel of serving the Lord.  Perhaps if you mediate on Deuteronomy 6 and ask God to grant you understanding it will make you more knowledgeable.

    Kerwin………I have not recieved a Spirit of Fear but of Love and Power and of a sound Mind.

    1Ti 1:5….> Now the end of the commandment is charity our of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned: from which some having swerved have turned aside unto vain jangling; Verse 7…> Desiring to be teachers of the LAW; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm. 8…> But we know that the law is good, (IF) a man use it (LAWFULLY) ; Knowing this , that the law is (NOT) made for a righteous man, but for the (LAWLESS AND DISOBEDIENT, for THE UNGODLY AND FOR SINNERS, FOR UNGODLY AND PROFANE, FOR MURDERERS OF FATHERS, and MURDERS OF MOTHERS, FOR MAN-SLAYERS, FOR WHORE-MONGERS, FOR MEN-STEALER'S, FOR LIARS, FOR PERJURED PERSONS, AND IF THERE BE ANY OTHER THING THAT IS CONTRARY TO SOUND DOCTRINE.

    2 Ti 1:7 ….> For God hath not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power , and of love. and of a sound mine.

    Think about this Kerwin

    peace and love to you and your……………..gene


    2 Ti 1:7 ….> For God hath not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power , and of love. and of a sound mine.

    Hey Gene,

    I take this passage for what we live everyday in this world. Do not fear man, what harm can he do, love one another, knowing truth when it is spoken.

    I do not apply this to the Divine, do you and if so why?

    Thanks Gene.


    Kerwin………I have not recieved a Spirit of Fear but of Love and Power and of a sound Mind.

    If you do not fear God then you do not have the spirit of righteousness according to scripture.  That is your choice, choose one.

    Psalms 59:19(KJV) reads:


    God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.


    Proverbs 2:2-5(KJV) reads:


    So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;

    Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;

    If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

    Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.


    2 Corinthians 5:11(KJV) reads:


    Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

    You either choose to believe what God states or not.  That is also your choice though the two choices are intertwined.

    “Do not fear what they fear, fear God.”


    Quote (kerwin @ April 21 2010,14:39)
    Kerwin………I have not recieved a Spirit of Fear but of Love and Power and of a sound Mind.

    If you do not fear God then you do not have the spirit of righteousness according to scripture.  That is your choice, choose one.

    Psalms 59:19(KJV) reads:


    God shall hear, and afflict them, even he that abideth of old. Selah. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.


    Proverbs 2:2-5(KJV) reads:


    So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;

    Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice for understanding;

    If thou seekest her as silver, and searchest for her as for hid treasures;

    Then shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God.


    2 Corinthians 5:11(KJV) reads:


    Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.

    You either choose to believe what God states or not.  That is also your choice though the two choices are intertwined.

    “Do not fear what they fear, fear God.”


    we fear God only wen we facing obstacles,or we need is wisdom,we want to keep his love.
    but we do not live in fear,the ones who lives by the spirit do not fear God but live in the love of the father,

    if we do not live in truth of the spirit our faith is vain and dead
    then we should live in fear of the wrath of God.


    Outside of the way God will give mercy to some as Mt25 shows.
    But those who refuse the message of salvation in Jesus are taking great risks.

    You must be born again.


    Hi T,
    1Peter 3 adds to the meaning of water baptism.
    It is a plea from a repentant heart for the washing of the inside of the cup by the blood of Jesus.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 21 2010,15:38)
    Hi T,
    1Peter 3 adds to the meaning of water baptism.
    It is a plea from a repentant heart for the washing of the inside of the cup by the blood of Jesus.


    Peter just confirm what i say,Noah was save by the water,we are saved by the spirit of Christ,this is greater,

    1Pe 3:20 who disobeyed long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water,
    1Pe 3:21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
    1Pe 3:22 who has gone into heaven and is at God’s right hand—with angels, authorities and powers in submission to him.

