Resurrection of the dead?

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    If you have another choice, would love to hear it and why you believe it. Show scripture for your belief.


    Hi Eve,
    Which resurrection- the first[Rev20, Jn5]?


    The resurrection of the Saints. There is only one resurrection of the Saints. IMHO

    But if you would care to expand on why you think there is two, I would love to hear it.


    eveh…….I believe we will be given new (BODIES) of Flesh and BONE (as Jesus Has). It will be an exact copy of our Human bodies, even to the number of hairs on our heads. We will look the same except it will be a body that will self regenerate for ever and cannot die. And Spirit will be added into it and we will become a living SOUL once again. SO if we are to live there must be a resurrection of both body and Spirit which equals a living SOUL. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………..gene


    Quote (eveh @ Sep. 07 2009,16:16)
    The resurrection of the Saints. There is only one resurrection of the Saints. IMHO

    But if you would care to expand on why you think there is two, I would love to hear it.

    Hi Eve,
    Check the thread I brought up.


    Quote (Gene @ Sep. 07 2009,16:20)
    evah…….I believe we will be given new (BODIES) of Flesh and BONE (as Jesus Has). It will be an exact copy of our Human bodies, even to the number of hairs on our heads. We will look the same except it will be a body that will self regenerate for ever and cannot die.  And Spirit will be added into it and we will become a living SOUL once again.  SO if we are to live there must be a resurrection of both body and Spirit which equals a living SOUL. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………..gene

    I believe our spirit goes to be with the Lord when we die, according to scripture. I won't look it up because every one knows, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord”….but we will remain spirit until the day all of our bodies will be resurrected to that body you just described. I do believe we will be flesh and bone, as Jesus was when he returned the first time. At this time, only Jesus is resurrected, the firstborn of many.

    When Jesus returns, both body and spirit will be joined together. We will be resurrected. I am speaking here of the saints only. Not those who will be part of the second resurrection.



    Hi Eve,
    Our spirit[Jas2, Eccl12] or our soul[Heb4]?



    Unfortunately there is much misconception regarding the body and soul, the resurrections, first and second; who will be in the first and who will be in the second, and when will they occur.
    The fact that the bible says, “blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection”, Rev. 20:6, shows there are at least two.
    The first resurrection is for the saints only, those that died for Christ and did not deny him even in the face of death, Ps. 50:5.
    They are also the only once who will be resurrected with a spirit body, a new nature, spirit nature.
    Jesus was resurrected with a spirit body, his true nature was spirit; to think that he was resurrected with a flesh and bone body not only goes against what Paul teaches on the subject, 1 Cor. 15:50, but it shows not understanding the concept of a ransom.
    Paul says, there is a spirit in man, 1 Cor. 2:11, this spirit is our mind, not a soul; our body is a soul, even the bodies of animals are souls. The breath of God did not give Adam a soul, it made him a living soul, Gen. 2:7.
    The bible compares death with sleeping, why? because there is an awakening from this death. The body decays, the mind/spirit is preserved, how? Ecc. 3:21.
    When we die, we are aware of nothing, Ecc. 9:5.
    When we are resurrected, we will have a new flesh and blood body, but it will not be in the same shape that it was in when we died, Job 14:14,15 and 33:25. We will know what we knew before our death, we will have the same attitude, the same likes and dislikes, Eze. 16:53,54; in other words, new body, same spirit/mind.
    The resurrection of the saints will occur for all of them all at once, for the rest of the dead it will happen gradually, 1Cor. 15:22,23; it will happen during the millennium, Christs 1000 year reign.



    eveh………The spirit does return to Him (GOD) who gave it, as scripture says, and scripture also says the dead know nothing , in the day they die (their) thoughts parish, no longer exist. Without a body for Spirit to animate there is no life for us. ONLY GOD can exist outside of a BODY, we can not. Spirit must exist in a body or it is useless. Therefore it says a BODY thou hast prepared for me. The only Spirit that can function out side of a body is GOD HIMSELF> No one else can. There is (NO) SPIRITUAL (BODY), Spirit does not have a body it exist (IN) a body. That is how GOD is (IN) all and THROUGH (ALL)> HE indwells HIS creation. The FATHER was (TRULY) (IN) JESUS by SPIRIT, He considers us temples He can co-exist (IN). Christ (IN) you is the CHRISTOS or ANOINTING IN YOU it is GOD IN YOU. And that is the HOPE of GLORY. The same GOD who was (IN) Jesus by the CHRISTOS or ANOINTING . IMO

    peace and love to you and your eveh……………….gene


    Georg…….Scripture say the rest of the dead live not until the thousand years are (finished). No where does it say they will gradually be raised during the Millennium rule of Jesus and the Saints. IMO

    peace and love to you and Irene……………………gene


    Quote (Gene @ Sep. 08 2009,04:00)
    Georg…….Scripture say the rest of the dead live not until the thousand years are (finished). No where does it say they will gradually be raised during the Millennium  rule of Jesus and the Saints.  IMO

    peace and love to you and Irene……………………gene


    You are right if you understand it correctly.
    You know that after the 1000 years Satan will be loosed out of his prison, and does he not deceive as many as the sand by the sea? Until you pass that final test, you are considered dead.


