Revelation 17:9-11 explained

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    Berean……No scripture say anything about any “prophetic days” , that’s called forcing the text to say what it does not actually say.  Please show where any text says any “prophetic days equal prophetic years” unless the prophecy clearly says that,  it is an assumption on your part or the person your quoting.  

    42 months equals 3 1/2 years and that fits the prophesy OF REV 17 exactly. AND further more,  that all takes place at the end of the Sixth kingdom of Jesus Christ and the Saint’s,  just pryor to the return of God the Father to this earth.

    Problem is we have loads of false prophets who add their own spin and interpretations on all those scriptures. But without understanding    REV 17 as it fits with DANIEL 2:41-45,  YOU WILL NEVER GET IT RIGHT.  NO MATTER HOW MANY OF THESE FALSE PROPHETS YOU LISTEN TO. IMO. 

    Peace and love to you and yours. …….gene

    Ed J

    Berean……No scripture say anything about any “prophetic days” , that’s called forcing the text to say what it does not actually say.

    Quit speaking out of ignorance Gene.

    “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” (2 Cor 13:1)

    Prophecy is: “a day for a year”
    Ezekiel 4:6 Numbers 14:34



    REVELATION  13.3

    And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.



    Catholic Source

    On February 15, 1798, General Cervoni, sent by Berthier, presented His Holiness Pope Pius VI with the order of the Directory
    notifying him of his dismissal and enjoining him to leave Rome, where the republic was proclaimed.

    On February 10, 1798, a corps of 15,000 men under the command of General Louis-Alexandre Berthier marched on Rome. Pius VI, who was unable to repel the invasion, capitulated. New overwhelming conditions were imposed on the Holy See.
    French troops entered the city on February 11.
    It was the first time since the memorable sack of 1527 by the troops of Emperor Charles V (see > here) that the Eternal City was invaded.
    On February 15, 1798, the Republic was proclaimed in Rome and a “tree of liberty” was planted on the Capitol, topped with the red cap. The Pope, whose election anniversary ceremonies were celebrated on that day, was declared fallen and “invited” to leave. It was General Cervoni, sent by Berthier, who had been entrusted with this mission.
    On 16 February, French troops bivouacked in St Peter’s Square and took control of all the exits from the Vatican. They even went so far as to hoist the tricolour flag over the apostolic palaces.
    Berthier instituted a provisional government composed of seven consuls at the head of which he placed an apostate priest named Bassal, former parish priest of Versailles.
    From then on, the French military multiplied the vexations against the Supreme Pontiff, whose departure was prepared by gradually spreading the rumour that he would do so of his own free will and even the rumour that the Pope had resolved to abandon the ecclesiastical state!

    Finally, on Tuesday, February 20, 1798, which was the eve of Ash Wednesday, about three hours before dawn, a French military detachment entered the main courtyard of the palace. Abbé Baldassari, a witness to these events, recounts: “Two French officers, heads of battalions, gathered the other officers who were on guard at the Vatican, and together they went to His Holiness’s apartment; they expressed a great desire that the departure be hastened, which however had been set for two hours before the dawn. Pius VI could have complied with their requests; he was ready before they came to bother him, but it was impossible to leave before the post horses arrived. This reason, decisive as it was, could not satisfy the French officers; they were carried away in blasphemy, and their anger only subsided when they were warned that everything was ready for departure. The Holy Father, dressed in the white simar, had already heard Mass, kneeling in his private chapel, with that piety which had always been admired in him. Leaving the oratory, he took the red cloak and papal hat; then, holding in one hand the cane which he used to use on his walks in the country, and leaning with the other on the arm of his chamber master, he advanced towards his travel car. His face breathed a quiet courage. Those of his house who were in the Vatican accompanied him in silence and consternation; I followed him too (…). When the Holy Father got into the car intended for him, Archbishop Caracciolo and the doctor and secret cameraman of Rossi, both in prelate vestments, stood in front of His Holiness; at the same time the other people in the suite got into the other cars, and they were only waiting for the moment to set off, when the two battalion leaders, who had constantly had their eye on His Holiness, asked for the car which they intended to use themselves. As it was not known that these two Frenchmen had been chosen to lead the journey, no one answered. Seeing that they were being kept silent and that no car was being brought to them, they began to shout and storm. The butler tried to calm them down and gently told them: that as many carriages as were needed for the Holy Father’s retinue had been prepared with the knowledge and approval of the Roman government and the French military authority; that the number of horses granted by the government and necessary for the journey had been brought from the post office; that as far as they were concerned, it seemed quite natural that others other than the Pope and his servants should have thought of providing them with carriages. The two officers responded to such polite and reasonable words only with angry gestures and words; they wanted to be given at once a carriage in the palace shed, and they had the horses uncoupled from one of the carriages in His Holiness’ suite and put them to their use. This was a new expense for the Pope; and the people of his retinue, who occupied the carriage from which the horses were taken, were obliged to suspend their departure until they were allowed to have others, a permission which was delayed for more than half a day. When the two French officers finally ordered to leave, a new incident occurred which caused some disturbance to the Holy Father. The French dragons that made up the escort, instead of being ready to march, curious, no doubt, to see the Pope, gathered around His Holiness’ carriage. At the same time confused shouts were heard from all sides. Pius VI bore witness to the anxiety, and he turned his eyes to one side and the other to see where the clamour was coming from. It was the two commissioners, and then all the officers, who broke out in reproaches and threats against the soldiers, whose disorder and indiscipline thus delayed their departure. The shouting finally ceased, and the Pope’s carriage advanced, preceded and followed by a strong detachment of dragons. On February 20, 1798, about an hour before daylight, Pius VI abandoned the Vatican Palace and the city of Rome for ever” (“History of the Abduction and Captivity of Pius VI” by Father Baldassari).


