Natural or manufactured?

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    New Zealand could have done so much better

    New Zealand confirmed its first case on February 26, but shut its borders by March 19 and started imposing a full-scale lockdown on March 26. This lockdown shut down large parts of the economy leading to what some predict will be 25% unemployment. How much easier things could have been if we tested all incoming passengers for the virus at the beginning.

    Anyway, it seems new infections are in decline which is great news. Hopefully we reach zero new cases soon and life goes back to normal, albeit it will never be the normal that we knew. Hopefully better than normal.



    It seems suspicious as hell that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is China’s first and only biosafety level 4 laboratory. And the live food market seems like a convenient excuse for anything that leaks out of the lab.



    New cases still low, but not dropping fast. Total deaths rises substantially though.


    Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus


    Yes she is motherly, but a good leader needs more than that. Motherly is great when it comes to care, empathy, and families etc. Except she passed the worse abortion laws in the western hemisphere during the lock down. Again, that is deathly and you can be motherly all you like, but murder is murder. Of course, she wasn’t the only leader to vote for that, so I am not singling her out. Just that we are talking about her and this is what I think of her.

    Either National or Labour would be ruling NZ. National backed Labour’s abortion law change, and probably would have done the same thing if they had been in power. They all voted against holding a referendum which I think NZ First requested. I can’t really see what’s that different anyway. 20 years ago, anyone could get an abortion just by going to their doctor (who organised it for them). To me it’s personal choice, though I’m pro-life myself. Point being that either National or Labour would be ruling NZ and they both agreed on the abortion law change. So that there aside, who is the best party /leader in a crisis like this? Well, one (labour) has empathy and cares for the poorer people, elderly and families whereas the other (National) seems to care more for the rich, and the poorer become poorer from what I have seen. To be honest I would hate to be living here at this moment if National was ruling. Screw that. But I won’t get into a political debate!


    A longer lock down might be best given the situation we are in now.

    Some positives. This lock down will fast forward the world years into the future regarding virtual technologies for learning and commerce.  The planet gets a break. We get a chance to change some things.

    The bad: Besides the direct effects of the virus, depression and suicides will go up as people go broke. People could lose their homes, but it is good that the government is offering a 6 month mortgage holiday. The banks will love that too as they will get more money in the long run through interest. I also think many people will not be as physically close anymore. They won’t want people to burst their bubble even after the threat is gone. That is my view. My wife’s culture is all about kissing people on the cheek as a greeting. Not so sure people will be happy to do that after this.

    Everyone is different. If I knew I had a home for the years ahead, I would love to live in lockdown permanently! I am tired of life out there. I’m tired of the stress, the noise, the chaos, the traffic, the worry of my son at school (who would prefer to be homeschooled), and work. I like shopping now, the quiet lines, the waiting. I love the quiet streets, the extra police out there. The little things too.


    Hopefully we reach zero new cases soon and life goes back to normal, albeit it will never be the normal that we knew. Hopefully better than normal.

    It won’t go back to normal for long, t8. Have you considered maybe this is just the FIRST WAVE of the coronavirus (with more mutations to come)?  And then will be forced vaccination (no vaccine = no income). Let me tell you – the vaccine will cause so many problems. I KNOW where this virus came from and I know the vaccine will be a mistake. Serious, serious side effects not evident till later.


    It seems suspicious as hell that the Wuhan Institute of Virology is China’s first and only biosafety level 4 laboratory. And the live food market seems like a convenient excuse if anything leaks out of the lab.

    My dad is a bit of a prophet, and he said back in December I think it was that it was a cover up for something (like an experiment) that went wrong in Wuhan China. He also said (this was when coronavirus was only in China), that in 6 months time 2/3 of the world will be gone (dead), and the rich will be poor and the poor will be poorer.



    I have said all along the coronavirus (however it came to be), was caused by man and allowed by God (much like the angels holding back the four winds from blowing – a verse that came to my mind at the time). Man upset God, and through their own doing unleashed a virus, which God allowed to happen (sow and reap /karma).

    Namely, the torture /mistreatment of animals especially in China.


    I follow Thailand Medical News (on FB but also a wesite). They seem to say things before anyone else does often passed off as false but then proving to be correct.


    Thanks for the heads up.


    That’s an interesting site. Cheers.


    Either National or Labour would be ruling NZ. National backed Labour’s abortion law change, and probably would have done the same thing if they had been in power.

    Shame on anyone who backs it and I would never vote for anyone who supported abortion. I wouldn’t want that on my conscience.


    Everyone is different. If I knew I had a home for the years ahead, I would love to live in lockdown permanently! I am tired of life out there. I’m tired of the stress, the noise, the chaos, the traffic, the worry of my son at school (who would prefer to be homeschooled), and work. I like shopping now, the quiet lines, the waiting. I love the quiet streets, the extra police out there. The little things too.

    I admit I am liking this season, but I haven’t lost my job and I can work from home unlike some. If I had a mortgage and lost my job, it would be stressful. It does feel like a break, so am taking advantage of it. Actually I lived like this for months when I lived in Colombia. You stay at home for safety reasons and going out is a mission where you plan what you are doing. Consequently I didn’t meet many people initially. But once I got regular work over there, then life kinda became a bit more normal.


    Sweden vs New Zealand

    Sweden has taken an opposite approach to New Zealand with Covid-19. We will see who fares better. Sweden’s thinking goes like this: a lock-down is like imposing a 5km/h speed limit. Yes it will save lives, but you need to balance that out with keeping society moving and functioning. Further, they argue that they will be less likely to get a second or third wave of the virus which we might get, and their economy won’t get wrecked in the process. (5 minute video.)



    New cases stays put, no new deaths.


    T8 yeah I’ve never voted in my life


    Proof the death toll is artificially inflated?

    Professor Klaus Püschel, head of forensic medicine in Hamburg, explains about Covid19:

    This virus influences our lives in a completely excessive way. This is disproportionate to the danger posed by the virus. And the astronomical economic damage now being caused is not
    commensurate with the danger posed by the virus.

    I am convinced that the Corona mortality rate will not even show up as a peak in annual mortality.“ In Hamburg, for example, not a single person who was not previously ill“ had died of the virus:

    All those we have examined so far had cancer, a chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers or severely obese, suffered from diabetes or had a cardiovascular disease. The virus was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak.

    Covid-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection.“

    In addition, Dr. Püschel explains: In quite a few cases, we have also found that the current corona infection has nothing whatsoever to do with the fatal outcome because other causes of death are present, for example a brain hemorrhage or a heart attack.

    Corona in itself is a „not particularly dangerous viral disease“, says the forensic scientist. He pleads for statistics based on concrete examination results.

    All speculations about individual deaths that have not been expertly examined only fuel anxiety.“ Contrary to the guidelines of the Robert Koch Institute, Hamburg had recently started to differentiate between deaths „with the“ and by the“ coronavirus, which led to a decrease in Covid19 deaths.


    The interview China tried to hide

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