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    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,17:11)

    first ;what it mean CAME IN THE FLESH ???
    secondly : what does it mean ; revealed in the flesh ???

    third : what does it mean : has come in the flesh

    It seems reasonable that being in the flesh is the same as being in the body and that is speaking of a person's soul that is in the tent of their body.

    The Word was not a being transformed into Jesus' flesh but never the less was made flesh in that the Word was made known in the flesh of Jesus.

    Jehovah, employing his power, caused Jesus to be conceived and sent him to pioneer and perfect the gospel in those that believe. In this way Jesus came from above Jehovah is above.

    Jesus was created by the Word, as was everything else that was created.



    The video can bring some light to your
    discussions; re' the word made flesh.He has ony
    23 chromosomes of the mother,and one Y.chr.
    The 23 chromosomes of the mother;

    The Y. chr. was created by the father.
    That makes him the SON OF GOD; and the 23 chr.makes him also the son of man.

    We all have 23chr. of mother and 23chr.of father.



    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,12:11)

    first ;what it mean CAME IN THE FLESH ???
    secondly : what does it mean ; revealed in the flesh ???

    third : what does it mean : has come in the flesh

    It seems reasonable that being in the flesh is the same as being in the body and that is speaking of a person's soul that is in the tent of their body.

    The Word was not a being transformed into Jesus' flesh but never the less was made flesh in that the Word was made known in the flesh of Jesus.

    Jehovah, employing his power, caused Jesus to be conceived and sent him to pioneer and perfect the gospel in those that believe. In this way Jesus came from above Jehovah is above.

    Jesus was created by the Word, as was everything else that was created.


    you do not answer all of the question why ???

    they all are interconnected ,they all explain who his Christ ,so please answer them all or nothing ,because only parts would not be the truth ,

    then I will answer your question truthfully and honestly ,


    This is quite good.
    Not an answer to the question, but still good.

    The Anointing Is Sufficient
    From the The Antichrist-Part 2 by Preston Eby

    (I have not read part one)

    “I have pointed out that “antichrist” is a compound word made up of the preposition “anti” and the Greek word for Christ which is “christos”. “Anti” means instead of and “christos” means anointed, and by extension anointing. Our Lord Jesus Christ is THE ANOINTED, but Christ in us is THE ANOINTING, as the apostle affirms, “But you have an unction from the Holy One … the anointing which YOU HAVE RECEIVED OF HIM abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you: but as the SAME ANOINTING teaches you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide IN HIM” (I Jn. 2:20,27). There is in the Christ within, or in THE ANOINTING such a generous, copious, abundant, plentiful, profuse, rich, full, and overflowing bestowal of the grace and abilities of God that there is no need for anything that men might add to such an anointing. And that is the great truth that the man-made Church systems do not and cannot understand. The CHRIST IS SUFFICIENT. The ANOINTING IS SUFFICIENT! Nothing else is needed to quicken, support, or guide the true Church of Jesus Christ.

    The anointing is sufficient to bring it into being. The anointing is sufficient to quicken it and give it life. The anointing is sufficient to teach and mold the lives of the members of this Church. The anointing is sufficient to bring it unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. No rituals of any kind are needed. No sacraments of any kind are needed. Its ministers need no robes, no costumes, no ornaments of any kind. This true Church has no need of ceremonies, no lofty spires, no stained glass windows, no chiming bells or great and wonderful organs to inspire worship in its members. It has no need of elegant and costly Church edifices, fine furnishments, artistic choirs, polished orators, and no need of a hierarchy of any kind, elevation, or rank. Its apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers are not lords but SERVANTS, and therefore need no couriers running before them to announce their coming. THE ANOINTING IS SUFFICIENT.

    There are many Christian people that the devil does not bother himself about. When the devil comes to certain Churches and looks in, he thinks he is not in any trouble at all; because he sees a fellow there in the pulpit who has all his religion written out before him, and he finds the people grinding out their prayers from a prayer book, just in the same way that a Tibetan turns a prayer wheel, always saying, “God have mercy upon us poor miserable sinners, for we have left undone the things we ought to have done, and we have done the things we ought not to have done; and there is no help in us.” The devil thinks that is right, and that congregation can be left safely.

