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- November 1, 2010 at 6:21 am#222486
Ed J
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,05:49) Ed: Quote 4) Was God's glory not in Jesus?
The Son radiated the glory of God. God shares His own personal glory with no one. And you seem to ignore that the glory spoken of was the glory of someone who was an only begotten. Was God the Father ever “begotten”?mike
Hi Mike,Who's Glory is it? You seem to be vacillating here?
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgNovember 1, 2010 at 6:22 am#222487Ed J
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,05:49) Ed: Quote 5) Became means: came to be; see earlier Post of mine.
And see my answer to your earlier post. No matter how you define “became”, it still adds up to “God BECAME flesh” in your theory.mike
Hi Mike,“God BECAME flesh in” …theory.
Now that you understand; great!
God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgNovember 1, 2010 at 6:40 am#222496Ed J
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,07:42) Gene: Quote When Jesus cried out “my God, My GOD Have YOU forsaken ME”?. He thought GOD had truly forsook Him
Jesus quoted Psalm 22 in his last words. He never thought God had actually forsaken him, for he knew what had to pass before it ever happened. He knew he would be raised on the third day and that he would ascend TO WHERE HE WAS BEFORE.peace and love
Hi Mike,You know chapter numbers and verse numbers
were not in the Scriptures when Jesus quoted them.
Jesus may have been verbally pointing to Psalm 22:1-28.God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgNovember 1, 2010 at 6:51 am#222497Ed J
ParticipantQuote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 01 2010,10:56) Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,07:42) Don't call me a liar, for I am not. Do you think John 1:14 speaks of the “literal words of God” being made flesh within Jesus Christ? Do you not support that flawed belief by quoting scriptures that have Jesus saying he only speaks God's words?
Gene:Quote The word of God are literial (FROM GOD) Who WAS (IN) Jesus Literally
The scripture says the Word became flesh, not “the Word came to be IN someone who WAS flesh. Do you understand this Gene?Gene:
Quote Remember Thomas said ” MY Lord (and ) MY GOD, to think GOD was not present (IN) Jesus is simply not true He LITERALLY was there.
Mike……..If you are not lying then produce where i said that Jesus “ONLY” Spoke GODS WORDS, meaning (ONLY) and that is all He (ever) spoke . You are forcing meaning like you do scriptures of what is implied by what is said, Perhaps you so intent on trying to prove a person wrong it is blinding you eyes. Mike that would be like me saying because i Speak GODS Words to a person that is (ONLY) the Words i (EVER) Speak. I never said that nor implied it either.Mike ………God (WAS) Truly (IN) Jesus , Don't you believe it , When He aid the FATHER (IS) (IN) MY. What do you think it means
THAT GOD MAY BE ALL AND (IN) YOU ALL.Tell me this have you ever had GOd Speak first person through you mouth. I have had that happen . Once i was involved wiht a Church and the minister wuld come down once a moth and had ask me to speak and others the rest of the time , well as time went on more and more of this was laid on me , And belive it or not it's not easy to speak every week and say somehthing tha tis both encourageing and uplifting, but the church began to Grow and Grow and i was feling the pressur more and more , I was not a person who preached the LAW and the organization and would collect any money for the organization . so the stared to bring other ministers from other area in to preach which was fine with me, But on Passoever services one time this (wanta be) minister gave this hammer under the law tye sermon and i could how everyone was beibgeffected by it all, So at the end of the sermon I Jot up and gave a mini sermon about the grace of GOD in all of our live trying to encourage and edify them some. Well later that day after the passover we were eating together and celebrating the night to be much remembered , and the minister said to me in front of all that were present ,”Gene why did you see fit to give a disclaimer after my sermon” I responded ” I was just talking to them about the GRACE of GOD”. The he said “so was I” (which in fact he was not) and then suddenly my mouth just spoke these word , “why then are you saying it was a declaimer” as i live i had no idea where that came from i had not even thought of saying that at all, it just came right out of my mouth. The Minister just stuttered and was so confounded he could not even speak. I still am amazed about that when i think about it, Now doe this happen all the time NO not at all.
But i do believe God speaks first Person through People at times and confounds the mighty, as He also did Jesus at times to. As in the case of God uttered through Jesus' mouth “destory this temple and in three day i will raise it up. IMO
peace and love ………………………gene
Hi Gene,Nice story, thanks for sharing it with us!
