Pools of water not going anywhere

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  • #786820

    Many denomination churches Each meet on Sunday’s;
    for years, decades; centuries just mingling with each other like pools of water not going anywhere spiritually.
    Each group holding on to own doctrine, and each group agreeing with each other; no questions asked, just follow.
    Sunday after sunday, year after year; decade after decade; century after century; not getting anywhere.
    They have become pools of water, And has gone stagnant.
    This happened because they are each for own club; with each own doctrine, instead of digging for the hidden treasures.

    Each too busy doing own thing rather than going for the hidden treasures; The truth.
    It is the truth that makes you free; not own doctrine. Own doctrine lead you into bondage.
    Bound with chains to the club as a member, or can be excommunicated, if going out of step.
    Going to church to have a good chat, and have a look around, to pass the day. Rather than to worship the creator God.
    This is the reason why the Holy Spirit is not given; the proof is in the pudding.
    It only took the apostles 3/half years to receive the Holy Spirit; and to know the deep things. not 35-40-50 years,
    and still empty spiritually.
    The churches are not hungry after the flesh of Christ, because they have no idea what the flesh is.
    No idea, because the Holy Spirit is not given. Not given, because of the heart is not hungry for the deep things of God.
    This is why Jesus said: No man knows the Son And the Father; but HE whom the Son will reveal Him.Luke 10:22.

    Luke 10:22 All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.

    The hunger to know God And His Son, is not in their hearts.
    The time will come during the 1000years; when all shall know the Father and the Son; from the greatest to the least of them.
    Seek the Son and the Father, by eating and drinking of the flesh and blood of the Son.
    So that He will become one in us. Jesus said:
    John 6:54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.

    I can add: He who does NOT eat and drink his flesh and blood shall not have eternal life;
    and will not be raised at the last day.
    Please come to flowing waters; and out of that pool of water, and have your freedom to seek the truth.



    I moved this from Scriptural Teaching forum to Sermons forum as it is not directly talking about a verse or teaching in scripture.

    Sermons can be scripturally based, so belongs more to this forum IMO.


    Hi WU,

    The reason the Spirit is not given is because of blindness and disobedience.

    People follow false teachers instead.


    The promise is for all generations.

    Acts 2 38-9

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