    Problem is we have loads of false prophets who add their own spin and interpretations on all those scriptures.

    The spin that I see is coming from you Gene. Others here are looking at how theories fit into the biblical time line and are posting indepth detail on that. All your doing is posting a simple hunch that you have which by the way has more holes in it than a sieve.



    Berean……No scripture say anything about any “prophetic days” , that’s called forcing the text to say what it does not actually say.
    Quit speaking out of ignorance Gene.

    “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” (2 Cor 13:1)

    Prophecy is: “a day for a year”
    Ezekiel 4:6 Numbers 14:34


    Well said Tdj


    Thank to the Lord God



    It is not finished….


    Many  work to do



    Berean. ….Numbers 14:34….. After the number of time in which you searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall you bear your iniquites, even  forty years, and you shall know my breach.

    Ezekiel 4:6…..AND when you have accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed you each day for a year.

    So you seem to think that’s the ruling in every scripture right. Well I gess Jesus was in the Grave , and Jonah was in the belly of the whale , three years instead of three days,  and Isaac was eight years old when he was cercumcised, and Abraham was 33.3 months old when Isaac was born , and it rained on the earth forty years and forty nights on the earth. , the chief baker didn’t loss his head in three day , it was three years right? , Moses was in the mountain 40 years instead of forty days  right. 

    BEREAN…..there is proberly a thousand mentions of days  and years  and months mentioned in scriptures and none of them equal each other unless they are expressed in writing for us to know “clearly ”   and defined clearly to us. 

    You as most here just force out text to say what in fact is not saying or even hinted at..

    What I have written is exactly right, it fits the prophesy and the timeline of it being done.

    You people are simple a bunch of false prophets.  Your prophesying things that will cause people to be taken by suprise,  when Jesus actually does return, by looking for thing to happen before his return that are not going to happen, until nearly a thousand years after his return.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ……….gene





    Hi Gene.

    The Bible is a tough book for the carnally minded. God hides his truth from the wicked and the self-appointed wise.

    You will find that history is not really hidden, but prophecy is. For this reason, your examples about times falls flat.

    Seek God first is my advice. When God shows you something, then feel free to share it as we will be interested. We need more than a personal hunch before bring interested in your leaven.

    And throwing a hissy fit and calling us false prophets is the wrong way to behave. No one here is prophesying, but seeking the truth. I am certainly not prophesying anything, but seeking the meaning of some things and your behaviour is not making your view look any better, that is for sure.


    Your prophesying things that will cause people to be taken by suprise,  when Jesus actually does return, by looking for thing to happen before his return that are not going to happen, until nearly a thousand years after his return.

    Then you do not understand. I’m not sure I can help you.