I hope many people will read this Post of yours!God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgNovember 1, 2010 at 8:04 am#222520kerwin
ParticipantMike Boll,
Do you understand that communication failure not only happens but can be a common occurrence? Scripture is one of many ways God chooses to communicate with us but we often fail to successfully communicate with him even when we want to as the sinful nature interferes. The solution is to go back to God through prayer, meditation, study, discussion, etc. to get the correct understanding.
I covered that since you seem to believe that your initial understanding is always right. Going with that belief you appear to also force other scripture to either fit that conclusion in a case of interpretation bias or explain scripture that disagree that you cannot fit as beyond human understanding. The earlier is not necessary wrong provided the bias is according to the Spirit of God. The latter is always wrong if it regards the good news of Christ as the gospel is completely understandable, if not understood, by those that seek God.
Now as to your chosen interpretation of John 1; I pointed out two and hinted as a third that unlike yours do not break scripture as they are written elsewhere. The third that I hinted at is that “Word” can be referring to Scripture. Considering that that God foreknew Scripture and Scripture came from him you can truthfully state Scripture was with God and was God in the beginning. Considering that the conception of Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of scripture regarding the coming of the Anointed that too applies. Never the less I discount the possibility that John is speaking of Scripture as it is a lesser variation of God’s literal Word and thus the literal Word will be a better fit. I am still learning so I am not certain of John’s intent beyond his words but I do know that intent does not break scripture.
My purpose in pointing out that Scripture is also called the Word of God is to prove that the title Word of God is not reserved to Jesus alone.
You choose to take one possible English synonym for a Greek word that has been translated “made” and yet have not made a solid case that it is correct.
I have already addressed your point about Jesus having glory with God before the creation of the world by pointing out that all believers also have the same.
I understand that Jesus asked if The Messiah was a son of David and used scripture to answer the point. He did not ask if Jesus was only the son of David. I already pointed out that a father can call his son Lord if the son has a higher rank than he does. We know the Messiah currently has a higher rank than David as David was king of the united Israel-Judah kingdom while Jesus was appointed King of everything in heaven and on earth after his resurrection.
You fail to put out evidence that the premise that the ancestor comes before the descendant is based on the principles of this world while my evidence that such reasoning comes from the Spirit is that God is not a God of confusion. What do you think Jesus meant when he taught scripture cannot be broken?
I already showed you where your doctrine contradicts scripture and you called it human reasoning. Anyone can do that with any doctrine.
November 1, 2010 at 9:51 am#222533shimmer
ParticipantEd, you just did 14 posts to Mike ?
November 1, 2010 at 11:15 am#222546Ed J
ParticipantNovember 1, 2010 at 11:17 am#222548Ed J
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Nov. 01 2010,20:51) Ed, you just did 14 posts to Mike ?
Hi Shimmer,Did you read them?
November 1, 2010 at 1:46 pm#222549Baker
ParticipantQuote (kerwin @ Nov. 01 2010,19:04) Mike Boll, Do you understand that communication failure not only happens but can be a common occurrence? Scripture is one of many ways God chooses to communicate with us but we often fail to successfully communicate with him even when we want to as the sinful nature interferes. The solution is to go back to God through prayer, meditation, study, discussion, etc. to get the correct understanding.
I covered that since you seem to believe that your initial understanding is always right. Going with that belief you appear to also force other scripture to either fit that conclusion in a case of interpretation bias or explain scripture that disagree that you cannot fit as beyond human understanding. The earlier is not necessary wrong provided the bias is according to the Spirit of God. The latter is always wrong if it regards the good news of Christ as the gospel is completely understandable, if not understood, by those that seek God.
Now as to your chosen interpretation of John 1; I pointed out two and hinted as a third that unlike yours do not break scripture as they are written elsewhere. The third that I hinted at is that “Word” can be referring to Scripture. Considering that that God foreknew Scripture and Scripture came from him you can truthfully state Scripture was with God and was God in the beginning. Considering that the conception of Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of scripture regarding the coming of the Anointed that too applies. Never the less I discount the possibility that John is speaking of Scripture as it is a lesser variation of God’s literal Word and thus the literal Word will be a better fit. I am still learning so I am not certain of John’s intent beyond his words but I do know that intent does not break scripture.
My purpose in pointing out that Scripture is also called the Word of God is to prove that the title Word of God is not reserved to Jesus alone.
You choose to take one possible English synonym for a Greek word that has been translated “made” and yet have not made a solid case that it is correct.
I have already addressed your point about Jesus having glory with God before the creation of the world by pointing out that all believers also have the same.