    But in the true Church there need be no creeds and no litanies memorized and repeated over and over for these are “praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit” and, though we know not what we should pray for as we ought, the Spirit also helps our infirmities … the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered… He searches the hearts… and makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom. 8:26, 27). THE ANOINTING IS SUFFICIENT!

    There is no need for these or myriad more religious trappings in the true body of Christ, for the ANOINTING WITHIN will abundantly supply this Church with all of everything it can possibly ever need. This anointing has no need to count noses or erect attendance boards to show how many people attend the meetings, neither does it need a membership roll to keep track of its members or what they are doing. The hour has come for us to realize that only THE LORD knows them that are His. Only THE LORD can call His sheep by name and lead them in and out to find pasture. Only THE LORD can look into the four corners of the earth and call forth His elect. The anointing within every member keeps that member in his or her proper place at all times and in everything. Who, then, are we to circumscribe anything? We must learn to know men not by what they say, what they believe, how they appear on the surface, where they are, or by what Church they do or do not attend, but by that strange witness that made Jesus say to Peter, “You are Peter,” and by that same spiritual revelation that made Peter say to Jesus, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!” How often we have been shockingly disappointed in men! Ah, how often has the man who could “preach like Paul” surprised everyone by suddenly divorcing his wife and taking off with the Church organist! And the brother in whom we trusted the most has forsaken us, turned on us, and rent us to pieces, while the man we thought would never receive the message of the hour has been unexpectedly quickened by the spirit of revelation from God, finding a swift entrance into the things of the Spirit. Thank God, we are truly learning to “know no man after the flesh,” from a human point of view, in terms of natural judgment, by what can be discerned by the seeing of the eye or by the hearing of the ear – but after the spirit. THE ANOINTING IS SUFFICIENT!

    Let all men know that this anointing does not consist of any physical demonstration or words. Across the land, especially in “Spirit-filled” circles, we have heard much of the anointing, and for the most part the anointing has been considered to be in operation when the subject displayed some kind of physical manifestation or fervor. Precious saint of God, let me say here and now that the anointing has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with seeing a flash of light, feeling a tingling sensation running up and down the spinal column, emotional excitement, breaking out in “goose bumps”, trembling, jerking, jumping, running, arm-slinging, loud and vociferous hand-clapping and singing peppy choruses. In fact, it is very easy for any of these things to be SUBSTITUTED FOR the anointing, literally being “anti-christos” – in place of the anointing – antichrist!

    The anointing is given to make a man able to be a person he could not naturally be and to do a work he could not naturally do. It is impossible for a natural man to love his enemies, to bless them that curse him, to do good to them that hate him, or to pray for them which despitefully use him and persecute him. But the ANOINTING will do that! It is my earnest prayer to God that our eyes may be enlightened and our understanding made keen by the Spirit of God so that we may grasp the truth that all the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount REQUIRE THE ANOINTING TO MAKE THEM WORK. Only the anointing will cause us to go the second mile. Only the anointing will turn the other cheek. Only the anointing can or will forgive. Only the anointing will pray, fast, and give without pretense or outward show or secret hope of personal gain. Only the anointing can make us the salt of the earth or the light of the world. Only the anointing can transform us into Sons of God. BUT THE ANOINTING IS SUFFICIENT!

    The means by which God separates people unto Himself and for His purposes is called in the Bible “the anointing”. Let us look at this “anointing” and meditate deeply upon its origin and use in the Scriptures. The term anointing first appears in the book of Exodus in connection with the consecration of the Priesthood and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. When they built the Tabernacle, God commanded that they should apply the “holy anointing oil” to the Tabernacle and all the articles within it (Ex. 29:7,21; 40:9-16; Lev. 8:10-12,30). All the Priests who served and the High Priest also had to be anointed with the anointing oil. Once the Priests and the articles were anointed, they BECAME SEPARATED AND SANCTIFIED UNTO GOD. Later, Kings and Prophets were anointed by God for His service. The purpose for
    which God anoints people is that the anointed ones may be separated unto Him to fulfill His will and purposes. The holy anointing oil in the Old Testament symbolized the Holy Spirit, and today it is the moving of the Holy Spirit in us that constitutes the anointing of God. I Jn. 2:27 says, “The anointing which you have received of Him ABIDES IN YOU, and you need not that any man should teach you: but … the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is truth…”

