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  • #62840

    The fulness of YHWH was given to Y'shua Messiah after He was tempted by Satan at Gethsemane. Scripture tells us that He returned filled with the Set-apart Spirit (Holy Spirit).

    Which verse or verses do you understand as He did not know?
    Please post and I will reply to answer the rest of your question.


    Luk 4:13 And2532 when the3588 devil1228 had ended4931 all3956 the temptation,3986 he departed868 from575 him846 for a season.891, 2540
    Luk 4:14 And2532 Jesus2424 returned5290 in1722 the3588 power1411 of the3588 Spirit4151 into1519 Galilee:1056 and2532 there went out1831 a fame5345 of4012 him846 through2596 all3650 the3588 region round about.4066
    Luk 4:15 And2532 he846 taught1321 in1722 their846 synagogues,4864 being glorified1392 of5259 all.3956

    Mat 4:17 From575 that time5119 Jesus2424 began756 to preach,2784 and2532 to say,3004 Repent:3340 for1063 the3588 kingdom932 of heaven3772 is at hand.1448

    Not 3,
    I couldn't wait for your post. Read these first, then ask if you still do not see.


    Laurel I do not see either, are you playing the Lottery? Mrs.


    Not3in1 Hello,
    Jesus was not the actual seed of Abraham, meaning descendant, when you read in;
    Hebrew 2:16 For verily He took not on Him the nature of angels; but He took on Him the seed of Abraham.
    What that means is He took on `the nature of His seed, which is flesh, human nature.
    He did existed as a Spirit being before His birth as a human being. He was the Fathers Son from the foundation of the world, as you read in;
    John 17:5 ” And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory WHICH I HAD WITH THEE BEFORE THE WORLD WAS.”
    COL.1:16 ” For by Him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in earth….
    Rev. 3:14 ” And on to the angel of the Church of the Laodiceans write; these thing saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.”
    All this scriptures, and more, show that the Son existed before He was born of Maria.
    Peace to you Mrs.IM4Truth


    Please post the Scriptural verses that understand to mean that Y'shua did not have the Spirit of truth and knowledge in Him. After you post them I will explain them.

    Also, Yes Y'shua is the actual decendent of Abraham. His geneology is written from Adam the first man,through Mariam His mother, as recorded in Scripture.


    Quote (IM4Truth @ Aug. 03 2007,04:25)
    Not3in1  Hello,
    Jesus was not the actual seed of Abraham, meaning descendant, when you read in;
    Hebrew 2:16 For verily He took not on Him the nature of angels; but He took on Him the seed of Abraham.
    What that means is He took on `the nature of His seed, which is flesh, human nature.
    He did existed as a Spirit being before His birth as a human being. He was the Fathers Son from the foundation of the world, as you read in;
    John 17:5 ” And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory WHICH I HAD WITH THEE  BEFORE THE WORLD WAS.”
    COL.1:16 ” For by Him were all things created, that are in Heaven, and that are in earth….
    Rev. 3:14 ” And on to the angel of the Church of the Laodiceans write; these thing saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.”
    All this scriptures, and more, show that the Son existed before He was born of Maria.
    Peace to you Mrs.IM4Truth

    Galatians 3:16 (New International Version)

    16The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say “and to seeds,” meaning many people, but “and to your seed,”[a] meaning one person, who is Christ.

    Clearly, Jesus is the seed of Abraham.

    I respectfully disagree with your preexistance theology. The scriptures that you bring lend themselves to various interpretations. I have been through a few of these with Nick (who seems to share your unique ideas surrounding preexistence).



    Jesus did not, and to my knowledge still does not, know the time of his return.


    Please post Scriptural references to your comment. Thank you.


    For those of you who do not think Y'shua pre-existed even in Spirit, don't you find it the least bit curious that Y'shua said that the Spirit of Comfort could not come until He returned to His Father? Why do you suppose He said that?


    Quote (Laurel @ Aug. 03 2007,16:54)
    Please post Scriptural references to your comment. Thank you.

    Matthew 24:36

    No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father.


    Quote (Laurel @ Aug. 03 2007,17:00)
    For those of you who do not think Y'shua pre-existed even in Spirit, don't you find it the least bit curious that Y'shua said that the Spirit of Comfort could not come until He returned to His Father?  Why do you suppose He said that?


    Because the spirit of God works as it will to accomplish his great purposes. While Jesus was on the earth, there was not a need for another teacher/comforter/guide.


    While Y'shua was on the earth, His voice was limited to those withing hearing distance, but the Spirit reaches everyone on the planet with ears to hear.
    Mat 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

    Here's the verse quoted from the KJV. So where does it say that the Son doesn't know. This entire chapter is a parable to those who “hear”.


    Quote (Laurel @ Aug. 03 2007,17:19)
    While Y'shua was on the earth, His voice was limited to those withing hearing distance, but the Spirit reaches everyone on the planet with ears to hear.
    Mat 24:36  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

    Here's the verse quoted from the KJV. So where does it say that the Son doesn't know. This entire chapter is a parable to those who “hear”.

    I guess you can choose which ever version suits you :)

    Adam Pastor

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Aug. 03 2007,06:05)

    Quote (Laurel @ Aug. 03 2007,16:54)
    Please post Scriptural references to your comment. Thank you.

    Matthew 24:36

    No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the son, but only the Father.

    MARK 13:32

    But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

    But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

    But of that day or that hour knoweth no one, not even the angels in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

    But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.


    not 3in1 do not remember you explaining to Nick what you think these scriptures mean. Would appreciate if you would do so again.
    Col. 1:18
    Thank and Peace Mrs.IM4Truth


    Philippians 2:14-15

    14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe


    Chap Whom are you that implying to? Nobody is arguing here so far. Love and Peace Brother


    Im4truth….The rev3:14 you quoted does not imply Jesus preexistance, read it carefully, it say's “these things says the Amen. the Faithfull and True witness, the beginning of the creation of God.

    the Amen, the Faithfull and True Witness, is the Sprit of God and it is what brought about the creation of God just like it says in the book of Geneis and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth and that Truth is a True witness of God. Who's was speaking, look at the end of each one of the Churchs and it tells you, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the (SPIRIT) says to the churches. That was God speaking of himself through Jesus.


    Gen If it is God speaking whom is He speaking about? It could not be Himself, because we know He always existed. The spirit of truth is the Fathers Spirit, because there is only one Holy Spirit. So the only person left is Jesus. Who is called the Faithful and the True Witness of God, is that not Jesus?
    Peace and Love IM4Truth


    Im4truth…..The Spirit of God is the true witness Jesus even called it the spirit of truth. While God certanly spoke through Jesus and then prophets and they all gave true witnesses but it was the Spirit that was in them reaveling these things to them and notice how all the letters end > “he that has ears to hear hear what the SPIRIT is saying. GOD is Spirit and can speak through anyone. The Spirit who is Truth was speaking about God who is Spirit through Jesus and that is the true witness it's God Himself. in my opinion. To many people rob GOD and pay Jesus It's all the Father's work and that includes Jesus Himself. ONlY ONE GOD<in all and through all.

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