Natural or manufactured?

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  • #862745

    Wow, a significant drop in new cases, despite increased testing.

    NZ is doing so well because of our awesome PM Jacinda Ardern, and most NZers taking this seriously and staying home and social distancing etc.

    I’m curious how we will do when the colder flu season starts and restrictions have been lifted though.


    “Herd Immunity” I think they call that t8. Bad idea imo.

    Sweden is doing this I believe. We will see how that works out for them.


    This popped up today. It talks about the theory regarding Bill Gates you mentioned. However, it also doesn’t paint Adern in a good light. I don’t subscribe to it, I only post it for review.

    Communism-lite (Socialism) for New Zealand
    Let us not be swayed by the poison smile of our dear Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern.
    Right now she is in her element. THIS is what she wants for New Zealand.
    Jacinda’s mentor is Hillary Clinton.
    Hillary Clinton’s mentor was Saul Alinsky.
    Do not think for a second that this ‘shutdown’ did not have another agenda. Unfortunately for her, the virus didn’t stick to the script and Kiwis were a lot more resilient than anticipated.
    Still, how many businesses will be gone after this?
    How many years will it take to recoup the losses?
    How many more billions in debt will be given to China?
    How much greater control over the people does the government now have?

    The plan:
    – Increase poverty.
    – Eliminate ALL guns in the hands of private citizens.
    – Eliminate the middle-class and small business class.
    – Increase UN involvement.
    – Instigate a Universal Basic Income (UBI) paid for by whoever is left standing.
    – Allow for the Bill Gates ID2020 vaccine that can identify you through ‘QUANTUM-DOT TATTOOS’.
    – Release a digital currency so that all payments can be tracked [and funds turned off on specific people or groups].

    In early 2008, Ardern was elected as the President of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a role which saw her spend time in several countries, including Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.–Wikipedia
    Watch this and be warned:

    Comrade Jacinda Ardern

    (With thanks to The BFD: )

    Time to vote her and her side-kick OUT!
    –– Edward John Drake ––


    CNN raving about New Zealand’s response to the virus

    While the mainstream media is raving about New Zealand and Adern for getting on top of the virus, I personally think Adern screwed up. Here is my take:

    Despite what you may think, our leadership was not strong. China quarantined visitors so we could have too. Surely this was much easier to do for us than shut the economy down for a month or more. This shutdown will cost billions so of course we could have tested every visitor coming into our country. According to the Washington Post, Adern listened to a “group of influential New Zealanders” who advised her to do a strict lock down after the virus was inside our borders. We are not under strong leadership we are just fortunate that she listened after initially screwing up and we are lucky that we are geographically isolated so all visitors come through ports and they can be shut down.

    See for yourself how lapse our border control was compared to China’s border.



    New cases jump from yesterday and a second person has died.


    The Chinese Government has fooled many



    New cases drops significantly again, but 4 deaths in total now.



    New cases nearly drop in half. If we get the same jump tomorrow, this could end with zero new cases. However, there were less tests performed because of Easter.



    New infections level but still low.


    Jacinda might have been a bit slow at first t8 (my son on the front line also thought so), but she was dealing with New Zealanders who can be a rebellious lot ! so broke it to them slowly, step by step.

    Amazing leader and we feel safer thanks to her.


    Reg upcoming colder weather:

    Al Jazeera:

    “Nicholls, who is studying the effects of temperature on SARS-CoV-2, said the virus was sensitive to temperature, surviving and transmitting better in colder weather. That would give countries in the northern hemisphere a respite from the virus in the coming summer months, but means “the worst is yet to come for countries in the southern hemisphere”.




    Reg vaccine: I’m not anti vax. Paid for my youngest son to have non-funded vaccines last year (2 different meningococcal). But I won’t trust this vaccine.


    Jacinda might have been a bit slow at first t8

    I know the MSM like to praise her, but I do not put much stock in their narratives.

    When you live in an island nation and a virus is spreading like wildfire, a strong leader would take the bull by the horns and test all incoming passengers. After all, China was doing that very thing at the time.

    It is basic knowledge that during a pandemic, if you let infected people into your safe country, then it will in turn be infected. Think of it this way. She tells us to stay in our bubbles, but she didn’t protect the New Zealand bubble with the same rules she imposes on all of us. The cost besides dead and infected is a wrecked economy. The only good thing she did IMO was to listen to some business leaders who told her to lock down the country and do it fast. That goes some way in correcting her earlier error.


    T8, I follow Jacinda Arden on FB. She gives daily video chats. She’s so motherly.


    Yes, we are heading toward winter. A bit of a worry. I hope new infections go down to zero before that, and Jacinda mandates testing on all incoming passengers for months to come.


    I hope she extends the lockdown. I also hope schools stay closed much longer. It’s not worth the risk of lives, especially of the elderly.


    Yes she is motherly, but a good leader needs more than that. Motherly is great when it comes to care, empathy, and families etc. Except she passed the worse abortion laws in the western hemisphere during the lock down. Again, that is deathly and you can be motherly all you like, but murder is murder. Of course, she wasn’t the only leader to vote for that, so I am not singling her out. Just that we are talking about her and this is what I think of her.


    I hope she extends the lockdown. I also hope schools stay closed much longer. It’s not worth the risk of lives, especially of the elderly.

    A longer lock down might be best given the situation we are in now.

    Some positives. This lock down will fast forward the world years into the future regarding virtual technologies for learning and commerce.  The planet gets a break. We get a chance to change some things.

    The bad: Besides the direct effects of the virus, depression and suicides will go up as people go broke. People could lose their homes, but it is good that the government is offering a 6 month mortgage holiday. The banks will love that too as they will get more money in the long run through interest. I also think many people will not be as physically close anymore. They won’t want people to burst their bubble even after the threat is gone. That is my view. My wife’s culture is all about kissing people on the cheek as a greeting. Not so sure people will be happy to do that after this.

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