    Let us look even deeper into what this anointing means. The anointing of I Jn. 2:27 in the Greek is not a noun, but a verb pertaining to a certain kind of motion. It does not bespeak an oil in a motionless state, inactive, standing still, but an oil in a state of motion and activity. If you only have the oil in a vessel it is not “the anointing”. But when the oil is poured out and applied it then becomes “the anointing”. In the vessel it is merely oil; poured out it is anointing and separates and sanctifies and changes the proprietorship and function of that upon which it is poured! Thus, in this day of reality, the anointing is not the Holy Spirit, but the MOVEMENT AND ACTION of the Holy Spirit WITHIN US! You say, “I have the Holy Spirit, therefore I have the anointing.” Not so! The Holy Spirit in the vessel IS NOT THE ANOINTING, only as the Spirit MOVES AND ACTS WITHIN YOU do you have the anointing. The Spirit must not be motionless within us, He must be active and energizing – speaking, stirring, dealing, quickening, changing, transforming, acting, manifesting the glory of God in our lives!

    After the firstborn Son had received the Holy Spirit at His baptism, He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised” (Lk. 4:18). From that moment the Spirit MOVED IN AND THROUGH HIM and His whole life became the revelation of His Father as the nature, mind, wisdom, will, words, power, and glory of God were manifested through Him, climaxing in His triumphant resurrection from the dead!

    And now – a vast company of “many brethren” are receiving of that same anointing, that MANY SONS may be brought to the same glory in which Christ now dwells. Yes, beloved, we also are called to be ANOINTED ONES, that the name of the Father may be called upon us, creating this bond of union between the Son and the Sons of God, transforming us into His image, that as He is, so are we in this world! We are discovering what it means to be ONE WITH HIM, and He ONE WITH US in the absoluteness of a divine immanence, dwelling in us, even as the Father in the Son, and the Son in the Father. Let us bow in holy reverence to worship and adore, and to live and walk in the blessed reality of such an high and holy calling!

    The anointing will lift all who abide in it into the proper spiritual standing and state before God. In the presence of the anointing nothing needs be PRAYED DOWN or WORKED UP. I must assure you, dear ones, that anything that can be either PRAYED DOWN or WORKED UP IS  N-O-T  F-R-O-M  T-H-E A-N-O-I-N-T-I-N-G, for “the anointing which you have received of Him ABIDES IN YOU.” Beloved, if the anointing abides in you, and you abide IN HIM, what, under all God's heavens, could be added to you FROM WITHOUT? Stop seeking anything at all from or through the myriad SUBSTITUTES pawned by the countless modern day antichrists. Man with all his religion, his Church membership, his organization, his preachers and priests, his bishops, cardinals, popes, and his programs and ritual has NOT FOUND GOD, nor been conformed to His image.

    What good, O man, will these things do if after a lifetime of trusting in them and looking to them for help you find yourself at the end of your earthly sojourn without having been transformed into the likeness of God's Christ, and with no hope of sonship? These external observances will not suffice in that hour. BUT THE ANOINTING IS SUFFICIENT! In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, divorce yourself completely and forever from all the substitutes, the realm of the INSTEAD OF. You will find absolutely nothing in it that will satisfy the deepest cravings of your heart after God. The anointing IS ALL YOU NEED.”

    “……You will probably ask me the question, “Do you not believe in meetings, the assembling of the saints, and the ministries in the body of Christ?” I answer with assurance, “Most certainly I do!” But THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE BASIS FOR ASSEMBLING OURSELVES. Our Saviour gave us this basis when He said, “Where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them” (Mat. 18:20). The vast majority assemble not in the name of the Lord but because of tradition. All their lives they have assembled at certain times and to them it would be sacrilege not to do so. Others assemble for social and business purposes, and others for the sake of making proselytes, and still others for the sake of furthering their particular denominational program. Praise God, the consuming fire of HIS dealings and processings in our lives are being used to THOROUGHLY PURGE AND CLEANSE OUR HEARTS of Babylon's spirit and ways until once and for all we shall forsake all the traditions, giving ourselves over to true oneness with Christ, that He may teach us how to gather IN THE NAME OF THE LORD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH. When our minds are one with Him and all earthly program and tradition has vanished away and He takes His royal seat upon the throne of our hearts, then we are truly able to assemble IN HIS NAME. Then we are LED BY HIS SPIRIT, and then there is a freshness for those who gather, and a flow of His life, light, and love, and confirmation to be received from each member.

