
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #806372

    Hi Ed,

    Jesus was a man with a human spirit.

    Do you agree?

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Did Jesus death redeem mankind?


    Hi Ed,

    The matter is made plain by the lineages shown by Matthew and Luke and Romans 1

    Scripture is spiritual and does not argue with itself.

    Align the scriptures


    Hi Ed,

    Many are called but few are chosen.

    God has made it possible to escape His wrath.


    Edj……Let me try to make sense outof this for you, now read carefully…….the spirit of Christ (the anointing spirit of God) was in the flesh and blood man Jesus. So when it says let this “mind” be in you that was in the “CHRIST” ( the anointed man) JESUS our lord. THAT IS “simply” SAYING, LET THAT SAME “MIND” BE IN YOU, by the SAME SPIRIT ANOINTING JESUS HAD IN HIM.

    Thatanointing spirit, is the spirit of the LIVING GOD, who was in the man JESUS, by the anointing of God, which The man Jesus recieved when he was baptized at the Jordan river by JOHN THE BAPTIST.

    “NOW IF THE SPIRIT THAT RAISED the “man” Jesus from the grave dwell in you, “IT” SHALL “ALSO” QUICKEN, (bring back to life), YOUR “MORTAL” (dead) “Body”.

    Just that simple EDJ.

    peace and love to you and yours. ………..gene


    Nick…..NO WORD ever came to “BE” FLESH, the words of God came to be “IN” THE MAN JESUS, through the ANOINTING. But that never made JESUS himself the word of God, but a man God spoke through, just as he did in the prophets. Jesus said the words he was telling us was spirit, and those WORDS WERE NOT “HIS” words, but God the Fathers words. God and his WORDS ARE SPIRIT, and no spirit is FLESH, the word of God never actuall became flesh, it came to be “IN” FLESH, the flesh man Jesus.

    Why are you trying to make Jesus’ flesh appear, as God’s words? Out ofone side ofyoumouthyousay the flesh is nothing, then you say JESUS was God the Father words.

    peace and love to you and yours. ……..gene

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Out of “Bethlehem” shall he come forth whose goings forth have been from everlasting.
    Did “the spirit of Christ” come forth “from everlasting to Bethlehem” or Jesus?
    Choice #1 is the only choice harmonious with what the verse actually says.

    You only have three choices:

    1. The spirit of Christ
    2. Jesus
    3. The verse is wrong

    Choice #4
    You are of course free to make presumptions, and then
    attempt to twist the verse to match your presumptions.
    But aren’t you the one that says we shouldn’t do that?

    Would that not make you a hypocrite
    if you do not follow your own advice?

    I say “Yes”

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Where does “the spirit of Christ” come forth from eternity to?

    1. From Bethlehem as Micah 5:2 says?
    2. From Jordan as you proclaim?

    Sorry Nick but your presumption does not align with Scripture.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    T8 is right – in that your belief is similar to LU’s.
    The both of you seem to believe in a ‘two in one combo’
    She calls the combo “God” / but you call the combo “Spirit”
    It would be interesting to hear the two of you’s discussing this.

    God bless
    Ed J

    Ed J

    Scripture is spiritual and does not argue with itself.

    Hi Nick,

    I know, but that doesn’t stop you (or others) from arguing against what it says.

    Ed J

    Hi Nick,

    Did Jesus death redeem mankind?

    God has made it possible to escape His wrath.

    Hi Nick,

    Is that a “Yes”?


    Hi Ed,

    Mankind in general. No.

    But all are invited.


    Hi Ed,

    Your attempt to make scripture March to you carnal tunes

    and wisdom fit in your worldly boxes robs you of the beauty of spiritual understanding.


    Hi Ed,

    from the beginning.

    In the beginning the word was with God,


    Hi Ed,

    Do you not have both the Father and the Son?

    2 Jn 9

    Abide in the teachings and you I’ll


    Hi Ed,

    Do you not have fellowship with the Father and the Son?


    believe in the word of God.


    Hi Ed,

    Do you want them to come to you?

    jn 14

    Love the Lord and keep his Word.


    Hi GB,

    So the word did not become flesh.

    Again you are on your own.


    Nick…..Ask yourself a simple question ok, have you ever seen a “FLESH WORD”,YES OR NO ? You say the flesh prophets nothing, so why would a flesh word if it were possible, profit anything ? You talk out of both sides of your mouth, on the one hand you say the flesh profits nothing, then say the word of God became flesh. So that is the same as saying the word of God prophets nothing, Can’t you see that is a OXYMORON, you SIMPLY CAN’T have it both ways.

    Look the word of God is profitable in all thing, you know that and so do i , and Jesus said, the words he was telling us were not his words but the words of him who sent him and he said over and over the Father was “IN ” him doing the works, and we know GOD is SPIRIT, So put it together man!, God and his word are one and the samething and was “IN” THE FLESH MAN JESUS, So when it says the word became flesh, it has to mean, the word came to be “IN” FLESH, the flesh man Jesus. But the word never actually “itself” became flesh, because the word is spirit, and must be spiritually discerned.

    Why can’t you understand that NICK. You would have us believe you are lead by the Spirit of God, but can’t even understand this simple truth?

    peace and love to you and yours. ……gene


    Hi GB,

    The Spirit in him obeyed and served God.

    God does not serve Himself.

    The Spirit of the Son.

    Now the Lord is the Spirit.

    But God too was in him reconciling the world to Himself.

    The Spirit of truth.


    We will come to you

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