I understand that Jesus asked if The Messiah was a son of David and used scripture to answer the point. He did not ask if Jesus was only the son of David. I already pointed out that a father can call his son Lord if the son has a higher rank than he does. We know the Messiah currently has a higher rank than David as David was king of the united Israel-Judah kingdom while Jesus was appointed King of everything in heaven and on earth after his resurrection.
You fail to put out evidence that the premise that the ancestor comes before the descendant is based on the principles of this world while my evidence that such reasoning comes from the Spirit is that God is not a God of confusion. What do you think Jesus meant when he taught scripture cannot be broken?
I already showed you where your doctrine contradicts scripture and you called it human reasoning. Anyone can do that with any doctrine.
kerwin, it is amazing to me, that you just ignore those Scriptures that I gave you i my last post to you. Why can't you answer my question? How many Scriptures where translated wrong? All of them? Even the ones that Jesus said? Then you might just forget about the Bible all together…..You know there are those who understand if the word in the Bible is a word or that The Word of God is Jesus. To ignore that that is a case is also interpreting Scriptures wrong. Anyone of us can be wrong. But when one Scripture is backed up with another Scripture then it is IMO right. That is the case in John 1:1-14 and Rev. 19:11-16….John wrote Rev. first and those around Him understood that in John 1:1 was the same Word that became flesh that will come back as The Word of God and KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Let me tell you, this subject at hand is also understood by my Husband. Before He studies, He always prays and asks God for Wisdom…..My Prayer live is not as good as His, but God has been very good to me too and has opened many doors for me…..I know how much He loves me, I always have searched for what is of God…..God's Holy Spirit has shown me so many things…..So for you to even question that one or the other Brothers, that interpret Scriptures wrong, to me is judging…..and that IMO God does not look kindly on …..
Also with John teaching about Jesus preexisting, goes several other Scriptures, which then you and others who do not believe in it, have to either ignore them or interpret the way they are not written….. When Jesus says that He came down form Heaven, it means that. Take all of those Scriptures and compare them….Especially Rev. 19 there is no other Being that fits that description…..if you know of one, show me….
Peace and Love IreneNovember 1, 2010 at 2:40 pm#222551GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (shimmer @ Nov. 01 2010,11:26) Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,13:06) Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 01 2010,10:10) So keeping discussions as discussions is good, debates as well. But people becoming personal, turning one against another etc, that needs to be stopped.
We should all start heeding those words Shimmer…..even you.Will you answer my last post to you? I believe I asked you if you agree with JA that Christ pre-existed, or if you believe that Gene shows good fruits by preaching that he didn't?
It can't be both, you know.
peace and love,
Mike, I have tried to heed those words, but how can I try when someone still seems to hold personal grudges and ignores me? I dont want that.I believe the word pre-existed. I believe all was created through the word, so I do believe in pre-existance, but of the word, the spirit son of God. Who was in Jesus. Jesus never pre-existed, but the word which was in him did. The word was spirit, the spirit became flesh.
Thats how I see it. I have prayed for what it all means, but had nothing shown to me, I still feel confused thinking about it. If I pray for other things, I get shown clearly. Example trying to help someone etc. Or asking for guidance in life on a matter. But this…nothing.
Shimmer……….You have it right, indeed the WORD did Preexist and the WORD (WAS) GOD, who spoke everything into existence by HIMSELF and HIMSELF ALONE> Right on Sis. That fits both the old and the new testament.peace and love to you and yours……………………………gene
November 1, 2010 at 3:08 pm#222553GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,11:18) Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 01 2010,10:56) Mike ………God (WAS) Truly (IN) Jesus , Don't you believe it ,
Hi Gene,I made many solid points and asked many direct questions in my last post to you. I researched and worked long and hard on it. You bring a reply to only ONE thing we discussed, and then repost your beliefs about one other thing we discussed – without posting or replying to how I already answered that point.
And what was the point you thought was worth answering? The PERSONAL point of whether I lied about you or not. None of the scriptural ones.
Try again. Answer my direct points and direct questions, and I will keep discussing with you. But I won't keep addressing your points while you ignore mine. Fair enough?
peace and love,
Mike………. Your point were not solid as you think they were Mike, Not only I but many here have directly answered you questions , but what good is it , You simply ignore the Quoted Scriptures . You say GOD was Not (IN) Jesus. But Jesus said ” Don't you believe the Father is in Me , if not then believe the Miracles. Why do you think he said that , because no human could do any miracles , thy all know the he was a man and unless God was Present Jesus a Man, could have never done those miracles that were done. Jesus even said “THE SON OF MAN CAN DO NOTHING OF HIMSELF,THE FATHER (IN) ME (HE) DOES THE WORKS.Mike when are you going to get it brother, Your preexisting understanding you said you alway knew is wrong, it time to dump those false teachings and come out of them, into the light of Gods truth.