    Antichrist ministries carry in them the nature of this world's bestial system, and they do everything patterned after the world and the harlot systems – to build a name for themselves, and a kingdom, to gain, to usurp control over other men's lives, to establish a creed or a movement, to solidify a power base under them, and for financial gain. The true ministries in the body of Christ carry in them the nature of Christ, taking the way of the cross, being stripped of all fame and earthly glory, going without the camp to bear reproach and shame because of what GOD has spoken into their heart. They seek no power over other men's lives, no control, nothing for themselves. They are maligned because they have “no works” that the flesh can boast in, they are scorned because they have no name, no title, no identification the world recognizes. These build no kingdoms about them, establish no hierarchies, but are LIVING EPISTLES OF CHRIST, “examples to the flock” (I Pet. 5:3), and “servants of all” (Mat. 20:25-28).


    From the The Antichrist-Part 2 by Preston Eby


    The inspired written continues in I Jn. 2:22-23 saying, “Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son. Whosoever denies the Son, the same has not the Father: but he that acknowledges the Son has the Father also.” But what does he mean here when he speaks of denying the Father and the Son? Let us make no mistake about this. Fortunately, a little further on John himself enlarges on this statement so that we need not be left in the dark. “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know you the Spirit of God: EVERY SPIRIT THAT CONFESSES THAT JESUS CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH IS OF GOD: and every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is come In the flesh is not of God: and THIS IS THAT SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST, whereof you have heard that it should come; and even now already is in the world” (I Jn. 4:1-3).

    Now let us get these statements clear in our minds. John declares an antichrist to be one who denies that Jesus is the Christ, which is denying the Father and the Son. But how does he do this? BY NOT CONFESSING JESUS CHRIST HAVING COME IN THE FLESH! But what does this mean? It states that we know the Spirit of God by His confessing Jesus Christ having come in the flesh. Does this mean that Roman Catholicism is the Spirit of God? It confesses that Jesus Christ was a man, born of a virgin. It confesses that He came in the flesh as a babe in Bethlehem. They even parade Him before the world hanging on a cross, crucified. Millions of others around the world, representing every kind of religion and false cult existing, including the Moslem, admit the same historical facts. Do all of these represent the Spirit of God?

    These verses must have a deeper meaning! It is not considering the fact of Jesus Christ having lived on earth as a man. Anyone will admit that. But the profound truth which all of popular religion has missed, is the fact of the Christ actually coming into this flesh, my flesh, your flesh, and becoming an eternal and inseparable part of us! “And every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ IS (now) COME in the flesh is not of God: and THIS is that spirit of antichrist… you are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE THAT IS IN Y-O-U, than he that IS IN the world” (I Jn. 4:3-4). Every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ I-S come in the flesh – is antichrist! Why? BECAUSE: Greater is He that IS IN YOU (your flesh), than he (the spirit of antichrist) that IS IN the world!

    “Christ lives IN ME,” Paul wrote in Gal. 2:20. Again in Col. 1:27 he wrote, “Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory.” THIS is the Christ Who has come in the flesh: He that IS IN YOU, and will never leave nor forsake you (Heb. 13:5). And this is eternal life: being joined eternally and inseparably to God by means of the Christ within. This is the Christ from Whose love no power nor creature in heaven or under heaven can separate us (Rom. 8:35-39). John declares, “Beloved, now are we the Sons of God” (I Jn. 3:2). And Paul adds, “And because you are Sons, God has SENT FORTH THE SPIRIT OF HIS SON INTO YOUR HEARTS. Wherefore you are no more a servant, but a Son” (Gal. 4:6-7). THIS is the Christ that IS come in the flesh!

    Paul preached not himself, but Christ Jesus the Lord. After stating this himself, he follows on to say, “But this treasure (Christ) WE HAVE IN EARTHEN VESSELS” (II Cor. 4:7). On another occasion Paul writes to the Galatians and calls them his little children “…of whom I travail in birth again until CHRIST be formed IN YOU” (Gal. 4:19).

