
  • This topic has 19,164 replies, 120 voices, and was last updated 1 year ago by Nick.
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  • #75835

    Nick….> right on, God conceders us temples in which He dwells, just as He did Jesus. You and Martain both have it right.
    Think about it WJ you surely know this, it was God in Jesus that was doing (His) work, the problem is your trying to make Jesus the deity rather then the Deity i.e. (GOD) dwelling in Him, and it works the same with us, “for God works (IN) us both to WILL and do HIS pleasure”, There is only ONE God who is SPIRIT, that will work in all and through all, ONE DEITY and no other.
    Hear O Israel the LORD our GOD is (ONE). Only one WJ, and He indwells Jesus and all who have His Spirit in them.

    Peace to you and yours ……..gene

    Mr. Steve

    Hi Mr S,
    Scripture says God was in Christ.[2Cor5]
    So was deity within deity?

    What did Jesus say about the Father in him and him in the Father?


    Hi Mr Steve,
    Indeed God was in him and he was in God.
    Two enjoined in spirit and will.


    Nick….> what Mr. Steve is saying is that deity was in diety, not that a deity was in the man Jesus. Mr. Steve is saying that Jesus was an existing deity apart from God and therefore Jesus a deity was in the deity God and vise a versa His provacating two seperate deity's co-habbiting together. But the same thing functions with us and Jesus and the Father, Just as Jesus said. Jesus said there is ONLY ONE GOD i.e. DEITY, and thats the Father.

    It's one Spirit of God that ties ALL THINGS together ,it's the common Denominator it was in Jesus and all who have it, it's the same ONE and ONLY GOD who “Does all things after the council of His OWN WILL.” He doesen't ask you or me or Jesus what He is going to do, He alone is SOVERIGN .
    Isa 45:7…> ” I form the light, and create darkness: I make PEACE, and CREATE EVIL: I the LORD do (ALL) these things.

    “Hear O Israel the LORD our GOD is ONE.”



    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 22 2007,17:17)

    Quote (martian @ Dec. 22 2007,13:39)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 22 2007,10:29)
    Nick….> deity was not in deity, Deity was in a man the man's name was Jesus and the Deity in Him was the Father. Jesus fully explains this, just read what He said and believe it. People who Say Jesus Himself was the Deity are denying the Father who was the one doing the works. ….gene

    Exactly right.


    But if Jesus had Deity in him then that would give him an advantage over us.

    So are you saying God (Deity) dwells in us?


    Yes – The same Holy breath that indwelled Jesus is in us. We are partakers of the divine nature. We re to be filled to the fullness of the stature of Christ.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 23 2007,03:58)
    Nick….> right on, God conceders us temples in which He dwells, just as He did Jesus. You and Martain both have it right.
    Think about it WJ you surely know this, it was God in Jesus that was doing (His) work, the problem is your trying to make Jesus the deity rather then the Deity i.e. (GOD) dwelling in Him, and it works the same with us, “for God works (IN) us both to WILL and do HIS pleasure”, There is only ONE God who is SPIRIT, that will work in all and through all, ONE DEITY and no other.
    Hear O Israel the LORD our GOD is (ONE). Only one WJ, and He indwells Jesus and all who have His Spirit in them.

    Peace to you and yours ……..gene

    Right again –


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 23 2007,03:58)
    Nick….> right on, God conceders us temples in which He dwells, just as He did Jesus. You and Martain both have it right.
    Think about it WJ you surely know this, it was God in Jesus that was doing (His) work, the problem is your trying to make Jesus the deity rather then the Deity i.e. (GOD) dwelling in Him, and it works the same with us, “for God works (IN) us both to WILL and do HIS pleasure”, There is only ONE God who is SPIRIT, that will work in all and through all, ONE DEITY and no other.
    Hear O Israel the LORD our GOD is (ONE). Only one WJ, and He indwells Jesus and all who have His Spirit in them.

    Peace to you and yours ……..gene


    Is it God that dwells in you or is it Yeshua or the Holy Spirit?

    Which one lives in us?



    Hi WJ,
    That question is only relevant to trinitarians.
    Wake up.


    Again look to the scripture for the answer:

    John 17:21
    that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.

    OK, I can see US, that is the Father and his son. So that makes 2.
    You might also be able to add each other where there is unity of spirit too.

    At least 2. And God is the Spirit, so that is still 2.



    Wake up WJ.