And you did misquote and misrepresent me rather you realized it or not but that is no big deal to me really. My hope is that your will come to see what we are saying, it will move you out from MYSTERY RELIGION which seems to have it's grips on you brother.
Mike the bottom line is the Antichrist teachings separate Jesus from our (exact) Identity with Him. That was the big problem in the day of John and Paul and it still is only much worse then then. IMO
peace and love to you and yours………………….gene
November 1, 2010 at 3:16 pm#222554GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Nov. 01 2010,17:51) Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 01 2010,10:56) Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,07:42) Don't call me a liar, for I am not. Do you think John 1:14 speaks of the “literal words of God” being made flesh within Jesus Christ? Do you not support that flawed belief by quoting scriptures that have Jesus saying he only speaks God's words?
Gene:Quote The word of God are literial (FROM GOD) Who WAS (IN) Jesus Literally
The scripture says the Word became flesh, not “the Word came to be IN someone who WAS flesh. Do you understand this Gene?Gene:
Quote Remember Thomas said ” MY Lord (and ) MY GOD, to think GOD was not present (IN) Jesus is simply not true He LITERALLY was there.
Mike……..If you are not lying then produce where i said that Jesus “ONLY” Spoke GODS WORDS, meaning (ONLY) and that is all He (ever) spoke . You are forcing meaning like you do scriptures of what is implied by what is said, Perhaps you so intent on trying to prove a person wrong it is blinding you eyes. Mike that would be like me saying because i Speak GODS Words to a person that is (ONLY) the Words i (EVER) Speak. I never said that nor implied it either.Mike ………God (WAS) Truly (IN) Jesus , Don't you believe it , When He aid the FATHER (IS) (IN) MY. What do you think it means
THAT GOD MAY BE ALL AND (IN) YOU ALL.Tell me this have you ever had GOd Speak first person through you mouth. I have had that happen . Once i was involved wiht a Church and the minister wuld come down once a moth and had ask me to speak and others the rest of the time , well as time went on more and more of this was laid on me , And belive it or not it's not easy to speak every week and say somehthing tha tis both encourageing and uplifting, but the church began to Grow and Grow and i was feling the pressur more and more , I was not a person who preached the LAW and the organization and would collect any money for the organization . so the stared to bring other ministers from other area in to preach which was fine with me, But on Passoever services one time this (wanta be) minister gave this hammer under the law tye sermon and i could how everyone was beibgeffected by it all, So at the end of the sermon I Jot up and gave a mini sermon about the grace of GOD in all of our live trying to encourage and edify them some. Well later that day after the passover we were eating together and celebrating the night to be much remembered , and the minister said to me in front of all that were present ,”Gene why did you see fit to give a disclaimer after my sermon” I responded ” I was just talking to them about the GRACE of GOD”. The he said “so was I” (which in fact he was not) and then suddenly my mouth just spoke these word , “why then are you saying it was a declaimer” as i live i had no idea where that came from i had not even thought of saying that at all, it just came right out of my mouth. The Minister just stuttered and was so confounded he could not even speak. I still am amazed about that when i think about it, Now doe this happen all the time NO not at all.
But i do believe God speaks first Person through People at times and confounds the mighty, as He also did Jesus at times to. As in the case of God uttered through Jesus' mouth “destory this temple and in three day i will raise it up. IMO
peace and love ………………………gene
Hi Gene,Nice story, thanks for sharing it with us!
I hope many people will read this Post of yours!God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
EDJ……..Thanks , i wish T8 would give me back my editing right and then i could straighten out all the misspelled words though, Me typing is not the good especially when i an tired . I don't even know why he took them away from me in the first place. Even when i had some tiles before I still had editing right. Don't understand his reasons for this.I am glad you understand some of these basic truths we are discussing here, keep up the good work , but lose the number thing brother you really don't need them, you knowledge of scripture is sufficient for us.
peace and love to you and yours………………gene
November 1, 2010 at 8:24 pm#222570Ed J
ParticipantHi Gene,
Numbers “Do” have a place.
Trinity or not or preexistence or not,
neither of these issues are worth arguing about!