    It is only the formation of the Christ of God within us that will ever bring us into our true stature and relationship to our Father. Sonship is the actual birth of the Christ creature who becomes the new man within, the new me, the new you. He is both ageless and deathless, the actual Son of the God of heaven. He abides eternally in this human frame, even as He abides eternally in Jesus to perform His mighty works. And it is a union which is becoming a glorious and eternal reality in God's Sons in this hour. But – “many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ IS come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist” (II Jn. 7). These deceivers acknowledge the historical Jesus of 1900 years ago, but they recognize Him not as having returned in mighty spirit within a people. These deceivers speak much of Jesus in some far off heaven somewhere, but they reject the manifestation of Him through the members of His body upon earth.

    By personal application, if my spirit does not confess that Christ has come in my flesh, I am antichrist. The confession of my SPIRIT is a much stronger confession than might be made by just my mouth. The confession of one's SPIRIT bespeaks an expression arising from an INNER STATE OF BEING, not merely a belief of the mind. If my SPIRIT is confessing that Christ has come in my flesh, it is confessing it by a LIVING MANIFESTATION. Now if I am living out Christ in the nitty-gritty of every day life, under the pressure of all the daily circumstances and life situations, I am confessing with my SPIRIT that Christ is come in my flesh! Ah, I might say with my mouth that Christ is come in my flesh, but my spirit speak just the opposite, as the fountain of my life sends forth polluted waters. Many have a mouth confession of the presence of Christ within whose “spirit confesses not that He is come” in their flesh. Oh! that men might believe it! The Christ within, the anointing within is our only hope of glory!

    But antichrist will hear of no such hope of glory. His hope does not rest wholly in the Christ within, but partially in his own works, or faithfulness, or endurance. He is cluttered about with laws, regulations, creeds, ordinances, observances, traditions, religious exercises of this order and that, all of which are designed to assure his right standing with God. He is thus denying the Father and the Son, for God's order is, “You are kept by the POWER OF GOD, through FAITH” (I Pet. 1:5). Anything that purports to ADD SOMETHING to the anointing within, or to fill some place or function in our lives not fulfilled BY THE ANOINTING ALONE – is antichrist!

    The notable English mystic, William Law, writing in about the year 1750, made the following statement, to which we all must give sincere and earnest heed lest we, like those who 1900 years ago rejected Christ and the truth He brought, should refuse Him that now dwells and speaks and works within His temple of living stones, accepting in His place the cheap and worthless substitutes of man's invention. Thus writes William Law: “Consider how it is that the carnal Jew, the deep-read scribe, the learned rabbi, the religious Pharisee not only did not receive but crucified their Saviour. It was because they willed and desired no such Saviour as He was, no such inward salvation as He offered them. They desired no change in their nature, no inward destruction of their own natural tempers, no deliverance from the love of themselves and the enjoyments of their passions. They liked their state, the gratifications of their old man, their long robes, their broad phylacteries and greetings in the markets. They wanted not to have their pride and self love dethroned, their covetousness and sensuality to be subdued by a new nature from heaven derived into them. Their only desire was the success of Judaism, to have an outward Saviour, a temporal Prince that should establish their law and outward ceremonies over all the earth. And therefore they crucified their dear Redeemer and would have none of His salvation because it all consisted in a change of their nature, in a new birth from above, and a Kingdom of Heaven to be opened within them by the Spirit of God. O Christen
    dom, look not only at the old Jews, but see thyself in this glass, for at this day (O sad truth to be told), at this day of Christ within us, an inward Saviour raising a birth of His own nature, life and Spirit within, is rejected as gross enthusiasm. The learned rabbis take counsel against it The propagation of popery, the propagation of Protestantism, the success of some particular Church is the salvation which priests and people are chiefly concerned about.”

    Suppose I were a pursued fugitive. Now, if I could get my pursuers sidetracked and get them to fire on a stuffed dummy made to represent myself, they would thus, by diverting their fire from me, aid in my escape. I do not hesitate to tell you, precious brother of mine, that Satan has a DUMMY ANTICHRIST set up, a horrible creature who will never appear. And the Christian Church is busily engaged in wasting their time and ammunition on this dummy. They are telling what a terrible creature he will be, all the while ignorant of the fact that THE TRUE CRIMINAL IS IN THEIR VERY MIDST!