    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 25 2007,17:48)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 23 2007,03:58)
    Nick….> right on, God conceders us temples in which He dwells, just as He did Jesus. You and Martain both have it right.
    Think about it WJ you surely know this, it was God in Jesus that was doing (His) work, the problem is your trying to make Jesus the deity rather then the Deity i.e. (GOD) dwelling in Him, and it works the same with us, “for God works (IN) us both to WILL and do HIS pleasure”, There is only ONE God who is SPIRIT, that will work in all and through all, ONE DEITY and no other.
    Hear O Israel the LORD our GOD is (ONE). Only one WJ, and He indwells Jesus and all who have His Spirit in them.

    Peace to you and yours ……..gene


    Is it God that dwells in you or is it Yeshua or the Holy Spirit?

    Which one lives in us?


    WJ….It is the same God that indwells me that was in Jesus, He conceders us temples He can live in. We are in God and Jesus by FAITH, Jesus is in God By FAITH, we are all God's childern . Our FAITH puts US in them both, But GOD is in US and Jesus, through His HOLY SPIRIT. It's the common denominator which ties the whole family of GOD together, therefore if the (Spirit of him) who raised Christ Jesaus from the dead (DWELL) in you (same Spirit as Jesus Had) (it) shall also raise your mortal body.

    No difference WJ, Same God, same Spirit, same Fruits. That ONE GOD may be in ALL and through ALL.

    Hear O Israel the LORD our GOD is ONE.

    WJ….> when the Father dwell's in US we are then YOKED with the same YOKE Jesus Had. Remember; “take my Yoke upon you, why? because our burdons become light, like His was, why? because God was with HIM. And will be in our lives the same way also.

    Peace to you and yours……..gene


    W. J. I have to just add my two cents to it too. God has always been only two. First it was the Word and the Father or as scriptures has it God. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. The word was with God. You have to remember though that God is a title. It does not makes the Word or Spokesperson of God equal with the Father. Jesus did preexist according to the scriptures. Since I have given those before you do know them.
    Col. 1:14-18 Rev. 3:14 Proverb. 8:22-30

    Peace and Love Mrs.


    Father and the son of man in HIS Spirit. While the Son is a separate person He has the Father's Spirit.

    The image of the Father NOT the Father. OR does the Father merely want to be cloned. What makes your child ~YOUR CHILD~ “YET DIFFERENT”. Is the Holy Spirit a different person as the Son?

    Mr. Steve

    Nick….> deity was not in deity, Deity was in a man the man's name was Jesus and the Deity in Him was the Father. Jesus fully explains this, just read what He said and believe it. People who Say Jesus Himself was the Deity are denying the Father who was the one doing the works. ….gene

    Speaking of reading what Jesus said and believing it, do you believe the following:

    1. Do you believe that Jesus come down from heaven?

    2. Do you believe that Jesus ascended to where he was before coming to the earth?

    3. Do you believe the testimony of John the Baptist that Christ existed before him?

    4. Do you believe that Jesus existed before Abraham?

    5. Do you believe that Jesus was working on earth as the Father worked prior?

    6. Do you believe that Christ had the authority to forgive sins?

    7 Do you believe we should worship Jesus?

    8. Do you believe the disciples worshipped Jesus?

    9. Do you believe that God made all things by Christ?

    Gene you know that you don't believe any of the above. So when you say just read what Jesus said and believe, why don't you take the mote out of your own eye first? Then you can see clearly to help others see.


    Mr. Steve

    To all:

    The Holy Spirit is subject to the Father just as Christ is subject to him. Jesus said he was sending the Holy Spirit. Christ never sends the Father. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual deity of God that God uses in diverse measures to accomplish his will. God gave the Spirit without measure to Christ, but to us in a limited measure as evidenced by the diverse gifts that Paul wrote about in Corinthians.

    Take Care



    Hi Mr S,
    Tick all except 5 and 7 for me.
    God continued His works IN CHRIST and now IN US. That does not make Christ God any more than it makes us God.

    Why should the branches worship the vine?
    Should they not follow the vine and serve the Vinedresser?

    PROSKYNOS is often misunderstood as meaning worshiping as we and Jesus worship God but it can be bending or kneeling in deference to a lord.


    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 27 2007,07:21)
    Hi Mr S,
    Tick all except 5 and 7 for me.
    God continued His works IN CHRIST and now IN US. That does not make Christ Goda ny more than it makes us God.
    Why should the branches worship the vine?
    Should they not follow the vine and serve the Vinedresser?

    PROSKYNOS is often misunderstood as meaning worshiping as we and Jesus worship God but it can be bending or kneeling in deference to a lord.

