
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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    Nick has previous shared his understanding about Col;1;15-21 and it is a good enough understanding according to certain Jews of that era. Since you choose to reject their point of view you will be judged on that. I see no reason to go over it again.

    May you have a peaceful night and wake up wiser than you go to sleep.




    Nick has previous shared his understanding about Col;1;15-21 and it is a good enough understanding according to certain Jews of that era. Since you choose to reject their point of view you will be judged on that. I see no reason to go over it again.

    May you have a peaceful night and wake up wiser than you go to sleep.


    you and nick like to give interpretation to all the scriptures and by doing so you annul the message that God’s people had to communicate to us all ,

    you seem to put more confidence in the jews and men than in the message ;now Paul says that Jesus was God’s first creation ,but this you deny; Paul says that Jesus was created in the image of God ,but you deny that ,Paul says that all things were created through him (Jesus) but you deny that ,Paul also says that Jesus was of the same nature than God his father and that he is the only one that has that nature for all other things were created through him ,but you do not believe that ,

    so what is it that you really believe that God has communicate to us through Christ disciples ? nothing ,for you make up your own stories so does Nick

    now that I have said what God through his spirit told me to tell you ,I will have a good sleep for the truth i said bring me peace ,




    I know you choose to be blind and I have excepted your choice.

    I feel sad that you said this ;but read what I said and let the truth in scriptures be your guide ,

    you have never shown me wrong only showed me that you don’t believe what scriptures says unless you interpret them ,and you call me blind ?



    Let us assume that a person’s name is not written in the book of life until they are subject to judgement. If that is the case the Abraham, King David, and John the Baptist would all be under the authority of the beast.

    That is absurd.


    I don’t assume things ‘you do ;but your reasoning comes from your lack of scriptures understanding ;

    the scripture your quoting does not say since the “foundation of the earth “you do ;

    now why are you saying what scripture does not say ?

    you say;The only possibility is that those whom are not under the authority of the beast have had their names written in the book of life since the foundation of the earth.


    the beast is satan and the world is living under his grip since Adam corruption so what you say as no value for all mankind his born under the devil except for the first couple ,and for your info many have not worship the beast (satan)Abel/ Enoch/Noah/abraham/Isaac/Jacob/Joseph/and David and so many more they hall have been judged as righteous it is because of them that we are now have the choice of everlasting life by the faith in God and his son

    you read scriptures but do not understand them

    Tonya burrell

    Im wondering how you can assume that im unrepentant? That is actually very untrue.  I have been seeking after God for almost 3 years now and am getting answers to my prayers now praise God! Are you claiming to have the holy spirit? If so im unsure as to someone who has the holy spirit would act as you do. You assume quickly just because someone don’t believe as you do that they are not in the book of life. That is uncalled for on your part as you are not God to even know my heart.  You also seem to believe in Calvinism as they follow predestination and just because God is all knowing, does not mean he shoves us around like chess pieces.  We are not puppets. We don’t sit around and wait for God to move us. I sure hope you don’t.  God gives us choices that we ourselves are accountable for so that He is not at fault for the choices we make.  If by predestination, why do we even need a guide/the bible?


    You also have the attitude Calvinists, I know because my brother has fallen into it and I deal with it everyday.  There are those that are chosen to do certain things for God but not everyone receives the holy spirit to my understanding.  It takes work to get it and work to keep it as constant repentance is required as in the type, King David.  He begged God not to take it from him.  It wouldn’t be recorded if not a type for us.


    Im not sure how long you have had your faith but if you had the spirit, as you claim to have, you would show it out of love and even tough love is ok but not hate or through assumptions.  Now Nick Hassen, I can see having the spirit.  Those with the spirit would speak truth thru scripture and out of respect for others and want to teach others.  Have a good night 🙂



    Im wondering how you can assume that im unrepentant?

    I hope you are seeking God. If so then any obstacles Satan sets in your way will be temporary. In this case you fruit was in the form of a rigid thinking that is most likely based on denial. You have been indoctrinated to see John 17:5 in a certain way and you hold to it because it is linked beliefs that you hold closely.

    You also seem to believe in Calvinism as they follow predestination and just because God is all knowing, does not mean he shoves us around like chess pieces.

    I do not really understand Calvin’s tenet on free will vs. determination but I do know I take a middle course on that issue and that middle course is called soft determination. No one has provided a very good definition of what free will is beside claiming it is not random action. The one that I have come up with is to act from within without outside control.

    God is our creator so anything that is within us that makes choices is created by him. We are taught some hunger for righteous and others will not come into the light. Paul calls the first noble vessels and the later ignoble vessels. These are things that are by God grace and he has a righteous reason all things he does. The only reason there are ignoble vessels is so the noble vessels will develop to maturity. When the need for them is finish God will destroy them in his great mercy. Their existence is necessary for all goodness to be fulfilled. These ideas are a test of humility of both those that reject them and those that except them but they are based on the fact that God is our creator, is all righteous, is all merciful, and all loving.

    I see no purpose to dwell on them beyond what is necessary to nurture faith in God. I wrote them to point out that we have free will to sculpt what we are but that at the most essential part of our being we are what God created us to be. The idea of visible saints, even preached today though concealed in other words, is heresy as God is the judge. What we are will be revealed at the proper time.

    Just as Paul teaches the Philosophers in the city of Athens God knows us and the free choices we will make and so he places us in the time and place where those choices will contribute to save all those that can be saved because God desires no one to perish despite the fact he created those that were doomed to perish. We can see this because he foretold many things before they occurred, even to the betrayal and death of Judas.

    I said enough. It is probably your hold on the doctrine of free will that closes your mind to the idea of God appointing Jesus as king of all things in heaven and earth in his plans before the world began just as in his plans he appointed Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations before he formed in his mother’s womb. Both were officially appointed to those positions later.