    Hi to all

    What I have been reading in the last few hours i’ll pass it on to you

    God bless


    Abstraction from

    “Understanding Daniel and the Revelation ” of P.G. Temple


    Rome Divided
    Rome, before its division into ten kingdoms, lost that
    iron vigor which it possessed to a superlative degree during
    the first centuries of its career. Luxury, with its accompa-
    nying effeminacy and degeneracy, the destroyer of nations
    as well as of individuals, began to corrode and weaken its
    iron sinews, and thus prepared the way for its disintegration
    into ten kingdoms.
    Iron and Clay
    In this mixture of metal and mud we see a very unnatu-37
    ral situation, the strength of the iron is undermined by the
    brittleness of clay and the fact that they do not even stick
    together makes it even worse. But there is a deeper mean-
    ing in this symbol and we learn much by looking into it.
    Iron is used in the Bible as a symbol of ruling power.
    (see: Psalms 2:9; Revelation 2:27) It stands for Civil or
    State power.
    Clay is used in a figurative way in describing God’s
    people or church.
    Isaiah 64:8; “But now, O LORD, thou art our father; we
    are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of
    thy hand.” (Also see: Jeremiah 18:1-6)
    But here we do not see just clay; we are told it is miry
    or dirty clay. Miry clay denotes filthy or corrupted churches.
    The combination of the iron and miry clay represents
    the mingling of State-craft and Priest-craft which is an
    abomination to God. The feet come into history close to the
    time of the beginning of the Papal supremacy of the 1260
    years where the church ruled the secular governments and
    used them for her own corrupt ends.
    The ten toes are also of this same material and our at-
    tention is called to them by the explicit mention of them
    in the prophecy. The Roman kingdom was finally divided
    into ten parts. However the ten toes of the image do not
    represent the ten divisions of the Roman Empire. We know
    this because in the division of the Roman Empire, three
    kingdoms were removed leaving only seven. This we do
    not see in the ten toes. We will address them later.
    The Ten Toes
    The image of Daniel 2 is exactly parallel with the four
    beasts in the vision of Daniel 7. The fourth beast represents
    the same kingdom as do the iron legs of the image. The ten
    horns of the beast correspond naturally to the ten divisions
    of the Roman Empire. These horns are plainly declared to be
    ten kings (or kingdoms) which should arise, but here we are
    also told that 3 would be uprooted. It is only when we look
    to Revelation 17 that we find further information regarding the final ten toes on the image and what they stand for.
    Daniel and Revelation are actually one prophetic book
    with the first part having been given by Christ to Daniel
    and the second part having been given by Christ to John on
    Patmos. Any attempts to truly understand these prophetic
    books separately will yield poor results. In Revelation 17
    we see a beast with seven heads and ten horns. The seven
    heads correspond with the seven kingdoms of the earth
    and the ten horns here are described: “And the ten horns
    which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no
    kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with
    the beast.” Revelation 17:12
    At the end of time there will be a confederacy of ruling
    powers that will have one mind and will give their power to
    the Beast for a short time. These correspond with the ten toes
    on the image of Daniel 2. They are not ten kingdoms, but
    one kingdom with ten kings. We will learn more of this later.
    In Daniel’s interpretation of the image he uses the words
    “king” and “kingdom” interchangeably meaning the same
    thing. In verse 44 he says that “in the days of these kings
    shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom.” This shows that
    at the time the kingdom of God is set up, there will exist
    this plurality of confederated kings acting as one kingdom
    and giving their power to the Beast.
    The Ten Kingdoms
    This division of the Roman Empire was accomplished
    between AD 351 and 476, a hundred and twenty-five years,
    from about the middle of the fourth century to the last quar-
    ter of the fifth. The map of the Roman Empire during that
    time underwent many sudden and violent changes, and the
    paths of hostile nations charging upon its territory, crossed
    and recrossed each other in a labyrinth of confusion. But all
    historians agree in this, that out of the territory of Western
    Rome, ten separate kingdoms were ultimately established
    as follows: Huns, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Franks, Vandals,
    Suevi, Burgundians, Heruli, Anglo-Saxons, and Lombards.
    The connection between these and some of the modern nations of Europe, is still traceable in the names.