    In fact Nick the definition of Worship in the Greek is caried over from the Hebrew which means exactly to bow down and give honor. It could be compared to bowing down before the King of Englamd.


    Nick and Martian…..> you are right the word worship means to bow, just as you would to any King or High offical. But Mr. Steve means it in terms of Godly worship, worshiping Jesus as very God Himself a diety which is pure Idolatry. Jesus plainly said it was GOD in Him doing the works, but He is trying to make Jesus the God (DEITY), and don't understand it was God In Christ doing the work not Jesus, so they equate Jesus as a God i.e. deity. Jesus said he of himself could do nothing showing obviously He wasn't a DIETY, as He would have you believe. Jesus, Moses, the Apostles or anyone else never did a Miracle themselves it was God (the ONLY Deity) who did them. Jesus Had a GOD he Plainly told Us to worship and it was not Him. Mr Steve and other are twisting the Scriptures and stealing the Glory that belongs to the Father Only, it's Idolatry. Jesus Said there is only ONE TRUE GOD and that GOD Said He created all things BY HIMSELF, and it even says He did it alone , But these people who are trying to create ANOTHER GOD i.e DEITY, are given the glory that belongs to the creator and giving it nto the created. They need to worship (as a Diety) who Jesus worshiped and understand His words and they would not have the confusion they have. They make a big deal out of the words Jesus came from God, but the fact is we all came from God and when we die we all return to Him that sent US. Didn't Jesus even say ” Father they were yours and you gave them to me, when were they God's obviously before the were ever born. All who elevate Jesus to the position of very God (Deity) are commenting Idolatry, Jesus knew full well who HIS GOD WAS, even telling Us He was Going to His GOD and OUR GOD, His Father and our Father. These people who push the Father out of his position are stealing and robbing the Father of HIS SOVEREIGNTY. God does ALL THINGS after the council or (HIS) WILL, not Jesus', yours, mine, or anyone one elses He Is God and there is NO OTHER> HEAR O ISRAEL THE LORD OUR GOD IS ONE LORD< not two or three deities in various forms or essences that these corrupters of Jesus and God word are espousing. In simple terms worship who Jesus worshiped and trust and believe in who He trusted and believed in. Believe and trust in Jesus' words, who by the way said His words were (NOT) His. Man Has always tried to make another GOD (DIETY) but there is ONLY ONE TRUE DEITY( GOD THE FATHER) but these corrupters simple do not believe what JESUS said, WORDS LIKE, HE COULD DO NOTHING OF HIMSELF, does that sound like a DEITY i.e. GOD to you. GOD is SOVEREIGN and He GIVES His GLORY TO NO MAN, just as it says.



    Martain…..> Your are right the branches do not worship the vine as God, because the water which flows through the vine and into the branches is what give life, as the God's Spirit flows through Christ and through US also giving US Life, and it's the one Spirit which is God who is Spirit, Just as Jesus said. These corruptors have so totally corrupted God and Jesus' words that when you go to nerly any church now days you hardly evber Hear God the Fathers name every mentioned, it all about Jesus, BUT Jesus was all about the Father. Even saying Father I have Glorified (YOU) on the earth, and saying if I glorify myself my Glory is nothing.

    Martain you and Nick hold on to what you have …….peace to you and yours …….gene

    Mr. Steve


    I do believe in worshipping Jesus, not as the Father God, but as the Son of God. Morever, every knee will bow (including yours) and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father who exalted him.

    You are correct that Jesus performed all that he did by the power of God that was given to him. I believe that's what you're trying to emphasize. But Jesus was given all power in heaven and on earth.

    John said that all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made. The Father empowered Christ to create before the foundation of the world. But you are correct it was by the Father's power alone that he gave to Christ.

    Jesus also gave power to his disciples to cast out demons and heal the sick and the works continue through us who believe and are empowered by the Holy Ghost.

    God gave Jesus the power to forgive sins. Jesus said he was Lord of the sabbath. Do you believe that Jesus has forgiven your sins by the power vested in him by the Father? Or, do you only believe that the Father forgives sins?

    Jesus said the works that “I” do, ye shall do likewise. As Paul said we are all operating under the same Spirit, regardless of the particular gift. We are all joined together by the same spirit.

    But we are not without our own minds and wills. When Jesus said it was the Father in him that doeth the works he was giving the honor to the Father that gave him the power to heal. Jesus was not a human puppet that the Father used to perform his will, he was the Son of God who dwelt among us and gave power to us to become sons of God.


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