    Jeremiah 1Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

    1 The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah, of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin: 2 to whom the word of the Lord came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign. 3 It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah, unto the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month.



    I try no to claim to have the Spirit in its role of advocate for to many that claim that are mistaken for their fruits testify otherwise. I hope that the Spirit is revealing the truth of Scripture but if so I am slow to come to understanding. There is still things, even about the gospel, I do not understand.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Admin.


    you seem to put more confidence in the jews and men than in the message

    Actually, I put more confidence in traditional interpretation to Scripture than I do in modern ones and it happens that the Jews were God’s people before they and those that call themselves Christians but were heretics, the church of Satan, divided from one another. The Jewish Christians that Justin Martyr speaks of in one of his letters and who were neither accepted by the synagogue of Satan nor the church of Satan despite the fact that Scripture teaches us that Jewish-Christians are the root of the true Christians faith.

    You on the other hand choose to follow modern teachings that do not have their roots in the true religion of God that was preached by Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and other Jews.

    It is easy enough to behave as the Bereans and test both what you hear and what you believe against what Scripture teaches.

    If you believed Scripture then you would believe Jesus is the human being that mediates between God and humanity. The same human being that chose to sacrifice himself out of his great compassion for others despite that he had not earned the wages of sin. Instead you choose to believe in another Jesus; one that is a new invention.



    I really feel sorry for you that you have come to reject the only son of God Jesus Christ ,for by doing so you also have rejected the one that has send him His God and father ,

    I will stick to the scriptures as they are written ;but you have no idea what I have study over 50 years of bible study ;so don’t try to teach me deceit I have heard it most likely before ,men are deceivers but the scriptures remain the same and true to the truth of God ;amen



    You claim to stick to Scripture as they are written but it literally states there is one human being that mediates between humanity and God and that human being is Christ Jesus who sacrificed his life you and the whole world.

    Instead you choose to clink to the invention that Jesus changed from his body composed of flesh to a body composed of spirit after he died but before he arrived in heaven and so was no longer a human being in heaven. This invention is not written in Scripture.

    You also choose to believe he existed before he was conceived in Mary’s womb even though you know that the vase majority of human beings are conceived in their mother’s wombs and yet you do not believe they are existed before that conception.

    In summary I do not believe your claim that you stick to Scripture.



    you can’t say those things to me unless you present scriptures ,opinions are irrelevant,

    but you reject this ;

    Col 1:15 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
    Col 1:16 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him.
    Col 1:17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
    Col 1:18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
    Col 1:19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him,
    Col 1:20 and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
    Col 1:21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior.
    Col 1:22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation—
    Col 1:23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel

    if Paul said those things and has sent another letter with some explanation we must have lost it ,


    Hi ,

    Jesus is often confused with scriptural references to the Spirit of Christ which he became one with at the Jordan.

    Natural minds cannot grasp this.

    To them it is mystery.



    Though I disagree with Nick on the time Jesus was born of Spirit his conviction that the Spirit of God and Jesus became one rings true and explains the words of Colossians 1:15-23.

    I have previously cited 1 Timothy 2:5-6 as evidence Jesus is a human being in heaven.

    I claim it is not written that Jesus changed from a body composed of flesh to a body composed of spirit between the time he died and the time he entered heaven. It is for you to show it is written.



    what you do not understand is that the ;For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” but do you know why it is so ?

    so again you have changed the scriptures for your own believe ;and try to convince others to follow your footsteps




    Though I disagree with Nick on the time Jesus was born of Spirit his conviction that the Spirit of God and Jesus became one rings true and explains the words of Colossians 1:15-23.

    I have previously cited 1 Timothy 2:5-6 as evidence Jesus is a human being in heaven.

    I claim it is not written that Jesus changed from a body composed of flesh to a body composed of spirit between the time he died and the time he entered heaven. It is for you to show it is written.


    I do not deny that Jesus was a man ,but he was not a ordinary one for he had no human father ;when do you going to understand that ?

    1Ti 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
    1Ti 2:6 who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time.

    what Paul says is true but it is not related to what Christ became after his death ,for what Paul says is related to what Christ did while on earth and as such give up his life for the sins of men and through we now can receive the wish of our faith :life”


    Hi ,

    My words are Spirit and life.

    The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.


    Listen to the Spirit



    See more than a vessel

    Hear the Spirit.



    Jesus Christ speaks in Rev 1-3

    He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.


    Do you have a spiritual ear?



    You say “I do not know for sure where you see preexistence implied by the words you quoted from Hebrews 9 and so I am assuming you believe it claims that Jesus Christ has been suffering from the foundation of the world. If that is what you hear then reread the passage which actually saying he did not suffer from the foundation of the world because his self-sacrifice is superior to that of all other high priests. Instead he only had to sacrifice himself one time, the one time you already know of.”

    You are so blinded by your own religious dogma that you can’t even understand the verses I quote or what I say. What I am saying is the author of Hebrews clearly implies the pre-existence of Christ by saying  he hasn’t suffered from the foundation of the world.If he didn’t exist he wouldn’t even mention pre-existence at all. It’s just common sense which your religion has obliterated in your mind. You have rose colored glasses that look only the way you want.


    hi Nick

    in all you said you are wrong as a answer to my question ;what you do not understand is that the ;For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” but do you know why it is so ?

    for it is the when we talk about Jesus we talk about who he his and were he comes from and what he has done and will do all this is related in to the prophecies of old and so for that reason it is called “THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY” yes the scriptures are only but about Jesus the WORD,THE CHRIST ,THE SON OF GOD ,THE SON OF MAN ,HIM BEING THE TRUTH ,AND ……………………………………………

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