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  • #807618

    Hi ED,

    The Spirit is one and Holy

    be it of the Father or the Son

    Hi Nick.

    Perhaps you need to apologise to Lightenup now that you are on the same page has her as to the Spirit being both the Father and the Son.

    The only area you appear to disagree with her is that she thinks Jesus is God because he is the Holy Spirit.

    So you must hold that the Holy Spirit is not God.

    Perhaps you can work it out with her over this one point to come to unity. After all, you need all the help you can get if you want people to believe your doctrine.

    You have clearly changed your mind here as you use to believe that the Spirit of God was God’s own spirit. You use to rebuke/correct people for opposing that view and now that you have a different view, you still rebuke and oppose in the same manner. How can we trust your judgement if your beliefs are different, but your behavior the same?



    The debate between Jews and Christians is whether Psalms 2:7 is speaking of Jesus or King David. You have chosen another debate that is a new thing with no history to it that I know. You figure you can win your argument by 1) ignoring any evidence to the contrary and 2) continue to insist you are right without any supporting evidence. It is one of the behaviors that is common and seems more common on this and other boards.

    There is one Spirit in the unity of the Spirit and that Spirit is the Spirit of God. He gave one Spirit the human Jesus and Jesus who is God’s Anointed has been giving it to believers. There is no other Spirit by which anyone is united with God.

    As for Jesus in regards to his body that was conceived with Mary of the Holly Ghost, it descends from King David. That and the three part soul (heart, mind, and spirit) became a living soul.

    If I drew a diagram then you would see as the Spirit of God is given to Jesus and then that become the Spirit of Jesus because he not only walks according to it but it comes to believers from him and so is “of” him. It is not of God because Jesus is the intermediator even though God is the source.


    Hi T8,

    Yes the face value natural understanding satisfies many.

    But their Jesus is not a man we can follow.


    Hi t8,

    You say Jesus existed in the form of God.

    But scripture says Christ Jesus.

    Who is right?



    But I can tell you that he had glory with the Father before the cosmos. To me, this lines up with the Word that was with God that became flesh.

    Don’t you believe that he was there with God when he had glory with his Father as it does not follow that I am am at my neighbor when I have a gift with them.

    What I teach is that he existed in the form of God,

    Don’t you believe both Adam and Eve were created in the form of God as the form and image are synonyms?


    Hi ED,

    Heb 5.5

    So also Christ glorified not himself to be made a high priest but he that said unto him

    ”Thou art my son;’today have I begotten thee

    This speaks of the anointed one Jesus Christ not the Spirit.



    From the Lyrics of Pet Politics by the Silver Jews

    Adam was not the first man
    ‘Though the Bible tells us so
    There was one created before him
    Whose name we do not know

    He also lived in the garden
    But he had no mouth or eyes
    One day Adam came to kill him
    And he died beneath these skies

    These words are true but can you see why?


    Hi t8,

    Indeed the Word that was with God became flesh

    in the godfearing man Jesus of Nazareth


    Hi t8,

    The Holy Spirit is not God??

    God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself

    God is at work in you to will and to do.


    Do you not believe in the amazing spirit of God that turned Jesus and the apostles into men with godly powers?


    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Q1. Is the “HolySpirit” God?
    A1. Nick says “Yes”

    Q2. Is “the spirit of Christ” God?
    A2. Nick ???

    What is your answer to question #2 Nick?

    Ed J

    Hi ED,

    Heb 5.5

    So also Christ glorified not himself to be made a high priest but he that said unto him

    ”Thou art my son;’today have I begotten thee

    This speaks of the anointed one Jesus Christ not the Spirit.

    Hi Nick,

    Exactly. And you should also notice that “Christ” is the specific word mentioned.
    Which matches up exactly with Luke 2:11 where the Angel announces the birth of “Christ”
    These verses suggest that “the spirit of Christ” was birthed as Jesus, not baptized into him.

    That is the distinction I want you see.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    In John 14:23 you realize that the “WE”
    is “the spirit’s of two entities”, which are:

    1. The Spirit of God
    2. The spirit of Christ

    But in Romans 8:9 where they are both specifically mentioned,
    you lose the ability to distinguish this same distinction.

    Why is that?


    Hi Ed,

    Are possible implications good enough for you?

    Why do you think Rom 8 is a problem?


    Hi Ed,

    Why do you imagine any division between the Spirit of the Father and the Son?

    The Spirit is one.


    Hi Ed,

    You still struggle with prophecy.

    Why is this?



    Nick’s words are correct that your words teach of a division between the Spirit of God and the the Spirit of Christ. They are the same Spirit.

    In John 14:23 we find both Jesus and God united with a believers through the one Spirit. It is the unity of Spirit taught in Ephesians.

    Ephesians 4:3-6Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    3 endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

    Ephesians 2:22Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    22 in whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.

    It is God dwells in believers through the Spirit not his Spirit. Since God is all present already so it is in reference to Jesus who claims that his words and actions are those of God. If you walk according to the not only will God be doing his good works but so will Jesus Christ because he is the human mediator between God and humanity.

    Danny Dabbs

    Hi Kerwin!

    The scriptures are clear. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.



    Hi t8,

    The Holy Spirit is not God??

    Again, you misunderstand. It is not me that teaches this. I am talking about you Nick. Let’s look at the points you believe in so we can see the contradiction.

    • You believe that both the Father and the Son are the Holy Spirit.
    • You believe that the Father is God.
    • You believe that Jesus Christ is NOT God.
    • So you believe that Jesus Christ is not God, but is the Holy Spirit who is God.

    Can you explain this contradiction or is it a mystery that we should accept?

    Perhaps you do not believe one of the points above in which case the contradiction might go away?


    Don’t you believe both Adam and Eve were created in the form of God as the form and image are synonyms?

    The verse in question is talking about nature/form of God.

    So no, I do not believe that God is in the form of man or man in the form of God.

    God’s form is spirit. He has divine nature.

    • Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage;
    • who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped,
    • Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

    We were created in the image of God kerwin. So did you exist in the form of God, empty yourself, and come in the flesh?

    In fact we can partake of divine nature, so it is not too hard to accept that the Word that was with God was divine before the Word became flesh?

    Philippians 2:5-8
    5 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. 8 Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.


    Hi T8,

    Surely you understand that being a vessel for the Spirit of God does not make Jesus Christ, the prophets or any other Christian God.

    Your accusations are groundless and foolish.

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