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 16 2013,07:30)
    Mike………..WE know Jesus “the Christ” did come into existence as a “FLESH”  being just as we did through a berth process from a mother.

    So then you think “has come in the flesh” is just an odd way of saying, “was born human just like everyone else”?  Please answer this question with a YES or a NO, Gene.

    (And if the answer is “YES”, please produce some literature where any other normal human being had his normal birth into this world described as “coming in the flesh”.)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 16 2013,07:30)
    What my point was, John did not say anti= Jesus, now did he , He said Anti=Christ meaning against the anointing………

    I understand your claim, I think.  You are saying that the antichrists are people who believe Jesus existed, but just don't believe he was the awaited Messiah.  Is that right?

    (That still leaves the problem of John actually using the name “JESUS” in his lesson.  He says “JESUS Christ has come in the flesh”, not just “Christ”.  Your understanding has some bugs you need to work out.)


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 16 2013,08:24)
    Mike…..1…If i said Jesus came from Mary his mother would you bleiieve that? Yes or No  Please.

              2…If i said his linage is listed in scriptures would you believe that? Yes or No . Please

              3…If is said scripture tells us Moses and the Prophets know where he would come from would you believe it? Yes or No. Please

    Gene, I will answer all three of these questions DIRECTLY………… as soon as I get YOUR DIRECT answers to my 2 questions. (They are listed as #1 and #2 on the first post of page 3)


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 16 2013,12:26)
    Since Jesus comes in the flesh he was not made into flesh, as that is contradictory………..

    In what world are those two things “contradictory”?

    Jesus BECAME flesh……….

    Jesus WAS MADE flesh…………

    Jesus has COME IN THE flesh…….

    They are all saying the same, exact thing, Kerwin.


    Quote (2besee @ Feb. 16 2013,15:06)
    Mike I cannot answer your question on page one yet (the OP) as I do not know the answer myself.

    Okay 2B.

    Kerwin, how about you? Are you ready to DIRECTLY address the 2 questions at the top of page 3?


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2013,15:33)
    2besee, honesty like that is appreciated.

    I agree t8. Unfortunately, in my experience here, those words mean that 2B won't answer until he's had time to find some internet writing that agrees with his pre-conceived understanding.

    I hope this is not the case.


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,00:11)
    It seems reasonable that being in the flesh is the same as being in the body and that is speaking of a person's soul that is in the tent of their body.

    If you are talking about a FLESH body here, then I agree with you.

    So then, “Jesus has come in the flesh” means, “Jesus has come in a flesh body”, right?

    According to those words, Jesus MUST HAVE existed WITHOUT a flesh body at some point, or John wouldn't have said Jesus has come IN a flesh body.  

    And if those words are just a very odd way of saying that the man Jesus had a flesh body like EVERYONE ELSE, anyone reading John's words would say, “Uh, DUH!  What OTHER kind of body do you think this REGULAR HUMAN BEING would have come in?

    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,00:11)
    The Word was not a being transformed into Jesus' flesh but never the less was made flesh in that the Word was made known in the flesh of Jesus.

    Kerwin, that is SO transparent.  Do you really think that, “the Word became flesh” is a fancy way of saying God's word became known?

    So John 1:14 really says, “God's word became KNOWN, and dwelled among men, displaying the glory of God's only begotten Son“?  ???

    Hmmmm………………..  That's some pretty far-REACHING stuff there, Kerwin.

    Let me ask you a third question, to go along with all the other questions on this thread that you've so far ignored:

    Is it even remotely POSSIBLE that the one who is called “the Word of God” in Rev 19:13 WAS existing in the form of God (ie: “as a spirit being) in the beginning?  And then God made this one who is called “the Word of God” in Rev 19:13 flesh?  And then this one who is called “the Word of God” in Rev 19:13 dwelled among men as a flesh being – displaying the glory of God's only begotten Son as he did……….. mainly because he WAS God's only begotten Son?

    If your answer is “NO” to this compound question, then please tell me WHY your answer is “NO”.  All I need to see is ONE LITTLE SCRIPTURE that would prohibit the above understanding.

    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,00:11)
    Jesus was created by the Word, as was everything else that was created.

    So then, according to Rev 19:13, Jesus somehow BECAME his own CREATOR?   ???