    Living for God

    1Pe 4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin.
    1Pe 4:2 As a result, he does not live the rest of his earthly life for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

    doing the will of God is walking in truth and the spirit of Christ.

    pay attention to verse 21


    Hi T,
    Sort of magic?
    Do it yourself stuff?
    You cannot be saved by Jesus without coming to him


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ April 21 2010,15:49)
    Hi T,
    Sort of magic?
    Do it yourself stuff?
    You cannot be saved by Jesus without coming to him


    you are telling me that i have not received Christ ?

    and this on the assumed knowledge that i am not water baptise,
    and your arguments are only made up by opinion,and my understanding in scriptures should a the leased show you my spirit .
    even there you fail,



    To fear God is to know that what God commands is good and to disobey him is to invite disaster. The person who fears God's wrath but continues to intentionally sin cannot trully claim to fear God as they behave just like the demons.

    When you advocate not to fear God you are doing just as the serpent did when he told Eve she would not die if she ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 21 2010,16:16)

    To fear God is to know that what God commands is good and to disobey him is to invite disaster.  The person who fears God's wrath but continues to intentionally sin cannot trully claim to fear God as they behave just like the demons.

    When you advocate not to fear God you are doing just as the serpent did when he told Eve she would not die if she ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

    why do you say that look what James says;Jas 2:19 You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder

    i am in all i do recognizing my God and Christ his son,with the spirit of Christ i walk, why should i fear my father,i love him beyond my own live, my conscience can testify to that
    and now you say because i live in my father s love you say that i am walking the way of Satan??

    Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the whole duty of man.

    fear means respect his authority, and that my friend i do with all my heart.


    Kerwin……….Wrong again the demons it says fear and tremble , do you also fear and tremble. So have your recieved a Spirit of FEAR and Trembling if so then what i Quoted out of  2Ti 1:7 seems not to apply to your seeing you have such great fear of God. Why have you not addressed the scriptures I quoted are they not also in you bible.

    Here is another one for you to try to twist, ” Nothing is perfected (IN) fear for fear has torment”, and LOVE (CAST OUT) Fear , has the love of God cast out your fears yet.  Comparing Carnal minds to Spiritual mind has its difficulties. God used (FEAR) that works through the LAW, to control the ungodly and all the rest quoted in Titus. Why do you just continue to ignore those scriptures as if they don't exist?

    Another thing is that the word your using for Fear is not the same word we used it for, In fact the word means to respect or reverence of GOD , not Fear as in the English sense of the word. There is a big difference in the meanings. Check it out.

    You cant leave out scriptures to support you dogmas , if a man or women is moved out of fear of God to do what is right he or she is (NOT) being made right in their Hearts they are simply being controlled through the operation of FEAR. It is the love from GOD shed around our hearts by His HOLY SPIRIT that  fulfill all the law and commandments, there is no (FEAR) In LOVE.  

    Kerwin……The difference  between Eve and Me is I have GOD HOLY SPIRIT in me so I can not be decieved as She was. Comparing the carnal mind with the Spiritual mind may be you problem because you seem to not understand the difference so you hang on to the Law as a way to become righteous and because of that i would count you as being (UNDER THE WORKS OF LAW), because FEAR is you main motive of OBEDIENCE, it seems,  not the LOVE of GOD (IN) you.  We walk in the way of GOD because of His love being shed around in our hearts ,it causes us to,  and that has nothing to do with fear. We are being (CREATED) unto good works.

    “BUT THE FEARFUL AND UNBELIEVING WILL HAVE THEIR PART ON THE LAKE OF FIRE”, we are told. Remember we are told to be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect, and we are also told (NOTHING) is PERFECTED (IN) FEAR. Think about it.

    peace and love ………………….gene



    I am not sure that you understand me correctly as I did not explicitly state what I meant. If one is in fear of punishment and yet does not change their ways then they do not truly fear God. The fear of God leads you to either change your ways and do what is right or not to sin. I suppose that you can also call that respect as your fear is based on your belief God is just.


    Quote (kerwin @ April 21 2010,17:13)

    I am not sure that you understand me correctly as I did not explicitly state what I meant.  If one is in fear of punishment and yet does not change their ways then they do not truly fear God.  The fear of God leads you to either change your ways and do what is right or not to sin.  I suppose that you can also call that respect as your fear is based on your belief God is just.


    do you think i walk in ignorance of my God will ?

    i know him to the core of my bones, God is love and if you love him with a true heart you can feel his love


    Quote (princess of the king @ April 21 2010,14:34)

    2 Ti 1:7 ….> For God hath not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power , and of love. and of a sound mine.