    “And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay,
    they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they
    shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed
    with clay.” Daniel 2:43

    With Rome, fell the last of the world’s universal em-
    pires. No other world kingdom was to succeed it, as it had
    the three which went before it. It was to continue until the
    kingdom of the stone smote it, upon its feet; broke them in
    pieces, and scattered them as the wind does ‘the chaff of the
    summer threshing-floor.’ Yet, through all this time, a portion
    of its strength was to remain. And so the prophet says, ‘And
    as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay,
    so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.’
    Time and again men have dreamed of rearing on these
    dominions one mighty kingdom. Charlemagne tried it;
    Charles V tried it; Louis XIV tried it; Napoleon tried it;
    Hitler tried it; and none of them succeeded. A single verse
    of prophecy was stronger than all their hosts. ‘This shall
    not be,’ says the word of God. ‘This has not been,’ replies
    the book of history.
    But then, another plan remains. If force cannot avail,
    diplomacy and reasons of state may. And so the proph-
    ecy foreshadows this when it says, ‘They shall mingle
    themselves with the seed of men’, i.e., marriages shall be
    formed, in hope thus to consolidate their power, and in the
    end, to unite these divided kingdoms into one. To avert
    future conflicts, benevolent rulers resorted to the expedi-
    ent of intermarriage to ensure peace, until by the opening
    of the twentieth century it was asserted that every ranking
    hereditary ruler of Europe was related to the British royal
    family. And did this device succeed? No! World War I
    showed the futility of these attempts. The prophet answers:
    ‘They shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not
    mixed with clay.’
    Alliances may come, and it may appear that the iron
    and miry clay of the feet and toes of the great image have
    finally fused, but God said, “They shall not cleave one to
    another.” It may seem that old animosities have disappeared,
    but “the Scripture cannot be broken.” John 10:35.
    “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven
    set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the
    kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break
    in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand
    forever. 45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut
    out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces
    the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great
    God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass
    hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation
    thereof sure.” Daniel 2:44-45
    The phrase, “shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom”,
    denotes a process, which God carries out in this time of the
    toes of the image, that takes place just before the Second
    Coming of Jesus. If it referred only to Christ’s coming, it
    would be worded; “In the days of these kings shall Christ re-
    turn and destroy all the nations and rule forever”; but instead
    we see indicated, the development of Christ’s kingdom.
    The coming kingdom! This ought to be the all-absorb-
    ing topic with the present generation. He who enters this
    kingdom shall dwell in it not merely for such a lifetime as
    men live in this present state. He shall not see it degenerate,
    or be overthrown by a succeeding and more powerful king-
    dom. No, he enters it to participate in all its privileges and
    blessings, and to share its glories forever, for this kingdom
    is not to “be left to other people.”
    Are you ready? The terms of heirship are most liberal:
    “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs
    according to the promise.” Galatians 3:29. Are you on terms
    of friendship with Christ, the coming King? Do you love
    His character? Are you choosing to walk humbly in His
    footsteps, and, by His enabling grace, obey His teachings?
    If not, read your fate in the cases of those in the parable, of
    whom it was said, “But those Mine enemies, which would
    not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay
    them before Me.” Luke 19:27.
    There is to be no rival kingdom where you can find an asylum if you remain an enemy to this, for God’s kingdom
    is to occupy all the territory ever possessed by any and all
    of the kingdoms of this world, past or present. It is to fill the
    whole earth. Happy are they to whom the rightful Sovereign,
    the all-conquering King, can say at last, “Come, ye blessed
    of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from
    the foundation of the world.” Matthew 25:34.


    Berean. … scripture say the church is the clay,  that’s another speculation by another false prophet,  in fact Daniel says the clay are those Nations not solidified as one power united.  But powers that act differently and don’t agree with eachother, just as it is in this world now.  Has nothing  to do with any church.  You simply can’t understand Revelations unless you understand  Rev 17 properly.  What I have written is exactly right,  most of what takes place being said takes place after the millennial reign of Jesus Christ and the Saints, right at the end when God the Father returns and destroys the army gather together to attack Jesus and the Saint’s at Jerusalem, and God rains down fire on them and Satan is recaptured and goes into Predition.  That’s the battle of Armageddon.

    It’s all there fore those who have eyes to see.  It all starts by understanding Rev 17, and Daniel 2:41-45.  The right way.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene




    Berean……The Berean searched the scriptures to see if what was being told was true or not, you seem to be getting your understanding from others and not from the scriptures themselves.  Trust God the Father to give you the understanding himself, He can reveal it to you, just as he did me.

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene


    T8…..You don’t understand yourself, so what makes you think you can make me understand? I apsolutely know what I have said about Rev 17 and Daniel 2:41-45 is right.  You on the other hand have no understanding of what it means by “here is the mind that has wisdom” because you are unable to understand that is what “time dates” the prophesy.   So you just proceed to attack me, because it exposes you wrong views of revelations .