    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Feb. 19 2013,10:19)

    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 16 2013,15:33)
    2besee, honesty like that is appreciated.

    I agree t8.  Unfortunately, in my experience here, those words mean that 2B won't answer until he's had time to find some internet writing that agrees with his pre-conceived understanding.

    I hope this is not the case.

    Mike, that is not true!

    How many posts have I done, with perhaps five quotes from other sources, meaning five-ish Internet searches.

    I hardly ever 'surf the web' these days. “biblecc” and “Wikipedia” is usually all that I use.

    I find this topic interesting, and would like to know the answer.

    Just saying.


    ..So yes, this time I am surfing!


    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 18 2013,20:19)

    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,12:11)

    first ;what it mean CAME IN THE FLESH ???
    secondly : what does it mean ; revealed in the flesh ???

    third : what does it mean : has come in the flesh

    It seems reasonable that being in the flesh is the same as being in the body and that is speaking of a person's soul that is in the tent of their body.

    The Word was not a being transformed into Jesus' flesh but never the less was made flesh in that the Word was made known in the flesh of Jesus.

    Jehovah, employing his power, caused Jesus to be conceived and sent him to pioneer and perfect the gospel in those that believe. In this way Jesus came from above Jehovah is above.

    Jesus was created by the Word, as was everything else that was created.


    you do not answer all of the question why ???

    they all are interconnected ,they all explain who his Christ ,so please answer them all or nothing ,because only parts would not be the truth ,

    then I will answer your question truthfully and honestly ,


    I did answer you by pointing out that.

    The flesh part of Jesus was made to be conceived by Jehovah, working though the Spirit.
    Jehovah breathed the breath of life in his nostrils.
    Jesus became a living soul.

    Therefor Jesus came in the flesh and not out of the flesh.

    That answered your first and third question as they are essentially the same question.

    Jesus is the Word for his life and doctrine are the Word.  His authority is the Word's.  Like a wind, Jehovah is revealed by his Word. Jesus is the flesh by whom Jehovah is revealed.

    That answered your second question and tied it into the answer of the other two questions with claiming that Jesus is both in the flesh and made flesh.

    I flushed it out even more by pointing out other things amongst which is that through the Word Jesus was made and nothing was made without the Word.



    The Spirit fluttered, Jehovah said the Word “let there be the Christ”, and Jesus came to be. No one was made without the Word.

    As you say the man Jesus Christ shared mortality with his human brothers.

    As to the question whether Jesus was made flesh or came in the flesh my answer is that he came in the flesh.

    John may have been waxing poetic in his writing style as it seems that was more common then than now.

    The Gospels, the Pauline Epistles, and the Epistle of James, all afford examples of lofty poetic utterance, while the message of Jesus is saturated with words which readily lend themselves to song. In fact it is thought by some that Jesus was no less careful of the form than of the content of His message, and that all the finer types of Hebrew poetry found in the Old Testament can be matched from His sayings, even when tested by the same rules.

    I do not know if his words are poetic as my vocabulary is limited.  I do know that Jesus' life, doctrine, and authority is the Word. I also know those that to fall short of God's glory is to fall short of his Word.

    It is not remotely possible that Jesus, who is called by the name of the Word, was existing as an angel before the World began because his body was conceived in Mary and he was created by the same Word, that all other things were created by.

    John 1:3 is one of those one little Scriptures.

    The ISB Encyclopedia at Bible History online is my source.


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 19 2013,12:31)

    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 18 2013,20:19)

    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,12:11)

    first ;what it mean CAME IN THE FLESH ???
    secondly : what does it mean ; revealed in the flesh ???

    third : what does it mean : has come in the flesh

    It seems reasonable that being in the flesh is the same as being in the body and that is speaking of a person's soul that is in the tent of their body.

    The Word was not a being transformed into Jesus' flesh but never the less was made flesh in that the Word was made known in the flesh of Jesus.

    Jehovah, employing his power, caused Jesus to be conceived and sent him to pioneer and perfect the gospel in those that believe. In this way Jesus came from above Jehovah is above.

    Jesus was created by the Word, as was everything else that was created.


    you do not answer all of the question why ???

    they all are interconnected ,they all explain who his Christ ,so please answer them all or nothing ,because only parts would not be the truth ,

    then I will answer your question truthfully and honestly ,


    I did answer you by pointing out that.