    Jodi Lee

    Quote (Gene @ Sep. 07 2009,16:20)
    eveh…….I believe we will be given new (BODIES) of Flesh and BONE (as Jesus Has). It will be an exact copy of our Human bodies, even to the number of hairs on our heads. We will look the same except it will be a body that will self regenerate for ever and cannot die.  And Spirit will be added into it and we will become a living SOUL once again.  SO if we are to live there must be a resurrection of both body and Spirit which equals a living SOUL. IMO

    peace and love to you and yours……………………………..gene

    I'm in full agreement with Gene!!


    Hi Jodi,
    So you do not expect to inherit salvation?
    Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom[1Cor15]

    Jodi Lee

    Quote (Cindy @ Sep. 08 2009,03:12)

    Unfortunately there is much misconception regarding the body and soul, the resurrections, first and second; who will be in the first and who will be in the second, and when will they occur.
    The fact that the bible says, “blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection”, Rev. 20:6, shows there are at least two.
    The first resurrection is for the saints only, those that died for Christ and did not deny him even in the face of death, Ps. 50:5.
    They are also the only once who will be resurrected with a spirit body, a new nature, spirit nature.
    Jesus was resurrected with a spirit body, his true nature was spirit; to think that he was resurrected with a flesh and bone body not only goes against what Paul teaches on the subject, 1 Cor. 15:50, but it shows not understanding the concept of a ransom.
    Paul says, there is a spirit in man, 1 Cor. 2:11, this spirit is our mind, not a soul; our body is a soul, even the bodies of animals are souls. The breath of God did not give Adam a soul, it made him a living soul, Gen. 2:7.
    The bible compares death with sleeping, why? because there is an awakening from this death. The body decays, the mind/spirit is preserved, how? Ecc. 3:21.
    When we die, we are aware of nothing, Ecc. 9:5.
    When we are resurrected, we will have a new flesh and blood body, but it will not be in the same shape that it was in when we died, Job 14:14,15 and 33:25. We will know what we knew before our death, we will have the same attitude, the same likes and dislikes, Eze. 16:53,54; in other words, new body, same spirit/mind.
    The resurrection of the saints will occur for all of them all at once, for the rest of the dead it will happen gradually, 1Cor. 15:22,23; it will happen during the millennium, Christs 1000 year reign.


    Hi Georg,

    Jesus's BODY did not see corruption it was changed from a mortal body, to an immortal body, of which was said to be flesh and bone. Jesus even ate and drank with the disciples after his resurrection.

    I believe our human bodies are an awesome creation of our Almighty Father, I don't think He wants to destroy that creation, but give it the glory of eternal life. Before Jesus died he was in every way made like us, tempted by the flesh as we are, but we know of course that he did not sin. This is because he was not carnally minded, serving his flesh, but was spiritually minded and served his Father perfectly. The carnal nature is driven by it's knowledge of death and it's natural instincts of fear within it. Man is at enmity with God because his mind naturally clings to serve the flesh in order to live, instead of looking to God for life. Knowledge of Jesus and belief of eternal life is to strengthen us not to fulfill the desires of the flesh, but walk in the ways of God. This is to be spiritually minded.

    Now when Jesus was raised from the dead and received an immortal body, the carnal nature that tempted Jesus was REMOVED. The fear of death and the instincts to survive and thus serve the flesh was destroyed through the eternal life. This is how Jesus, IN both BODY and MIND, is a spiritual being.  There is no force that is trying to pull him away from the Spirit of YHWH.

    That is my understanding anyway!


    Jodi Lee

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 08 2009,18:20)
    Hi Jodi,
    So you do not expect to inherit salvation?
    Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom[1Cor15]

    Hi Nick,

    As I said, Jesus was raised FLESH and BONE, and I believe I will be raised as he was. Whether he had blood is in question.

    As for the scripture you speak of Nick, in 1 Corinthians 15, it is the Spirit of YHWH that causes us to inherit the kingdom is it not?

    Our flesh and blood profit us nothing.


    Hi Jodi,
    1Cor 15 shows we will no longer be in the old perishable garb but a new imperishable one like to the man from heaven.
    We will be like to the angels.


    Nick……….What makes you think the angles don't have bodies Jesus certainly did. Remember they thought they had seen a Spirit, when he appeared to them , but what did he say a (SPIRIT) does (NOT) have FLESH and BONE as you see i HAVE. Notice he did not say flesh and blood, why because, because flesh and blood that combination can not enter the kingdom of GOD, but it does not say flesh and bone can't enter it. Spirit is what is (IN) a body making it spiritual minded. That combination is a living SOUL. Jodi has it right. IMO

    peace and love …………………………gene


    Hi Eve:

    My understanding is that when our body dies as born again believers, our spirit goes to God and our soul is asleep until Jesus comes for the church. At that time the dead in Christ, will be raised up from the sleep in a spiritual body by the Holy Spirit, and those who are in Christ and alive at his coming for the church will changed to receive a spiritual body and these will meet the Lord in the air to be with him forever.

    The spirit that goes to God at our death are the works that we have done in obedience to God.

    Love in Christ,


    Hey, you guys. This was my very first first poll ever, and no one voted. :p See if I give all of y'all another one. Bless your hearts though for replying.


    eveh………I voted but i wished you would have said we will be given new Heavenely bodies and spirit added back into them. Then we become a living SOUL again. IMO

    peace and love……………………………….gene

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