You wanting editing privileges proves you can change your mind!God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgNovember 1, 2010 at 8:48 pm#222573shimmer
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,15:51) Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 01 2010,12:35) Mike, I HAD always believed Jesus pre-existed, but could never understand HOW Jesus came to be born as Jesus, so now i see it wasnt the flesh side of Jesus which pre-existed, it was a normal body, born as we are, but it was the spirit which was in him, the pre-existant word, I call the word the son of God, so Im not thinking like Gene either. What I believe is scriptual, from what I can see. Do I believe the word is the son of God ? Yes.
Do I believe the word pre-existed ? Yes,
Do I believe all was created through the son (the word)? Yes.
Do i believe the word was made flesh ? Yes.
Do I believe the word manifested to others throughout the old testement writings ? Yes,The word was in the flesh, in the man Jesus.
Hi Shimmer,Then you and I are not so far off on our beliefs afterall. I can get behind almost everything you say. My only differences are:
1. I see no reason to believe Jesus was not always the name of the Son of God.
2. Instead of the Son of God “filling” the earthly man Jesus, I believe Jesus to BE the Son of God made flesh.
3. I believe God used Jesus in the OT for various tasks, but I don't think Isaiah, for instance, was another occasion of the Son/Word of God being made flesh.
peace and love,
Hi Mike…You believe the son of God was always called Jesus, I believe the son of God was called the word. I believe the son of God was spirit. I believe the son of God became flesh. Do you believe Jesus then was 100% divine, I believe Jesus was human , the only difference is that the son of God the word was in him, so Jesus was fully human, He was the 'son of Man', but with the word in him.. who spoke as the son of God and powered Jesus to say and act as He did..the divine in him as well, but He only had this because of His human obediance to God.I dont believe exactly as Gene and I dont believe exactly as you, I probably dont believe as anyone here does, and also Im learning as I go, I plan to read scripture, as soon as I can get myself off this computer long enough to do it,
November 1, 2010 at 9:03 pm#222575GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Nov. 02 2010,07:24) Hi Gene, Numbers “Do” have a place.
Trinity or not or preexistence or not,
neither of these issues are worth arguing about!
You wanting editing privileges proves you can change your mind!God bless
Ed J (Joshua 22:34)
EDJ……….I have never used editing privileges to change my mind only to correct misspelled words and clarify something i was intending trying to say , never to change my mind if i ever have then post it or don 't make such accusation brother.I greatly disagree with you as to these “issues are not worth arguing about” , they are the basic foundations of what Christianity has degenerated to . I am Just as concerned about these false teaching as John and Paul was. So don't give me this not worth arguing over stuff. They sure thought they were worth arguing over. These false teaching form people perception of GOD and Jesus and How we relate with them also. They are the main tents of false “Christianity”.
peace and love…………………………..gene
November 1, 2010 at 10:28 pm#222587shimmer
ParticipantQuote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 01 2010,12:56) Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,07:42) Don't call me a liar, for I am not. Do you think John 1:14 speaks of the “literal words of God” being made flesh within Jesus Christ? Do you not support that flawed belief by quoting scriptures that have Jesus saying he only speaks God's words?
Gene:Quote The word of God are literial (FROM GOD) Who WAS (IN) Jesus Literally
The scripture says the Word became flesh, not “the Word came to be IN someone who WAS flesh. Do you understand this Gene?Gene:
Quote Remember Thomas said ” MY Lord (and ) MY GOD, to think GOD was not present (IN) Jesus is simply not true He LITERALLY was there.
Mike……..If you are not lying then produce where i said that Jesus “ONLY” Spoke GODS WORDS, meaning (ONLY) and that is all He (ever) spoke . You are forcing meaning like you do scriptures of what is implied by what is said, Perhaps you so intent on trying to prove a person wrong it is blinding you eyes. Mike that would be like me saying because i Speak GODS Words to a person that is (ONLY) the Words i (EVER) Speak. I never said that nor implied it either.Mike ………God (WAS) Truly (IN) Jesus , Don't you believe it , When He aid the FATHER (IS) (IN) MY. What do you think it means
THAT GOD MAY BE ALL AND (IN) YOU ALL.Tell me this have you ever had GOd Speak first person through you mouth. I have had that happen . Once i was involved wiht a Church and the minister wuld come down once a moth and had ask me to speak and others the rest of the time , well as time went on more and more of this was laid on me , And belive it or not it's not easy to speak every week and say somehthing tha tis both encourageing and uplifting, but the church began to Grow and Grow and i was feling the pressur more and more , I was not a person who preached the LAW and the organization and would collect any money for the organization . so the stared to bring other ministers from other area in to preach which was fine with me, But on Passoever services one time this (wanta be) minister gave this hammer under the law tye sermon and i could how everyone was beibgeffected by it all, So at the end of the sermon I Jot up and gave a mini sermon about the grace of GOD in all of our live trying to encourage and edify them some. Well later that day after the passover we were eating together and celebrating the night to be much remembered , and the minister said to me in front of all that were present ,”Gene why did you see fit to give a disclaimer after my sermon” I responded ” I was just talking to them about the GRACE of GOD”. The he said “so was I” (which in fact he was not) and then suddenly my mouth just spoke these word , “why then are you saying it was a declaimer” as i live i had no idea where that came from i had not even thought of saying that at all, it just came right out of my mouth. The Minister just stuttered and was so confounded he could not even speak. I still am amazed about that when i think about it, Now doe this happen all the time NO not at all.