    The flesh part of Jesus was made to be conceived by Jehovah, working though the Spirit.
    Jehovah breathed the breath of life in his nostrils.
    Jesus became a living soul.

    Therefor Jesus came in the flesh and not out of the flesh.

    That answered your first and third question as they are essentially the same question.

    Jesus is the Word for his life and doctrine are the Word.  His authority is the Word's.  Like a wind, Jehovah is revealed by his Word. Jesus is the flesh by whom Jehovah is revealed.

    That answered your second question and tied it into the answer of the other two questions with claiming that Jesus is both in the flesh and made flesh.

    I flushed it out even more by pointing out other things amongst which is that through the Word Jesus was made and nothing was made without the Word.


    I flushed it out even more by pointing out other things amongst which is that through the Word Jesus was made and nothing was made without the Word.

    how is this possible that words can do that ??? unless THE WORD IS the name of Christ in heaven ,this is what I believe ,

    because words by themselves are nothing unless that their his power behind them ,

    The flesh part of Jesus was made to be conceived by Jehovah, working though the Spirit.

    the flesh part his the women gift to any ovulated egg you give her in her womb ,so stop taken me for an ignorant ,

    if the egg his hers or not .this is a natural process established by God at creation of the women.

    Jehovah breathed the breath of life in his nostrils.
    Jesus became a living soul.

    Therefor Jesus came in the flesh and not out of the flesh.

    first God did not breathed the breath of live in Christ ,show me were is that written ,and do not add things to scriptures ,Adam his not Christ and Christ his not Adam .

    and Jesus did not became flesh for the reason you are spelling out ,this is ridiculous ,he became flesh for the give the gift of redemption to all men ,because he was send to earth from heaven for that reason ;also because no sinful men could pay the ransom for their sins to God ,any of the sacrifices are corrupted spoiled ,so only the WORD ,the only begotten son of God ,the first of all creation through whom all things were created could do that ,




    Assuming Jehovah has at least as much authority as a scientist he could use any cell in Mary he chose to make the body of Christ and then modified the genetics and make it a person of it in order to suit his purpose.

    All men become living souls when the breath of God enters their nostrils.

    God's Word is full of power.

    The Word was made flesh and Jesus Christ came in the flesh and so was not made flesh.


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 19 2013,01:26)
    John 1:3 is one of those one little Scriptures.

    Hmmmm…………  So I'm pointing out that Jesus is called “the Word” in Rev 19:13, by none other than the Apostle John.  And I'm suggesting to you that this SAME author might have referred to Jesus as “the Word” in his gospel, meaning that 1:3 could very well have been about Jesus – seeing how the words of 1:3 actually match perfectly with the words of Heb 1:2, Col 1:16, and 1 Cor 8:6 – which are all about Jesus.

    And your response is to use 1:3 to “refute” my suggestion?   ???   All I can say is:  Hmmmmmm……………

    But that's okay.  We'll get to that stuff in 2B's “Beginning” thread.  This thread is for something else.

    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 19 2013,01:26)
    As to the question whether Jesus was made flesh or came in the flesh my answer is that he came in the flesh.

    John may have been waxing poetic in his writing style as it seems that was more common then than now.

    So your claim is that John was “poetically” saying Jesus was a flesh person, just like everyone else who ever existed as a human being, right?

    My points are:  
    1.  WHY would he feel the need to explain this OBVIOUS fact to anyone?  If Jesus had never been anything other than flesh, then he would have been in effect saying, “Anyone who doesn't believe Jesus existed is of the antichrist”.

    Is that what you think he was saying, Kerwin?

    2.  WHO then, IS the antichrist?  WHO is it among men or angels that DON'T believe Jesus of Nazareth existed at all?


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2013,00:11)
    Jesus was created by the Word, as was everything else that was created.

    So then, according to Rev 19:13, Jesus somehow BECAME his own CREATOR? (Please answer this question.)


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 19 2013,23:09)
    The Word was made flesh and Jesus Christ came in the flesh and so was not made flesh.

    You're digging yourself in deep with your own words, Kerwin.

    If Jesus Christ was not made flesh, what was he made? Steel? Rubber?

    And if the words “came in the flesh” only mean he was a man like everyone else, what was John's point in saying such a thing?

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