    Peace and love to you and yours. ………gene



    Though God may if He wills inspire by his Spirit and enlighten by His Word a man on subjects biblical, nevertheless if we do not take into account the ministries that the Spirit of God directs (apostles, prophets, evangelists, teachers, pastors, and doctors) we’re pretty sure to make personal interpretations and get lost.

    God has His church on earth that He leads… by His Spirit and His Word and even if it is imperfect, He has a plan for take him to his father’s house after having cleansed her of all sin.

    Ephesians 4

    And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ, 4:13 Until we all come to the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to the state of a man made, according to the measure of the perfect stature of Christ, 4:14 That we may no more be children, floating and carried away to every wind of doctrine, by the deceit of men, by their cunning means of seduction, 4:15 But that, professing the truth in love, we may believe in all things in him that is the ruler, Christ. 4:16 From him, and through all the bonds of his assistance, let the whole body, being well co-ordinated and firmly joined together, grow in strength according to the power that befit every part thereof, and edify itself in love.







    To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David. I waited patiently for the LORD; and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the MIRY clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings. ( Psalm 40:1-2 )


    Miry clay is not  something good

    but But rather shows the defilement, the impurity..

    Think about this.




    T8…..You don’t understand yourself,

    Or you don’t understand what I understand about myself.

    Something to think about Gene.


    Berean and Ed J

    I am open minded about the end times, but to me, the things that stand out in history since these prophecies were given are the false / established / Catholic Church and Islam.

    If I had to make a bet right now, the Islamic Empire fits too well into Bible prophecy as the latest head of the beast but doesn’t exist right now because  the beast is in the ‘is not’ stage of the following:

    The beast who once was, and now is not, is an eighth king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction.

    The woman sitting on that beast seems to fit the Catholic Church or perhaps false religion. Arrayed in purple and a whore which is one with other gods as opposed to a virgin which is the bride of Christ and belongs to the one true God.

    Ed J

    Hi T8,

    It’s nice to see that you are open to the ideas of fulfilled prophecy.
    This fact ALONE: points to Muhammad of as false prophet of Revelation.

    The dome of the rock mosque (the abomination of desolation)
    to the kabba (the image of the beast) in Mecca is 666 nautical miles.

    “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:
    for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Rev 13:18)

    The number of miles from the dome of the rock, to the image of the beast, in Mecca, is 666 nautical miles.

    Wisdom dictates number 666 is about THE MAN Muhammad (Rev.13:13 is about his quran), and the last
    (seventh or final) head of the the Leopard Bear Lion beast (of Rev.13:1-2) is the Ottoman Empire.
    The Dragon lost it’s last seventh head (suffering a deadly wound) when the Ottoman Empire fell.
    The eighth, which is Muhammadin islam, heals that wound, but ends in the final destruction…

    …as Jesus our Messiah has clearly said:
    He who lives by the sword dies by the sword!
    And Jeremiah the Prophet also correctly Prophesied…

    “YeHoVaH is the true God, he is the living GOD, and an everlasting king: at his wrath
    the earth shall tremble, and the nations shall not be able to abide his indignation.

    al-Lah go bye bye

    11 Thus shall ye say unto them (islamists), The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth,
    even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens” (Jeremaih 10:10-11)


    The dome of the rock mosque (the abomination of desolation)
    to the kabba (the image of the beast) in Mecca is 666 nautical miles.

    Ed J, this doesn’t really mean anything to me, but the other stuff you said about the 42 months and 1160 days or whatever it was seems significant to me if in deed these dates and times check out.

    What do you think about this as far as 666 is concerned?

    Islamic Mark 666

    Note: From what I understand, the orientation of that mark is usually rotated differently, but is sometimes displayed with this rotation.


    The term “In the name of Allah” in Arabic resembles 666 (χξς) in Greek. It is possible that John actually saw in his vision the mark or name of Allah and it reminded him of the number 666 or he just wrote the symbol down as he saw it and translators wrote it down as 666 as it was the closest thing to the symbol

    This view also could explain a puzzle. While most ancient texts say the number is 666, some say ‘616’ and nobody knows why. So what was it about this part of the text that caused some manuscripts to copy it as 616? What if John saw the Arabic for “In the name of Allah”? That could explain the confusion because he didn’t see a Hebrew number, instead he saw what looked like a number but was actually a name, and also a mark/symbol. “…except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

    Ed J

    Layering, there are many layers to truth

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