But i do believe God speaks first Person through People at times and confounds the mighty, as He also did Jesus at times to. As in the case of God uttered through Jesus' mouth “destory this temple and in three day i will raise it up. IMO
peace and love ………………………gene
Gene, that is true, God does speak through people I completly agree with you, I too have experienced it, I couldnt understand it, I had prayed beforehand, and I spoke three sentances, probably 10 words, I never even knew what some of the words meant, and there was power in those words, and some heard, and some didnt..Of course Gene, the problem with today is everyone is saying too much, too many opinions all over the net, all over tv, in every church, in every book, so I guess if God does speak through someone, who hears ?
November 1, 2010 at 10:31 pm#222588shimmer
ParticipantQuote (Gene Balthrop @ Nov. 02 2010,10:03) EDJ……….I have never used editing privileges to change my mind only to correct misspelled words and clarify something i was intending trying to say , never to change my mind if i ever have then post it or don 't make such accusation brother.
Gene, try sending t8 a private message and asking maybe ?November 1, 2010 at 10:31 pm#222589kerwin
In my observations any error is more likely to be an error of interpretation than one of translation. In cases where the current translation breaks scripture after all attempts to resolve that breakage fails then the error is either in translation or the copying. I test the translation by attempting to find other English synonyms for the original language word that does not break scripture as “line upon line and precept on precept” scripture supports itself. I have never tested for a copying error though a few are pretty much known to be present.
Revelations 19:11-16 does not support your interpretation of John 1. It proves that Jesus bears the title Word of God as well as other titles. Scripture also bear the title as does God’s actual Words. Since the title is not unique you have insufficient support to conclude Jesus is a synonym for “Word” even if you assume that John is speaking in mysticisms.
God commands us to test the spirit of the doctrine, interpretation; we hear and read so it is not judging to do so. We are also to watch our own doctrine, interpretation so we are not led astray or lead others off the path.
Praying to God and allowing him to nourish your hunger and thirst to for righteousness is good.
The Spirit of God also can bear the title of The Word of God for it carries out God’s commands. In addition I am not going to assume the “Word” in John 1 is a being.
November 1, 2010 at 10:32 pm#222590shimmer
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Nov. 02 2010,00:17) Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 01 2010,20:51) Ed, you just did 14 posts to Mike ?
Hi Shimmer,Did you read them?
No Ed, I dont have the time, sorry,November 1, 2010 at 11:10 pm#222593GeneBalthrop
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 01 2010,07:42) That's a common misunderstanding Gene. Where is the scriptural proof that says God is “omnipresent”? Gene:
Quote When Jesus cried out “my God, My GOD Have YOU forsaken ME”?. He thought GOD had truly forsook Him
Jesus quoted Psalm 22 in his last words. He never thought God had actually forsaken him, for he knew what had to pass before it ever happened. He knew he would be raised on the third day and that he would ascend TO WHERE HE WAS BEFORE.
Mike……..One problem here you ask to many question on one Post. I would take two pages to answer that long of post. Let just take this one first , Is GOD Omnipresent and was He (truly) (IN) Jesus as Jesus said He was.I have answered this By quoting you the scripture Where Jesus said “the FATHER (IN) ME HE Does the works”. I have quoted you Where Thomas can to see this also and Said “MY Lord (and) MY GOD”. Now you do not believe Jesus was GOD right? So what did Thomas Mean then by that statement”
Joh 10:38….> But if I do though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may Know, and believe, that the FATHER (IS) (IN) Me and i (IN) HIM.
Mike this was hard for the Apostles to realize also but Thomas finely got it . You need to also brother.
Let keep the questions short and not have so many in on post i will try not to also.
peace and love…………………….gene
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