    Hey Gene,

    I take this passage for what we live everyday in this world. Do not fear man, what harm can he do, love one another,  knowing truth when it is spoken.

    I do not apply this to the Divine, do you and if so why?

    Thanks Gene.

    Princes of the King………Yes is do because it is the SPIRIT(intellect) WE have RECEIVED . And others scripture say plainly Nothing is perfected in FEAR because FEAR has TORMENT. We are told to LOVE GOD with all our hearts . And it plainly say LOVE casts out fear. Fear and LOVE do Not cohabit in the same place. I Love GOD because he has been so kind and merciful to me in my life and , He has blessed the works of my hands and at times has disciplined me severely for my sins and mistakes, At times but he has never failed to recieve me and have mercy on me and my Childern. I seek him every day in LOVE and Gratitude , i do not dread or FEAR HIM, but i seek his help and mercy and guidance in my times of Need.

    Potk………Make a study on the Word FEAR used it should be rendered Respect and reverence, not FEAR in the sense of our English language.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ April 21 2010,17:37)

    Quote (princess of the king @ April 21 2010,14:34)

    2 Ti 1:7 ….> For God hath not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power , and of love. and of a sound mine.

    Hey Gene,

    I take this passage for what we live everyday in this world. Do not fear man, what harm can he do, love one another,  knowing truth when it is spoken.

    I do not apply this to the Divine, do you and if so why?

    Thanks Gene.

    Princes of the King………Yes is do because it is the SPIRIT(intellect) WE have RECEIVED  . And others scripture say plainly Nothing is perfected in FEAR because FEAR has TORMENT. We are told to LOVE GOD with all our hearts . And it plainly say LOVE casts out fear.  Fear and LOVE do Not cohabit in the same place. I Love GOD because he has been so kind and merciful to me in my life and , He has blessed the works of my hands and at times has disciplined me severely for my sins and mistakes, At times but he has never failed to recieve me and have mercy on me and my Childern. I seek him every day in LOVE and Gratitude , i do not dread or FEAR HIM, but i seek his help and mercy and guidance in my times of Need.

    Potk………Make a study on the Word FEAR used it should be rendered Respect and reverence, not FEAR in the sense of our English language.

    peace and love to you and yours…………………gene


    i still do not like that word, INTELLECT=spirit, because it is not.


    Gene Balthop wrote:


    Why have you not addressed the scriptures I quoted are they not also in you bible.

    I did address them but you failed to understand.

    I paraphrased an idea that is written in Isaiah 8:12-13. I was imitating Peter in 1 Peter 3:14-15.

    Isaiah 8:12-13(KJV) reads:


    Say ye not, A confederacy, to all them to whom this people shall say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor be afraid.

    Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.

    When you choose to throw all kinds of fears into the same category it shows you do not understand what “fear of God” means. It also shows you do not believe that God’s commands are good for you. I state the later as those who believe the Lord’s commands are good also believe that disobeying them is ill and thus fear to do so just like a person is afraid of falling from a height of 1000 feet.

    As you seem slow on the uptake I will once more point out that there are fears that come from the nature of the beast and there is the fear of God which comes from the spirit of righteousness. In order to love one must fear to hate for to do so it to love God.


    Quote (terraricca @ April 21 2010,12:20)

    Quote (kerwin @ April 21 2010,17:13)

    I am not sure that you understand me correctly as I did not explicitly state what I meant.  If one is in fear of punishment and yet does not change their ways then they do not truly fear God.  The fear of God leads you to either change your ways and do what is right or not to sin.  I suppose that you can also call that respect as your fear is based on your belief God is just.


    do you think i walk in ignorance of my God will ?

    i know him to the core of my bones, God is love and if you love him with a true heart you can feel his love

    Most likely to some extent you do walk in ignorance of the Lord and so need further training.  That is easy to assertain if you yet sin for that is proof of some ignorance.   It is for this reason that the Holy Spirit is teaching us until we are fully mature in the Anointed One.

    As for whether you seek God and his righteousness I leave that up to you to decide.  The only thing I hope to do is to remove obstacles and point out the road signs.  I hope you strive to do the same.

    I also realize that the evil one will try to trick us and lead us astray and thus we need to be on our guard and beg God to guide us true.

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